MARTIAL PEAK Continued 140-up...

By KaiWuLin

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The journey to the martial peak is a lonely, solitary and long one. In the face of adversity, you must surviv... More

part 2

177-193 part 1

417 18 0
By KaiWuLin

Martial Peak - Chapter 177 - BoxNovel
Chapter 177: Good Bye Madame
Even till the next day, the Old Demon was still busy 'closing up'. Meanwhile, Yang Kai was attempting to build up the spirit medicine.
With his Unyielding Golden Body, the thing that was capable of absorbing a sea of energy, regardless of its type, he was not afraid to in his attempt to build up the medicine. After all, he knew it was not poisonous and it was not going to cause and conflict with his Qi.

After a period of time, he had finally completely built up the medicine; promoting him from Qi Transformation Third Stage to the Fourth Stage.

After arriving on Red cloud Island for two months, to be able to promote a level, this meant that the trip here was no entirely a waste.

Since the immortal soul was absorbed by the Old Demon and the treasure here all grasped by Yang Kai, he estimated that after a period of time, it will no longer be regarded as a restricted area for the Red Cloud Cultivators.

[Time to go!]

Yang Kai scaled back down the mountain and returned back to the seashore.

To leave Red Cloud Island, Yang Kai would need a boat. This issue made his head numb for all the contemplation as he knew building his own ship was an unreasonable task. With the only possibility of obtaining one was to steal from Red Cloud Sect, he had to arduously think of a method to obtain it.

[But, even if I manage to obtain an empty boat, how am I supposed to unanchor and steer get the boat off to sea?]

After pondering for some time, Yang kai suddenly heard the sound of rustling from a distant place. He tiled his head to focus on the sound and could hear someone gasping for breath, mixed with a struggling woman's cry for mercy.

Yang Kai's complexion immediately sank as he rushed towards that area.

Yang Kai made it to scene but was hiding behind the bushes to get a good analysis of the situation. [It's as I had guessed. Red Cloud Sect only sends in normal human being to his island in order to collect that Black Profound Fruit.]

The scene in front of him was just meters away, of a sturdy guy sitting on top of a woman, tearing her clothes off. The man was panting like a cow, laughing hysterically and obscenely as he proceeded. Meanwhile, the woman under him was struggling to get free but all was in vain as she does not have sufficient strength; only leaving her capable of crying for mercy.

[That man has an evil aura!]

Yang Kai flashed behind the man. With his foot placed neatly on that bastard's back, he kicked. It was so strong, that the man flew. Meanwhile, the woman under the man got free, and hurriedly gathered her clothes. With her body still trembling from the event, she hid behind Yang Kai for protection.

Once the man noticed that the ground had disappeared from under his feet, he wailed out in misery. It was when he finally got back to the ground, that he hurriedly stood up and stared at Yang Kai with an ominous light.

Both of his eyes turned scarlet as his face wrapped itself in hostility. It was obvious, at this point, that his mind was about to be consumed by the Demonic Qi emitting from his body. Even his nostrils were not giving off steam.

"Yes?" Yang Kai gave off a sigh. From the looks of this person's clothing, it was obvious that he was poor. It was highly likely that he had been thrown in and out of the island numerous times already. With such experiences, it was even more probable that his mind was losing its natural state and turning him into some beast. With all of this taken into consideration, Yang Kai did not wish to kill that man. Instead, the boy merely gave him a kick.

"Brat! Get Lost!" The man said while grimacing. Since he was about to go so far, how would he possibly be willing to care about Yang Kai's presence and give up?

Yang Kai only returned an uninterested look and very soon, the man standing in front of him charged over like a mad bull. His face, now filled with rage, turned murderous.

"Then, I shall release you from your pain..." Yang Kai stood at the same place. When the man rushing towards him was close enough, he took his hand and pointed it towards the man's chest. Yang Yuan Qi soon injected itself into the man's heart; stopping it instantly. Without the slightest bit of pain, the man's body turned limp as his life force disappeared.

Behind him, was the lady sobbing in mourning. Hearing those weak hiccups, Yang Kai felt uncomfortable as well. He turned around in attempt to comfort. But once he turned around, and his eyes laid focus on her face, his whole mind shivered.

This woman seems as though she was in her 30s. By her white and tender skin, she should be gorgeous. However, right now, there was a horrendous scar tearing through her face. Each mark, about a nail thick, spanned across her entire face. Even the dried up blood around the wound did not seemed to have been completely scrapped off; though even it it was, her beauty could never be restored.

The sight of the woman was terrifying to fathom but even as she covered herself with the ripped clothes, and hid her face, she was crying with a small expression of gratitude.

Knowing her own appearance, even as she felt gratitude to her savior, she retreated. She did not wish to frighten Yang Kai.

Yang Kai's whole body seemed to turned cold as he extends his hand to grasp the woman's wrist.

"No... Please stop..." The woman tried to struggle.

Yang Kai remained undisturbed and used his other hand to gently lift up her head.

"Please... I beg you to stop..." The woman continued to beg. As her tears continued to fall from her cheeks, she weakly looked at Yang Kai, causing the scar on her face to seem a little more terrifying.

In the meantime, Yang Kai's eyes did not seem to hold and sense of lust and disgust. Instead, it held slight sadness and hesitation. After lifting her chin up, his shaking hand moved to clear away the black hair blocking his view, to reveal her entire face.

The woman closed her eyes. It was unclear if she was afraid of her own appearance or if Yang Kai's actions had startled her. Regardless, tears were still continuously streaming down her face.

Yang Kai's pupils contracted as he took a long and good look at the woman before sounding off. "Madame?"

Hearing him refer to her in such a familiar manner, the woman slowly opened her eyes. Even with tears clouding her pupils, she still looked at Yang Kai carefully with a flash of doubt hovering in her mind. Once she recognized him, her doubt gradually vanished and was replaced with a sense of surprise and joy.

"Madame, is that really you?" Yang Kai is unable to believe that his hunch was right after his eyes first lay on this woman. He thought that he had seen someone familiar. Moments ago, his impulsive and weird actions were simply because he wanted to confirm if his hunch was right.

After the woman heard Yang Kai's voice, she thought back to the time, two months ago, of the beggar who was covered in dirt. Trembling, she spoke, "Little Beggar, is that you?"

Yang Kai took a deep breath. After he heard those two words from her, he knew that his hunch was right. [I would have never thought I would find the Madame of the Jiang Family here!]

There were only three people that referred to him as a Little Beggar. The first was Cui Er, the second was the Jiang Family's Young Lady and the third was the Madame of the Jiang Family.

(Silavin: Truth be told, the author is trying really hard to meet the word count in this chapter. Tons of redundancies, and little movement in the plot.)

"Why are you here? What happened to you face? Yang Kai asked filled with doubts. [Cui Er and the two women from the Jiang Family should currently be in Sea City, under the protection of the Miao Family. So why is the Madame here? On the day we moved onto our different paths, Miao Hua Cheng had personally come to welcome them. After all, the Young Lady had an engagement to the Miao Family. As such, the Madame should be living her life, safe within the Miao Family. Just how did matters go so out of hand that she landed here?]

"Young Hero..." After recognizing Yang Kai, the Little Begger who had previously rescued her, the Madame suddenly kneeled down onto the ground. *Bang* With her head stuck to the ground, she cried out in grief, "Please, I beg of you, held my uphold justice for my Jiang Family!"

Yang Kai quickly tried to help her up. When he got a glimpse of her face again, she had blood flowing from her forehead - evident that she was extremely desperate.

"This is not a place for us to speak. Come, we must leave here first." Yang Kai held her in the arm and supported her to hurriedly walk away.

[Why did her appearance change so much? Why would she be caught and be sent to the Red Cloud Sect? Where are Cui Er and the Young Lady? What happened to the Miao Family?] Yang Kai's mind was flooded with questions.

Although they were not close to him, they had at the very least, lived with him for serval days. Furthermore, it was fun to talk to Cui Er. He could not forget her kindness in bringing him snack to share, and her smart-aleck charming personality. Likewise, for her good heart and kind nature.

After a long time of walking, Yang Kai led the Madame to the hill top - which was considered to be the deeper parts of the Red Cloud Island, somewhere no normal human should be able to reach.

The people found a place to sit down. The woman, suddenly thought of the miracle of meeting Yang Kai, broke down in excitement.

Yang Kai did not comfort her. Instead, he allowed her to carry on crying. After all, there was no rush. He had many questions to ask and he knew that the Madame had many matters to inform him of.

Only after half an hour, did the Madame's cries subside. With her hair covering her face, she held her trembling body.

Yang Kai took off his own coat to place it over her.

"Thank you..." Even if she was in a pitiful state, the Madame did not forgo her courtesy.

"Please, tell me. What happened?"

The Madame's eyes reveal a slight disconnect as she reminisces of the past. With a low and deep voice, she narrates the entire story for Yang Kai.

"Cui Er, Huan Er (The Young Lady) and I all went to the Miao family with Miao Hua Cheng. For the first few days, Miao Hua Cheng treated us as honorable guest to his house. However, when I talked to him about Huan Er's wedding, he pushed back the date from three months to four months. At first, I did not care too much about it. When I talked to him about a few days later, he was agreed to it but held up some condition. He said that his son's status was honorable and my family's Huan Er did not match with him. If she wanted to marry him, she can at most be his concubine! I was furious but did not say anything else.

On the next day, I immediately told Huan Er and Cui Er to pack their things. I wish to leave the Miao Family. We had experience so much hardship to come to Sea City and it is not to have my daughter become someone's concubine! What's more, this is a marriage that he and my husband had agreed upon! How could he just go against his words like this?!

But, without waiting for us to leave the Miao Family, Miao Hua Cheng got angry and detained all of us." The Madame's face held a frightened look as she spoke. It was evident that this whole situation was a nightmare to her.

Her expression turned even worse, appearing more depressed as she sobbed. "I did not understand why Miao Hua Cheng would do all of this. However, under inquiry of others, I finally got to know the truth. He was the one who pulled the strings behind out backs! The death of my poor husband was due to his bribery of those in the Tong Province. After my husband's death, he reached out to me, reminding me of the marriage agreement my Huan Er had with his son. How laughable... to think that I was caught unaware and drove my daughter to a tiger's den..."

"Why did he do something like this? Weren't you husband and Miao Hua Cheng best friends?" Yang Kai thought that the matters spoken here were more than what meets the eyes. On the day that he had personally seen Miao Hua Cheng, with his sorrowful voice and sadden looks, it was clearly just an act!

Silavin: Hey guys, I know that Martial Peak has been having some irregular releases. Truth be told, I was actually supposed to stop translating this series two weeks ago. Cause I doubt that I could keep up with translating both novels, writing my story and studying my As all at the same time.

I chose to focus on translating Omni-Magician over this novel plain because it's easier and shorter. Likewise, got Mirausean translating with me on the same chapters, so it's more fun to translate that piece.

Martial Peak is translated via turns. I do a few chapters and luffy does a few chapters. This chapters, was supposed to be done by luffy, but due to known circumstances, he had not contacted me for about 2 weeks. He did try to contact me last Wednesday and said he had time to Whatsapp but I waited for him for the next few days and he did not reply.

Now, am I abandoning Martial Peak? Well, not really. I'm still trying to re-upload the older chapters with edits and we still had stock to post. (Posting got stalled because this chapter was not done until today.) However, the abandonment of Martial Peak translation would depend heavily on luffy at this point. I'm not sure when we have a talk over this but I hope that it could be soon.

Anyways, we will see how things goes first. Will keep you guys updated.

If you are a translator that is willing to translate this novel, feel free to apply.

Please note that this current chapter has not been edited yet, due to the busy schedule of my editors. But, Rose will edit it soon enough.

Chapter 178: The Determination to Die.
After listening to Yang Kai's inquiry, the Madame could only give a pitiful smile as she explained. "When I wished to find out about the reasons why Miao Hua Cheng treated me, a poor widowed mother, in such a way, I tried every means that I could think of. In the end, it came down to the thing my husband and that man obtained years ago."
"What thing?"

"A piece of a tortoise shell!" The Madame replied, "My husband and Miao Hua Cheng once, in the past, travelled around Sea City for leisure. They happened to stumble upon a strangle tortoise shell which displayed some kind of map. At that time, the two looked around the nearby islands in hopes to find a match with the map. Unfortunately, the place did not seem to tally with the map so they assumed that the shell must have been a fake. However, just to ensure that the other party remained discreet about their find, they split the shell into two and shared it."

The Madame gently gasped for breath before continuing on. "After their adventures here, my husband went back to the Tong Province and started to build up his own school. Meanwhile, Miao Hua Cheng settled down in Sea City. He most likely continued to study and research the tortoise shell. It was only in recent years that he had managed to obtain some form of clue. Being unwilling to share with my husband, he chose to murder him; even going as far as to trick my whole family to migrate to Sea City. I personally had once seen the half of the tortoise shell owned by my husband. Since I knew it was a precious, I took it along with me."

"Young Hero, do you remember the late guard Zhang Ding? The one who rebelled against me?"

"His actions were puppeteered by Miao Hua Cheng!" Yang Kai's eyes narrowed.

"Exactly!" The Madame's head sank down. "I believe that since Miao Hua Cheng was considered to be my husband's best friend, he did not wish to personally begin with us. Thus, he made use of Zhang Ding, inciting him to make the first move. Without you Young Hero, I believe all of us, Huan Er Cui Er and I, would have been sent to accompany my husband in the afterlife."

"Certainly a best friend!" Yang Kai gave a smile of ridicule. However, there was still some doubt in his mind that he wished to clarify. "Madame, all three of you are average human beings. After you entered the Miao Family, if Miao Hua Cheng truly wanted to obtain that shell from you, it would be such a simple task. How is it possible that it was only later that he revealed his true colours?"

The Madame bitterly grinned. "At the beginning, even I did not understand why that was the case. However, after a while, I managed to figure it out; and it was all thanks to you."


*Em* the Madame nods and resumed her explanation. "When Miao Hua Cheng greeted us, I followed your instructions and told him that a powerful cultivator had assisted us to kill Zhang Ding; allowing us to survive his rebellion. Since Miao Hua Cheng is a discreet person, he first waited to check and see if the person we had mentioned was hiding around us. Thus, he did not dare to begin. When he had finally realized that there was no one there to protect us, he then revealed his true colours."

Yang Kai nodded in agreement, as he found her logic sound.

"So, what happened next?"

"The nightmare started." The Madame's voice mellowed down, as though she was about to break down into tears to cry but she persisted to speak. "To save our lives, I handed the other half of the tortoise shell. But, I would not have thought that Miao Hua Cheng would have been cruel enough to continue his torture." While she spoke, the woman's body shivered incessantly as she subconsciously tightened her fist. "On that very night, after I passed him the tortoise shell, Miao Hua Cheng brought a group of people to take Huan Er away... He said that she must be wed to his son. When Huan Er was unwilling to comply, Cui Er stood up to aid her. But... But... I never would have thought Miao Hua Cheng would be so heartless as to order his men to beat her to death."

Hearing about such a vicious scene, Yang Kai's whole body could not be controlled as he trembled in anguish and anger.

The Madame continued to sob as she spoke. "On the next day, Miao Hua Cheng told me that my precious daughter... My Huan Er, had been raped! Unable to bear it... She bit her tongue to commit suicide!"

Yang Kai felt his whole body turn cold as the rage within him welled up without any possible way to control it. He would have never expected for the cheeky but charming young house maid to be so brutally killed while the shy and gentle young lady would commit suicide. In just two months after travelling with them, he would never be able to meet these beauties ever again.

