In Frisky love (female frisk...

By dilansi

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Hello! i wantet to say that the pictures aren't mine. but anyways let's start. "Dilan" is, when i'm saying so... More

The beginning
the Meeting
THANKS-giving + announcement
The Sleepover
How did you know that?
The Black Person
The Fight
Valentine's day
The Lab of Mr. G
Y/N went insane
The Fight against Tyler
A Little Explanation, Why No Updates Came
The Truth About Tyler
End (of Season 1)
Disturbed Sleep For A Surprise

How you escaped the chained wall

610 16 22
By dilansi

Dilan: ,,I don't know what to put here ;-;"

No P.O.V

Sans: ,,W-what? How did you-"

Tyler: ,,I have regeneration powers =)"

Sans, Gaster and Frisk looked at the new Tyler. He was all black and had red shining eyes. He was like a shadow but the shadow had the form from Y/N.

Frisk: ,,B-but why didn't you use them in our battle?!

Tyler: ,,You see, Y/N was in my way, but you helped me. I offer you a huge thanks. After I killed you =)"



I still was chained at the wall. I could've see everything what Tyler did and I had a lot of pain inside me, knowing it was all my fault. But, I still won't give up. I'm DETERMINED to stop Tyler.

You just freed your legs.


I never was as determined as now. My DETERMINATION gave me the power to free myself from the handcuffs from the wall. Tyler, somehow, appeared in front of me.

Tyler: ,,lookes like I have to make two fights. But that won't stop me. YOU'RE UNDERRATING ME!!"

The black room went red. A giant stone head was at the wall that looked like Tyler's face, fire was everywhere and Tyler in front of you. Somehow, the temperature didn't change.

(Y/N): ,,You may be strong, but I still am DETERMINED!"

No P.O.V

Tyler  Lv. 28  201/201 Hp 


Y/N  Lv. 8  48/48 Hp

The fight started and Tyler just runed to you for a big stab. You luckily dodged out of the way, nearly tripping down a cliff. It looked like you both were standing on a giant platform over a fire. This just remembers you to a game called smash bros (No placement)

Tyler started to summon a giant gun that shoots like gaster blaster. You run in circles around the blaster until he got a little tired. Then, you kicked him in his knee.

-2 Hp

It looks like the fire is getting above. Like lava or something.

Tyler: ,,Why don't you just give up and DIE?!"

(Y/N): ,,As long as I have hope, I CAN FIGHT!!"

He lookes angry. Looks like making him angry will make him stronger on attacks but weaker on defense and dodging. Don't let yourself get hit.

You get yourself some distance from him, causing a gun behind you but you already expect that. You dodged it and the shot got straight to him. He hit himself.

-22 Damage

He knew, he shouldn't try to play with you and should get some serious tricks.

He pulled out a gun and aimed at you. He shot but you dodged again.

(Y/N): ,,Is that everything you got?"

You suddenly felt a pain in your back. The shot bounced on the wall back to you. Well, this is karma.

-21 Damage

You checked your Hp and it said 27/48 Hp. You had some heal items with yourself so you used the legendary hero.

•You ate the legendary hero.
•Hp full restored and attack increased by 4

You looked back to Tyler but you couldn't see him.

Tyler: ,,Look up."

You looked up and saw, how he tried to kick you in his fall. You tried to dodge and succeed. You then run at him and hit him multiply times: you hit him with your right fist, then with the left, you grabbed him, threw him on the ground, picked him up again, threw him up, und waited for the real timing to kick his nut. The kick failed but it damage was great tho.

-43 Damage.

He checked his Hp.

Tyler  Lv. 28  134/201  Hp.

He ate the legendary hero and restored 40 Hp with increased damage.

Tyler: ,,Well, looks like I have to bring out the big guns!"

He summoned a giant pistol above him and aimed at you.

(Y/N): ,,Nice pun!"

