Forgiveness (Under revision)

By capricornwriter

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This is a story based off of Hunger Games and Divergent. Right. How could I forget. I was turning sixteen tod... More

Author's Note and Trailer
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Update! (This isn't a chapter, sorry)
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
New Books!!!
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Fifteen

31 8 16
By capricornwriter

"About what?" I asked Hunter.

"About... today," he mumbled to me.

"Okay. . .what about today?"

"Well, you know I helped you. I also tried to- uh- tried to kill you,"


"Well, I want you to know that I care about you. That day when we met. . .I was just nervous. I didn't mean to..." he started, but doesn't finish. He looked about to burst into tears. I thought he was that tough guy you would see in schools. I guess I was wrong. But it wasn't like I was going to let him off that easily. But. . .then again, he did help me. We were even now, right?

And when I looked up into Hunter's pleading eyes I no longer felt anger, but sympathy for him.

"I know, and I forgive you," I said in my best sympathetic voice. I was never good at sympathy. That was more of Everest's thing.

"Thank you. I just wanted you to know something though,"

"What?" I asked him.

"I want you to know that I... sort of like you,"

Shoot. He didn't just say that. He couldn't have just said that. I gaped. Three boys liked me now? Was this a dream? A nightmare? I knew I was once pretty, when I lived in Aragon with my parents. Our family was one of the richest there, and I was quite popular. It was rare for girls to have such rich brown hair along with lively green eyes, which was why our family was famous for our beauty and wealth.

After my parents died and I was abandoned to an old shack in Syra, my beauty seemed to be lost under a thick layer of grime. I'd no longer be attractive, I was thought of as a poor girl, working at a antique shop to get money, and depending on a rule breaker for meat and my sanity.

And when I stared at Hunter that sensation came back. The power I felt when I was once a spoiled and rich girl. An attractive and pretty girl.

And so I met his gaze. The rumors were true. I should have known. I should have seen that coming. I shouldn't have let him go that far. I shouldn't have let him say that. I just stood there gaping like an idiot. He ran his hand nervously through his brownish blonde hair.

I stood there staring at him. I didn't want this. I didn't want Finn or Hunter to like me. Yeah, sure, I was blessed with good genes, but I didn't want this many people liking me. They both broke up with their girlfriends for me. I didn't want that. That was how to make enemies 101! Especially sense I made a promise to Audrey. I didn't want either of them.

No. I wanted Everest. And even then, I hadn't even made up my mind. I was far too young to decide my love life right then. I had much time to decide, to date around, to have my heart broken and repaired.

"What about Alondra?" I asked him. I knew the answer. I just wanted to hear it from his mouth.

"We broke up," he said, gaze dropping to the floor. I sighed.


"Because... I like you,"

That was such a dumb reason. I didn't want this. I wanted them to be happy with the people they were with before. I didn't want to be with them. It was too much stress. Maybe it would be better if I just give up on a love life and swear to be single.

"That... isn't a good reason," I deadpanned.

"It is. I don't want to be in a relationship that I don't care about. Especially when I like you. I've never really liked Alondra, but everybody was getting girlfriends and she was the only one who was willing to be mine," he told me with an angry tone. I could see why she was the only one. Sure, he was hot, but he had a temper. His personality was far from kind. You could see it by the glower he gave innocents passing by. I wanted to say it out loud but then I remembered that he had just helped me a few hours ago.

"I know. I just don't. . .don't like you the same way. I just don't want to be the person keeping you guys apart,"

"Why don't you like me? Is it because of Finnian Azvameth?" he glared, saying Finn's name as if it were poison. He was getting mad. This was bad. But I was angry too. So I shouted back. Back then, things were different we were young, immature, and naive. We knew little to nothing about real love.

"No! I don't like Finn!" this was ridiculous. Everest and I used to make fun of those girls out on the street yelling and arguing over boys and crazy stuff like that. And now. . .I was one?

"Yeah okay, If you say so. I know you like someone. You're just not telling me," he glared. I was so tired of his sick games.

"Fine. I like Everest! Okay, are you happy?"