"Miao Hua Cheng also wanted to humiliate me!" The Madame sobbed while stuttering. "But... learning from his mistake with Huan Er and Cui Er... He no longer dared to go too far. After detaining me for several days, without being able to bend my will, he got angry out of shame and sold me to a place called Thousand Gold Wine House."

Yang Kai does not need to inquire about the building as he knew that it was a brothel.

"Forcing me to submit, I was beaten and tortured... Without any hope of rescue, I sliced my face using a pair of scissors! *He... Hee...* Having such an appearance, no man would ever dare touch me." The Madame pitifully ridiculed herself. "Afterwards, I was sold to the Red Cloud Sect with a smile plastered on my face..."

"I should have died. With my husband gone, along with my daughter and Cui Er; what is the point of me being alive? However, I cannot allow myself to die. Not now. If I die, no one would know about the horrendous treatment they have unjustly suffered. I must live! Live till I can finally seek for them the revenge they deserve. Although I am just a weak woman, this is something that I must do."

Yang Kai's heart cramped up as he could feel a piercing sensation overwhelm every fiber of his being, causing his heart to bleed out. Taking a deep breath, he comforted the woman, "Madame, you are the world's most beautiful wife and the world's strongest mother!"

[It was easy to choose death but living in such a state, unbearable to say the least.]

"Young Hero, can I ask of you to help me one last time?" The Madame lifted her head with tearful eyes, staring at Yang Kai with a look of hope.

Standing at the mountain top, with the howling of the wind, Yang Kai's whole face remained solemn as he sighed. "It regrettable but my strength is too low!"

The Madame immediately turned gloomy.

"But, I will continue to grow stronger. I might take several years to finally be able to pay the Miao Family in Sea City a visit."

Yang Kai's decision was not only based on the Madame's request but also the debt he felt towards Cui Er for the food that she had given him while they were travelling together.

The Madame's facial expression changed to that of overwhelming joy as she kneeled to the ground and kowtowed. "Thank you... Thank you Young Hero!"

It was only after a long time, did she finally straighten up her body to speak. "Young Hero, although you already know that Miao Hua Cheng was the mastermind behind all of this, there is something else that you need to know. The ones that are backing Miao Hua Cheng is the Red Clouds Sect!"

*Em?!* Yang Kai's brows wrinkled.

"Miao Hua Cheng's son, Miao Lin is a Red Clouds Sect Disciple. Due to his son's low status, Miao Hua Cheng plans on giving away the tortoise shell to the Red Clouds Sect as a form of contribution; in hopes to make sure that his son has a higher standing within the Sect. It was all because of that rotten child, who had no hope of gaining recognition within the Red Clouds Sect. He pinned everything on the tortoise shell and instigated his father to be so treacherous to my Jiang Family!"

"Red Clouds Sect! I knew it!" Yang Kai nods.

"Young Hero!" Madame Cheng pursed her lips as he hung her head down. With a shivering voice, she spoke. "Although I know that you are just enough to seek retribution for my Jiang Family, and humane enough to not forget the benevolence Cui Er had showed you, there is nothing my family can do to thank you."

"You don't need to care about that."

"Young Hero, please listen to me..." The Madame insisted, causing Yang Kai to nod.

"In actuality, after my husband had obtained the other half of the tortoise shell, he too had spent years studying and researching it. Similar to Miao Hua Cheng, he also obtained the other portion of the map. Inferring from what my husband had shared with me before, one of the tortoise shell is a map routing to the location of the island. Meanwhile, the other half of the map that he had obtained contained the interior route within the island.

"What?" Yang Kai was caught in surprise. "So, where is this map?"

"It's on me." The woman replied with an unnatural voice.

Yang Kai had his doubts immediately after the Madame spoke. [How was it possible for a normal woman to be able to defend against Miao Hua Cheng's search for that crucial map piece?]

After staying silent for a long time, the Madame finally affirmed her resolve and opened her mouth to speak. "Young Hero, since I am unable to repay the debt of gratitude that my family has owed you, please accept this map as your reward!" Using her hands, the Madame grabbed her pants and ripped it open, to reveal a large section of her snow-white thighs.

(Silavin: I'm amazed that she had the strength to rip her clothes open in one go! What? Did you guys expect me to write some perverted comments? Sorry, I have changed for the better! *Halo*)

"The map has been embroidered onto my skin by myself!" Hanging her head down, with her shivering body, the Madame roused up all her courage to do the deed.

Yang Kai's complexion quickly dyed red as his eyes quickly avoided in the other direction, gulping down his saliva. After several days of promoting his cultivation level and overall strength, the Yin-Yang Joyous Unification Art had a stronger influence over him. It was a common occurrence for Su Yan's face to flash in his mind. If not for the strength of meditation, he would definitely not be able to overcome his desires. Now, with the Madame's display, Yang Kai could feel that he was about to lose himself.

"Madame..." Yang Kai frowned.

"Young Hero..." The Madame's complexion was also red. "This is something my husband has died for. I do not want to bury it nor let it fall into the enemy's hands. Please, consider this a reward that I deliver to you, Young Hero. Please accept it."

Yang Kai sighed. [If I reject it, she will definitely be hurt...] "Ah! I'm sorry to offend you then Madame!"

(Silavin: Kinda confusing for this part, in terms of translating - he is apologising for seeing her skin. =.= yeah, it's a cultural thing...)

Squatting down, Yang Kai took a good look at the Madame's thigh. There was a place with high mountain ridges, which formed out the shape of the island. Many areas on the map were specially labelled in great detail. What's more, there was an obvious winding pathway that was meant to be taken.

[This map... it was embroidered using a heated needle, inked with coloured pigment... To think that the Madame's entire thigh, from the knee to her groin area has been painted with this. I can't begin to imagine how formidable her will must be for her to endure such torture. She is just a normal woman yet, just how many times did she pierce herself to form out this map of rivers and mountains? Although the map is probably inaccurate and most likely different from the original map, I can't say anything...]

Yang Kai tried to maintain his calm and composed self as he sized up the map carefully; not allowing the least bit of his shock and awe to be shown. Meanwhile, the Madame was still shaking. As both her eyes were kept shut, her tears keep flowing.

After the time to heat up a cup of tea, Yang Kai had memorised the entire map and took up the torn cloth to hide her thigh.

"Young Hero, thank you for all your hard work." The Madame sat on the ground sideways while speaking with a soft voice.

After she said her piece, it was as if all the burdens in her heart had been relinquished. Yang Kai could tell from her facial expression that she currently only sought death. [Her heart has died. She lived for revenge and now that I am here, her desires have been passed on to me. So... she no longer has the will to live...]

After looking at her facial expression, Yang Kai no longer spoke.

After one day, Yang Kai descended the mountain, he took the basket that the Madame brought with her, with a Profound Black Fruit inside. He walked towards the seashore step by step and looked back to the mountain top.

At the mountain top, sat the Madame with a face drained of tears. She was looking out into the ocean, in a daze; motionless.

Yang Kai did not lead her to leave. Instead, he left her there, knowing that letting her live was far more torturous than allowing her to choose her death. [Now... all she wished for was to be extricated...]

After several hours, Yang Kai arrived at the seashore recovery point and patiently waited for the Red Clouds Sect steamship to pick him up.

Many people were gathered here, waiting for the steamship to arrive. When they first caught sight of the steamship, everyone cried out with cheers.

At the side of the ship, a Red Clouds Sect cultivator was blocking their paths into the ship. He was inspecting everyone's harvest and was given the duty of taking away everyone's baskets while tossing anyone with less than 1.5kg of Profound Black Fruit out of the ship. Those that were unfortunate enough to be thrown to sea would be food for the Monster Beasts living in the sea.

Dozens of individuals, with only 34 that had not completed the task were tossed out of the ship. As they fell into the treacherous sea, pitiful yells could be heard. Dreadfully, the end of their voices also signalled a meal for the Monster Beasts.

Yang Kai mingled among the crowd unnoticed as these people were all normal. With those forced to pick Profound Black Fruit being average people, none of the Red Clouds Sect disciples paid them any heed.

After half an hour, the steamship finally started and left the island; leaving behind those that did not gather, and those that acted as feed for the Monster Beasts.

Silavin: There was a slight miscommunication on my part. I am not dropping Martial Peak but I am hoping for luffy to come back. In the meantime, I will try to pump out more chapters but at a later date, if no help comes back, there will be a duration of hiatus. At that point, it is probable that this novel would be getting translated by someone else (ie treated that I dropped it).

Chapter 179: The Red Cloud Sect's Big Move
Returning to the Red Clouds Sect's made Yang Kai somewhat depressed. Originally, he had planned to do everything in his power to steal the ship and escape this place. But, after meeting the Madame, escape was something he did not wish to do.
Since the Red Cloud Sect had obtained the one piece of the Tortoise Shell, he needed to take action. It was only fortunate that the other half, the most important one, was in his grasp. Since the Madame had such courage to mark the map on her body, he could not allow her efforts to be in vain. At least, not when it was also her dying wish.

[If everything goes according to plan, the Red Cloud Sect will take action within 1-2 months.] Yang Kai speculated.

Originally, Miao Hua Cheng wished to obtain the completed Tortoise Shell to give it to the Red Cloud Sect for his son. However, there was another aspect to him delivering them this gift; the dangers of an unknown area. Miao Hua Cheng hoped to take advantage of the Red Cloud Sect, to help him explore the area, while at the same time allowing his son to gain status within the Sect; minimising the risk to himself while still receiving benefits. Regardless of Miao Hua Cheng's plans, Yang Kai wished to go to the island. The unknown secrets the island held were risks worthy for Yang Kai.

[Now, the only issue is getting the opportunity be covert while travelling with the Red Cloud Sect... Since they already have the map in their hands, I would never be able to get a chance to obtain some chances if I were to stick next to them the whole time.]

During the several nights on the ship, Yang Kai frequently went around to chat with some disciples for information. He found out that once the higher-levels of the Sect received the map, they immediately started making preparations to go out to explore.

(Skoll: Major plot hole here, why the heck would the disciples answer the questions of someone who they consider to be far beneath them, especially in regards to what is likely to be a secret operation?)

Unfortunately, ordinary disciples were not well versed regarding this matter. They only got to know hints from overhearing the higher-ups speak. Thus, they were not too clear with the specifics.

While enduring the hardships onboard the ship and trying to think of an opportunity to covertly explore the island on the map, the yelling of the Red Cloud Sect disciples could suddenly be heard in the morning. It was an order for those normal people to gather.

The shock from this strange order caused many of those people to have panicked looks on their faces. Meanwhile, soft murmurs were passed on from the people, "Why are we going back to pick the fruit again? We just came back several days ago... In the past, we would have at least a month before being forced to pick that fruit again."

"Listen up. This time, you are not going out to pick the fruit that you usually do. Stop talking amongst each other and do not ask any questions. We will tell you when we reach the shore." A Red Cloud Sect disciple reprimanded the crowd with a stern look on his face.

Once Yang Kai heard of this news, his heart immediately jumped in excitement as he suddenly opened his eyes.

[Good! If I'm not wrong, this is an opportunity!]

Arriving at the seashore as per usual, the first thing that they could see was a huge, not exaggerating to call it oversized, ship of 66.6 meters was docked. This ship had a total of five masts, each hung a huge sail flapping in the wind; and as the stern of the ship was held high with dragon head to show off its might and prestige, it made all around aware of its presence - taking the breaths away from the crowd of people who were inexperienced in being under such a big ship.

(Silavin: BTW, 66 meters for a sailboat is pretty big. Please do not compare it to the 400m cargo ship made by China.)

"My god, this is the Red Cloud Sect's biggest ship! Where do they want to take us to?" A man who had the ability to judge that ship whispered in a soft voice.

Seeing such a ship, affirmed Yang Kai's guess.

He had spent countless hours trying to think of a way to infiltrate Red Cloud Sect while they were exploring. However, never had he thought that his efforts would be in vain as they presented the opportunity to him on a platter.

[The Red Cloud Sect most likely is not bringing in so many normal to explore the place and find the treasure. It is extremely likely that what they need is manpower to operate the ship. Such a humongous ship will definitely need an unnerving amount of manpower to operate smoothly...] after Yang Kai thought of this point, he appeared to have calmed down. [Since this is a Red Cloud Sect Ship that is going to head out to explore an unknown area, there will definitely be a high level martial artist, no less than the level of True Element Boundary! He might even reach Immortal Ascension!]

Yang Kai could hide in front of a True Element Boundary martial artist but if an Immortal Ascension cultivator were to show up, he could easily uncover his cultivation level with Spiritual Sense. Thus, Yang Kai knew that he must be careful, not showing the slightest bit of his skill or else, he would end up a lifeless ragdoll.

After waiting for a long time, a group of Red Cloud Sect members came out, and leading the group to walk in a straight line were two oldies. The old birds, a man and a woman, were merrily chatting while they led. Their heads were both ravaged by silver hair but in contrast to their dignified spark that came from their eyes, they were lively and full of vigor. Without a doubt, these two could be easily considered as two of the top cultivators in the Red Cloud Sect.

Following behind them were a batch of Red Cloud Sect disciples, of either gender; about 50 heads in count. They held a presence that indicated they were the Elite Disciples within the Sect.

A middle-aged man from the large ship came out hastily, to pay his respects to the two elders. "Greetings Masters."

The Red Cloud Sect disciples on the ship also followed suit.

Both the old man and old woman responded with a faint smile as they jumped gracefully and floated into the ship and asked, "Has everything been prepared?"

The middle-aged man respectfully responded, "Everything is ready. All I need is your orders, Master, before we can set sail!"

*En!* The old man nodded and beckoned with one hand while speaking, "You will continue to do the arrangement. Master Lan and I will be in the cabins, focused on cultivating. If there are no urgent matters that you need us to attend to, do not call for us."


When the two Immortal Ascension Cultivators entered their cabin, Yang Kai could not help but feel relieved.

[Being tasked to do all the arrangements for this, that middle-aged man must not have a low status within the Sect...]

After issuing orders for half an hour, the ship finally began to move. When it was slowly starting to move, Yang Kai was at the deck, working in disguise as he tried to remember the direction that the ship had been heading towards.

This ginormous ship was capable of running through the waters, and within just a mere 24 hours, it had travelled more than 500 kilometers, entering into the open seas without any land in view.

The sun set and the moon rose in cycles, and soon enough, Yang Kai had been on this ship for the past three days, living as cautiously as possible. In the meantime, he would sometimes take the opportunity to chat with the martial artists on board and gained more clarification regarding his situation.

It was now affirmed that this ship was meant to explore that mysterious island on the map. 'Hidden Island', was what the Red Cloud Sect members referred to that island whenever they spoke; which reminded Yang Kai of the many interesting stories he had heard from Sea City.

The Hidden Island held a wide variety of rumors since there were mirages of it caught by people's eyes. Even in Sea City, numerous residents had experienced sightings of the mirage of this island! However, no one knew why it appeared in the form of a mirage, appearing at a remote place, millions of kilometers away from its original location. But, it was widely agreed upon that the Island did exist out at sea except no one had been able to find it.

In Sea City, it was said that no common technique could be used to find the island. The only possible way, was to have a direct guide towards the place. The people who tried to explore the area followed islands to get close to the place but even so, they were only able to get close. Being unable to see it, they could not get ashore. Thus, it was named the Hidden Island!

There were a large number of rumors that indicated the place contained never ending wealth, as well as Martial Skills and Cultivation Techniques that are sure to allow a human to promote by leaps and bounds.

