Falling For Mr. Popular

By Just_Being_Happy

174K 5.5K 1.1K

Getting detention on the very first day of Senior Year wasn't exactly what Chelsea Davis' planned. Getting d... More

Falling For Mr. Popular
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Hey! How Are You?
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Thirteen

7.5K 255 125
By Just_Being_Happy

~Please kindly put your playlist here~

You're just a daydream away
I wouldn't know what to say if I had you
And I'll keep you a daydream away
Just watch from a safe place
So I never have to lose

~Daydream Away~ All Time Low

Chelsea's P. O. V


I clicked open my iPhone to check what time it was. It read, 12:24pm. Another half an hour or so till I have to pick up Trent.

Pocketing the credit card that my mom left for me, I grabbed the keys for my moms car from the 'Key Bowl' and also grabbing my brown leather messenger bag next to the door.

Exiting the house, I locked the door behind me. I pressed the open lock button the the car key and I heard a click and the head lights flashed twice.

Opening the door to my moms Kia Sportage, I hoped in and put the key into the ignition. Turning the key, I heard the machine purr to life.

Just when I was about to back away from my house, my phone ringed, indicating a message. Before I backed out, I opened my phone to see the message. It was from my mom.

From: Birth Giver

Coming back home tomorrow! My plane leaves at 3 and lands around 11? I was wondering if you can collect me or should I just call Frank? Love and miss you and Trent so so so much! X

Quickly replying, I texted back a simple, "I'll come collect you, me and treat miss you too x"

After I sent the message, I plopped my phone on the passenger seat.

I turned the radio on and the very first track that blasted through the speakers were Mirrors by Pvris.


Holding the debit card just at the tip of the slot. A million thoughts rushing through my head. Like how I was going to explain to my mom how I'm going to take freaking $50,000 from the debit card she gave me.

Before I could pull away, the machine ate the debit card. There is no turning back now. Faith has decided. (Over dramatic, yes, I know.)

I keyed in the pin, and took the amount I needed. A gigantic stash of money appeared, and I quickly took it, and stuffed it into my bag.

I blew a sigh of relief and speed walked to my car. Anything, to stay in that crappy school and get into my dream college, Harvard.

Walking over to the driver seat I put the keys in the ignition and plopped the bag in the passengers seat.


I stayed in my car scrolling through the Tumblr app on my phone while I waited for Trent. Turns out I was around 10 minutes early.

Suddenly, my phone started to play the default ringtone and Katie's caller ID came flashing through the screen.

Pressing the the green button, I answered with a simple, 'Hello?'.

"First of all, why are the Dolan twins so hot and second, can we hang out, I'm bored and very hungry." She ranted.

Rolling my eyes, I chuckled. "Maybe after I collect and drop Trent of at one of his friends house, cause his friend is having a birthday party and quite frankly, I am very offended that I am not invited to this said party."

I heard Katie sigh through the phone. "Get over it, they're like six year olds. Wait, come to think about it, you'll fit right in considering how short you are."

"Oh shut it, you fudge nugget and go make out with your boyfriend."

"Very funny, cause I don't have a boyfriend and plus I'd rather go make out with Ethan Dolan."

"Isn't he like 15? You're 2 years older than him, no way are you going to ever go out with him."

"Age is just a numberrrr." She sang.

"Keep dreaming." I chuckled. Then, the school bell rang, the signal that school for that day has ended. I saw him walking out with a cute little girl and they seem to be giggling. The cutest thing I have ever seen. "Oh I gotta go I'll pick you up around a half an hour, be ready."

"No promises, most likely I'll still be in bed. Anyways, goooodddbbyyyeee." She said before the call finished.

Trent spotted my car and hopped in the backseat. Starting the car, I started of saying, "How was school?" Very stereotypical, but we all know that wasn't the question I wanted to ask.

"Gweat! We did fwinger painting in cwass today!" He yelled excitedly.

"Oh cool! How about that little girl you were just talking with?" I asked innocently, with a knowing smirk.

"I think she's weally pwetty and I weally like her." He blushed and fiddled with his tiny fingers. I chuckled as I excited the parking lot.

I wished love was just as easy as when we were kids.


"Don't beat yourself up about it. You did what you thought was right. I mean, you prevented us from being expelled and not making it to our dream schools. I still wanna keep that scholarship to Harvard. I worked too hard in soccer for the scholarship, just too lose it to some little prank we pulled." Katie tried to comfort while stuffing her mouth with pepperoni pizza at the same time.

"I know, I know, but I just took a huge amount of money from my moms account. It's highly doubtful she won't notice that." I sighed.

Abruptly, Katie stood up. "OH GOD NO."

"What? What's wrong?" I frantically asked.

"I forgot my soccer gear at school." She sighed, her eyes still wide open.

I slumped down my seat. "Really? You got me scared for nothing. Can't you just get it after our 3 weeks suspension?"

"No." She said firmly. "I'm suspended from school, so that means I'm suspended from school soccer training. So, just because I got suspended does not mean I am going to train. You know how much I wanna keep this scholarship. You either go with me to get my gear or stay here and eat while your bestie walks alone where she could be raped or murdered."

I groaned. "Finnnneee, just be happy that I'm such a good best friend." I lifted my hand up weakly at her. She rolled her eyes and pulled me up. Katie grabbed the car keys on the coffee table and passed it at me.

We hopped onto the car and as soon as I turn on the car, Katie took the AUX cord and began jamming out Bucket List by Jack and Jack.

I rolled my eyes at her as she started to scream out the lyrics and fail at the rap parts.

5 minutes later we arrived at school, hopping out of the car. I noticed a very familiar car parked in front of mine. A silver, slick BMW. To be fair, there are multiple cars like that. I probably just saw one on a road or something.

"C'mon you slow poke!" Katie shouted out.

"Coming!" I shouted back before jogging up to her.

We pushed the entrance door opens, luckily everyone was still in class. We rounded the corner to go into the secutarys office to go ask for the keys to the girls changing room.

"Do you ever wonder if we are ever going to see aliens in real life?" Katie asked thoughtfully. Katie grabbed the door handle and pushed the door open open.

"I dunno, I think we are the," My eyes was set on the 6ft tall blonde in the middle of the office. "aliens." I finished shocked.

My throat went dry, as the tension in the room built up.

"Aaron." I breathed out.

"Chelsea, it's great to see you again."

(A:N): DUN DUN DUNNN 👏 Hey guys sorry for not updating in 5 months 😂 I have fallen Of the face of the Earth. Anyways, I hope you like this chapter. ✌️

(Show me some love on snapchat: justbeinghappyy <<< 😂💕)

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