Professor Merlin

By stories795

129 6 0

From dawn of time their have been stories of Emrys, the warlock born of magic the greatest warlock of all tim... More

The interview
Diagon Alley

Visit to gringotts

27 1 0
By stories795

Myrddin knew it was a good idea to go back to England. He just didn't wanted to leave his friends that he had made along the way. He said goodbyes to everyone and send letters to whom he couldn't meet. When he came back to England, he went to look for his home. He followed his feelings and with a little help from his magic he was able to find his house. It was frustrating him because he thought he would remember who he was by now. He sighed and walked in to his amazement the door opened without even needing a key. He was on alert thoughts going everywhere from its isn't his house to someone else might be living there. He stopped at the door took out his wand, and let his magic flow through the house to see if anyone's there, it was empty. Myrddin sighed and relaxed before turning sad. He hadn't met anyone who knows him; yet. He went inside to explore and realised it bigger on the inside than the out. He decided to order food and get refreshed before it arrives. By the time his door bell ringed he was setting his bedroom. He went to sleep after finishing his food. It's had been a long and tiring journey. When he was sleeping he dreamt about a castle of the likes he had not seen before he felt peaceful at the image in his mind and slept with a small smile on his face. When in morning he woke up he was in good mood and decided to explore the library to find something about himself and the castle. That was when he found the book 'guide to the modern magical community'. Which was quite useful for Myrddin. He found a place called Diagon Alley and how to enter it through the Muggle world. So he thought that's a place to start as any other. When he walked through the Leaky Cauldron. He started to remember a little bit. He could tell he had been here before too and not just once but many times over the years and he had a feeling that he had been there when this was first built. But then he walked in front of the counter the bartender nodded and waved his way to which he nodded and waved back and thought 'may be they knew me' but he didn't wanted to ask and followed the couple who were talking about going to Diagon Alley and they walked to the back of the shop where he saw them tapping the bricks and suddenly the wall started to wiggle and it opened to a busy street. 'This is quite different than France'. And walked in there were many many shops and street was crowded.
The first place he went there was the bank Gringotts to settle his affairs. When he entered the bank the goblins bowed to him he bowed back. He knew that goblins don't just bow to anyone, his friends told him about it when he first went to the bank and that was the first time they had shown respect to a wizard, he had joked back than about that they knew he was a good person so they respected him for that. To this day he had not figured out what it was that the goblins bowed for. He never asked but he respected them for their hard work and contribution to Wizarding community. He went to the nearest goblin who was free and stood there as the goblin was busy with work. He was not in hurry, he had time he could wait. When the goblin looked up to see the Wizard waiting he was startled as wizards never wait they just come and disturb whatever the goblins are doing, but he recognised the aura and knew who he was so he asked "what can i do for you Mr. Emrys?"
"Hello i am Myrddin Ambrosias, i would like to visit my vault."
"Yes very well if you could wait a moment here."
"No problem take as much time as you need."
Myrddin waited in front of the desk while the goblin disappeared for a while for the time being Myrddin looked around the bank trying to remember and getting few flashes as an answer and so whispering crimson vault. He was intrigued by that he had never heard such a thing. He read about the bank but he never read about vaults with words they are always numbers and keys which he tried to find but couldn't. He just hoped that the goblins would not mind him losing it, as he doesn't even remember having it on him or at the house. While he was lost in thoughts the head of the bank came, everyone around him started whispering but Myrddin was too lost in his thoughts to acknowledge that. "Lord Emrys, what would you have us do for you?" The bank head of the bank asked politely bowing to him. Myrddin was startled from his thoughts he was never addressed like this before and got uncomfortable for a moment than start to compose himself. And bowed in respect to the head of the bank and asked "sorry but my name is Myrddin Ambrosias and i would like to visit my vault, if it isn't to much trouble."
"Of course. Would you have key for the vault?"
"No sir I actually lost it, you see I lost my memories and i tried finding my key for the vault and was unsuccessful, I apologise for in convincing."
"Lord Ambrosias, your vault doesn't have a key but a name if you don't remember that is also fine because it will not open to any but you. As the key to your vault is actually for magic signature. It's the oldest vault in this bank."
"Ahh... does Crimson vault mean anything to you?"
"Yes that would be all if you would follow me please."
Myrddin followed the head of the bank before think that he doesn't even know his name
"Excuse me, i didn't catch your name."
"Not many Wizards would care for the name of the goblin lord ..Em... Ambrosias , but I already know you are unlike any wizard/warlock ever known, names Grordik. The goblin Grordik replied back while opening a narrow door. "Please just call me Myrddin. But can i ask you something."
"Sure, what would you like to know?"
