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TEMPTATIONS ( book 2. ) - legoshi. returning to the boarding school, cherryton academy. an old crime comes u... More

𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞.


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" I want to crush that materialist goat bastard into a pulp and swallow him whole. "

Bill growled as he popped his can open, taking a large swig out of irritation of the thought of the herbivore, sheep.

Legoshi clicked open a can of pop for the smaller canine that sat on his lap because he wanted to keep a close eye on her, the male canine turned to the tiger, " This may be the rooftop, but if you say that again I will leave, Bill. "

" Also he's a sheep. " (Y/n) popped the 'p'.

The striped feline glanced at the wolf couple, " Dude, you actually came to this carnivore gathering, which you never do. Which means you want to spill out your guts, right? " He then winked at (Y/n), " You're always welcome, princess. "

" Shut the fuck up. "

They held a gathering of carnivores quite often on the rooftops under the dusk sky, the couple had decided to go considering Legoshi knew the large breed carnivores would be there to spill their guts out.

Legoshi leaned down to (Y/n) as her ear twitched once she felt his breath hit her, " This feels like a sort of black market of the school. "

" Just try to act natural. " She whispered back as she pushed the can of pop to her lips. Her eyes narrowed once she watched Legoshi scrunch his nose into a tissue.

" I know why you're here, Legoshi. "

The couple turned to the owner of the voice which was Dolph the Hippo. He and some of the other carnivores from the club had sat down beside the couple, " You think one of us is Tem's killer. "

(Y/n) felt her fingers fidgeting, so she curled her hand into a fist to block any sign of anxiety pulsating through her veins.

" No one's forgotten about that case. One of us was eaten alive.. I'm highly offended that you thought that. " The hippo told the male wolf.

Tao turned to his friends, " So this is about that talk in the dressing room? "

The large canine's ears dropped noticing that he was caught, " Um, sorry. I'm not trying to suspect you guys of anything... You see, " He instinctively wrapped his arms around his girlfriend to pull her closer to his body, " I came here today because I wanted to have a good talk with you guys. "

" I'm a suspect too, because I am a wolf. " He admitted.

Legoshi's eyes lifted from his girlfriend up to the males that sat before him, " I don't have proof that one of you guys didn't kill Tem. So you see.. " He tried to find the words before sighing,

" How do I say this.. "

Bill grew frustrated with his nonsense, growling, " Stop, stop. You're not made for this kind of stuff. " As he finished, a foot collided with his jaw, sending him straight to the ground. (Y/n) stared plainly at the tiger, stepping towards him and crouched down,

" Do not yell at Legoshi. "

She then began pulling his ear to reach her eye level,

" Or I will fucking throw you off this rooftop. Then jump down from here and land on your stomach, allowing you to spill out every junk in your body. Then break your dick so your horny ass can never fuck again and you'll be forever lonely to where you end up fucking killing yourself because you are a desperate piece of shit, " She gave him a closed eye sweet smile,

" Okay <3 "

The rest of the males cowered away once she dropped the tiger's head onto the ground below then walked to her boyfriend, sitting happily onto his lap, " Now please resume the meeting. "

Tao leaned towards Aoba, " She may be cute but she's scary as hell. " The eagle nodded his head in agreement, shuddering at the thought, " When she fought Bill, I immediately grew terrified of the girl. "

All males nodded with agreement.

" Still cute though. " Dolph added.

(Y/n) grew irritated considering they were whispering quietly, due to her hearing she was able to hear it perfectly. " Yes we get it, I'm gorgeous, can we fucking continue. " allowing the males to shriek, obliging with her orders.

Bill shot a glare towards the female hound but slowly got back up to sit back down, " You do not make a good team leader Legoshi. We'd treat our herbivores nicely without you telling us to. "

(Y/n) nodded, " He is right, we're automatically friendly. "

" You always growl and threaten them. " Tao mentioned

The female snapped her neck towards the black panther which made him shrivel with fear, holding his hands up as defense for her attacks then she huffed.


(Y/n)'s ears began to twitch intensely, as if it was like nails clawing against a chalkboard.


Her hands flew to her ears slightly fidgeting and the males took notice of her actions, concerned for her sudden form. Legoshi glanced down and glanced around but heard nothing, so he knew it was probably something only she can hear.


His hands flew to her ears trying to block out the rough, screeching down that strained her hearing.

(Y/n)'s head dropped with a sigh of relief once the noise stopped, slightly panting as she began to smack her ears hoping to regain her hearing.

" I can't hear. " She muttered.

