oooo baby baby: merder

By swiftxanatomy

70.5K 1.1K 172

merder wants a baby.. but will they get what they want? More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Part 11

Chapter 10

4.7K 90 15
By swiftxanatomy

Meredith's POV:

It's been a rough past two hours. it's been incredibly painful and i'm really tired, but what else is new? Derek dosed off next to me in the bed, i'm not real sure if he's been sleeping for long, or at all. 

"Derek..." I moaned, trying to find his hand to squeeze it. 

He woke up, and got up off the bed sitting in the chair next to it, holding onto my hand the whole time. 

"Breathe, it'll be over soon." He said running his hands through my hair, which helped me relax a bit. 

As my contraction ended, the nurse walked in. 

"Hey Mer how are you feeling?" Kylah asked. 

"I feel like 2 7 pound children are trying to squeeze through my body, so you know not great." I answered her. 

"I feel ya girl. Mind if I check you out, make sure everythings moving forward?" 

"Don't really have a choice do I?" I said as she put on a pair of gloves and sat at the end of my bed and lifted my blanket over my legs. I reached for Derek's hand because this is the most uncomfortable feeling ever. 

"Alright try not to move okay?" She said and I squeezed Derek's hand even tighter. "I would say you're about a 4, water still intact, did you want to get an epidural? usually they're given around this time." 

"Nope, all natural, no drugs." I replied. 

"You're a brave one. You guys can go walking around the hospital if you want."

"Oh we will. Thanks Kylah." She left, and I stood up. "Are you coming, or are you just gonna sit there?" I asked Derek. He got up and we started walking around the hospital. 

"I hate you so much right now." I said as I stopped and grabbed the handle on the side of the hallway that connects the two sides of the hospital. " "Damn" I said looking down. "This couldn't have waited until we were'nt being stared at by the whole hospital?" 

"What happened?" Derek asked concerned. 

"My water just broke and half the hospital is staring at me right now and i'm in the middle of a contraction and i'm tired and I just want to have these babies." I said as I slowly leaned on Derek and placed my head on his chest. 

"Why don't we walk back and lay down for a little while?" He said as he kissed me on the forehead. 

We walked back into the room, and I laid back down in the bed, after changing into a new gown.

"I texted Alex and asked him to come by." Derek said. 

"Why? I don't need him. You're still alive, why would I need him?" I asked as I was eating ice chips. 

"He's good to have around." He replied to me. 

"Hey, I got your text what's up?" Alex asked as he walked in the room. 

"You're off the clock right now, I got Robbins to come fill in for you. You're gonna do whatever magical Alex Karev thing that you did to Meredith earlier." 

"What are you talking about? What I did in the waiting room? All I did was push on the pressure point on her back, it eases the pain away from everyone." He replied. 

"Derek..." I said softly as I rolled over on my side and grabbed his hand, while bringing my knees to my chest. Alex came up and pressed the bottom of my back which again, relaxed me so much, it took away most of the pain and it really helped. 

"Thank you, both of you." I said. 

"You're making me stay aren't you?" Alex asked. 

"Yes, I am Alex, and you're not a loud to complain, not until you squeeze 2 watermelons out of your body." 

"Not complaining at all." He said as he walked into the closet and pulled out the rolling chair." 

About 6 hours later, Addison came in to check me and I was at about a 9 and we were almost ready to have the girls. 

"Alex, you don't have to stay for this if you don't want to." I said to him. 

"Shut up, you made me stay for everything else, and you bet your ass i'm going to see it through."

"I swear to god Alex if you look at my vagina once, I will see it through that you will never, ever be able to have kids."

"Fine, I was'nt planning on it anyway."

"Okay, Mer, whenever you feel the need to push, just go for it okay." Addison said. 

"Mhm. I know the drill." I said back to her. 

"Meredith, you got this." Derek said to me. 

"Thanks." I said back. "Okay I need to push." 

"Go for it." Addison said. 

After about 20 minutes baby a slowly started to arrive. 

"Derek Shepherd I swear to god, this is the last time we ever have a kid, your damn penis is literally ripping my whole body apart." I said gritting my teeth, in tons of pain, gribbing on Alex's scrub top. 

"Meredith, breathe." Alex said. I looked at him, and did exactly what he said, and before I knew it, Lilia was born. 

"Meredith, she's gorgeous." Addison said as she cut the cord and handed Lilia to the neonatal nurse to go get checked out and weighed. 

"Derek, go with her." I said to him. 

"Are you sure?" He asked. 

"Positive, Alex is here if I need anything."  WIth that Derek went over to the baby warmer and talked to the nurses and took lots of pictures of Lilia. 

"Mer, you ready? The second baby usually comes fast." 

"Yeah, I know." I said as I grabbed Alex's hand holding on for dear life. 

About 5 minutes later, everything went by really slow. I started to get extremely light headed. 

"Mer, breathe for me." Alex said. "Take deep breathes, in and out." I did exactly what he said. "Better?" He asked. I shook my head. 

And before we knew it Lexie was born and taken over to the same area LIlia was in. Alex never left my side and Derek never let the girls' side. 

"Thank you." I said to Alex. 

"Why are you thanking me?" He asked me. 

"Because, you were my life saver today, and you got me through this." i replied back. 

"Anytime Mer." He said as he walked over to the girls when Derek came back over to me. 

A/N: this is the most i have written in a long long time for this fanfic. im juggling writing this fanfic, my izzex fanfic and a fanfic i'm writing on as well as balancing life and school. i'll try to update as much as I can on here. 

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