"Why do you keep calling me Lord or Emrys?"
"To all the magical creatures your are Lord Emrys. Anyone who is a creature of old religion would recognise you as Emrys." Grordik answered and turned to open the gate for the cart he moved to sit behind him with more questions in mind than answers. But his interest perked up realising that it would be like Muggle roller coaster. And was grinning like a child forgetting all the questions he had before for the time being. Grordik took a look at his face and smiled softly. He remembered when he took over the bank the last head had told him about Lord Emrys, how he was like- confident, respectful to everyone but never to those who harm others for selfish gain. Also, how he like the cart that took the costumers to their vaults. Even if he didn't remember who he was Emrys character remained the same, he came to respect Lord Emrys more then before. He also remembered how the last head had told what it felt like to be in the presence of Emrys, the calm and happiness he is feel at the moment is nothing compared to his own magic, he was feeling more connected to earth and magic than he ever felt in his life.
Myrddin thought that if ever he was left here he would be lost and also made a list of what he can never do or where to never work. But he enjoyed the ride. But at some point it felt like it was never gonna end and he wasn't sure if he wanted to. He was able to feel magic from every single corner, surface of this place. When the cart came to a stop Grordik stepped out and Myrddin followed the stood there facing a blank wall. When a memory flushed in front of in mind and did just that. He touched the surface of the wall which turned out be a door Myrddin looked at Grordik with questions in his eyes but found that Grordik was looking to the other side of the wall to give him privacy. So he said before stepping in "i would be back in few." And stepped through the wall/door to his vault. When he stepped in his vault his jaw dropped to the floor. There were so many things there from riches to painting to furniture which looked at least centuries and centuries old, and many many different artefacts, staffs to crystals crowns to rings of so many different kinds, more than half of those things were magical he could feel it radiating from them but he was confused he could not feel this out of the vault. Their were so many different books. Some of them looked hand written. Preserved in time by magic. He cleared his mind and went to pick things he took the some money from the heap of mountain of the coins,(some means quite a lot because he is rich he doesn't know any better) and he went to one of the two staffs as if they were calling him to pick them up he thought for a moment then picked up the one which had ruins written on it the staff had magic of its own powerful magic, he didn't took the other one which had a blue crystal on top. Then he went to the books he took few of them which felt right to him he put all of these in his extendable bag he also took few other things which felt right to him. He also wanted to take the cream white crystal, it had it's own pull but he decided to listen to the small part of his brain to not to touch them. As he was looking around for the last time he looked at the far end of the vault he went towards it but near the door there was a note stating that that place hold dark artefacts. He left it at that and backed away and went to join Grordik outside the wall.
"Why don't I feel the magic outside of the room." Myrddin asks
"The vault was created to keep it hidden if anything happens to you or if you are under someone control the wards will know that and you will not be allowed inside. It's also made so that no one knows that this vault exists no one other than you can enter. The thing inside the vault are treasures of more than a thousand years Lord Emrys. It is designed to keep everything inside safe and so that it never falls into wrong hands. It's not just for safe keeping but from preventing things from evil. Even the purest of artefacts can be used for evil."
"Thank you for the information i would never disclose the existence of this vault to a living soul. However i would like to open one more vault, if it is possible for the money not all of it just a reasonable amount to keep there so if ever i come here just for that with someone else we can visit the other vault rather than coming here, i am sure you have many things to do than to walk costumer here it take a lot of time."
"It's not a problem to come here with you Lord Emrys, it's an honour. I trust you would not, of course. And i can help you in opening another vault on your demand it won't be a problem. And i will give you an enchanted bag from which you and only people you give your permission can access your other vault. So you don't have to worry about coming here every time you need to withdraw something. However it will not count on this vault, i am sure you will approve. And it is also a good thing we discussed this here rather than in my office even walls have ears."
"Thank you so much, you really are a great help, i hope we can become friends in near future as I don't know many people here yet. Would you be able to come at my place for a cup of tea or something. It would be wonderful to know you."
"Thank you for the invitation Lord Emrys. I will inform you when i would be free to come and if you are free for the company.we should go back."
"Yes, I apologise for taking so much of your time."
"It's not a problem, Lord Emrys."
"Please call me Myrddin ."
"All right than .... Myrddin ."
On the way back Myrddin was enjoying as much as when they came. Myrddin knew he would be disappointed now when he would go to ride Muggle roller coaster.

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