Tyler: ,,Thanks"

He shoot at you and it missed. You looked back and you saw, it bounced back to you. You jumped on it and ride it like a bull. It was a lots of fun. You saw, how Tyler jumped on it too. Looks like, you both have to continue the fight on a giant bullet.

He took a step back and threw some knifes at you. It was too hard to dodge, so you took out a frying pan and defended yourself. After the knifes stopped, you took one of them, which hanged at the frying pan and threw them at him. He summoned some guns and shot every knife, causing them to break.

The bullet lost his speed and was about to fall down into the giant gab. You saved yourself and he did it too, but you slide to fast: you were about to fall onto the other side of the gab. You were barrely able to catch the edge. You were about to fall down. You hadn't the power to climb up, only to hang around. Tyler saw this and walked to you.

Tyler: ,,Well, well, what do we have here?"

(Y/N): ...

Tyler: ,,It was a lot of fun to "play" with you, but..."

He stood with his left foot on your left hand. You lost 2 Hp.

Tyler: ,,It is going to end right here and right now! =)"

He stood on your right hand, making you fall down the fire hole. You had a lot of memories you still had in your brain:
The time you fell,
The time Frisk saved you,
The Valentine's day,
Your first time,
Rescuing Gaster,

You felt a tear in your eyes. You knew, it was the last time you saw Frisk.
You couldn't give up just jet! You care about your friends and they care about you too! You don't want to let him destroy everything again! you don't want him to kill everyone over and over again! YOU DON'T WANT TO LOSE FRISK!!!!

Your Determination got stronger. You summoned an harpoon and shoot on the stage, causing yourself to get back on. Tyler was showing his back to you, thinking he won.

(Y/N): ,,HEY TYLER!!!"

He turned around, noticing you're back on the stage.

Tyler: ,,What? How did you do that?!"

You raised your hand up, glowing in (F/C) colour.


You punshed on the ground, making an earthquake. He could barrely stand his balance but made it. You got back your harpoon and shoot it around him, getting him warped up. You pulled him to you and made yourself ready to punsh. The punsh hit and he flew across the stage.

-22 Damage

You run at him and he summoned a shield. You punshed at it with full power and it got a little crack. You repeatedly punshed on it, causing it to break. You then grabbed his hand, and smaked him from side to side, letting him loose another 30 Hp. You threw him at a wall and warped him up again with your harpoon. You circled him around like Bowser in M64 (no placement lol) until you let go of the harpoon and let him spin like a beyblade. (no placement again) He spines to you but you grabbed him again, and threw him up. You jumped up too and punshed him with multiply punches in the stomach, making him go higher. After you hit the highest part of the stage, you teleported yourself above him and checked his Hp.

Tyler  Lv. 28  4/201  Hp


Your fist glew (f/c) again and you punshed him with all the power you had onto the stage back. He fell in max speed and even broke the stage in half.
You landed on a small block you could've stand on and looked to the damage you've made.

(Y/N): ,,And now, I have to get back into my body"

As you were back in your body, you were so relieved. You wanted them to notice, your back.

(Y/N): ,,I'M FRE-"

A giant gaster blaster hit you, making a giant hole in your body. You cought out blood and looked at them but you could barrely look. You were to weak and you didn't had any items. You couldn't say anything. You saw, how your Soul popped out and was about to break. You tried to say at least "I love you" but it was to late. Your soul broke and you died by your love and friends.

End of flashback (who forgot that?)

Sans P.O.V

I was shocked about what happend but I was angry too. I would give him the worst time in his entire life. I saw, how Frisk started to tear up and how gasters Hands got bigger. He was filled with hate too. We won't let Y/N's death be unrevenged.

Tyler: ,,Enough with this nonsense. Now I show you, what i really can do =)"
1505 Words. HA! You thought I would just make the end of the fight? Nope. But I hope you enjoyed this chapter and maybe the next chapter is already the end of the fight? Or maybe another lemon? Or Watermelon? (Best ryme ever) well, hopefully, this story won't die like Tyler in the fight. See you Idk when lol.

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