Common men all wished to get into Hidden Island but because they were unable to, many had given up such thoughts. But now, the Red Cloud Sect had finally obtained the opportunity to set foot there! Sparing no resources, they sent out their Elite Disciples and two Immortal Ascension cultivators!

For Red Cloud Sect to use two of their four Immortal Ascension Cultivators had shown their obvious determination to explore and harvest the island.

For the past few days, most of the conversations that Yang Kai would encounter were the Red Cloud Sect disciples' yearning desires for the island and their imaginations about the opportunities they could encounter there.

Yang Kai also had questions regarding the island and awoke the Old Demon who was closing up. He found out that Hidden Island is most likely not a place like the Heaven's Cave Inheritance. Instead, it was more likely a place that a Senior Cultivator would use to cultivate. Wishing to avoid any form of disturbance, this Expert made some kind of formation that concealed the island from people's eyes. In any case, it was extremely likely for the place to exist.

Through conversations he had with the disciples, Yang Kai had remembered all the strengths and names of the strong cultivators within the Sect. The middle-aged person was called Yu Xiu Ping, currently in the True Element Boundary, Ninth Stage, an Elder of the Red Cloud Sect.

Comparing the strength of those top Cultivators of the Red Cloud Sect to High Heaven Pavilion, Yang Kai noted that their Sect was unable to be place on par to his own. Firstly, no True Element Boundary Cultivator could be considered to be an Elder in High Heaven Pavilion. Secondly, if he were to compare the ages of the Two Masters from the Red Cloud Sect to his Elders from High Heaven Pavilion, it was clear that his Elders were much younger than those old farts; Ding Jia Zi and Huo Xiang Lan. The former was in the fifth stage of Immortal Ascension and the latter was in the Fourth Stage. Both held the positions of Antiquity Elders in the Sect and would typically stay inside the inner areas of the Sect; after all, they already had one foot in the grave. If this was not an important matter to the Sect, they would never have appeared outside of their Sect.

Today, Yang Kai was cleaning the deck in silence and suddenly heard two voices conversing.

"Yan, haven't you been accompanying Miao Lin?"

Hearing the two words, 'Miao Lin' caused Yang Kai's ears to twitch as he immediately recalled the son of Miao Huang Cheng, the one who had brought the Madame to ruins and brought disaster onto the Jiang Family!

[Could it be, that it's him?] Yang Kai was now paying close attention to the scene. Not forgetting to continue his disguise, his hands did not stop moving. But, his vision was switching back and forth surreptitiously, to the side of the conversation, sizing up the situation.

On that side of the ship was a beautiful woman that seemed to be in her twenties. She wore a long blue dress and thanks to the magnificent sea breeze, the dress pasted onto her skin, showing her bombshell figure. She had a slender waist and accompanying the two tall and perky peaks, it highlighted her busty figure. She had fair, wheat-like skin, not common with those that live around the seashore. With the color of her skin and those long, slender and jade-like legs, she could steal the hearts of millions. Unfortunately, in the midst of all her beauty, lay an undeniable arrogance that could only be quenched with the best things.

Meanwhile, there was a middle-aged man standing beside her, the elder of the Red Cloud Sect, Yu Xiu Ping!

[So this must be his daughter, Yu Ao An!] Yang Kai now understood the situation very clearly; especially with Yu Ao An. Many of the disciples would discuss about her in secret; just like Su Yan in High Heaven Pavilion, Yu Ao An was woman that was admired by the disciples within the Red Cloud Sect.

(Silavin: Gonna catch them all! Yang Kai Harem Plan!)

Silavin: Got some good news for the later chapters but that can wait

Chapter 180: Yu Ao Qing
Hearing Yu Xiu Ping ask, a touch of impatience emerged on Yu Ao Qing's face. Grinding her teeth, she spoke, "He is not sticking with me".
"Oh, you don't like him?" Yu Xiu Ping teased.

"What do you think?" Yu Ao Qing snapped back.

"Hold your temper. For this matter, we can only rely on him. Although Miao Hua Cheng has given us a map, but he has spent much effort in his research and has not passed any of it on to us. He has passed everything on to Miao Lin so if we want to find the hidden island, he is essential.", Yu Xiu Ping gently comforted Yu Ao Qing.

Yu Ao Qing bitterly shook her head and grabbed Yu Xiu Ping's arms, "Dad, it isn't like you don't know what kind of person he is. This morning, he wanted to move his hands and feet for me. If you told me again, I would have buried him in the sea."

(Skoll: The "move his hands and feet for me" could mean taking advantage of someone in a sexually explicit manner by touching and feeling according to the surrounding text. Feel free to correct us in the comments)

(Silavin: Yeah, that guy is obviously out to wet his dick :/)

Yu Xiu Ping quickly felt a chill running down his spine. "He moved his hands and feet for you?"

"Yes!" Yu Ao Qing felt very wronged. Before this matter, she had never heard of this guy Miao Lin. However, because of this matter, she had bitterly fulfilled his requests to ask for this favor. For the always arrogant girl, this was nothing short of torture.

"I've wronged you." Yu Xiu Ping's face turned unsightly. Yu Ao Qing was his daughter, he naturally treated her as his treasure and hoped she could wed a dragon among men for a lifetime of happiness. Miao Lin didn't have any background firstly, any qualifications secondly, and strength thirdly. In the past, he couldn't even carry his daughter's shoes if given the opportunity. However, for the sake of Miao Lin's information, he could only sacrifice his daughter.

"Be at ease, once I find the island, dad will personally seek justice for you!" Yu Xiu Ping promised.

"I really hope I arrive early." Yu Ao Qing ground her teeth in hatred, "Once we arrive, I will bury him in the sea!"

"As long as you're happy!" Yu Xiu Ping cracked a smile. He didn't give the slightest hint of concern; it was as if his daughter was talking about disposing of livestock.

Unfortunately Sea City's Miao Hua Cheng could not have expected the situation to develop in this direction. When he offered up the map, his only intention was to create a brighter future for his son. He wanted the Red Cloud Sect to pay attention to Miao Lin.

The Red Cloud Sect's upper management had agreed to Miao Hua Cheng's request, but they wanted Miao Lin to focus on cultivation. However, they didn't want Miao Lin to not put in any effort, so they came up with the idea of putting everything on Yu Ao Qing.

This was completely a case of playing with fire and getting burned.

In middle of their conversation, Yu Xiu Ping suddenly mentioned, "When that brat comes over here, you .... if you just can't take it anymore, just avoid him for a bit. You must remember that you can't throw a tantrum."

"I know..." Yu Ao Qing's perky chest heaved up and down as she took a deep breath.

Yu Xiu Ping quickly left. After a moment, a 20-something year-old man came onto the deck. A glimmer of expectation appeared on his face as he surveyed the four directions. When he gazed at the ship's side and saw Yu Ao Qing's back, a flash of happiness that he could not hide appeared on his face.

[That was Miao Lin?]

Miao Lin's appearance was engraved in his heart, but there was no indication on his face.

The lady of the Jiang family did not want to be humiliated, so she would rather commit suicide.

Miao Lin was an exemplary young man. Aside from zome yellow in his complexion, and some swaying in his steps, everything else was above average. If you said he was a martial artist, you might as well call him foppish dandy.

After all, the Miao family in Sea City could be considered to have some strength, this was enough to support him in his revelries.

As he arrived beside Yu Ao Qing, his eyes were filled with obvious care, as he softly and affectionately told her, "Senior Sister Qing, the deck is very windy, be careful of catching a cold."

Even though Yu Ao Qing was disgusted to death, she squeezed out a stiff smile and replied, "It's no harm. The water's breeze is nice and clear. It blows away people's troubles."

Yu Ao Qing's words were very subtle, but it seemed like Miao Lin did not understand at all. With a gentle smile, he warmly spoke. "It appears Senior Sister Qing's mood is not good. Is it because of some unhappy matter? You might as well tell apprentice brother. I am willing to share your worries with you."

A trace of hidden anger flickered across Yu Ao Qing's pretty face, but she still smilingly shook her head.

Yang Kai, who was cleaning on one side of the deck, overheard the pair's conversation. Hearing the two, who were like a pair of venomous snakes having a spirited conversation, his heart quickly became anxious to bury Miao Lin in the sea as well.

Yu Ao Qing had hinted twice, but he still pretended to not understand. Either that or he didn't even hear her. However, he had thickened his face to stalk her, so it was far too hard for people to have goodwill towards him.

The two had talked for a long time and just when Miao Lin became spirited, showing off the prestige of the Sea City's Miao family, a loud "peng" sound suddenly came from the bottom of the ship and shook the whole ship.

The two standing on the side of the boat, Miao Lin and Yu Ao Qing, had an unstable foothold and almost fell into the sea. However, regardless of how you judged them, the two were still martial artists with naturally extraordinary reflexes and agility; easily, they righted their bodies back up.

It was unknown what Miao Lin was thinking. Maybe he wanted to play the role of the hero rescuing the princess, maybe he wanted to get a good bargain; as soon as he caught his balance, he quickly shouted, "Be careful Senior Sister!".

While he was shouted, his hand quickly snaked around Yu Ao Qing's waist for a hug.

Yu Ao Qing was a haughty woman who felt nauseated when Miao Lin was just speaking. How could she stand for Miao Lin hugging her body? As soon as she regained her balance, she immediately moved her body away from Miao Lin's incoming hand.

In this short amount of time, the boat was suddenly disturbed again.

Yu Ao Qing, who was originally in middle of turning her body, suddenly could not find a foothold. She shot away like a thorn, mouth opened wide, and issuing a short exclamation of shock.

Yet the direction she flew in was actually towards Yang Kai.

Yang Kai was wearing a dirty piece of clothing, holding a stinky and dirty broom while watching the good show. All of a sudden, he was in such a shock that he couldn't react.

He was standing there to eavesdrop on the two's conversation for some news; so, how could he have expected that such a dramatic situation to rise up?

Seeing Yu Ao Qing was about to land on his body, in just this critical moment, Yang Kai pretended to slip and fall on his back while also opening a large distance. Almost at the same time he fell, Yu Ao Qing flew over him and heavily fell on the deck. Quite unluckily, the bucket of dirty water beside her spilled all over her head.

The object of many men's desire and admiration became a drowned chicken in a single instant. All her clothes and hair became wet. As Yu Ao Qing smelled the dirty water that drenched her, she had to quickly suppress the urge to vomit.

Yang Kai was also wailing on the ground, acting out a normal person's reaction.

If there was a beautiful woman flying over, if you were a normal man, you would naturally stably catch her. You definitely must not let her fall.

However, Yu Ao Qing was not a faithful girl and Miao Lin was not a faithful man. Yang Kai was sure that if he caught Yu Ao Qing just now, he would immediately face the anger of both the man and the woman.

Yu Ao Qing would become angry that her body was touched by a humble servant. Miao Lin would become jealous and filled with killing intent. He knew that it was more than likely he would not be able to see the sun tomorrow.

Hence, avoiding her was the correct choice.

The ship was still shaking. Miao Lin dashed over to Yu Ao Qing's side, finally finding his chance to get close. He helped her up and worriedly inquired, "Senior Sister, are you ok?"

"Leave!" Yu Ao Qing just couldn't take it anymore. If this nauseating man didn't try to touch her, how could she have been thrown around or been doused by the dirty water to the point where her clothes were semi-transparent? She had lost all her face and now her body was emitting a fetid stench.

At this moment, Yu Ao Qing was completely and utterly filled with killing intent.

With her roar, Miao Lin was surprised and retreated two steps.

At this point, from below the cabin came a lot of martial artists. Yu Xiu Ping impressively rushed to the deck to look under the sea. His look quickly changed. "It's a Monster Beast! All disciples get ready to fight!"

Raising his eyes, he suddenly saw the bedraggled Yu Ao Qing. He called out in a shock. "Qing Er, are you hurt?!"

Yu Ao Qing tightly clenched her teeth, gave Miao Lin a look of extreme resentment, and then slowly shook her head.

"Go back and rest, you don't need to worry about this situation." Yu Xiu Ping dully roared.


"Senior Sister, I'll escort you!" Miao Lin naturally wanted to follow.

"No need!" Yu Ao Qing roared out each word. Her beautiful yet dirty figure quickly disappeared from the deck.

On the boat, the miscellaneous ordinary individuals also rapidly evacuated. The Red Cloud Sect's martial artists, who simply had no say in their life and death, had an abundance of fierceness and a lack of luck.

The sides of the ship were suddenly bombarded with a torrent of waves. The ship began to shake violently again.

Yang Kai quickly got up and followed the ordinary people to the ship's cabin.

Everyone gathered together, shivering, muttering, praying that the ship would not sink. If the ship sank, outside of the two traveling masters, everyone else would probably become lost at sea.

Yang Kai carefully listened and then gradually relaxed.

He discovered that the Red Cloud Sect's two masters were not dispatched. This meant that the incoming Monster Beasts weren't high leveled and Yu Xiu Ping was enough to deal with them.

However, these Monster Beasts were high in quantity and sounds of impacts came from all sides.

The combat lasted for a solid hour before gradually stopping. The attacking Monster Beasts were either dead or repelled. The surroundings were finally peaceful again.

The Red Cloud Sect's victory caused even the ordinary people to cheer; it was as if they were also victorious

Yang Kai opened his eyes and only felt a burst of sadness.

Not long later, the Red Cloud Sect's disciples directed the ordinary people onto the deck to clean up the ship. Once these commoners came up and looked around, they quickly became agitated.

On the deck, there was blood everywhere. There were even strange looking fish that had mouths full of fangs. Luckily, they were thoroughly dead.

There were no casualties among the Red Cloud Sect's disciples. Only a few of those with weaker cultivations were injured and those were no big deal.

Yang Kai cleaned the the decks with the crowd. The blood, dead Monster Beasts, and sweat combined to produce a very foul smell.

Maybe it was because they had already reached the deep parts of the sea, that after the first attack by the Monster Beasts, the Monster Beasts attacked every few days. As time went on, the Monster Beasts grew stronger and stronger.

In order to cope with these Monster Beasts, many of the disabled ordinary people were mercilessly dropped into the sea as bait to attract their attention.

Yu Xiu Ping's face grew more and more serious as each day passed. Miao Lin also began to frequent the deck. The two faced a divination turtle shell as they attempted to research their route going forward.

Chapter 181: Husband and Wife are Bird From the Same Forest
After leaving Red Cloud Island for half a month, the boat got lost and Yu Xiu Ping's anxious mouth had started to blaze. He was in charge of the turtle shell and in charge of leading the way to that island. It could be said that all of the lives on the boat were in his hands. There was still a long ways to go but now he couldn't divine the correct route.
Feeling impatient, he could no longer treat Miao Lin as calmly as before. Yang Kai often saw him on deck shouting at Miao Lin, closely questioning on all the information that Miao Lin knew. Miao Lin naturally did not dare to conceal anything and pulled out everything he knew as well as the turtle shell.

As the Monster Beasts' attacks became more frequent and more violent, the Red Cloud Sect's two masters clashed with the Monster Beasts multiple times. If they didn't act, the boat would have capsized from the attacks of the Monster Beasts long ago.

Even so, the Red Cloud Sect suffered heavy losses. Of the fifty disciples from the start of the voyage, more than a dozen had died. Less than half of the seventy-some ordinary people remained. The other half were thrown into the sea as bait to distract the Monster Beasts in times of crisis.

On the boat, falling sick was the same as getting abandoned.

Yang Kai could be said to have seen what can be called utterly ruthless actions. However, faced with the ordinary people who did not have the strength to resist and their unceasing cries for help, the Red Cloud Sect's disciples were throwing people overboard into the mouths Monster Beasts like it was an everyday occurrence, just to buy a very, very small amount of time.