"Everest. Who's Everest?" he asked me, looking genuinely curious. I shouldn't have said that.

"He was my friend in Syra. He lives in Benile," I was getting a headache now. He stared. That's when it happened. He cornered me to a wall and took my face into his hands and. . .kissed me. I wasn't expecting that. I am too shocked to move, as a bitter taste landed on my tongue.

When I came back to my senses I wriggled free of his grip. He was stronger though, and held me in place, lips still on mine. I growled and wrapped my leg around his. I twisted it and he tripped and fell. Who was I kidding? Hunter wasn't trying to apologize, he was just trying to get away with sexual assault!

I scrambled away from him. Just then a bead from my necklace fell. The brown one. It fell to the floor.

A hand came around the bead, scooping it up. I looked up. Only then, did I realize that we had a crowd surrounding us. Everybody saw him kiss me. As for the hand that took the bead. . . that was Alondra. She smiled as she cups the bead in her hand. I didn't care. I still had three more.

I studied the room. Alondra crossed her arms and walked over to where Hunter laid on the floor. I tripped him harder than I meant to. He fell on his face, blood splattered against the stone floors. I might have broken his jaw or nose.

I felt guilt build in my stomach until I reminded myself what he did to me. I turned away from him and push through the crowd. I missed all my morning classes today. The bell was going to ring any minute to signal lunch. I was right. Just then the bell rang. I walked with my head down towards the lunch room, ignoring the gazes that followed me, and the murmurs that surrounded me. I couldn't take all this stress.

When I reached the lunchroom , and I felt an arm wrap around my shoulder. I pushed it away. I didn't want to see anyone right now. I didn't want to talk to anyone right now.

"Hey," Finn said behind me, attempting to touch me again. I shoved him away. He sighed.

"Is this about something I said?"

"No. Something happened with... Hunter," I mumbled, hoping he won't ask me what happened. But of course, he does.

"What did he do now," Finn growled. His voice sounded so inhumanly wolf -like it scared me.

"He. . .kissed me,"

"Did you like it?" he asked, sounding worried. Was he seriously asking me that? Did I like it? Of course I didn't

"No! That's why I am not in the mood to talk to anyone," I replied,

"I'll kill him," his voice was that creepy growl again. I shouldn't have told him. They'd get into a whole other fight over me again, and I wouldn't be able to handle it. Each day I was breaking more and more. Darkness surrounded me, drowning out the hope that had built up inside me for so many years. I remembered running through the woods with Everest.

Things were so much better back then. When I let hope build in me day after day getting bigger. Waiting for the day the test would tell me Benile. The day I could live in a real house with Everest. The day we could get married, have children, be happy. It was just kind of expected from both of us. We both thought it would happen. We both knew.

Little did we know that I would end up cursed. A fifth elemental. Dangerous. Back to live another miserable life in secret. And Everest still didn't know. I could be dead for all he knew.

"Don't. I know what he did, just don't bother him. I'm fine," I said, I didn't need more drama in my life. I felt like I was living a movie or story. My life had been too dramatic.

"If you say so. Go get something to eat you can rest in my class today," he told me kindly. Though when he said "if you say so" he didn't sound very convinced.

"Thank you," that was the last time I spoke during the meal. Audrey, Brooklyn, Amara, and Aria ignored me, and Finn stayed quiet. The food was amazing as usual, and I stuffed myself, since I didn't have to worry about class after that.

When the bell rang, Finn walked me to his class. I was glad I had people who cared about me. I was glad that I have people who love me. I just didn't want it like this. I wanted love, yes, but I didn't want a ton of boys liking linking me. Most girls would have considered me lucky that all these boys would like to be with me. I didn't feel lucky one bit. I guessed that was part of being a fifth elemental though. You were never lucky. Never.

When we reached the classroom everybody was already there, chattering away. When we entered, the room fell silent. Guess that was what happened when you decided to walk in with the trainer. Sometimes I forgot that he was a trainer. Sometimes I forgot that trainers had lives too. Sometimes I forgot that other people had lives as well. I was so selfish, I despised it.

