Sinner VS Saint

By cyanbinoo

342 23 1

To be a sinner , you must commit a sin. Which is doing something wrong according to a religious or moral law... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 3

64 5 1
By cyanbinoo

Songs For Chapter 3

Haunted - Beyonce

Recovery - Justin Bieber

My Immortal - Evanescence 

{Chapter 3}

I open my eye's looking ajusting to the light in my bedroom. I looked next to me and the girl wasn't laying there. I nodded and sighed in relief.

I'm just glad I didn't have to kick her out this morning.

I rubbed my face before dragging my naked body out of the comfy bed. I went into the bathroom and looked at my body smiling at my reflection.

"Ew you looked fucked up like your personality"

"Look at those scars on your wrist... it looks like you have more space to make more. Right Jay?"

"Why where even born huh?"

The voices shouted in my head and I held my head. I shuffled threw my bag and pulled out my three pill bottle's. I took one of each as I swollowed them with water. I closed my eye's hoping the help will go into effect.

I heard my phone ring , so I walked into the bedroom as I grabbed it and answered.

"Hello."I said with my groggy morning voice.

"Justin you said you would come to the circle today at the hospital."Doctor Liz said upset.

"Fucking shit, I totally forgot I was busy last night."I cursed.

"Well it starts in 10 minutes do you think you can make it."She asked.

I looked at myself and sighed.

"Yeah if I move quickly. How long is this circle shit?"I asked.

"Well I guess your not a morning person."She giggled.

"Sorry."I said going into my drawers and started getting my outfit.

"Its about a hour."She spoke.

"Okay i'll be there soon."I said hanging up. I threw my phone on the bed. I grabbed my clothes and ran into the bathroom to get ready. Everyone knows that if I don't show up that I don't want to get better. Well in fact I actuallly want to get better. It's just I have doubts because its been years of recovering and it didn't work, now you can say it's kinda paying off. I'm the big person in that hospital because when I walk around everyone knows me, they know how fucked up I am. Which to be honest, I take that as a invantage because it tells people to not fuck with me.

As i finished up I grabbed my phone and speed out the house hoping I get there soon before i'm late infront of everyone. I turned on the radio so it was blasting and I was pretty much spedding but I really didn't care about the police. In my opinion they could suck my dick, because ever since I was little they have pissed me the fuck off with there false information and cocky ass attitudes.

Pulling up to the hospital I rushed quickly inside and made my way up to the front desk.

"Hello Justin, do you have a appointment?"Maria the lady that was always at the front desk.

"Actually no i'm late to the circle."I said questionably.

"Oh okay that is surprising."She rolled her eyes.

If I can try to snap my neck then I can try to snap yours too bitch.

I shook away my thoughts.

"Where is the circle?"I asked.

"Just go to Doctor Mantez's office I think she is waiting for you."I nodded and walked away from the desk feeling eyes on me.

I walked down the similar hallways that lead to me liz's office. I knocked on her door before opening it slightly sticking my head in.

"Sup Liz I got here."I smirked walking in.

She stood up and smiled at me.

"Yeah 4 minutes late."She said jokingly.

"Mannn."I sighed.

"It's okay lets just go to the circle."She giggled guiding us to where this event was held.

She open this door that lead us into a big disscussion room.

Everyone was in a circle, but they all had there eye's on us.

Someone was standing in the middle and was talking to everyone.

I walked to the circle and took a seat next to a transgender, and this one nerdy kid. They stared at me and I scowled at them and they instantly turned there intention to the guy in the middle.

"Have fun."Liz whispered to me before exiting the room.

I zoned out as the kid kept talking about his problems.

"Um sir.."I snapped out of my trance and looked at the old man that was probably the instructor of this.

He looked at me kinda scared, which made me slightly smirk.

"Yes."I said.

"Would you like to come up and share why your here?"He asked.

I looked around the circle and my eyes meet with a pair of big eyed blue ones.

"Sure."I spoke standing up and going in the middle.

Some of the girls where checking me out but I ignored there eye's and focused on the pair of blue ones.

"I'm not only here because I want to get better, i'm here because i'm pretty fucked up."I said frowning shrugging my shoulders.

"I mean to some of you." I looked at the thirsty girls.

"I look like a normal guy..."I said trailing off.

