Intertwined By Time: Maleread...

Galing kay SSJ_Warrior

33.5K 553 382

You're the adopted child of James Amber but found he hid it from you. So you left to find your real mom and n... Higit pa

The Time Reversal
The Approaching Storm
The Supernatural
The Superhero
The Splish Splash
The Discovery
The Open Case
The End of the World
The Time Paradox
The Closed Case
The Moral Construct
Out of Time, Farewell Friends

The Timeline Trouble

1.5K 39 9
Galing kay SSJ_Warrior

Someone knocks on your door

Y/N: We're the hell am I at, the last time I checked I was at my dorm rooms and now I'm at... The Ambers house

James: Y/N dinners ready come downstairs please

You open your door and see him James Amber

Y/N: James...

James: Hey is that anyway to greet your father

Y/N: Wait... where's Rachel at

James: Oh knowing her she's probably ran off to Los Angeles to be a Broadway star

Y/N: You mean she's alive and fine

James: Well of course why wouldn't she be

Y/N: I uh... sorry dad I got some homework I forgot I left it at the dorms

James: Y/N you don't have a dorm room you live here

Y/N: Huh, I mean my friend has it, he texted me saying I dropped it so I gotta go

James: Okay be careful, love you

Y/N: I uh... yeah see ya later

You walk through the door and jump in your car as you head to Blackwell

Y/N: This shit is getting weirder by the second, why the hell was at the Ambers house I haven't been there since I found out the truth...

You look to your right and see a bunch of beached whales

Y/N: I don't like this one bit man, I should of stayed far away from this town and never looked back

You arrive and park in the parking lot as you hop out looking for answers till someone grabs your shoulder

Eliot: Hey Y/N you still up to see go to drive in with Warren


You push off at you

Eliot: Ugh hey what was that for man

Y/N: If they have Twitch it's make sense they'd let you back here but damn this is so wrong

Eliot: Y/N what are you going on about

Y/N: Don't act like you know me, last time I saw you Eliot you attacked me and Chloe

Eliot: Chloe isn't that the girl that got in that car crash

Y/N: WHAT! Eliot what are you talking about, you were obsessed with her like a stalker or something

Eliot: You're making some pretty big accusations against me

Y/N: Uh dammit!

You storm off

Y/N: What the hell is going on I feel like I'm falling apart right now, where the hell is Max and Chloe at

You see a group of stoners sitting on the ground

Nathan: Hey brah you just missed your girlfriend she stormed off

Y/N: My girlfriend... do you mean Juliet we broke up years ago

Nathan: Not your x dumbass Max

Y/N: What she's not my girlfriend

Victoria: Jefferson kicked the both of you out of class earlier because you couldn't stop making out with each other remember, Mr. Casanova

Y/N: I am not a Casanova, don't ever call me that again, I'm not a player or any of that crap I'm me... If I date someone it's not for sex or any of that shit it's because I genuinely like them

Victoria: Ain't what happened when we hooked up but whatever you say lover boy

Nathan: Brah just chill with us a smoke a dooby my man, you're so stressed out you ain't acting like yourself when your sober

Y/N: That's because I don't have time for jokes dammit I need answers, where did Max!

Victoria: He's trying to get some

Nathan: Yeah that's what I'm talking about man

He goes to high five you,  you punch him square in the face as he falls to the ground

Victoria: Y/N WHAT THE FUCK!

You grab his shirt and put your fist up like your ready to hit him again


Nathan: On the bus it went someway right okay okay just chill the hell out!

You drop him from his shirt as you run to your car hop in and speed away

Y/N: Chloe's house it's the only answer I got anymore

You arrive as you jump out of the car and knock on the door and it opens

William: Oh hello Y/N it's great to soon you again, are you here to see Chloe as well

Y/N: (Wait is that Chloe's real dad or... doesn't matter) Uh as well someone else came to see her

William: Yeah her best friend Max

Y/N: Uh okay, where are they at

William: Oh there out back near the beach

You run back there as fast as possible jumping over fences

Lady: Calm down Bueller!

Y/N: You know what they say Life moves pretty fast, If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it!

You jump over and see them

Y/N: Max... (Huff)

Chloe: Y/N... uh it's been, and why do you look like you ran a marathon

You breath in heavily trying to catch your breath

Y/N: One second I...