Finn ignored everybody's stares as if he was used to it. Maybe he was.

He walked me to the front of the room where the "trainers chair" was sitting on a platform. He sat me down and stood beside me. I felt myself grow flushed when I realized everybody's eyes were trained on me. I was usually not the shy type, but it felt wrong sitting on a teacher's chair.

Then I remembered Meredith's words. She wanted to make me a trainer one day. That wouldn't be very good.

"Today we will be working with your knives at three. Last class I observed you didn't do very well at five," Finn announced to everyone. I sat there on the chair with Finn standing beside me, observing the class. Audrey was busy with her knife. She aimed and did a practice throw. I observed how she moved her hands. Her stance was too enclosed, her feet were practically pressed together. Her aim was way off; her arm should have been at least three inches more to the right. She threw it and missed by a long shot. Finn sighed when he saw her.

He gave me a look before walking up to her.

"Hold your hands like this," Finn explained to her, holding Audrey's hand in his and aiming them to the target. Even with Finn helping, Audrey missed by two inches. I got up from my seat and make my way over to them.

"Try widening your stance, keep your legs separated," I instructed. Surprisingly, she did as I said.

"I think the way Finn is trying to get you to hold the dagger is a harder position. Try angling your hand and keep your arm a bit more to the right. Also have a tighter grip, and when you throw let your wrist do the most movement," I continued, and she corrected herself. I studied her. She would still miss the bullseye by a few centimeters, so I helped position her myself. Once she was perfect I instructed her to throw. She did, and hit the bullseye just as I expected. Finn's arm draped around my shoulder.

"You're a better trainer than I am," he complimented. I laughed at that.

"I learned from the best! Everest was amazing at knife throwing. Even better than me, and that's saying something," I joked. But Finn didn't laugh. He didn't even smile. He just withdrew his arm and nodded at me. He turned and walked away from Audrey and I, stalking off to the next trainee. Oh. Ohhh. I shouldn't have mentioned Everest.

I moved back to the chair. I looked away from him and fixed my eyes on another part of the room. People threw knives at fake people. Whenever the knife hit a fetal position blood splattered the ground, making me cringe. Finn came back next to me and continued studying. Luckily, he doesn't show any anger on his face.

We watched them. I'd never felt so useless. I stared at Finn until I caught his attention.

"Do you need something?"

"Can I train? I think I'm feeling better now."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes," with that, Finn led me over to some targets for me to practice. I took out my knife and hit them. Finn watched the whole time.

"Try to go a little faster, don't pause between every target," Finn said, expertly. I did as he said, turning around hitting one target and then hitting another target right behind me, all within three seconds. Apparently it wasn't good enough for him though.

"It seems like your good enough here. Let me take you over to ten," he said. I followed him over to another section labeled ten. There was a giant roped off place there. Finn led me right past it and into a glass room. Inside there were targets on every wall.

I looked around, targets surrounded me. He smiled.

"Here, let me try the first level to this room. All you have to do is hit all the moving targets. The targets will be advancing on you. Normally they are fake humans but since you refuse to hit them I changed it for you," Finn explained. I nodded and took the knife into my hand. He gave me a small bag that was full of knives that matched my original one.



I saw Finn press some buttons on the walls. The room went dark. Then things started to come to life. The targets moved from the walls towards me. Every single one of them. They were closing in on me. I hit the one closest to me and it disappeared. A hologram.

I turned quickly and threw, jamming one of my knives straight through another. I took another and continued to throw them, turning in a full circle until I'd hit every single one, even adding a few cartwheels here and there. Mostly, I was showing off. Once they all disappeared, the lights came back on and I was standing in front of Finn.

"Very good. Do you think you can handle the second level? This time they're fake humans," he asked me. Fake humans. I'd never hit one in my life. Could I do this? I gave him a nod.

"I can handle it," I said. I couldn't though, and we both knew it. He was about to press the buttons when I stopped him.

"Can I ask you a question?" I asked, my voice echoing off of the glass walls.

"Go ahead,"

"What happens when the fake people. . .get to you?" I asked. He stared, a sly grin forming.