The rest of the males other than Legoshi both glanced at each other with glances of interest as if an opportunity had opened up. Bill waved his hand in front of (Y/n)'s face and she snatched it, " I'm fucking deaf not blind, you idiot. "

He jerked his hand back before smirking at Legoshi, " You're an animal of action, not words, right? "

Legoshi stared confused,
" What? ... Oh. "

The tiger questioned, returning to his position by the guys on the ground, " You slept with (Y/n), didn't you? There's only one thing we want to know right now. "

" HOW WAS SHE?! " They all leaned in, intrigued as Legoshi got flustered with the thoughts and questions,

" Like was she good? "

" Were you guys in the mood? "

" I always thought you'd stay a virgin forever. "

" Was she aggressive as she usually is? "

Legoshi slowly grew irritated about their personal lives, his eyes rolled as he scoffed, " If this is what you want to talk about then I'm leaving, goodbye. "

The striped feline grasped at his shoulder, " Oh, wait. Don't get mad, we're just curious. "

Silence was given.

" Wait, so you didn't fuck? " Bill knitted his eyebrows before snickering, " No, no, you did. I can smell it on you, you recently fucked her too. "

Legoshi glanced down to the female that swayed her head side to side, innocently as she can't hear a thing, " Why do I have to tell you guys? " He stood up upset,

" I'm not taking any part of this vulgar stuff! It was way more than that. "

" My memories of that night were so valuable! That I claim her forever mine. " He stood proud and tall.

The male carnivores sweatdropped at the fact that he revealed himself without even realizing it. Aoba shook his head as he narrowed his vision towards the wolf, " Hey, did you save her because you loved her or because it was instinct? "

Legoshi looked back down onto his lap as he watched her drinking her can of pop, a smile was brought to his face.

" I truly love her. "

His eyes lift off his girlfriend before turning to the eagle, " I risked my life for her, Aoba and I would risk it any other day for her. "

" When we first met her, she was one of the most blunt students. She was often getting into trouble with her teachers and had a sharp tongue but then that day... My heart dropped when I saw her bruised and in fear. "

" (Y/n) is never in fear so it completely showed that she too is vulnerable, I saw it- no one else. She still has trouble sleeping now and stays awake for caution. I can't leave her alone because I love her Aoba, I have to protect her so I can never see that expression again. "

The males watched him with admiration, Aoba nodded his head with a smile, " I'll take your word for it. "

Legoshi released a sneeze, receiving a small 'bless you' from the female that regained her hearing. The male canine scrunched his nose into his tissue and the eagle watched with concern, " What, are you sick? "

" Yeah, my nose isn't working. "

The female scratched her ears as she still heard a slight piercing noise in her hearing but she can finally join conversations, " Oi, what I miss? "

" That lover boy here is in love with you. " Tao motioned towards Legoshi and she lifted her head, placing a kiss onto his jaw.

" I'm not surprised, I mean look at Bill- he loves me and I don't even have stripes. "

The tiger began to ramble about her assumptions but they all ignored his frantic yelling. (Y/n) snickered, once more scratching her ears, " Hey, let's go to my dorm? "

Legoshi nodded his head and they both said their farewells, leaving the rooftop. The couple walk hand in hand, swinging them up and down through the hallways and she sighs, " Have I ever told you that I hate you? "

Panic ran through his face and she smiled, " Because I love you. "

Her boyfriend sighs with relief, leaning down to kiss her head as they walked through the academy, " And I love you. "

The two stop at an opening space with a large set of pillars to reveal the sky, the female tucks her hands behind her back which held Legoshi's and he removes his hand, moving his hand onto her waist before leading her to the window.

" Look at the moon. "

(Y/n) sat on the ledge allowing Legoshi to sit on the opposite so they could both view each other. The two swap smiles before narrowing their eyes to the sky.

Legoshi couldn't help but stare at her, the moon reflecting onto her (eye color) hues which glistened as she watched with interest. Her lips were slightly parted as if her breath was taken away.

She was beautiful.

He leaned forwards, basically crawling over to her and she sank back against the wall, " Legoshi.. " She breathed out. His hands gripped the pillar behind her while her hands flew to his cheeks.

" I'm in love with you. " He told her.

" And I'm in love with you. " She told him.

And with that, their lips locked under the moonlight. Legoshi slipped his tongue, dancing with her own as they fought for dominance. Her hands moved to his shoulders, gripping his shoulder blades and he clawed the wall behind her.

They pulled away, slightly panting as a string connected from their lips. She laughed to herself, pecking his lips.

" Just saying, for someone who was a virgin and had packed kissing skills, you're too fucking good at it. " She snickered, making him roll his eyes at her statement.

