
Oleh Unstable_yauna

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Two teens in love embark on their journey as teen parents, learning how to deal with the negatives people thr... Lebih Banyak

Losing Friends
Losing Friends Pt 2


0 0 0
Oleh Unstable_yauna


"And then he left and-and the bell rang and -and I couldn't believe it" I chuckle handing Tri her water bottle. "Baby breathe" she nods drinking some of it. "He was really nice Maxwell I don't get it"

Not everyone is evil Tri. "Baby he probably being real wit you" Tri looks at me with wide eyes and lays on my chest. "So what you gone do about the baby shower?" She smiles looking up at me. "Can we have a small baby shower" I nod rubbing her hand. "Where's your friend" she looks at me confused and sits up.

Goodness. "Babe the boy, Mario" she gasps and looks around. "I forgot I forgot" damn. Mommy brain huh. "I'll be back" I watch her smiling. She comes back with a short boy around her height. They look alike. "Baby this is Mario" I nod towards him looking at her.

He holds his hand out smiling. I shake his hand nodding. "You're the baby's dad" I nod rubbing my neck chuckling. "You're going to be a wonderful dad" I hope so.

I thank him sitting down. "Uhh are you going to eat?" He grabs his bag and pulls out chips. I guess so. "Are you new?" He nods stretching. "I came from a school in the downtown area" I nod listening. "Did you like it?" He shrugs looking displeased.

Trina bites her pickle slowly and looks at him. "So, uh, what was wrong with it?" He grabs a slushy out his bag smiling. "They only speak Spanish and English, I wanted to learn a new language, their classes aren't challenging like they are here" oh wow.

Trina smiles and crunches loudly, "You're smart" she's special in the head I'm positive. That's why I like her though.


Max yawns and starts tapping his foot, someone's anxious. "Hey, baby you good?" He looks up and nods. "Mario you met anyone else?" He shakes his head smiling. "I'm supposed to meet you two, I want to help" see he's like, I don't know yet but he's something.

Max looks shocked but nods "that's what's up" max is soo weird. But I like him weird. Wouldn't have it no other way.

I look at the time wondering why it's moving so slow, I wish I was able to go home now. Tell my mom about these girls who left me when I needed them most, and definitely tell her about Mario.

It's better if I get her opinion on the situation. "Can one of you help me to my next class?" I nod as well as max. Oh? "I have a study hall" Looks like max will be taking him. "I have a difficult class to get to, Sorry Mario" he nods leaving with Max.

Maxwell didn't even say bye or hug me, that's okay, he didn't mean anything by it I guess. I go to class sighing, my teacher gone have to be mad because I need a nap. I don't feel good.

I put my head down starting to gag. No not now little Nadia, let momma rest. I rub my stomach feeling dizziness plague me. Nadia sweetie, momma needs to feel better. I'm talking to myself like I'll actually feel better.

Sigh. Oh my goodness I need to pee! Someone hits my desk really hard scaring me. "Wake up Trina!" I sit up immediately feeling the spinning reoccur. "Trina take out your textbook and go to 235."

I'm trying not to throw up why do I care about 235? "She doesn't look okay" the teacher looks at me and rolls her eyes. "Come on Trina shake it off and get moving" I cut my eyes at her covering my mouth.

"Trina come on!" She pulls me up and I can't hold it back, I full on throw up my whole entire lunch, maybe even my breakfast. "Get her to the nurse" I resent that hoe, they literally said I didn't look good and I clearly was trying to rest.

People start shouting about the throw up and me being pregnant. All this noise, I see the light fade and I lose my sense of hearing.


What is Trina's mom calling me for? I'm in school and so is Trina, maybe it's an emergency. "Hello?" "Maxwell, Trina is in the hospital, she passed out during class after throwing up" I go silent trying to process what she said in my head. She threw up, and passed out? And she's in the hospital!

"I'll be there in a minute I promise" "uh mr. candila? I have to go to the hospital because Trina passed out" he looks up and nods. "Tell me how the baby is" word? Thanks. "Thanks Mr. Candila!" He nods emailing someone I can leave. I pick up stuff from her locker and head to the hospital hoping she's awake and healthy, I mean how on earth?

Did she get overwhelmed? I go rushing in the building, I don't even know where she's at. "Um excuse me, do you know where Trina Jackson is?" The nurse directs me and watches intensely.

That's highly unnerving. "Mrs. Jackson? How is Tri?" She walks out the room closing the door. "They got her to wake up, but she's in and out, I'm worried about Trina"

Just what I needed to hear, Trina's health is not the best. "Can I see her? How's the baby?" Her mom looks in the room laying her hand over her chest. "Go ahead, the baby is stable and healthy" I nod rubbing my neck. "Baby I don't know if you can hear me but, I'm here, for you and lil Nadia"

Her body stays still and the heart monitor is stable, I was nervous it was going to flatline. "I love you Trina, you're absolutely beautiful and you're going to be a wonderful mom, I'm really sorry I wasn't there for you Trina"

I sigh and look over hearing the monitor beep louder. Her heart is beating faster. "Trina please wake up" I rub her hands sighing. "Trina I need you" her eyes open slowly, almost scaring me.

I marvel at her instant smile, noticing the joy on her face when she sees me. I'm not anything super special but she makes me feel otherwise. I couldn't have lost her or the baby. "Ma-Max" I grab her water holding the straw to her mouth.

Tri gives me a thumbs up closing her eyes again. "I'm okay" I don't want to second guess her openly while she's in the hospital but-

It's hard not to think the opposite. "Max I hope I'm a good mom like you said" she heard me? "You'll be perfect" she coughs a little lowering her bed down.

I rub her hands worrying, who wouldn't worry?

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