"Guess you'll have to find out," he said, before pressing the button. I opened my mouth to argue but it was to late. That jerk.
The room went dark. I lifted my knife and looked around. None of the targets moved. I turned in a full circle, examining for anything. Then I saw it. A small movement in the corner of my eye. It was a human. And it looked so real. It smiled at me, a gun in it's hand. It lifted it's hand, ready to fire.

What happened if it shot? Was there a real bullet? I didn't want to know. Adrenaline surged through my veins. My instincts took over as I took my knife and hurled it at the human. It dropped to the floor in a pile of blood. I gagged at the sight. Nausea overwhelmed me at the sight of blood. I turned around just in time to see another person slash at me with a sword. I threw a knife through it's chest just as the blade grazed my neck. There were a bunch more humans advancing towards me. They aren't real. I told myself. They weren't. I pictured them as targets. They were moving towards me, weapons in hand. I threw my knife and turned around, not bothering to see if it hit it. I threw another. And another. And another.

The next thing I knew I was standing in the middle of a circle of bodies and blood. More humans appeared but I'd given up already. I collapsed to the floor and sobbed. This was to overwhelming for me to handle. I didn't enjoy being surrounded by corpses and blood, unlike the rest of the fifth elementals. The lights turned on and I saw Finn. I must've looked like a sick mess, because he rushed over to me and put an arm around my shoulder.

"Are you okay? You did great today. Do you need to stop? Should I take you to the medics?" he asks with a worried tone.

"No. No, I'm fine, you don't have to worry. It's just the blood," I reassured him, wiping my eyes. He nodded and walked me out of the room. When I walked out people were watching us.

"How did you do that?" Audrey asked.

"Do what?"

"Hit all those people. The only one who can do that is Finn," Audrey told me. They saw that? I guess it was a glass room but I didn't expect people to be watching. Shoot, I'd been crying. Did they all see that too?

"I don't know. I guess I just. . .thought of the people as targets," I mumbled to her. She walked away to the rest of the crowd without saying a word. I wondered if she was mad at me again.

I went back to sitting in the chair in the front of the room while Finn and I watched the others train. When the bell rang everybody practically ran out of the room. Finn walked beside me, silent. I tried my best to ignore him and focus my mind on rest time. Hopefully I'd be able to actually get some rest this time instead of playing games with the rest of them. Finn walked me to my door. When I entered though, he followed. The girls were sitting in a circle playing a card game.

"Hey, do you mind if I take Eila to my room?" Finn asked, surprising us all. Audrey narrowed her eyes but Brooklyn put on a friendly smile.

"Of course," Brooklyn answered. I had to hide my groan. Since when did they decide what I did for rest time?

Finn walked me down the hall, and stopped at the door. He opened it, and peeked inside. It was silent, and I wondered who he lived with.

"I brought a friend with me," Finn announced to whoever's in there. There was some grunting and then Finn led me in. I almost walked right out.

Hunter was sitting on a couch a few feet away. I locked eyes with him and he gave me a grin. I stood there in complete shock. Only once I felt Hunter's hand around my waist, do I come to my senses. I glared at the wall as I kicked my leg up, tripping him again. He knew better this time and instead of falling he just stumbled away. That was good enough for me.

I walked to the far side of the room, as far as I could get from Hunter. Hunter lived with Finn? I stared. Why didn't he tell me this? And why did he bring me here in the first place, even after knowing what Hunter did?

Silence hung in the air, and there was a protective feel in the room. Finn walked up to me and glared at Hunter. I was so not up for this.

"What was that for?" Finn asked Hunter. And helloooo migraine.

"Nothing. It was nothing. I was just. . .greeting her,"

"With a hug? Seriously Hunter, you've never hugged or touched anyone by will. Nobody except for Alondra," Finn said, placing a protective hand on my back. I didn't move away, scared I would anger him if I did. Hunter glowered at that movement, as he picked himself off the floor.

"Whatever," Hunter said sitting back down on the couch.

"I know about the kiss."