Legoshi yawned to himself before questioning, " So your dorm? "

The couple walked hand in hand through the academy grounds by the trees, simply laughing and joking around. The pair were truly best friends, soulmates.


(Y/n)'s ears caught the sound, once again flying her hands to her ears trying to block out the noise but it grew louder and louder. Legoshi couldn't hear a thing so he glanced around as his hands flew to cover her own.


It grew louder and louder.

Her eyes squeezed tightly shut with her fangs barking against each other, " This shit fucking hurts. " She whimpered then her hearing went completely blank.

Her hands swatted his, motioning that she can't hear a thing then he began to hear huffing behind them. Legoshi turned around and immediately shoved (Y/n) to the side to avoid getting attacked so he took the hit.

Legoshi flew to the ground, trying to crawl towards (Y/n) as even she began to panic at the fact that she couldn't hear. Even better couldn't make out a scent due to being sick.

(Y/n) was immediately kicked on the back, forcing her onto the ground and her boyfriend snapped his neck, with an incoming foot to the face, stomping on the canine's facial features.

The female got back up only to be met with a fist on the side of her face.

She dropped down, her eyes darkened as she tried to make out an image but her vision blurred, then another fist to the side of her face and she dropped, completely blacked out as if they felt back to hurt her.

Twisting and turning on the wolf's face, as he got stomped on, he had thoughts.

' He got me! Is he trying to prevent me from seeing him? '

' Is he the killer? '

' He's big. '

' This is bad. '

' (Y/n), please be okay. '

As the shoe dug into the wolf's face, Legoshi made out the words, " Who are you.. " As he panted heavily for the questions, " Hey! "

He groaned as he couldn't move his body from the pressure of being captive.

' What?! '

' The pressure from his foot is paralyzing my entire body!! '

' Shit. '

His body turned as he was kept still, then a fist flew straight to the wolf's eye. Wrapping a blindfold on the wolf, not allowing him to see.

' What's happening? '

' What's that sound? '

' Somethings being dragged on the ground?! '

His leg was then picked up, dragging him and Legoshi put the pieces together, as he bled from his nose.

This guy knew Legoshi had a cold and that his nose wouldn't be able to be used, they also knew that (Y/n) had sensitive hearing acknowledging she can easily grow deaf with the amount of high pitch.

They clearly planned this attack against the canines.

The wolf tried kicking his leg at the mysterious figure and they jerked his leg and threw Legoshi onto the wall, Legoshi stood up from the ground as he panted as his face and nose drew blood, stringing onto the flooring. " Is this a threat? " He panted, " Is this you saying, don't pursue me? "

" You seem very confident about your strength. " He spat blood, " But I don't see what you're trying to do by beating me and my girlfriend while we're disabled. " He told the figure.

" As a fellow carnivore, I am ashamed. "

Legoshi stood there as he was blinded by the cloth, " If you're out to kill more herbivores in this school, then you'll have to kill me first. " The figure huffed one anger,

" I will stop your murders if it's the last thing I do. " He spat.

Legoshi's mind flashed images of Tem, Els, every herbivore friend he had but the only carnivore that he truly loved and lastly (Y/n).

Where she laid paralyzed and naked due to the lions.

Where she was now unconscious laying beside him.

He was driven crazy in the head.

The figure had bashed his head into Legoshi's, throwing him against the wall. Legoshi's head squirted with blood as he got hit.

Legoshi grabbed the mysterious animal and licked at his teeth, to gain his saliva.

' He surpasses me in strength, so I can't use force to find out his identity. But I can at least find clues using my sense of taste and touch. '

Legoshi thought to himself as he held the animal against him, trying to get at his teeth and saliva.

' How's his teeth?! Does it taste like meat? GIVE ME YOUR SALIVA. '

Was the thoughts the male had and the figure fought against the wolf and bashed his jaw against his, allowing himself to resist against Legoshi. Throwing him to the side.

The figure ran as Legoshi heard the footsteps get quieter and quieter. ' I'm guessing he got scared and ran away. '

' I've got to stay conscious. I got to remember this flavor. ' Legoshi then groaned as he rolled to his side, ' If I knew I would have to kiss this guy, I would've definitely savored my kiss with (Y/n). ' He laid on his side as he bled onto the ground.

He slowly patted beside him, trying to see if he could grasp onto his girlfriend and he finally felt a limp body. He began to feel on her form for her chest, trying to meet for a pulse which was beating slowly.

Weakly pushed himself towards her body, holding her against his own.

The two wolves were both down when most vulnerable.

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