By ngozoma

3.2K 1.9K 613

Gianna Falco gets stuck as she finds out that her father has been seen as a traitor in the most dangerous cri... More

Chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 10 (i)
Authors note.❤❤
chapter 10 (ii)
chapter 11
chapter 12

chapter 9

199 134 50
By ngozoma

I head up to my room to get dressed as it was 5:30 already.

I take out a lilac satin strapless dress from my closet and place it on my bed then head over to the bathroom to shower.
I make sure to wash my hair while in the shower. I wrap a towel around myself and step out of the bathroom when I'm done.

I put on my Victoria secret underwear, then the dress next.
I apply my makeup flawlessly and a little fragrance.
I go to the mirror and stare at my reflection. I think I'm a little  overdressed, considering it's an in-house dinner. It's too late to start undressing and besides I love the way I look.

I check the time and see it's seven o'clock, so I pick up my clutch and head downstairs, to the patio.
The patio was illuminated with golden lights.

He acknowledges me and stands, taking me in slowly which makes me flustered.

'' You look stunning. '' He says as he places a kiss on my hand which leaves a tingling sensation.

'' You don't look too shabby yourself. '' I reply.

He was in a tailored three piece suit, which fits his form perfectly and his hair was styled to perfection. God! he looks so handsome tonight.

He pulls out my chair, I sit and  mutter a thank you.

'' Wine? '' He asks.

I nod, smiling politely.

He pours wine into both glasses and I take sip from mine.
Mafalda appears, and places our food on the table.

'' Pasta Con Pomodoro E Basilico. Your favourite sir. '' She smiles at him.

'' Thank you Mafalda. ''

'' Would you like anything else sir? '' she asks.

'' No that'll be all. ''  He waves her off and returns his gaze to me.

She stands there, hands on her hip, scowling.
Mr Saverio turns when he notices Mafalda's presence.

'' I said that will be all Mafalda. '' He says, a little firmer.
She scoffs and returns inside.

'What's with her?' I thought.

As if reading my thoughts, he says

'' I'm sorry about Mafalda, she's a bit....protective. ''

'' You sound like you know her a little too personally. '' I take a fork of my pasta.

'' Yes I do, she's more of a mother figure than a maid to me, she has taken care of me since I was eight. '' He explains.


'' So Gianna, how has your stay here been? '' He asks.

'' It's okay. '' I shrug.

'' The room is nice, but I can't really say since I've been here for just a couple of hours. '' I add.

'' I'm sorry about what happened in the library. I assure you, I don't condone such behaviours. '' He apologises.

'' It's fine. ''

'' So you wanted to discuss something? '' I ask.

'' About your Father being the traitor.........'' He begins.

'' My dad is not the traitor. '' I snap, cutting him off.

'' We don't know that for sure Gianna. '' He  says calmly.

'' What made you conclude that my dad's the traitor? '' I ask.

'' The missing shipments, the Russians sabotaging our shipments on the day  of delivery, some of our information that were leaked, all these were traced to your house. How do you explain that? '' now he sounded angry.

'' It's not my dad. '' I shake my head.

'' It's your mum then? '' He quirks an eyebrow, sarcasm dripping from this tone.

I didn't even know if that was a joke.

'' My father told me the day the shipment was going on and on that day he took my mum and I for dinner. how would you say he has business with the Russians when he hasn't even met any. Can't you see my father's being set up? '' I say, exasperated.

'' Your alibis are meaningless without evidence. '' He says as a matter of fact.

'' So how do we get this so called evidence? '' I ask.

'' I'll let you know when I come up with a plan. '' He says in a manner of finality.

We both eat in silence with only the sounds of our cutlery clinking against our plate.
The silence was making me nervous so I decided to break it.

'' So tell me about yourself Mr Saverio. '' I say as I take a sip from my glass.

His eyebrows shoots up in surprise and he clear his throat.

'' What would you like to know? '' He asks.

'' Did you always live here? '' I gesture to the mansion.

'' No, I moved here when I was eight. '' He answers.

'' Eight? '' I ask, confused.

'' Yes eight. '' He nods.

'' I lived in Sicily, Italy from my birth till I was eight with my mother. '' He explains further.

'' You have a mother? ''
He looks around with that glimmer of a grin.

" What'd you think, I was hatched? Of course I have a mother, everyone has a mother. ''

'' What I meant was, is she still living? '' I ask.

A crooked smile curves his lips.

'' Oh yeah, you couldn't kill my mother with an axe, she's still in Sicily. '' he says and I  let out a hearty laugh.

'' So why did you move to Chicago? '' I ask.

'' My father was the boss at that time and I was of age to begin my training to takeover from him. '' He says.

'' Was your father.... um ... mean to you? '' I ask shyly.

I always hear mafia men are abusive towards their children.

He chuckles at my question.

'' You mean to say abusive? '' He smiles which made me smile too.

'' No, my father wasn't abusive. He was a good father, the best actually. '' He says with so much adoration.

' He must really love his father. ' I thought.
Just as I love mine.

'' He loved my mum and I and we loved him too, of course. '' he adds.

'' It sounds so odd that you love someone. '' I  blurt and he laughs which made me smile.

'' Is your mum still in Sicily? '' I ask

'' Yes she is. '' He answers.

'' Enough talk about me, tell me about yourself Gianna. ''

'' What do you want to  know? '' I ask, my smile still present.

'' Anything and everything. ''

'' Okay, my middle name is Reina. '' I begin.

'' That's a Spanish name, Aren't you of Italian heritage? '' He asks.

'' My mum liked it. '' I shrug.

'' I love sitting by the window and reading cheesy romance novels. ''  He quirks an eyebrow at that and I blush.

'' That reminds, can I borrow some novels from the library? '' I ask.

'' Yes you can. '' He answers.

'' Feel free to do anything you want, you live here now, even of it's just temporarily. ''

'' Thank you. '' I give him a wide smile.

We finish the rest of our meal, sharing small talk.

'' I'll walk you back to your room. '' He offers and I give a small smile.

'' Thanks. ''

We walk up to my room in silence.

'' Your father has been moved to somewhere more convenient and is not more being tortured. '' He says.

'' Can't he just be released? '' I ask, hopefully.

'' No he can't, but I promise no harm will come to him. '' He placates.

'' Thank you. '' I smile gratefully.

'' I'll love you to have dinner with me any evening I'm home. '' He tucks his hands in the pocket of his slacks.

'' Sure. ''

'' Good night then. '' He turns to leave.

'' Mr Saverio. '' I call as I walk up to him.

He stops and watches me with an unreadable expression as I slip in front of him, gently tugging at the collar of shirt to make him duck his head.
I stand on my tiptoes and place a kiss dangerously close to his lips.
His stubbles feels rough against my lips.

'' Good night Mr Saverio. '' I whisper and walk back to my room briskly. Not able to bask in the smile that appeared on his lips.

' Oh my God. ' I touch my lips in disbelief.
I jump on my bed, bury my face in my pillow and squeal loudly, thumping my fists on the bed.

He smiled, that means he liked it.

I bury my face in my pillow again and release a louder squeal.

He's not as bad as people pose him to be, he's kind and a gentleman.

Maybe this is the start of something good.

but as they say;
' There's always a calm before the storm. '


Authors note:
Don't forget to vote and leave your comments.
They really mean a lot.
I love babies!!!❤❤

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