"You do?" Hunter's eyes widen in shock. 

"Yes, I do. And don't think you're getting away with it," Finn told Hunter in a cold voice. Oh no he didn't. I told him to leave Hunter alone!

I just stood there, useless as ever, wishing I could teleport myself to a different room. I didn't want to be trapped in a room along with Hunter and Finn. It sounded like a nightmare. Maybe If I was quiet enough they'd forget that I was in here.

"I'm going to go now," Hunter said, trying to slip away. Of course Finn didn't let him. Soon enough Finn had Hunter pinned to a wall. I stood there and watched, unmoving.

"You don't ever touch her again. Hear me?" Finn asked Hunter in the darkest voice I'd ever heard from him. And that was saying a lot.

Great, now his protective mode was on. I could fend for myself! I was strong!

"Yes Finnian," Hunter said, sounding a whole lot more confident than he should be.

"Don't call me that," Finn snarled. I cowered.

"Oh? You don't like me calling you Finnian Azvameth?" Hunter taunted. Facepalm cue. Seriously, Finn was bad with his anger issues, but Hunter taunting him only made it worse. I wanted to bury my head in my hands. But I didn't . I had to stay still. Why did Hunter pick this time to tease him?

Finn released a low growl, making a shudder rip through my body.

"What are you going to do Finnian? Punch me or something? You know you'll get in trouble," Hunter teased. I cringed, and pressed my body more into the wall, wishing I could disappear.

"Try to get me Finnian," Hunter taunted again. What was he doing? Begging to be hurt? Finn had it this time. He threw a punch straight for Hunter's face. I looked away. Nothing seemed to happen so I looked back. Finn missed. 
"Wow. I thought you did good in physical combat? I guess not," Hunter joked. Okay. This guy was just asking for it. I gave up on staying still, and facepalmed. Finn glared.

"I'm going to get you for this," he snarled, taking a rope from his belt. He tied it around Hunter's wrist, keeping him in place. Then he took his knife, stepped away and let it fly. It missed his neck just barely. He grinned, and I knew he missed on purpose. He wanted to play with Hunter first. I had to stop this.

Finn threw yet another knife at Hunter, this one closer. I shuddered as I made my move. Finn threw his last knife, and I jumped up and caught it mid flight. The knife clattered to the floor.

"Stop," I said firmly. He looked shocked. Probably forgot I was in the room.

"Stop," I repeated, moving to place a hand on his arm. He wrenched away quickly.

"Why? He hurt you. I'm going to hurt him,"

"No. Don't. Hurting the other won't make anything better. Just leave him alone," I insisted. He heaved a sigh and stayed in place. He knew I was right.

"Fine, but I'm reporting him to Vanessa," he grumbled, as he strode over to Hunter and untied his hands. When Hunter was untied, he sprints toward the door.

"That's right. Run. I don't want to see you for the rest of the night or I might continue this when Eila's not around. You're lucky she forgave you or your neck wouldn't still be intact," Finn warned. Hunter nodded before disappearing into his room.

When Finn turned toward me, I backed away a little. He might still be angry. You didn't want to be alone in a room with a strong guy that has anger issues, trust me. He ran a hand through his hair as he advanced toward me. I moved away. When he saw my movement he froze and sighed.

"I know what I did to Hunter was. . .wrong. I just. . .felt protective of you. Hunter can be very violent with those things. I didn't want you to be afraid of me," Finn said in a soft tone. I let out a sigh at the knowledge that Finn wouldn't hurt me. Not that I'd let him if he tried.

"I know. I'm not afraid. I'm just tired, do you mind If I lay down?"

"Of course not, Do you want to go back to your room?" he asked. I gave him a grateful nod as he half carried half walked me back to my room.

When I reached my room, Audrey, Brooklyn, Amara, Aria, and Finn were all surrounding me with worried whispers. I couldn't make out anything they' were saying but I knew it has to do with earlier today. My head was swimming and I felt dizzy. Probably from what happened earlier today. I was just overwhelmed by stress is all.

I felt Brooklyn laying me on the bed. Then everything went black.

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