Max: Y/N you're here

Y/N: I... am

Chloe: It's good to see you

Y/N: Yeah likewise it's been a hella crazy day... (Chloe's doesn't have blue hair uhh... she's in a wheelchair what the actual hell happened)

Chloe: Ew hella, I hate that word no offense 

You look at Max very concerned

Y/N: I was born in California for your information... so Max what did you do...

Chloe: You know Max dude

Y/N: More or less yeah

Chloe: You didn't answer the question what are you doing here

Y/N: Well I came looking for answers you could say... (Sighs) I got in an accident you see

Chloe: Holy shit! Are you okay

You look Max directly in the eyes as you say

Y/N: Well yeah but apparently I suffered a head injury and lost some of my memory... basically like the New Goblin besides the trying to kill his best friend part... I hope at least

Chloe: Wait did you drive over here!

Y/N: Didn't forget that Price

Chloe: Well it's just the last time we saw each other was on bad terms... we kinda of dated for a bit

Y/N: Well what can I say I'm a flirt

She rolls her eyes as she continues

Chloe: We broke up about a year ago I think

Y/N: Wait I didn't break up with you because of your uh ya know

Chloe: Man you think lowly of yourself

Y/N: (That's probably because of are last interaction or other Chloe... I'm on bad terms with both Chloe's)

Chloe: You were over exerting yourself for me doing a lot of stuff, you skipped school just to take care of me for the day and worried your parent's... you even talked about dropping out just to help me, then I decided to break it off and we got in a big fight and that was that last I saw of you

Y/N: Damn that was a lot to take in...

Chloe: Well my nose is getting cold maybe we should get back to my place

You all go back inside 

Y/N: Man this room is crazy high tech... its like I'm in a homemade bat cave

Chloe: Feels like is high tech cell, but I am lucky my parents bust their ass to take care of me... I know its hard for them 

Max: They're grateful your here with them

Chloe: Right especially when they can't even take a walk alone, sometimes I act like a total teenage brat just to get them to yell at me... pathetic I know 

Y/N: I've seen worst at least your on good terms with your parents I haven't been for years 

Max: You're a great daughter Chloe... you're kind and sensitive even when you don't have to be

Chloe: I still get my rage on... especially well a nurse has to watch while I take a dump, so she can wipe my bum... or when doctors flip me around like I was a science doll

Y/N: Maybe you should wear an adult diper

They both look at you

Y/N: Sorry that joke was poor taste... that must have been pretty hard

Max: Look Chloe your amazing you always have been since we were kids 

Chloe: Thanks again for coming both of you... I need to get my drink on, can you bring me some water 

Max grabs it and gives it to Chloe

Max: Drink up buttercup

Y/N: (I don't even have the faints idea what's going on anymore for that matter, why is Chloe like this)

Chloe: No wonder my throats so dry I don't think I've talked this much in a year

Max: Have you ever thought of a podcast or something 

Y/N: Or maybe a YouTube channel or a Wattpad account

Chloe: Dude I wish I could punch you both, I am a pod in a cast, and basically am in a tube here... boring 

Y/N: Ouch... I am deeply sadden 

Max: Yeah it was just a thought 

Chloe: I know you're just trying to help 

Max: Yeah its a bad habit of mine 

Chloe: You sound like an adult now, it seem like we were kid in another life... I'm referring to Max not you by the way 

Y/N: Oh I know, I'm very proud of myself as well

Max: Chloe I'm so sorry I didn't visit you more, theirs no excuses I'm a loser, but I'm trying to make thing right 

Chloe: How dude, you're no Super Max, and I'm not trying to guilt trip you... that's what my parents are for 

Y/N: I'm sure they love you a lot Price 

Chloe: I know my mom and dad are so cute, they always pop in here and make sure everything's okay with me 

Max: I think Joyce and William are incredible 

Chloe: Look the accident has been so hard on them, our insurance sucks and the medical bills are fucking insane

Y/N: I bet Blackwell ain't doing squat to help out either

Max: I bet, this tech must be crazy expensive

Chloe: Along with the drugs, the nurses, the supplies... mom and dad are always broke and they get so frustrated... is it worth it

Y/N: Of course it is

Max: Yeah Chloe you're priceless, uh no pun intended

Chloe: Man you're are both geeks that why I love you... of course, I know a geek when I'd be one, see I'm practically a human entertainment system, it would be sweet to chill out together and watch a movie, like when you'd spend the night at my house

