Arranged (COMPLETED)

By Creepypasta_fander

3.1K 124 52

Prince Roman has never met the boy he's betrothed to. When he turns sixteen, he finally meets the other princ... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 11

264 13 8
By Creepypasta_fander

"Come on Virgil. You can't fool me. You never could."

Virgil's eyes darted from the open window to the demon and then to his own hands. Malumsine grinned and suddenly, it felt as if Virgil's arm was being twisted off. Virgil let out a cry of pain and clapped a hand over the mark on his arm.

"You think I can't control you, Virgil? Don't forget, I gave you this mark, I gave you these powers. I can easily take them away."

Virgil felt something cut into his arm. Blood oozed out from under his fingers and he snatched his hand away. The three red lines were now red with blood as Virgil let out another cry of pain.

Malumsine laughed. "You are weak, Virgil. Tell me, would you like to join Janus? He's been dying to see you."

"Fuck off." Virgil hissed through gritted teeth. The grin slid off Malumsine's face and black smoky strings rapped around Virgil's arms, legs and torso, flinging him against the wall.

"Tch, tch, tch. Language, Virgil. When will you learn?"

Virgil let out another cry of pain as the strings around his left arm tightened and started to pull his arm out of its socket.

"I don't enjoy doing this, Virgil." Malumsine laughed. "Actually, I lied. I do." The strings twisted and Virgil heard a small pop, letting out a scream as his arm broke. The strings disappeared and Virgil fell to the floor, weak and in pain.

"Now Virgil, I'm feeling generous. If you give up now, I'll kill you quickly, no more pain."

Virgil's eyes were screwed up in pain but his iris' glowed purple and energy crackled around his fingers.

"Ergo creaturae moveri deorsum tenebris inferni." Virgil hissed, the energy around his hands crackling and flashing brighter. Black strings suddenly rapped around Virgil's mouth, sewing it shut.

"Ah, ah, ah, Virgil. Like I said, you can't fool me. There will be none of that." More strings rapped about Virgil's nose, blocking his airways.

"Ergo creaturae moveri deorsum tenebris inferni." Virgil thought desperately, black spots starting to block his vision. "Ergo creaturae moveri deorsum tenebris inferni. Ergo creaturae moveri deorsum tenebris inferni."

The black strings around Virgil's nose and mouth loosened slightly. It was working.

"Ergo creaturae moveri deorsum tenebris inferni." Virgil hissed, purple energy shooting out of his hand.

Malumsine let out an un-Godly screech as the energy hit him in the face.

"Ergo creaturae moveri deorsum tenebris inferni!" Virgil yelled, banishing Malumsine to the depths of Hell. The black clouds outside blew away as if by a strong wind and a weak, morning sunlight winked into the castle.

Wincing, Virgil tried to get up. Propping himself up against the wall, he looked over to his left arm, broken and useless. Wincing again, he felt it pop back into place with the last of his magic. The brand on his arm hadn't faded but he hadn't expected it to. A constant reminder of what happened. He then turned his attention to the unconscious prince. He looked dead. Virgil prayed that he wasn't as he crossed over to him and checked for a pulse.

Feeling a pulse, Virgil let out a sigh of relief. Now, how to wake up this 'sleeping beauty'?

"Oh, Hell no." An idea had just popped into Virgil's head. It was so stupid that it might just work. "Do I have to do this?" Virgil asked himself. "Yes, I do. This country can't remain kingless."

Sighing, Virgil prayed Roman wouldn't kill him after this. Closing his eyes and crossing his fingers, he planted a quick kiss on the other prince's lips and quickly sat back, pushing himself into a corner.

Nothing happened for a few seconds. Then, Roman's green eyes fluttered open and he sat up, pale as death and clutching his head, but alive.

"Roman? Are you alright?"

Roman opened his mouth but then clutched at his head again, screwing up his eyes. "I feel like shit. I'm alive, though." Roman laughed slightly. "Virgil, you do realise I could still hear and feel everything when I was unconscious, right?"

Virgil's face flushed and he hid his face in his hands. "Can we just forget that happened?"


"Because..." For once, Virgil couldn't find a good reason to tell Roman what to do. Roman laughed and stood up, holding out a hand to Virgil.

"Your time of knowledge is over, Virgil. The dangers past and you're in my world now." Virgil sighed and grabbed Roman's hand, pulling himself up. "Now, I believe the saviour gets a prize?" Virgil quickly let go of Roman's hand, his face flushing even more.

"Yeah, no. You don't need to-" Virgil was cut off by Roman kissing him swiftly. Roman laughed as Virgil's face turned bright red.

"Let's count that as our first kiss, shall we?" Roman asked. Virgil nodded, not sure if he could actually speak. Roman laughed again and held his hand out to Virgil.

"Come on. You really need the sunlight."

Hello. This was a crappy ending, wasn't it? At least I finished the story and it was longer than some of my others. So, mission acomplished in my eyes.

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