People's lives here weren't even worth a mustard seed.

The remaining ordinary people lived their days in fear and constant anxiety.

After another three days, the ship's crew became more and more scared. The big ship seemed to be going in circles in a region of the sea, and it always failed to find the correct position of the hidden island.

Miao Lin was given several slaps by the angry Yu Xiu Ping and beaten up to the point his entire mouth was full of bloodstains. However, he didn't dare to have the slightest complaint.

Today, once the night left and the sun rose from east, Yang Kai who was resting underneath the cabin suddenly heard a cry of surprise from the deck: "Hidden Island, Hidden Island!".

The cry was tinged with joy and excitement, within an environment saturated with desperation, and was quickly heard by everyone.

*Deng Deng Deng.*

All of the Red Cloud Sect's disciples sprang into action and headed towards the deck. The ordinary people were infected as well. Yang Kai followed the human river towards the deck and lifted his eyes to hear an infectious cheer among the crowd.

Under the recently risen sun, several hundred zhangs in front of the boat, there was a piece of fantastic, illusory scenery suspended in midair.

It is a paradise-like scene with mountains, rivers, and valleys. There were birds flying in groups in the sky. A 'ding dong' sound came from the mountains and fell in their ears. As far as the eye could see, this beautiful scenery was exceptionally enchanting, with everywhere revealing an untouched and untamed atmosphere.

It was like no one had set foot on the treasured land for thousands of years. There were many rare flowers, a strong breeze, and thriving lush flowers.

Many animals that the crowd could not name appeared before their eyes in a flash. The rush of animals even brought out a bunch of colorful glints.

Sea City's Mirage Island!

Yang Kai had been fortunate enough to see this beautiful scene before in Sea City. At the moment he laid his eyes on the scene, he naturally recognised it with a glance.

There were rumours that the scenery in Sea City's Mirage Island were all preserved scenes that, as a result of some special reasons, were converted more than tens of millions of miles away to let the world see.

But seeing the mirage this time compared to the last was somewhat different because it was too real. It was so real that if you could reach out, it would be real as it appeared in their own eyes.

Yu Xiu Ping became quite agitated. With his hands holding the huge turtle shell, he carefully looked and then suddenly laughed: "I understand, I understand! The city right now is the border of the island. No wonder we couldn't find the entrance. So it was like this!"

The Red Cloud Sect's two masters became emotional as well. The old master Ding Jia Zi gravely asked: "Xiu Ping, how is the situation now?

The old woman Huo Xiang Lan also looked over with her gaze.

Yu Xiu Ping didn't dare to be slow. Putting on an excited face, he reverently said: "Responding to the two Uncle Masters, I think we have found the hidden island's location."

"Where?" Huo Xiang Lan's seemingly turbid eyes flashed.

Yu Xiu Ping pointed at the Sea City Mirage Island in front of them: "Right there!"

After he finished speaking, he quickly handed the turtle shell in his hands to the two masters: "Uncle Masters, please lead the way to the vitality on the island. Only with the help of this island, can we open the door to the hidden island!

Ding Jia Zi and Huo Xiang Lan gave only a glance, as they put the huge turtle shell together, and then started to revolve their vitality to pour ferociously into the turtle shell with no hesitation.

This turtle shell looked ordinary. In reality, on normal days, no matter how the others tested, they could never feel anything exceptional from it. However, the moment Ding Jia Zi and Huo Xiang Lan poured in their vitality, they were surprised to find the turtle shell turning into a bottomless pit that crazily to devoured their true qi.

In just a short time, the two elderly masters started to shake; their complexions became pale.

"Not good!" Ding Jia Zi exclaimed. He hollered at the Red Cloud Sect's disciples: "What are you standing there for, hurry up and help me!"

Once the Red Cloud Sect's disciples heard the command, they quickly headed over and poured their own strength into the turtle shell.

With the help of these people, Ding Jia Zi and Huo Xiang Lan's condition stabilized. In a short while, the bland turtle shell suddenly burst out with a ray of rainbows. The turtle shell seemed to sound out a whisper and the road map engraved above came alive, flowing non-stop.

One after another, the disciples were drained of their entire bodys' strength. They were exhausted to point where they were forced to continuously withdraw.

Only after more than twenty disciples left, did the turtle shell shoot out a magnificent rainbow.

This sudden occurrence made Ding Jia Zi and Huo Xiang Lan startlingly exclaim at the same time. A group of dense lights from the turtle shell burst out, so they had to retreat.

That turtle shell turned into a streamer, charging straight into the sky.

"Uncle Masters!" Yu Xiu Ping exclaimed. Ding Jia Zi and Huo Xiang Lan found their footing again and despite their pale faces, shook their hands to indicate they were unharmed.

Everyone looked up and saw the turtle shell fly out several hundred zhangs to coincidentally fall on the mirage. A road of rainbow lights shot out, but this magnificent mirage actually slowly collapsed and disintegrated.

With the disappearance of the mirage, it was as if the intangible barrier blocking everyone's visions had shattered. When the road of rainbow light shot out, this magnificent Sea City Mirage Floor actually slowly collapsed by itself.

"The Hidden island!" Yu Xiu Ping's voice trembled.

On board the ship, the Red Cloud Sect's disciples, after a moment of silence, suddenly cheered out. They started shouting to vent the excitement in their hearts. The purpose of their trip was to find the hidden island, but they did not expect things to go so smoothly. Although they had also experienced a lot of crises on the way, but excitement doesn't come without danger.

Now, the hidden island in the sky in front of their eyes, whose name was world famous, was just around the corner!

The Red Cloud Sect disciples were not only ones who were excited. The ordinary people were excited as well. Which one of them had not heard rumors about the hidden island? Who would have thought they would see it in their lifetimes?

"Set sail! Target, hidden island!" Yu Xiu Ping suppressed the jubilance of the situation and issued a variety of orders in an orderly manner.

However, before the people on the ship even calmed down, uneasy emotions began to rise in everyone's hearts. The originally calm sea suddenly gave birth to waves and the ship was trapped in a sea of water bubbles. The sea's surface looked like it was boiling.

"What happened?" Someone asked in a panic.

Ding Jia Zi and Huo Xiang Lan's dignified look suddenly changed and they exclaimed: "Be careful!"

The sound of their cry was barely heard when the left side of the ship rushed into a wave and tentacle-like things suddenly emerged from the sea. The tentacles were extremely large, up to tens of zhang long, and contained a thunderbolt-like force that directly hit the deck of the ship.

Several of the ordinary people that couldn't dodge were smashed like clay on the spot.

Accompanied by a loud noise, the deck shattered into pieces that flew in the four directions.

The Red Cloud Sect's disciples fought back under the protection of the two masters. A variety of martial arts and weapons danced in the sky.

However, no matter the type of attack, the tentacles suffered no damage. Even the two masters didn't have any methods to harm them.

*Hua ....*

On the other side of the ship, there was a tentacle in the sky that mercilessly smacked down on the stern. The twenty-something zhang long boat's end rose in the air.

The violent shock meant that everyone lost their balance. Only experts at the True Element stage or above were able to escape into the air. The other warriors and ordinary people who were heading towards their funerals, panickedly fled.

"Remain calm! Everyone remain calm!" Yu Xiu Ping used all of his strength to yell, but just how could he appease the people right now?

*Hua Hua Hua ...*

Seven or eight tentacles stretched out from the sea at the same time. They went directly into the ship, dragging the ship into the sea. As the tentacles exerted their gigantic strength, everyone could feel themselves rapidly sinking.

"This is the Island of Monster Beasts!" Ding Jia Zi, seeing this scene, looked aghast. Only part of the power of the Island of Monster Beasts was already beyond his imagination.He simply didn't have the power to cope with these attacks. He turned to holler at Huo Xiang Lan: "You and I should fight it together to see if there's a way to make it flee!"

Huo Xiang Lan nodded her head with a serious look on her face. However, before she could begin fighting, she revealed a dumbfounded expression and charged towards Ding Jia Zi exclaiming, "Brother Ding, behind you!"

Ding Jia Zi's visage looked stunned as he felt the wind of an incoming blow coming from behind him. Immediately, his back was severely injured from the blow. His entire person became like a thunderbolt and he spat out a mouthful of fresh blood as he fell into the sea like a meteorite.

Not even waiting for him to fall into the sea, the tentacle struck out from the sea and accurately rolled him up.

Ding Jia Zi issued a violent scream from his mouth. His body emitted kacha sounds of bones being broken and fractured. He strived to revolve his true qi, but he couldn't escape the tentacle's grasp. He extended a hand towards to the fragrant Huo Xiang Lan and sadly shouted, "Sister Lan save me ... ..."

The Red Cloud Sect's two masters were sweethearts in their youth, loving each other more than life and death, and eventually married. Later on, it was unknown what changed, but the two were now no longer as close as before, although they still had relations, but they lost the original harmony.

Now face Ding Jia Zi's plea for help, Huo Xiang Lan was surprised for a moment and then immediately started utilizing her movement skill to head back to the island - she did not turn back at all.

This Monster Beast quickly triumphed over Ding Jia Zi in this short period of time. He naturally did not have any chance of victory.

To save her life, Huo Xiang Lan didn't dare to tarry any longer. Ding Jia Zi was out of her control. The boat full of Red Cloud Sect's disciples were doomed as well. The most important thing right now was saving her life.

Ding Jia Zi gave a bitter smile: "Husband and wife are birds from the same forest. When disaster strikes, they fly away separately. Cheap bitch

Chapter 182: Misfortune on the Hidden Island
After he spoke, Ding Jia Zi's body immediately got split into two. All his organs spattered about as his blood exploded all around; leaving only a pair of eyeballs, which fell into the sea.
(Silavin: well, that got dark really fast.)

No one could have imagined that an Antiquity Elder would be killed so violently. Furthermore, the cultivators from the Red Cloud Sect were trying to best this Monster Beast, whose body hadn't even appeared and seemed to be unkillable.

The joy from the discovery of the Hidden Island had been completely eclipsed, and was replaced by fear.

Meanwhile, the ship was towed to the point where half of it entered land. However, the giant tentacles striking the hull caused the ship to gradually become more tattered.

"What are we supposed to do now?" a cultivator from the Red Cloud Sect cried out while sobbing, thinking to himself, [I'm young! I still have such a future ahead of me! How can I just die like this?]

When that cultivator was done speaking, he quickly got struck down by the stray tentacles throwing about.

This scene was simply Purgatory. It was no different if one were a normal human or a cultivator at this point. As long as you got hit by the tentacle, you were dead.

When those True Element Boundary cultivators saw Huo Xiang Lan escape, they followed suit and quickly tried to escape towards the Hidden Island; ignoring the existence of their fellow disciples on the ship.

Unfortunately, even the True Element Boundary cultivators did not have such an easy time escaping from the Monster Beast's attack. When they flew up into the air, the tentacles, as if they had eyes, managed to grasp a flying True Element Boundary expert and strangled him to death.

Yang Kai's expression remained solemn. In just ten breath's time, starting from when he managed to see the tail of the beast and the tentacles bursting forth, more than half of all the Red Cloud Sect disciples had died, and even more normal humans had perished.

Unfortunately, it was obvious that remaining on the ship was unsafe. Even if one was not going to be hit by the tentacles, they would still eventually sink along with the ship.

So, the only possibility to survive was to jump into the sea; although the chance of living was slim.

Since Yang Kai was not willing to wait for his eventual demise, he hurriedly roared out, "Abandon ship!"

It might initially seem like he warned with good intentions but that was far from the truth. In actuality, his words were meant to disperse the people jumping at sea to disperse the attention of the Monster Beast.

As he had expected, after he had roared, many of the panicked masses seemed to regain their sense of awareness and quickly ran to the side of the ship to jump off without hesitation.

Blood splatters exploded out as they fell but more managed to survive due to their luck. They quickly landed into the water and started to swim towards the island.

Similarly for Yang Kai, he jumped off as well. Once he made it into the sea, he could see dozens of individuals spread out, heading to different parts of the island.

While Yang Kai was observing his surroundings, he was quick to discover that there was a peculiar occurrence happening right now.

There were people swimming much faster than the rest. It was now easy to tell, who was a cultivator from the Red Cloud Sect. There were many cultivators that could not fly. Nonetheless, if they swam, they would be much quicker than the average normal human. However, it was quite unfortunate that those swimming at the front were being dragged down by the tentacles; disappearing from sight to only leave bubbles on the surface of the water. Meanwhile, those that were obviously normal humans tended to be spared from the attacks.

Yang Kai did not understand how the Sea Monster Beast could tell each person's position but since there was this strange occurrence happening, he knew that he needed to take advantage of it.

Holding his breath, suppressing the strong palpitation of his heart, while restraining his aura to his utmost limits, Yang Kai acted as a piece of loose wood (Duckweed); allowing the current to push him towards the Hidden Island slowly.

The plan worked as the tentacles seemed to have no interest in him.

But when the plan seemed to be working without any flaw, *Plaat* a loud splash occurred behind him. Yang Kai got caught in shock. He turned his head around to find a paled face Red Cloud Sect martial artist swimming towards him.

Noticing that he was creating too much unnecessary sounds as he swam, Yang Kai cursed.

The Red Cloud Sect cultivator quickly managed to reach Yang Kai's side. Without taking a look at the person beside him, he grabbed onto Yang Kai's shoulder in an attempt to propel himself forward.

It was at this moment that the tentacle was approaching directly behind them.

Both Yang Kai and the Red Cloud Sect cultivator both noticed the approaching crisis. However, the Red Cloud Sect cultivator was smart. He took advantage of Yang Kai. Increasing his grip on Yang Kai's shoulders, he attempted to throw the boy towards the tentacles.

Unfortunately for him, before he could attempt such an act, Yang Kai focused his Yuan Qi and sank down. Transforming his hand into a fist, Yang Kai punched the Red Cloud Sect cultivator's shoulders, forcing him back.

"You!" the Red Cloud Sect cultivator exclaimed with amazement. With the clothes Yang Kai was wearing, it was obvious that he was supposed to be one of those normal humans on the ship. He would have never expected that someone in that uniform would be a cultivator.

Without enough time to react, the tentacle burst forth from the sea. The tentacle easily got grasped onto the cultivator and with a miserable scream of pain, his whole body was crushed into pieces. Each fragment of his bones pierced his organs, causing him to die a quick and violent death.

Yang Kai did not dare make any movement. Staring at the tentacle in mid-air, his eyes narrowed.

Very shortly after, the tentacle gradually returned from whence it came and sank back into the sea; vanishing from sight.

[My choice seemed to be the best course of action. Holding my breath and remaining motionless seemed to be much better than fanatically swimming.]

After waiting for a short moment to see if the tentacle had returned, Yang Kai proceeded to very slowly swim away.

The distance between the Hidden Island to the steamship was not exactly near nor could it be described as far. It seemed to be 5km from the crash site of the ship. A distance that would not take an entire life's journey to travel through so, even ordinary people could manage to swim to shore. Of course, there were no tentacles attacking that site.

It took an hour for Yang Kai to manage to swim to the Hidden Island. When his feet first made contact with the dry sand on shore, Yang Kai collapsed and lay on the ground. He looked up at the blue sky, allowing his lingering fear to slowly dissipate.

In an hour's time, his heart still had a welling fear lingering inside. He was truly frightened that moment where the tentacle was encroaching on him from behind. He was afraid of what might have happened if the tentacle had grabbed onto him instead.

It was only fortunate the he had found a way to cope with the tentacle. It was fortunate that it did not attack him from the start...