Max: What do you wanna watch

Chloe: Uh, I think I'm in, like a mellow "Blade Runner" mood, I always cry at the end... plus you know I always wanted to have cool colored bangs like Pris

Max: Yeah I know you would look incredible with blue hair

Y/N: Uh yeah would

Max: Let's get this show on the road, and you better not fall asleep on me, like you always do when we watch movies

Chloe: I remember Max, swear I don't fall asleep... not when you're here, not yet

Y/N: So like all I know about '"Blade Runner" is that is had Harrison Ford in it

Chloe: It's really awesome you'll love it

Y/N: Well Harrison Fords in here so it kinda has to be good

Max puts the movie as you all sit back and watch and eventually pass out to get woke up by Max who you passed out on

Max: Uh Y/N

Y/N: Oh uh I uh I'm sorry

Max: No it's uh fine

Y/N: Uh yeah good then, that's good I guess

Max: Um sure uh yeah

Chloe: Oh man just kiss already

Y/N: Uh... huh what...

Max: Uh... well sorry for passing out Chloe

Y/N: Yeah yeah my fault didn't get a lot of sleep the night before that's totally my bad Price

Chloe: You know yesterday was such a blast

Max: It was great, seeing you

Chloe: It meant a lot just chilling and bullshiting with you... ahh fuck I'm getting my regular head pains, uh can you pretty please go upstairs and get my morphine injector in the bathroom

Y/N: You take morphine

Max: Yeah a morphine injector

Chloe: It's ahh total Star Trek shit, you can't even see the needle, seriously I need it

Y/N: You're gonna have to put this in layman's terms, I'm not a Treky guy

Chloe: Look they keep the stash upstairs because they think I can't get to it...

Y/N: I'll be back... da da da, da da da hm hmmm... what it's Terminator

Chloe: Just get it I'm in pain

Y/N: Oh sorry

You walk upstairs in the bathroom and grab the morphine and go back down to Chloe's lair

Y/N: I'm back

Chloe: Finally give me the blue pill...

Y/N: Uhhh... pill I'll I have is this  syringe

Chloe: Go ahead and plug it right in, its so easy and painless

Y/N: Oh this is the bad time but the perfect opportunity... that's what she said

She just rolls her eyes as you inject it in the IV bag I think

Chloe: Of course, my pain just keeps getting worse... but you both caught me on a good day... I'm so grateful I'm even able to hang out with you, see I'm getting mushy, I'm already high

Y/N: I guess Chloe Price not getting high is not Chloe Price at all

Max: You're so adorable, do you want us to get you anything else

Chloe: Stop me if I'm being to emo but can you grab one of the photo album over there... I'd like to check out some old pictures of us when we we're kids

Max: Please my diary is like emo ground zero

Y/N: I'll mine is gossiping about Warren Graham...

Max: I can't tell if you're joking anymore

Y/N: Me neither

Max grabs it and they start looking at the pictures

Y/N: (Queue sad anime backstory, I never had a childhood friend like that only till my middle school days I had one and he turned out to be fucked in the head)

You look at them but decide to stay silent and let them have there moment together

Chloe: Listen, my respiratory system is failing and... and it's only getting worse, I've heard the doctors talking about it when they thought I was zonked out, so I know I'm just putting off the inevitable, while my parents suffer along... and I will, too... this isn't how I want things to end

Y/N: Wait Chloe what do mean by all that

Max: Yeah what are you saying

Chloe: I'm saying that being with you again both of you has been so special, I just wanted to feel like when we we're kids running around Arcadia Bay... and eveything seemed possible, and you made me feel that way today, I want this time with you both to be my last memory... do you understand

Max: Yes, I do...

Chloe: All you have to do is crank up the IV to eleven

Y/N: I don't understand Chloe and I can't... so please can you just throw me a bone here

Chloe: I don't wanna be in pain anymore or see my parents suffer and longer... so just please do it

Y/N: Chloe Price just calm down and think about this we can't do this I can't do this... I mean we're hella best friends

Chloe: I said I hate that word

Y/N: I know I just don't care

Chloe: I won't have to feel pain ever again I can go to rest and my parents won't be in an ocean full of debt anymore

Y/N: I'm sorry Price but we won't do this we can't

Chloe: You don't get to decide for Max

Y/N: Max you agree with me right this is insane we can't do this!