While he was escaping, he had no time to sense the surroundings. After waiting for his breathing calm down, he could finally hear some light panting close by.

[This voice... it's from a girl.] When Yang Kai turned his head to check who she was, he cursed his luck.

Just about 10 meters away, was Yu Ao Qing from the Red Cloud Sect. She was partly kneeling on the ground. With her soaked clothes sticking onto her skin, it exposing her abundant waist, breasts and perky round bottom. Accompanied with her slender legs, fully visible for the eyes to feast upon, it was provoking a man's desires.

She seemed exceptionally pitiful, with her wet hair laying on her shoulders, and that beautiful face that became pale, it was obvious that she had just exited from the waters.

However, no matter her beauty, Yang Kai was already aware of her vicious and evil nature. She had used her looks to get information out of Miao Lin. This viper, after receiving what she wanted, she tossed him into the sea. Although it was cruel, Yang Kai was also looking forward to Miao Lin's death.

Not willing to have anything to do with her, Yang Kai quietly snuck past her, deeper into the island.

"Stop!" Yu Ao Qing managed to spot Yang Kai and shouted.

Yang Kai did not really want anything to do with her. So, he continued to proceed.

"I said stop didn't I? Are you deaf?!" Yu Ao Qing angrily got up from the ground and hastily got in front of Yang Kai.

Yang Kai's expression remained indifferent.

When he was on steamship, he was extremely cautious. However, right now, this was not the case. Although Yu Ao Qing is in the Separation and Reunion Stage, one stage above Yang Kai, he was confident that if he could not beat her, he could at least run away.

Meanwhile Yu Ao Qing was curiously analysing Yang Kai. She expected that from his status as an ordinary human, who was tasked odd jobs on the ship, he would fear her presence. However, this was not the case, especially with the calm face he displayed.

[You are so arrogant! You look only 15-16 years old!] Yu Ao Qing sneered. With one revolution of her Yuan Qi, the moisture in her clothes evaporated. Restoring her back to her arrogant self, she opened her mouth to speak. "Tell me. Have you seen anyone else around here?"

"No." Yang Kai said with his brows wrinkled.


"Actually, there is one."



Yu Ao Qing took a deep breath. Her perky breast swayed up and down, seemingly bursting out of her clothes as she warned, "It's best that you act smarter. Otherwise, do not blame me for being impolite!"

Yang Kai's face distort, showing the displeasure he had within his heart.

[This is a good opportunity to get rid of her. After all, we just crashed onto the island. Where else would I get this chance?]

However, before he could do anything, a voice rang out. "Sister Qing! You are alright!"

After hearing his voice, Yang Kai's expression immediately became strange. Out of everyone, it had to be his enemy, Miao Lin that landed close to his shore. Furthermore, he must have landed here for some time since he came dashing out from the group of palm trees.

Unfortunately, it was not only Miao Lin. There was also another female disciple.

Since there were three Red Cloud Sect disciples, something that Yang Kai could not deal with all on his own, he restrained himself.

"How has he not drowned to death?!" Yu Ao Qing scolded in a soft voice while clenching her teeth. It was obvious that she was not prepared to meet this annoying fly on this island.

"A bad person does not die. He will live to suffer for a thousand years," Yang Kai whispered.

Yu Ao Qing coldly stared at him with an unexpected smile of approval.

Miao Lin quickly rushed to Yu Ao Qing with joy. "Sister Qing. It's really good to see you again."

Yu Ao Qing gave a light nod that was filled with arrogance. Her vision shifted focus to the area behind of Miao Lin as he asked, "Are you the only people here?"

Miao Lin quickly replied, "*Em!* I came first. After me was Sister Zhang Yu. No one else has landed here since."

The Red Cloud Sect female disciple called Zhang Yu walked over to the other two. Now, the group had four people. Since Yang Kai was still disguised as an ordinary human, he could not help but worry.

Yu Ao Qing gathered her beautiful hair and placed in on her back while she looked back towards the sea and sighed.

Yang Kai also looked back and discovered that the steamship a few kilometres away was in tatters. Most of it had been broken into planks. Meanwhile, the sea around it was dyed in red with many floating bits of flesh around. Sharks all around were swarming the area, having a feast. This scene is simply a living hell.

"Can we go back...?" Yu Ao Qing murmured.

Chapter 183: Cruel and Merciless
Thinking they had found the Hidden Island, the Red Cloud Sect thought their name was destined to resound throughout the world, but they didn't count on their ship being sunk. Now, even if they had survived, landed on the island and found its treasures, how could they get back?
Without a strong ship, even if they were Immortal Ascension Boundary masters, they would never be able to fly across this nearly ten thousand mile expanse.

A faint melancholy filled the hearts of the three Red Cloud Sect disciples. These three were young, and had not encountered any great hardships before, but just earlier this day when the aquatic Monster Beast had attacked, they witnessed the deaths of many of their elders, making human lives seem as fragile as ants. If they had been unlucky, they would now be with those people, corpses in the belly of beasts and fish. Fortunately they had escaped with their lives, but now they were trapped on this island, with no way of returning home, naturally they were depressed.

"Do not worry Senior Sister Qing, Junior Brother will definitely find a way to bring you home." Miao Lin was well versed in wooing a girl; although he was panicking inside, he still managed to put on a great show, quickly saying some comforting words.

Yu Ao Qing was not in a good mood, and listening to him boast so flippantly, she couldn't help but sneer: "Oh, you have the ability to build a ship, fight off that Monster Beast, and bring me away from here?"

"Well, no..." being questioned Miao Lin, suddenly looked awkward.

"Can you soar thousands of miles through the sky?" Yu Ao Qing asked even more forcefully.

"Uh... er... um..."

"Then just shut your mouth!" Yu Ao Qing vented out all the anger she had built up these days on the ship, and if they were not facing such difficult circumstances, she would probably have directly beaten him.

Zhang Yu hurriedly said: "Senior Sister Qing do not be angry, Miao Lin was just trying to comfort us."

"Humph!" Yu Ao Qing swung her hair and turned towards the beach, after walking a few steps she coldly scowled: "trying to be a hero with no real ability, don't be so presumptuous!"

Zhang Yu hurried to keep up.

Miao Lin had kindly tried to comfort her, but Yu Ao Qing responded by spearing him with criticism, his face had was somewhat ugly as he cursed under his breath. His eyes flashing a touch of bitterness, he then turned and looked at Yang Kai, murderous intent surging, he seemed to have found a target to vent his embarrassment on.

"Take him with us!" Yu Ao Qing's cold words came in front.

Miao Lin grunted, bitterly staring at Yang Kai, he then pushed him to keep up.

The four walked along the beach in one direction, although Yu Ao Qing did not say anything, but Yang Kai knew she was looking for others from the Red Cloud Sect that were scattered during their escape.

This is undoubtedly the right approach. Right now they were alone, with no elders to protect them, of course the first thing to do was find more allies.

But after a whole day on the beach, they could only find four more people, and only two of them were Red Cloud Sect disciples; the other two were actually ordinary people, they had no clue where everyone else had gone.

The team had grown to eight, but the overall strength did not increase much as they were still only five Red Cloud Sect cultivators, of whom, all were younger generation disciples.

The two Red Cloud Sect disciples they had finally found were a male and a female. The male was called Qi Yuan, the female called Luo Qian Qian, and their strengths were not high, probably only between peak Qi Transformation and initial Separation and Reunion Boundary.

Unable to find any of the elders, Yu Ao Qing's expression became bitter, her strength, amongst the five Red Cloud Sect disciples was the highest, having a cultivation level of the Separation and Reunion Boundary Sixth Stage, everyone else was not as strong as her. Furthermore, in the Sect she held a high status, people naturally looked up to her, placing their expectations on her to lead them. The burden on her shoulders made her feel at a loss.

At night, the three ordinary people were ordered by the Red Cloud Sect's disciples to pick up some firewood and raise a bonfire on the beach. Crowding together, they began to discuss what to do next.

Some proposed they search for the elders, while others wanted to stay here and wait to be found, they were unable to come to an agreement.

Eventually, Yu Ao Qing spoke out, "Since we've come to Hidden Island, we can't waste this opportunity, tomorrow we'll head into the island to explore, hopefully we can find the elders, and even if we can't, if we gain some opportunity here maybe we can find a way to leave this place and return to the Sect."

Everyone felt that what Yu Ao Qing said was rational, and Hidden Island's treasures and opportunities were also their whole reason for being here in the first place.

Yang Kai waited for them to finish discussing, and then submissively said, "Great Young Masters, if you head into the island, then, can you leave us here? We are just seaside fishermen, in case there is some danger we will be no help, and will only become a burden..."

The other two ordinary people had similar thoughts, but did not have the courage to speak up like Yang Kai, instead, silently glancing towards Yu Ao Qing.

They knew that the decision was ultimately in her hands.

Zhang Yu wrinkled her brow, and then nodded her head saying: "Alright, traveling with you really would be cumbersome."

Originally she thought that Yu Ao Qing would agree to leave these three ordinary people here, but surprisingly, after a moment Yu Ao Qing shook her head, smiled and said: "You were brought here by my Red Cloud Sect, if we leave you here, you might still encounter some danger, it is better for you to follow us, that way your chance to live will be greater."

[Damn slut!] Yang Kai cursed. How could he not know what Yu Ao Qing was planning? Her face was beautiful, but this vicious cunning snake was obviously not some simple, kind woman.

Although he thought so inside, he still had to offer a flattering act of gratitude towards her. He was afraid that he would have to spend the rest of his days sticking together with these Red Cloud Sect disciples.

While Yang Kai was annoyed in his heart, this arrangement was also not inconsistent with his plans. He did not have any understanding of this island; following these disciples around to explore might not be a bad idea.

If they really encountered any danger, couldn't he just find the opportunity to escape?

Night fell and the five Red Cloud Sect disciples took turns at watch.

The next day, a line of eight people entered Hidden Island to explore.

Once they entered the island, Yu Ao Qing revealed her real purpose in bringing along the ordinary people, forcing one of them to walk in the front while everyone else followed behind.

Although this person was terrified, under threat from Yu Ao Qing's, he really had no choice.

Everyone now finally understood why Yu Ao Qing insisted on bringing these ordinary people, using them as disposable pathfinders.

Traveling for a long time, deeper and deeper into the island, they were surrounded by towering old trees, swaying endlessly in the wind, crackling sounds stimulating their fears, the ordinary person walking in front was frightened stiff, his legs buckled, kneeling down on the ground, he kept begging for mercy.

The Red Cloud Sect disciples ignored his pleas, constantly threatening him to keep moving, eventually, he could only muster up his courage to walk forward again.

Around noon, a row of fruit trees suddenly appeared in front of them. Hanging from the branches were numerous alluring red fruits, no one knew exactly what these fruits were, but the smell was quite tempting.

Their group was all tired and hungry, so when they saw so many fruits, naturally their appetites were stimulated, involuntarily swallowing their saliva.

Luo Qian Qian reached out her hand and picked one. Just as she was about to taste it, Yu Ao Qing suddenly shouted: "Wait!"

Luo Qian Qian suddenly paused; puzzled, she looked towards her wondering: "What's wrong?"

Yu Ao Qing didn't explain, instead taking the fruit and then turned towards the three ordinary people.

Seeing that look, everyone knew what she was planning.

Unsure if this fruit was toxic, the fastest way to find out was to let someone try it. The two ordinary people suddenly became panicked, and not wanting to expose himself, Yang Kai also pretended to do so.

Yu Ao Qing's eyes landed on Yang Kai, walking up to him and thrusting the fruit into his hand she ordered: "Eat it."

Yang Kai desperately held down his raging urges to attack, and looked down at the fruit in his hand, sniffing it. Intuitively, he felt that there was no poison inside, but under the myriad of objects created by heaven, it was impossible to tell unless one another had a taste of it.

"Eat it, it's not poisonous," Old Demon 's suddenly said. "This little bitch is really not a good thing."

"You know what this fruit is?" Yang Kai quickly asked.


If Old Demon hadn't spoken just now, Yang Kai might have exposed his identity and caused a scene, but since Old Demon said it wasn't poisonous, instead he could just simply eat it, he was hungry anyways.

Calm on the inside, his face still appeared hesitant; looking at the fruit in his hand like it was a deadly poison. Yu Ao Qing repeated her order and Yang Kai 'reluctantly' ate a mouthful.

A delicate flavour, sweet like honey, like a ripe persimmon but a bit chewier.

"Eat more." Yu Ao Qing coldly spoke.

"Old Demon, if I can kill this woman, you must give her spirit some severe torture." Yang Kai ruthlessly ordered.

"Old Servant will obey!" Old Demon laughed maliciously.

After Yang Kai had eaten the whole fruit, the other seven people still didn't move, all staring helplessly at his reaction.

After waiting half an hour, seeing that Yang Kai was still alright, Yu Ao Qing was involuntarily relieved, waving her hand she said: "Everyone eat. We'll rest here for a moment and then set off again."

Miao Lin and Qi Yuan quickly went and picked the fruit, the three Red Cloud female disciples resting by the side. After just a few breaths, Miao Lin and Qi Yuan brought a lot of fruit over, graciously handing them to the three women.

Miao Lin didn't hesitate to praise: "Senior Sister Qing is so thoughtful, if weren't for you, I'm afraid it wouldn't be more than few days and we'd be poisoned dead."

Zhang Yu also said: "Yes, I have long ago heard about Senior Sister Qing's extraordinary intelligence. Today's events prove your reputation is well deserved."

Hearing so many people openly praise her, Yu Ao Qing cold face finally showed a slight smile.

While the five Red Cloud Sect disciples ate, Yang Kai and the other two ordinary people weren't idle, stuffing their mouths with fruit.

This row of fruit trees had a lot of fruit, but with eight people picking and eating, it took no time before the trees became naked.

Satiated, the eight people once again set out. Perhaps because Yang Kai had taste tested the fruit and had borne a lot of risk, this time leading the way was still not him but the other ordinary person.

Shortly after, Qi Yuan suddenly pointed to the side: "Look, something's flashing over there!"

Everyone looked towards the direction he pointed. Indeed there was something glittering in the grass.

"Let's go take a look." Yu Ao Qing said.

Soon, everyone had approached to about three hundred feet from the flashing light. Yu Ao Qing's cautious nature was displayed again, forcing an ordinary person forward to test the waters while still remaining in place.

Chapter 184: Exposed
With his life firmly grasped in the hands of another, this ordinary person had to succumb to Yu Ao Qing's orders, trembling as he walked over to look, he spoke, "Young Masters, this is nothing more than a small grass."
Listening to what he said, the five Red Cloud Sect disciples' interest was piqued, Zhang Yu hurriedly asked, "What kind of grass?"

"It's a beautiful snow white colour, very pretty." The man replied and asked again, "Do you want me to bring it back?"

"Don't touch it!" Yu Ao Qing yelled. She then led the Red Cloud disciple forward; Yang Kai also kept up. As they approached, the five Red Cloud disciples let out an involuntary sigh of praise.

It was indeed a snow white grass, like a beautiful eye-catching jade, appearing crystal clear; one could even vaguely see a fluorescent liquid, flowing in its veins.

"Heavens!" Zhang Yu exclaimed, "It's an Snow White Jade Skin Bone Grass!"

Yu Ao Qing flashed a smile, "Sure enough, it's an Earth Grade Low-Rank spirit grass!"

Luo Qian Qian was also quite excited, while Qi Yuan and Miao Lin were fairly calm.

The reason being, this Snow White Jade Skin Bone Grass was a spirit grass mainly for young women to use. Yang Kai had also previously obtained one on the Red Cloud Island, the Beautiful Woman Pistil. If a woman were to consume the Beautiful Woman Pistil, it would cause her to appear a little more beautiful. But, if she were to consume the Snow White Jade Skin Bone Grass, her skin would become radiant and clear, white like snow and delicate like a newborn baby.

If the two were used together, it could make an ugly woman be reborn as a beauty.

Women crave beauty. Of these three women, which one would not want to become more beautiful? Seeing this Snow White Jade Skin Bone Grass, naturally they were overjoyed.

"We've barely started exploring this island and already obtained a treasure, it seems that this trip will yield a big harvest." Miao Lin looked quite excited.

Yu Ao Qing was not polite, directly bending over and plucking this Snow White Jade Skin Bone Grass. She then removed a jade box and carefully stored it.

Zhang Yu and Luo Qian Qian both hesitated, but eventually just watched.

Yu Ao Qing laughed, "When we return to the Sect, I'll get the Alchemists from the Pill Hall to refine this into some dans, so that two Junior Sisters will also receive its benefits."

She also knew that now was not a suitable time for her usual arrogance, so she openly tried to appease them.

Sure enough, Zhang Yu and Luo Qian Qian smiled, "Thank you Senior Sister Qing. When it's time to go to the Pill Hall to refine it, Senior Sister Qing must come forward personally to say a few words."

Obtaining an Earth Grade Low-Rank spirit grass, the Red Cloud disciples' previous worries and anxieties were swept away. The lingering fear and uneasy in their hearts gradually dissipated, instead replaced with a relaxed joyful mood.

It was as if they hadn't been stranded here, but had simply come to hunt for treasure.

Of course, this Hidden Island had been isolated for so long, who knew how many precious treasures it held. In just two days of exploring, everyone had harvested a great deal, collecting more than a dozen rare herbs, all of them Earth Grade Mid-Rank and above, they had even found one or two Heaven Grade herbs.

With this harvest, the five Red Cloud disciples became even more excited.

This day, as they were walking, a faint fog suddenly appeared in front of them, covering the group's view.

The fog was strange, and the ordinary man who was in the lead hesitated, turning to Yu Ao Qing with some fear in his eyes.

"Keep moving!" Yu Ao Qing ordered, her cold beautiful face had a ruthless expression.

The man was helpless, he had to go forward.

But just as his body entered the fog, suddenly a burst of hissing sounds could be heard, soon followed by a tragic cry, and shortly after that ordinary man collapsed directly on the ground, constantly twitching.

Everyone paled, quickly falling back, staring in horror at the changes of the man.

It was as if he had been thrown into a pan of hot oil, almost like he was being melted by a flame, waves of white gas constantly evaporating from him, his flesh falling from his bones onto the ground, forming a red bloody pool of liquid.

After only five breaths, this once living person had lost all his flesh and blood, turning into a pile of dry bones lying on the ground.

The air was filled with an unspeakable taste.

*Vomit ...* Zhang Yu and Luo Qian Qian paled, their bodies bent over to vomit, and although Miao Lin and Qi Yuan were better, it was not by much.

Yu Ao Qing's long eyelashes quivered, the blood suddenly draining from her face, becoming extremely pale. Although she was frightened, at least it wasn't as bad as Zhang Yu and Luo Qian Qian.

The ordinary man who stood next to Yang Kai had long ago collapsed to the ground.

Of the people present, only Yang Kai remained calm. Even so, a chill still rose from the soles of the feet.

Just now, if it had been him who was forced forward, his end would not have been any different.

But then again, if Yu Ao Qing had really ordered him, Yang Kai would not have taken the risk.

"It's a poison fog!" Yu Ao Qing stiffly turned, skimming the group, trying to portray composure, but still trembling, "Everyone get back!"

Having just witnessed such a terrible scene, naturally, everyone could not wait to leave here and immediately kept up with Yu Ao Qing.

After backtracking several miles, everyone finally relaxed.

Having just escaped, the Red Cloud disciples looked towards Yu Ao Qing full of gratitude. If not for her caution, the fate of that man in the fog, might have been their own.

In hindsight, they strongly admired Yu Ao Qing's decision before to bring these ordinary people to lead the way.

Yang Kai also understood now that he had to look for an opportunity to leave. Or else the next time they encountered some unknown danger, he would inevitably be pushed forward by Yu Ao Qing as a sacrifice. If he stayed with this group of people, sooner or later he would be killed by this bitch.

Now he just needed an opportunity, some kind of distraction where nobody would have time to take care of him!

While the group was resting, a burst of noise suddenly came. Yang Kai frowned, a foreboding feeling enveloping him.

"What was that?" Miao Lin panicked, jumping to his feet.

"What sound?" Qi Yuan asked as he lean over to listen.

"Quiet! Stop talking and listen carefully!" Yu Ao Qing obviously also heard something.

The group held their breath, only to hear a buzzing sound coming from all around them. It sounded like the buzzing of bees, but it was obviously too noisy for a swarm to create.

The buzzing was quickly closing in, not only that, there was also a rumbling coming from under their feet; and numerous cracks quickly formed. It was as if there was something underground quickly tunneling towards them.

"Damn it, run!" Yu Ao Qing's face sank, calling out, running in the opposite direction.

The other Red Cloud disciples quickly chased after her, and although Yang Kai was looking for an opportunity to slip away, he also didn't want to prematurely expose himself, not to mention, he knew nothing about the current enemies so naturally he would use the Red Cloud disciples to probe them.

The group moved fast after hearing Yu Ao Qing's order, fleeing with all their might. But they had not run more than a few steps when behind them a scream was heard.

When they all glanced back, what they saw nearly caused their souls to fly out.

The last ordinary person had been surrounded by a group of bowl sized, strange looking black insects. He cried out in terror, his clothes shredded, flesh ripped apart; it took only a breath before he fell to the ground.

Everyone couldn't believe their eyes. Although they didn't know what these insects were, the fear of the unknown, followed by their brutal disposition left them panic-stricken.

Seeing how terrifying these insects were, the five Red Cloud disciples ran even faster, no one paying attention to Yang Kai, not knowing if they could escape, who would care about him?

Only running a short distance, Yu Ao Qing suddenly paused, the people catching up from behind quickly asked, "What's wrong?"

"They're also in front of us! We're surrounded!" Yu Ao Qing paled.

Everyone focused ahead, and sure enough they could hear buzzing sounds in front, and an overwhelming number of black insects were flying toward them.

"Fight!" Yu Ao Qing acted decisively.

The Red Cloud Sect disciples quickly brought out their weapons, as they slaughtered into the swarm.

There were a huge number of these insects, but their level should be quite low. The five mutually supported each other, and after rushing inside for a while, they had managed to cut down quite a few of these bugs.

Seeing that there was hope, they fought even more vigorously.

Yang Kai stuck close behind them; perhaps because the Red Cloud disciples' attacks attracted the attention of the swarm, he was actually safe and sound. The insects obviously didn't consider him a threat.

"Old Demon, what the hell are these things?" Yang Kai asked as he watched from the side.

"Old Servant does not know."

"You have no idea?" Yang Kai was speechless.

Old Demon helplessly replied, "Please forgive me young master, this old one has lived so long but is still ignorant..."

[This old fart, in this life or death situation he's still so damn talkative!]

Right then, Yang Kai suddenly saw Qi Yuan reach out and grab his collar, trying to throw him out.

There were too many insects coming from one side. Unable to cope with them, he wanted to use Yang Kai as a shield to buy time.

Yang Kai's face darkened, knowing he couldn't hide anymore, his hand shot up, grabbing Qi Yuan's arm, he lets out a burst of strength and hit Qi Yuan. Currently being stunned from the attack Qi Yuan dropped to the ground. Taking the opportunity, Yang Kai twisted his waist, and threw him into the insect swarm.

"Ah..." Qi Yuan looked stunned. Not figuring out how he had been thrown, the next moment his body was wrapped in insects, raising a piercing scream.

"Qi Yuan!" Zhang Yu shouted in horror, immediately staring coldly toward Yang Kai.

Yang Kai sneered, releasing a sudden burst of Yuan Qi, a bright aura radiated from his body, giving him the appearance of a burning fireball.

The four remaining Red Cloud disciples were stunned by this rapid development. They had not expected that the ordinary person they had ordered around for the past several days would have such a sudden change.

Ignoring the stunned Red Cloud disciples, Yang Kai dashed towards where he had thrown Qi Yuan, to clear a path for himself.

The insects quickly surrounded him, but their small wings were vulnerable to his True Yang Yuan Qi, quickly being singed. Without their wings they fell like fat dumplings, and could no longer touch Yang Kai's body.

The four Red Cloud disciples watched Yang Kai wrapped in a fiery Yuan Qi, blaze a path while dashing away.

"Wha..." Miao Lin's jaw dropped, too shocked to speak.

"Don't get distracted, keep fighting!" Yu Ao Qing said, bitterly staring at Yang Kai's back, clenching her teeth till they nearly broke.

[That guy obviously wasn't an ordinary person; he was clearly a cultivator who was hiding his strength!]

Chapter 185: Trapped
Yang Kai had also thought that these insects would be difficult to deal with, but once he had fought them he realized otherwise.
Perhaps for Yu Ao Qing and the Red Cloud Sect disciples it was a challenge, but for him it was extremely easy.

The wings of these insects were fragile, their order was also low, a single attack, or simply brushing past them, was enough for his Pure Yang Yuan Qi to burn their wings.

Without their ability to fly, they simply weren't a threat to Yang Kai.

Their only advantages were their numbers, and their burrowing ability, which made their movements difficult to predict, often launching surprise attacks on Yang Kai from below.

Executing his movement skill, Yang Kai soon dashed out of the insects' encirclement, sprinting forward a few miles, only to suddenly stop again.

In front of him appeared a wall of mist. It was the same poison fog that had melted the first ordinary person!

[What happened? Did I run back?] Yang Kai was uncertain, quickly running along the edge of the fog, hoping to find a path out.

But half an hour later, when a pile of bones appeared in front of Yang Kai, his face couldn't help but sink.

These bleached bones were from that first ordinary person.

Not slowing his pace, after a while, Yang Kai's expression became gloomy.

Not far in front of him, there was a corpse, but this one looked like it had been gnawed beyond recognition, but the clothing scraps left behind were all too familiar to Yang Kai, it was a Red Cloud Sect disciple's robe.

And from the weapon lying nearby the corpse's identity was obvious; it was the disciple he had earlier thrown to his death, Qi Yuan!

[I had been running in a giant circle this whole time!] It was over ten miles in circumference, and it was all completely surrounded in poisonous fog.

It wasn't until now that Yang Kai finally understood how difficult these insects were to deal with. They were indeed vulnerable to his Yang Qi, but they had a special ability to release this highly toxic gas, allowing them to seal off such a large area.

Unless you could break through this fog, you simply could not leave.

[Can I withstand the erosion of this fog?] Yang Kai's brow wrinkled. After considering for a long time, he decided it was worth a test.

Standing at the edge of the fog, with a solemn expression, he slowly held out his hand, his True Yang Secret Art pushed to the limit, even using Golden Skeleton.

His had just barely touched the fog when he jumped back, fast as lightning.

A stabbing pain came from the fingertips, looking down, his face sank.

His fingertips were bloody and showed signs of melting, the pain radiated to the roots of all his nerves, Yang Kai decisively cut off those pieces of flesh.

Tearing his clothes, he wrapped the wound, took a deep breath, and looked around.

[I had just separated from Yu Ao Qing around here, but where were they now? The fog had surrounded them, no one could escape, but since there were no other bodies here, where did they go?]

*Buzzzz ...*

Countless insects seemed to have smelled blood, and approached again.

Yang Kai's face sank, True Yang Yuan Qi burst out smashing into the surrounding insects.

Just like before, these insect's wings were burnt off, grounding them, but their numbers didn't decrease at all, instead growing with every passing moment, God knows how many of them there were, it was overwhelming, seemingly endless.

While Yang Kai could deal with these insects flying around him like swatting flies, he couldn't help feeling anxious. After all, he still didn't have any idea how to escape this dozen or so mile trap.

Although he had stored a lot of Yang Liquid in his Dantian, enough to support this wanton slaughter, his physical strength had its limit, if that gave out, even if there was more Yang Liquid he would still be helpless.

"Young Master, this group of insect Monstrous Beasts should have a leader, similar to regular bees," said Old Demon at the crucial moment.

"What are you trying to say," Yang Kai quickly asked.

"This old servant is saying that, if you can kill the insect king, you should be able to escape from here."

"Do you know where the king is then?"

" old servant doesn't know..."

Yang Kai wasn't in the mood to blame Old Demon for talking nonsense, but he did think of a possibility.

Perhaps, the reason for these insects' siege wasn't to kill him, but to hunt!

The fact that he had lost track of Yu Ao Qing around here, but there were no other corpses was the best proof that these Red Cloud Sect disciples were most likely captured by these insects and taken somewhere.

And that place, should be the insects' nest!

Similar to with bees, there were workers who collected honey, bringing it back for the queen to enjoy. Wasn't it possible to interpret the behavior of these insects as collecting "honey"?

(Pew: I object to the scientific inaccuracy of this statement! 'there were workers who collected honey')

(Faux: I agree)

The more he thought about it, the more certain he became, leading him to slowly come up with a daring plan.

Carefully considering that the success rate of this plan was high, Yang Kai received back his True Yang Yuan Qi. He took a deep breath and bravely confronted these insects.

Once Yang Kai no longer resisted, the insects stopped attacking, instead hovering around him, layer upon layer.

"What are you doing?" Old Demon asked in shock.

"Testing my theory!" Yang Kai said calmly. With nowhere to escape these insects, the outside still surrounded by the fog barrier, sooner or later his strength would give out and he would end up dead, might as well take a chance now while preserving his strength.

If his guess was right, there was a chance of survival.

After a tense moment of confrontation, dozens of insects suddenly left the swarm and flew over to Yang Kai.

Old Demon shouted, "Young Master, you can't just sit still!"

"Shut up!" Yang Kai did not have time to listen to his shouting, instead focusing on the dozens of insects rushing over, his whole body tensed, like a fully drawn bowstring, ready to strike as soon as anything went wrong.

But to his great relief, the insects which flew to him, did not attack, instead they began dragging him, pushing and shoving him towards a specific direction.

[Sure enough!] Yang Kai burst into a big grin.

With this, he could explain why Yu Ao Qing and the other Red Cloud Sect disciples' bodies weren't here. Obviously these people also fought until they were exhausted, and were then caught by these insects.

The surrounding scene of tens of thousands of insects was a bit terrifying, but Yang Kai remained indifferent; staring towards the direction these bugs were pushing him.

Not long after, a pit appeared in front of him.

Inside this big pit was a dark cave, like the mouth of a great beast, grim and foreboding.

At the entrance to the cave, Yang Kai saw a tattered skirt. Recognizing the colour and material, he was certain it was Yu Ao Qing's.

They really were caught.

The speculation he held had been confirmed, Yang Kai knew now he had nothing to worry about, not waiting for those insects, he jumped directly into the cave.

A foul and unpleasant stench blew from inside the cave's nine paths and eighteen bends, all of which had been dug up by these insects, nothing like the Heaven's Cave.

As Yang Kai walked, he carefully remembered his path, secretly leaving some road marks behind.

In the corridor, from time to time he could see many insects scurrying about, and these insects weren't just bowl sized. There seemed to be many types of insects, some were nearly as big as a person, while some were the size of a large wash basin, others the size of a bucket, it all looked quite frightening.