Max: Chloe is this what you really want

Chloe: Yes Max, I want to remember this moment forever

Max: Okay then I'll do it

Y/N: Max!

Max: It's not our choice it's hers

Y/N: Chloe come on please, please listen to reason please god please just listen!

Chloe: It's okay Y/N I'll be fine

Y/N: But I won't be

Chloe: Just remember all the great times we had together... your memory will come back I bet

Y/N: Chloe I, you're are an awesome person the best

You hug Chloe for about ten seconds straight

Chloe: You're my friend no matter what Y/N... remember that

Y/N: Yeah... best friends

You wipe your eyes as you stand up

Y/N: Goodbye Price...

You open the slide in door and walk outside as Chloe and Max share there final moments together

Y/N: Damn Arcadia Bay, damn it to hell!

After a few minutes the door finally opens with Max who's holding a photo in her hand

Max: Uh... hu

Y/N: Max what the hell did you

Max: (Sighs) After we left Chloe got really mad, she started to blame everyone for everything Williams,  Joyce, Rachel, her self, and the whole world... I felt horrible after I got back to my dorms so I looked at a picture of Chloe, me and her dad and sound like I could hear it almost I know weird but keep listening and the next second I knew it I was 13 years old again

Y/N: What...

Max: I don't know what happened but it was like it put me the day the picture happened the day William died

Y/N: Chloe's father

Max: Yes, I stopped him from taking his car and he didn't die but Chloe got in some car crash and this happened to her

Y/N: I knew this was hella weird but a different timeline you messed with time and it bit back jesus have you even seen Back to the Future before this is bad were stuck here now holy shit

Max: No I have an idea

Y/N: Shit we'll go for it it can't get any worse than it is now... I hope so at least

Max: What if I go back through the picture again and set this all right

Y/N: That could work actually Max see I told you in that pool you're are hella smart

Max: All I have to do is let William walk out of that door... that's it

Y/N: After all of this I kind of was on edge I still am Chloe... even if it isn't our Chloe it feels wrong I haven't been my normal self I mean the class clown, so you know Max I like to joke around and tease you and Chloe but I do it because Chloe's been through a lot and when I actually manage to make her laugh it's makes it worth it in the end... and after doing it for so long I guess it just became a part of my personality or at least I think that, after I did it mask the pain I was going through with Rachel being missing... what I want to say is don't be mad at yourself you did what you thought was right with Chloe, and if we're being honest I'm not any stronger than you Maxine, I could of never made the decision you did back there

Max: Thanks... but before we go I need to get something off my chest like if we don't come back, so if anything happens to either of us well we go back I want you to know I really really like you like a lot

Y/N: Yeah me to, we are the wonder twins as Chloe put it

Max: No I mean I like you a lot, like like you as like more than a friend

Y/N: Oh...

Max: What no jokes or nothing

Y/N: Okay Max, I'm gonna dig myself into a deep hole from which I'll never emerge, cool (Sigh) Time to get serious Y/N

Max: Wait you're getting serious is this a joke, or are you sick

Y/N: No not really, thanks for being there for me after all I put you through with my stupid jokes and all... you know everyone hears the jokes and all, but after that they just stop listening to me... but you didn't Max

Max: That's because I guess I knew there was more to you behind that

Y/N: There is and I'd like to experience what it is with you Maxine Caulfield

Max: Never Maxine

Y/N: I know I just don't care...

You both look at each other in the eyes but Max is just too nervous to to make a move on you, so you take the first step forward grabbing caressing her face as you slowly move towards her and close your eyes as you lips finally connect together and you kiss each other back as all your problems seems to float away just for a minute until your finally forced to separate for some air

Max: Wowser that was....

Y/N: Amazing

Max: Yeah it was

Y/N: (Sighs) but it's time to go now Mad Max

Max: Okay then just let me focus on it

She focuses on the photo as reality fades away

A/N: Were on episode 4 now probably only have about 4 or 5 more chapters left till I finish the series I may do a prequel of this in Before the Storm, I based this on Clementine and Louis romance scene if you haven't already guess I based Y/N more on Louis character by the way if anyone likes TWDG as well check out my crossover between TWDG and Life is Strange please I worked really hard on that but it doesn't get the recognition like this or my other stories it came to the point I where I just gave up on writing it sadly, well I hope you liked this chapter see you all in the next one word count 3730.

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