[Fuck, taken prisoner by a bunch of bugs! Just wait till I find your king, I'll definitely make you regret this!] Yang Kai seethed with anger.

Captured by these insects, Yang Kai was forced down the corridors for a long time, eventually arriving at a fairly large room.

Calling this place a hole wasn't an exaggeration; however, it seemed like it was actually a food storage for this swarm, because when Yang Kai looked around, there were already a few Red Cloud Sect disciples inside, all of them distressed.

A number of eyes stared towards Yang Kai, and he could hear a burst of malicious laughter, filled with mockery coming from Miao Lin.

All the Red Cloud Sect disciples had suffered some minor injuries, and were sitting sluggishly on the ground, directing a hateful look towards Yang Kai.

The insects left Yang Kai here, but at the entrance to the hole, there were several bigger-than-people sized insects on guard, apparently to prevent these people from escaping.

Once inside, Yang Kai did not bother talking to the Red Cloud Sect disciples, instead finding a remote corner and sitting down cross-legged.

Yu Ao Qing stared at Yang Kai coldly. Seeing him sit down, close his eyes, and not speak a word, she couldn't help but ask, "Who are you!?"

Yang Kai briefly opened his eyes, then again ignored her.

"Why would you sneak onto my Red Cloud Sect's ship, while hiding your strength? Going so far as to hide only till this point?" Yu Ao Qing asked again.

Yang Kai disdained to look at her, and slowly spoke, "First, it's not like I wanted to mix into your ship, you Red Cloud Sect people brought me over. Second, if I did not hide my strength, would I have been able to live up till now? Third, I acted this way to survive. Damn woman, what face do you have to question me? If it weren't for your Red Cloud Sect kidnapping people all over the place, how could I possibly be here?

"You dare talk to me like this!" Yu Ao Qing frowned.

"Why won't I? Who the hell do you think you are?" Yang Kai sneered.

"Senior Sister Qing, don't bullshit with him, he just killed Senior Brother Qi Yuan!" Miao Lin stared bitterly at Yang Kai, "We want revenge for Senior Brother Qi!"

"Hah!" Yang Kai laughed.

"What are you laughing at?" Miao Lin grit his teeth as he scowled at Yang Kai. "Do you not know how to write the word 'dead'?"

"Idiot!" Yang Kai looked at him full of contempt. "When I was on the ship doing chores, I heard this slut and your Elder Yu say, after they had found this island, they were going to drown you into the Endless Sea. It's too ridiculous you had no idea!"

Yu Ao Qing revealed a look of panic and shouted, "I never said that!"

She then glanced towards Miao Lin, quickly explaining, "Don't listen to his nonsense!"

Miao Lin looked at Yang Kai and said, "Do you think your petty words, slandering Senior Sister Qing, will convince me? You don't have to explain, I know Senior Sister would never do that."

Yu Ao Qing nodded her head.

"Whether she said it or not, she knows the truth."

Yang Kai expression became cold, watching Yu Ao Qing he said, "You better not attack me, or you'll disturb those insects! "

Yu Ao Qing took a deep breath and pressed down the murderous intent in her heart. She knew what Yang Kai said was true; while they had just been talking, the giant insects guarding outside had already become alert, and were looking towards them curiously.

Although she wanted to kill Yang Kai, she didn't dare strike now.

This verbal spat ended without any results but Yang Kai wasn't discouraged. After all, his main aim was to plant a seed of doubt within Miao Lin's heart Since he was currently outnumbered, he would not have any hope if they fought. However, if he bred suspicion amongst the members here, there was at least a slight chance of evening the odds.

Chapter 186: Miao Lin's Shamelessness
In the darkness of the cave, Yang Kai and the Red Cloud Sect disciples were on opposite sides, all quietly restoring themselves. From time to time, the sound of the insects scurrying back and forth could be heard.
The four Red Cloud Sect disciples were clearly reluctant to sit still, wanting to fight their way out the moment they were completely restored. There was a constant discussion while they were healing, always whispering, wary of Yang Kai eavesdropping.

After almost a whole day and night, they finally decided to act. Quietly getting up, and then slowly approaching Yang Kai, Yu Ao Qing's pretty face full of murderous intent, Miao Lin's as well, followed by Zhang Yu and Luo Qian Qian.

As soon as they approached, Yang Kai suddenly opened his eyes and stared at them with a faint smile.

The four Red Cloud Sect disciples paused.

"Let me guess." Yang Kai leisurely spoke, intentionally lowering the volume of his voice to avoid disturbing those insects, "You've decided not to kill me right now?"

Yu Ao Qing's was as cold as ice, "You knew?"

"How could I not know, this is how you've acted the whole time right? Let others walk in front of you, so you can reduce your own risk. I've seen you do this countless times now. You now want to force me to take the lead, right?"

Yu Ao Qing slightly nodded and with you're a cold, ivy voice, she replied. "Since you know, you'd best not resist, if not, you'll have a nice, new look."

Yang Kai mockingly replied. "I may not be your opponent, but if you want to kill me, I won't go down without a fight, if you're not afraid of disturbing those insects, just try it."

Yu Ao Qing's face went stiff, the reason she was speaking lightly, was to avoid drawing the attention of those insects guarding outside. Yang Kai obviously also understood what she was planning, so his voice was also quite quiet.

"I'm warning you, don't get any ideas, if you want to escape, use your own strength!" Yang Kai snorted, "I won't be your sacrificial pawn!"

"Don't you want to escape?" Yu Ao Qing seeing that coercion was useless, slightly eased her tone. "These insects bringing us here, obviously isn't a good thing. If we stay here our only end is death. If you go out with us, maybe we'll have a way out!"

Yang Kai decisively shook his head, "I want to escape, but I won't be used," he said, "even if I opened the way for you, and everyone escaped from here, I have no guarantee you won't just attack me once we're safe."

"I can give you my word!" Yu Ao Qing saw that Yang Kai's stance had softened, and hurried to strike while the iron was hot, "As long as you can take the lead, if we can escape, the Red Cloud Sect won't find trouble with you."

"Don't bother; I would never believe a vicious snake like you." Yang Kai sneered and closed his eyes.

Yu Ao Qing and the others did not know that the outside was surrounded by these insects' poison fog, but Yang Kai was clear. Even if they were lucky enough to escape from here, they would still have nowhere to run.

That being the case. Why waste the effort.

"Senior Sister Qing, just kill him! If he won't cooperate, then he's worthless to us!" Miao Lin had long held murderous intent towards Yang Kai, and now that they could not use him, naturally he wanted to kill him.

Yu Ao Qing took a deep breath. Slowly shaking her head.

Right now, escaping was their most important concern, although this brat was hateful, even if they could kill him they would certainly disturb those insects, it wasn't worth it.

"If you plan to flee, I won't get in your way. Hah, I also want to see if you can really leave here!" Yang Kai grinned towards Yu Ao Qing, laughing under his breath.

"I hope those insects gnaw you into a million pieces, so you die without a whole corpse!" Yu Ao Qing cursed Yang Kai, turning to the other three and said, "Let's go!"

The four Red Cloud Sect disciples quietly left the cave. Perhaps because it was night time, the few giant insects outside were actually not disturbed by their actions, still foolishly standing around.

Soon, the four figures had disappeared into the corridor.

But not half a cup of tea's time later, the sounds of fierce fighting suddenly burst out, mixed with the cries of the four Red Cloud Sect disciples It was apparent that their escape had been found out, and they were attacked by the insects.

The sounds of fighting gradually faded, until they at last disappeared.

Yang Kai's sneered a little, completely unmoved, still quietly meditating.

In fact, it wasn't hard to escape from this insect cave, because these insects weren't that difficult to deal with, if the four Red Cloud Sect disciples could find a way out, Yang Kai naturally could too, the only thing trapping him here was that strange poison fog. He had no idea how these insects produced this tremendously lethal barrier, which was the dread of any escape he might plan.

After about two hours, Yang Kai heard the sound of heavy footsteps outside.

Opening his eyes, he saw Yu Ao Qing, her hair a mess, clearly exhausted come in, followed by Luo Qian Qian, then by Miao Lin.

Zhang Yu was not with them, she had likely been taken separately.

Those insects had once again brought them here, and had also stationed a much stricter guard.

At the moment, the three Red Cloud Sect disciples, who had just been so domineering, now were sluggish and depressed, their bodies filled with large and small wounds, looking extremely miserable.

They really had escaped the insect cave, but they were pursued by the overwhelming number of insects above ground where they had no way out. Ultimately they were forced to fight but just like before they could not kill them all, were surrounded, and then forced back here.

Yu Ao Qing and Luo Qian Qian both sat on the ground, their delicate bodies trembling, Miao Lin not much better off.

Quietly looking towards Yang Kai, Yu Ao Qing was afraid that he would take the chance to add insult to injury, ridiculing them, but Yang Kai didn't seem to care about them at all, still keeping his eyes shut, silently meditating.

"Senior Sister Qing... Senior Sister Zhang Yu was dragged away by those insects, where do you think she was taken?" Luo Qian Qian whispered, trembling.

"How would I know?" Yu Ao Qing shot back impatiently.

"Are we just going to abandon her?"

"What do you want? We can't even guarantee our own lives, how are we supposed to take care of her?" Yu Ao Qing clenched her fists, Zhang Yu had not died when they were separated, but was seriously injured and then dragged by the insects into another corridor. What fate was awaiting her?

Yu Ao Qing didn't know.

While the two were talking, a shrill cry suddenly came from the corridor. The person's scream was extremely tragic, like they were experiencing a heaven rending torture.

It was Zhang Yu's voice!

Yu Ao Qing and Luo Qian Qian's face went white; their bodies trembling more violently, Miao Lin fell to the ground, "What is happening to Senior Sister Zhang Yu? Who is torturing her?"

The screams never ceased, clearly she was bearing unimaginable pain.

The two women left in the cave quickly covered their ears, no longer daring to listen.

Yang Kai remained indifferent. These Red Cloud Sect disciples were not good people. Throughout the journey, Yu Ao Qing forced those ordinary people to serve as sacrifices. This current situation was karma, their murderous deeds were simply being repaid, and before dying, they would also experience a cruel torture.

This torture must be extremely brutal, since it was not delivered by another fellow human with empathy.

Zhang Yu's voice gradually weakened and soon disappeared.

"Heh, we're dead, there's no way out." Miao Lin was scared stupid; he was the weakest one here, only at the Qi Transformation Stage. If not for the Red Cloud Sect needing him as a guide to this island, how could they have been willing to bring him along?

Thinking it was a great opportunity to gain face in the Sect, how would he have known it would become such a disaster, ultimately leading to a dead end. How could Miao Lin, this pleasure seeking dandy young master, possibly withstand this?

"Don't say that, we can still escape, Senior Sister Qing will definitely take us out of from here, right?" Luo Qian Qian violently shook her head, naively holding on to hope.

"It's hopeless, no one can leave here alive." Miao Lin said dejectedly.

"Everyone shut up!" Yu Ao Qing coldly scolded.

She turned to look at the perpetually calm Yang Kai, comparing him to her Junior Brother and Junior Sister, and then comparing him to her, suddenly discovering that the mental fortitude of this young man was definitely stronger than anyone else present.

From start to finish, he did not show the slightest sign of confusion, nor the slightest uneasiness, instead just quietly sitting there. His temperament was worthy of people's admiration.

But Yu Ao Qing did not believe he was willing to die!

With the passage of time, Miao Lin and Luo Qian Qian's panic increased. Fear taking over, both unable to control their nerves.

Although Yu Ao Qing's mental strength was somewhat stronger, she was still trapped here, sitting in the corner, her hands wrapped around her knees, constantly shivering, right now, she was filled with regret. She regretted joining this expedition to find the Hidden Island, and regretted that when the ship sunk she did not first find her father, or else how would she be reduced to this state? if Yu Xiu Ping was here, how would this situation be what it is now?

But in that chaotic situation, Yu Ao Qing did not know whether her dad had even survived, after all, when those giant tentacles had attacked, even the likes of Grand Elder Ding Jia Zu had died. Yu Xiu Ping was a True Element Boundary Ninth Stage, even if he had died, it wouldn't be unexpected.

[Father, if you are alive, where are you? Your daughter is on the brink of death...]

Praying to the heavens and praying to the dead was useless! The always arrogant Yu Ao Qing involuntarily shed some tears.

Not knowing how long had passed, after Yu Ao Qing had somehow had fallen asleep, she suddenly woke to the sound of heavy breathing coming from in front her.

Yu Ao Qing was shocked, opening her eyes, she saw Miao Lin leaning towards her from up close, madly staring, his eyes wantonly gazing at her with undisguised lust.

"Miao Lin, what are you doing?" Yu Ao Qing said coldly, unable to help herself from shrinking back.

"Senior Sister Qing," Miao Lin licked his dry lips, laughing perversely, "Junior Brother has a very deep love for you, Senior Sister understands right?"

(Silavin: o.0 Interesting...)

Yu Ao Qing frowned; she saw that Miao Lin's state right now was somewhat wrong as if under this great pressure, all his inhibitions and reservations had shattered.

"Senior Sister is a pure heavenly fairy, Junior Brother finds you so beautiful to the point that I spend every night dreaming of you." Miao Lin continued to approach Yu Ao Qing, his mouth spilling sweet confessions, when the subject suddenly shifted, the content immediately changing drastically, "In my dreams, we speak openly, make love again and again, experiencing such happiness!"

These words enraged Yu Ao Qing, mercilessly striking Miao Lin's shoulder.

How could Miao Lin resist? He suddenly flew out, but Yu Ao Qing was exhausted, her palm had no real strength, naturally she did not hurt Miao Lin.

When he stood up, Miao Lin was still laughing, stepping towards Yu Ao Qing again, shamelessly saying, "Junior Brother knows, Senior Sister is a distinguished and noble, always having eyes higher than her head. But because of this, I fear Senior Sister has never tasted love between a man and woman right?"

Miao Lin had been so explicit, his intentions were obvious.
Yu Ao Qing's beautiful face became dark, coldly saying, "If you dare say such nonsense again I'll kill you!"

"Hey, hey!" Miao Lin remained unafraid, "We're going to die here anyways, death now or death later, what's the difference? Senior Sister Qing, you only live once, what use is there in preserving your purity in the face of death? It's such a pity, why not left Junior Brother wait on you tonight, I'll let you taste this world's greatest joy and pleasure."

Yu Ao Qing was breathing rapidly, completely enraged, eyes frosted over, tightly staring at Miao Lin, she had not expected that in this life and death situation, under such enormous pressure, this pathetic Junior Brother she disdained so much, would actually be so bold, even trying to encroach on her body.

Yu Ao Qing obviously would never give in to him, murderous intent flashing in her eyes, as long as Miao Lin dared to approach too close, she swore she would not hesitate to kill him!

Miao Lin also saw this, and while he wanted to act desperately, forcing himself on her, he ultimately could not work up the courage, forming a stalemate with Yu Ao Qing, eventually letting out an embarrassed laugh, and then shrinking back.

Yu Ao Qing could not help letting out a sigh of relief, in such a place, if not a last resort, she really did not want to fight with him.

The cave was again filled with an uneasy silence.

But this silence did not last long, after a stick of incense, the sounds of a man and woman's heavy breathing floated out.

Yang Kai and Yu Ao Qing both frowned, and looked toward the direction of the sound. With just a glance, Yang Kai went speechless; Yu Ao Qing was also stunned.

Miao Lin did not convince Yu Ao Qing, and having admitted it, he was currently hitting it off with Luo Qian Qian.

(Silavin: It is described that he was compensating later for one's earlier loss here but that doesn't fit inside the sentence so... I'm going to leave it here.)

Perhaps Miao Lin's flowery words played a role, perhaps under the pressure of death she needed a release, perhaps Luo Qian Qian was never a chaste woman to begin with, but she and Miao Lin now both clung to each other, rolling on the ground, fiercely groping and kissing one another. Completely unashamed, showing a hot and humid scene.

Listening to these sounds of passion, Yang Kai's blood flow sped up; his throat drying up, biting his lip in frustration.

Having been separated from Su Yan for three or four months, along with the rise in his cultivation, the Yin-Yang Joyous Unification Art's influence on him was becoming deeper and deeper.

Fortunately when he had boarded the Red Cloud Sect ship to search for this island, he had spent his days on edge; there was no time to think about anything else. It was the same when they had arrived here; he was forced to act with Yu Ao Qing and the other Red Cloud Sect disciples. Even though his mind would wander in that direction from time to time, Yang Kai could rely on his own willpower to suppress it.

If there were no accidents, Yang Kai believed that he could hold out until he returned to the High Heaven Pavilion.

But... Yang Kai never imagined that one day there would be a couple engaging in this erotic display, less than thirty feet away, right in front of his eyes!

This kind of stimulus, more than any words, created a violent temptation. It bombarded all of his senses, from the picture it painted to the ambiguous sounds that were heard, and even the erotic scent which wafted about, it was truly an all encompassing indiscriminate stimulation!

Even if it was a saint, their heart would produce some ripples, not to mention Yang Kai was a dual cultivation practitioner.

It was like starving beggar suddenly had a table of delicacies thrust in front of him.

Yang Kai could not wait to slap Miao Lin and Luo Qian Qian dead!

If Yang Kai was so uncomfortable, how could the other outsider, Yu Ao Qing, be any better?

At first she was stunned, her cheeks blushed crimson, then her jaw began to slack, all while staring dumbfounded. It was not until Miao Lin and Luo Qian Qian brushed past her feet, breathing heavily, their clothes a mess, that she woke from this dream, quickly jumping up, scrambling over to Yang Kai to escape.

The cave was not large, and Miao Lin and Luo Qian Qian tossed about vigorously, leaving Yang Kai and Yu Ao Qing very little space.

The scene was truly bizarre, a once in a thousand years rarity!

A man and a woman lying on the floor, venting their passion and frustration, another man and a woman sitting next to the wall watching, it was like a rich debased couple engaged in some strange fetish play.

Yang Kai and Yu Ao Qing almost simultaneously cursed inside.

But at this time who would go up blame Miao Lin and Luo Qian Qian? Yu Ao Qing was already too ashamed to speak, and Yang Kai didn't have any effort to spare as he was struggling to suppress the fire in his own heart.

Breathing more and more rapidly, their clothes scattered everywhere, Miao Lin and Luo Qian Qian's actions soon intensified, the atmosphere becoming thick, the scene incredibly sensual.

Accompanied by a repressed scream, immediately the air was filled with waves of amorous moans.

Yu Ao Qing was almost involuntarily leaned against Yang Kai, at this time she felt that this youth was the only one she could depend on, or at least, he was more reliable than that frivolous Miao Lin and Luo Qian Qian pair.

"Get away!" Yang Kai said harshly but somewhat powerlessly, Yu Ao Qing whether deliberately or accidentally, had pressed her soft tender body against his, almost causing Yang Kai to lose control.

This rough attitude and low curse slightly sobered Yu Ao Qing, she angrily turned and glared at Yang Kai, but what she saw was a pair of scarlet eyes staring back at herself.

These eyes... like Miao Lin's just now were staring at her full of carnal desire and madness.

Yu Ao Qing's whole body froze, suddenly remembering, this youth next to her was also a man!

Scrambling to distance herself from him, that intense breathing and moaning continued floating into her ears, like a devil's whisper, causing endless waves in her body and mind. Her whole body felt hot, like a fire was burning in her chest, even her exhaled breath became heated.

An unknown feeling spread through her, making her feel weak.

In a moment of panic, Yu Ao Qing quickly covered her ears with his hands, anxiously facing the wall, shaking her head back and forth.

She had always been respected in the Red Cloud Sect, usually when one of her peers saw her they became polite, showed off their own strength, or tried to reveal their own profound knowledge, no one had ever spoken to her about men and women, let alone someone shoving this wanton debauchery in her face!

Those lewd sounds and exaggerated movements were like a sledgehammer hitting her head, making her dizzy, almost to the point she couldn't think anymore.

Time passed extremely slowly, every moment was like a kind of torture.

After God knows how long, Yu Ao Qing heard Junior Sister Luo let out of a sharp, high-pitched call, just like a final scream before death, and the ragged breathing stopped.

She suddenly became faint, [Did Junior Sister Luo... just die?]

But soon, Junior Sister Luo unexpectedly resurrected. Once again letting out moans of delight.

(Silavin: LOL she came...)

At that moment, Yu Ao Qing no longer held any of her previous arrogance; seeming more like an unapproachable porcupine, only desiring to be left alone.

Yang Kai was also at his limit.

He felt that if he didn't attack now, he would definitely lose control.

But not waiting for him to strike, many human sized insects rushed into the cave, coming up to Miao Lin and Luo Qian Qian, they raised their sharp claws up high, and struck down viciously.

A different kind of scream came out. Miao Lin and Luo Qian Qian were nearly skewered through and then dragged out by those big insects.

"Senior Sister Qing, save me!" Luo Qian Qian shouted in panic.

Yu Ao Qing only sat there shivering, how could she have the strength to save her?

Leaving a trail of scarlet blood, Miao Lin and Luo Qian Qian were dragged out by the insects, slowly disappearing.

Not long after, mournful screams were heard then gradually weakened, finally disappearing.

As Miao Lin had said before, experience some joy before death, then die without regret.

Waiting until the two's voices had disappeared for a long time, Yu Ao Qing slowly relaxed her ears, turning around and staring out. Now that they were gone, she could not help but feel relieved.

That scene just now, it was too embarrassing for her to stand. So even knowing that her Junior Brother and Junior Sister had just died, her heart did not hold any regret, just some slight relief.

While she was patting her chest and sighing with relief, she suddenly found that young man was actually staring at her with greedy eyes. All of a sudden, he leapt up, like a predatory cat, ferociously charging toward herself.

Hi breathing heavy, his breath hot, he carried the same presumptuous look of Miao Lin, no, he was even more crazy than Miao Lin.

"You're seeking death!" Yu Ao Qing cried, thrusting a palm towards Yang Kai.

Yang Kai also struck out, [Burning Sun's Three Layer Blast]!

Three fierce strands of Yang Yuan Qi penetrated Yu Ao Qing's delicate arm. Even though she was at the Separation and Reunion Boundary Sixth Stage, it was not long ago that she had fought with the insects. Right now she had not restored much Yuan Qi, coupled with her unstable mental state, she could not bring out even thirty percent of her strength, how could she handle this strange move from Yang Kai.

When that Yuan Qi burst out, she easily resolved it, but no sooner had she done so, a second violent burst of Yuan Qi arrived, Yu Ao Qing circulated her Yuan Qi desperately to resist, finally feeling some fear, until the third Yuan Qi burst came, Yu Ao Qing suddenly became pale.

Releasing a scream, she flew out like a broken paper kite, her jade-like arm trembling; the pain spread through her body, almost causing her to break into tears on the spot.

Not waited for her to get up, Yang Kai had flown to her side, releasing another palm strike, dislocating her other arm.

Yu Ao Qing endured the pain, thrusting her knee, aiming ruthlessly towards Yang Kai's crotch. Yang Kai swiftly retreated, barely dodging, striking again with his palm. The wind sweeping over, Yu Ao Qing released a groan, her leg softly falling limp.

With three of her limbs disabled, Yu Ao Qing could not even stand up, not to mention the attack.

She watched this young man with red eyes, like a fierce beast in heat, bend down on top of her, forcefully kissing her neck and cheeks.

While groping her chest with his hand, he did not show the slightest pity or compassion, just violently pressing himself against her in a desperate fashion.

"No... please, stop..." Yu Ao Qing struggled desperately, tears streaming down her face, listening to the sound of her clothes being torn apart, but helplessly unable to resist.

This jade-like body, which was the fantasy that countless Red Cloud Sect male disciples dreamed of, was gradually being exposed in this cave. It had soft, white, delicate, skin, as pure as snow; fragile, like it would shatter with the slightest breeze. A figure that she had the rights to be proud of.

That young man kissed all the way down her body, no, he was biting! Yu Ao Qing could clearly feel where he had surely left rows of teeth marks.

Humiliation filling her, Yu Ao Qing felt like her heart had died. This young man, right now seemed like a completely different person, like a ferocious evil demon, bloodthirsty and merciless, striking terror into people's hearts.

What little remained of her white skirt was ripped away, leaving Yu Ao Qing completely naked.
While she cried for mercy, Yang Kai stripped his own clothes, exposing his upper body. Soon a deep roar sounded out, like an irrepressible howl.

Yu Ao Qing, unable to resist, slowly closed her eyes, no longer screaming, no longer begging for mercy; just silently letting her tears fall.

Maybe what Miao Lin said before was right.

In the face of certain death, why bother guarding her innocence? Although this young man now looked violent and evil, but compared to that bastard Miao Lin he was at least much better.

A sharp burst of pain rose from her chest as it was pinched; Yu Ao Qing could not help letting out a miserable cry.

Just when she thought she was destined to lose her purity, forever being tarnished, that ruthless young man pressing down on her stopped.

Yu Ao Qing slightly opened her and saw that he was still staring at her with those same red eyes, eyes full of lust, greed and obsession, but from time to time, there also seemed to be signs of struggle within them.

The heat from his breath was enough to melt the iron, and his eyebrows were firmly locked in place, it was like he was enduring some unimaginable pain.

Suddenly, from his body came a burst of violent, heart stopping energy, instantly making him appear even more demonic.

With this burst of energy, his strength actually increased at a breathtaking pace.

Qi Transformation Fourth Stage, Fifth Stage ... Eighth Stage, Ninth Stage ...

Separation and Reunion Boundary's Yuan Qi fluctuations!

Only after reaching Separation and Reunion Boundary Second Stage did his energy begin to stabilize.

With the surge in cultivation, his eyes were filled with more and more madness, but his stubborn resistance also became more and more violent.

Suddenly, he picked himself off of her body, sitting cross-legged directly on the ground clenching his teeth so hard they felt like they would shatter, and roaring, "Stay away from me! Otherwise, don't blame me for the consequences!"

Yu Ao Qing was momentarily stunned, her dream of amnesty had appeared, struggling to pick up her torn clothes with her broken arm, she covered her pure white naked body. Using her one good leg, she slowly stumbled to the opposite corner of the cave, cautiously watching Yang Kai, her whole body trembling with fear.

Yang Kai was perfectly sober!

From beginning to end, his consciousness was awake, including when he leapt towards Yu Ao Qing, including ripping off her clothes and ravaging her body.

But his primal impulses were completely stimulated by Miao Lin and Luo Qian Qian, he simply could not control them.

While reveling in the desires and longing buried in his bones, Yang Kai was also desperately resisting their influence on himself.

Eventually, he used the Golden Skeleton, which immediately suppressed them.

It wasn't until now that Yang Kai fully understood the kind of desire that Su Yan had spoken about being unable to resist. If the woman here was not Yu Ao Qing but Su Yan instead, even if he had to cross a mountain of knives or a sea of flame, Yang Kai would do anything to reach her. To embrace her.

His blood was ferociously boiling in his chest, spreading to every inch of his body, every cell desiring, longing for the soft fragrance of a woman.

Yuan Qi rioting, the whole cave filled with violent roars, drawing the attention of the giant insect guards.

His upper body was bare, skin a blood-red shade, truly a frightening sight.

Like a deliberate torture for him, not far away, there was a naked, unable to resist beauty. As long as he was willing, at anytime, he could ravage her, taste that sweet, sensual taste which, for the current Yang Kai, was no doubt a brutal test of his willpower.

He forced himself to not think about her, even going so far as to erase thoughts of Su Yan's figure from his mind. Yang Kai sunk his consciousness into his own body, constantly running his True Yang Secret Art, trying his best to deepen his understand of the Golden Skeleton and divert his attention.

The last time he meditated over the Golden Skeleton it was clear how haughty it was. However, Yang Kai knew that this Golden Skeleton held more secrets. It was due to his insufficient strength and insight that caused him to be unable to comprehend it.

Through today's events, Yang Kai once again deeply experienced this.

Now though, he was not seeking to comprehend the mysteries of the proud Golden Skeleton, he just wanted to stabilize his own instinct and desires.

The effect was pretty good, although the circumstances had not changed; he had finally managed to regain his control.

Yu Ao Qing also knew that Yang Kai as definitely struggling to resist his own desires, naturally she remained silent, trying not to attract Yang Kai's attention, just curling up in the corner, not moving.

After some time had passed, Yang Kai's situation gradually improved, the feeling of irritability slowly calmed, the raging Yuan Qi also showing signs of convergence.

After an unknown amount of time, when the violent storm around Yang Kai disappeared, the cave once again became calm.

Taking a deep breath and opening his eyes, Unyielding Will's temporarily enhancement to his cultivation also slowly disappeared, his state falling back to normal.

Separation and Reunion First Stage ... Qi Transformation Ninth Stage, Eighth Stage ... Fifth Stage!

Once again stabilizing.

This time, after successfully resisting his carnal desires, his cultivation was also enhanced a stage. Although this was an unexpected harvest, Yang Kai's remained unmoved. Instead, he slightly frowned as he sat there, motionless, immersed in meditation.

This insight into the Golden Skeleton, although there was no great harvest like before, was not without progress, in that somewhere, Yang Kai could feel a layer of bondage holding him back, and as long as he could break this layer of bondage, another profundity of the Golden Skeleton would reveal itself.

Unfortunately, his strength and understanding of the Martial Path was still too shallow, not enough to break through this barrier.

He could only be patient and seek more opportunities in the future.

With a long breath, Yang Kai looked up and glanced towards Yu Ao Qing in the corner.

A look of panic flashed across her pair of beautiful eyes, there was also a trace of resentment and hatred. For any woman who had encountered such a situation, being able to remain calm and indifferent would be strange.

Yang Kai got up and walked towards her step by step.

"Don't come any closer!" Yu Ao Qing yelled, putting up a strong front while trying to back away, but behind her was a wall, where could she retreat?

Yang Kai showed an inexplicable smile, slowly squatting in front of her.

"Stay away from me!" Yu Ao Qing, unable to move her hands, in desperation thrust her head towards Yang Kai's. Yang Kai didn't move, letting her head smash into his.

With a loud smacking sound, Yu Ao Qing crumbled back, a fresh red bump appearing on her smooth forehead.

Yang Kai reach out one of his hands and lifted her dislocated arm, then yanking down hard. Accompanied by crisp snapping sound, Yu Ao Qing let out a miserable cry. The pain was so intense that she instantly broke out into a fragrant sweat, instinctively throwing a palm toward Yang Kai.

Yang Kai swatted her palm away, easily resolving her attack, and then coldly shouting, "If you want to die, I can kill you right now!"

Being spoken to and stared at so coldly, Yu Ao Qing suddenly came to the realization that she could only have this reaction if her dislocated arm had been reconnected.

Not caring about the confusion in her eyes, Yang Kai placed his hand on her leg, running his Yuan Qi to resolve the hidden injuries there.

A warm feeling flooded in, making Yu Ao Qing somewhat uncomfortable.

Once he had dealt with her injured arms and

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