"But i'm not, oh no i'm your worst nightmare."I chuckled walking around.

"So I suggest that you stay away from me."I said looking at the instructor.

"Mr....."The instructor trailed off.

"None of your concern."I said crossing my arms.

"I asked what brought you here, not for you to threaten people."He said.

"Okay."I clapped my hands.

"I have a major bipolar disorder, and I have bad anxiety...."I said.

"Oh yeah and one day I got to wear my parents blood, that was really nice."I growled.

I started to shake with rage.

Everyone became silent and stared at me to say something fasinating again.

I started to walk towards the door but a hand grabbed my arm.

I yanked instantly and turned around and swung my arm to punch the guy right in the face.

"Get the fuck off of me."I spit as he laid on the ground.

Everyone in the circle got up to help him.

Cyan looked at me with a look I couldn't quite read.

I stormed out of the room leaving all those people terrfied out of there minds.

I made my way back to the main lobby.

I pushed the double doors open letting them swing slamming against the wall.

I made my way towards the door.

"SIR YOU DIDN'T SIGN OUT!"Maria screamed as everyone in the lobby saw my scene.

I stopped and I turned around with anger rising off my body.

I stormed to the desk and grabbed the vase laid opon the desk, and I threw against the wall as it shattered in peices.Everyone gaspped in fear. I stormed out the hospital and got inside my car.I punch the wheel serveral times as i screame dat the top of my lungs.I grabbed my hair and I leaned my head against the wheel as I silently cried to myself.

"What is wrong with me?"I whispered.

"What is happening to me?"I asked.

I heard a soft knock against the window so I rolled it down to look at the pretty blonde.

"Hey Cyan."I said holding my head in my hands.

"Are you okay?"no.

I was surprised she was actually wondering how I felt. After what I did to that instructor I thought she would be asking him if he was okay. Not me at all.

"I don't know." I looked back out the window to see her leaning down.

"Here you can come in if you want."I said.

She walked around the car and opened the passenger door.

She sat there turned slightly to look at me.

She just stared at me like I was just some piece of art.

"He was a dick."She suddenly said.

I turned my head to look at her and I chuckled slightly.

"That's why I pounded his face in."I said.
"And he laid a hand on me."I added.

"Yeah usually Liz takes over the circle and guides us."She explained.

I raised my eyebrow.

"Liz?"I asked.

"Yeah Dr.Mantez the one that brought you to the circle today."She said.

"Yeah yeah I know she is my doctor."I said.

"Liz has been with me for years."I said.

She looked a little shocked.

"Your Justin." She said.

"Shit I didn't want you knowing my name."I smirked.

"No no Liz talks about you like all the time. She said we would get along with each other. Which to be quite honest I'm pretty weird so I hardly-"I cut her off.

"Wait wait your the girl Liz told me about, she said we are like exactly alike which I don't see how we are the same."I Chuckled.

"I mean Liz is always right...."She trailed off smirking.

"You call her Liz too?"I asked.

"Yeah I always do it but she gets mad at me."She giggled.

"She does that with me too it's stupid just let me call you Liz like damn."I laughed.

We both started laughing and I stop to look at her for a moment. This was the weird part of my life, where I would meet new people.This was the only time I could see myself getting better. 

Which I have never ever exprinced ever since my life came to its peek. 

"Hey so would you like to maybe go out since you are already in my car."I smirked starting my car.

"Oh no i mean I probably have to get home." She said.

I remebered last night and how she went next to the bulding and sat there. That sure isn't home.

"I hardly doubt you have plans at home."I said trying to show her I don't know about her situation.

"Come on let me take you to eat, your probably hungry."I said.

"You don't have too."She said.

"I want to."I smiled at her speeding out of the hospital parking lot.

She suddenly put her seat belt on.

"Yeah i'm kinda of a crazy driver in this piece of shit."I said stopping at a light as idiots drove past me. 

"I can see that Justin."She giggled.

My heart flutter when I heard her giggle.

I drove out to my favorite pizza place when I was kid. I also loved it because everyone here new my family and I very well back then.

"Ah Justo!"Eric screamed as Cyan and I walked into the pizzera.

"Wassup Eric, this is Cyan."I said resting my hand her back pushing her softly infront of me. 

She looked down shyly. I smiled at her.

"Okay you guys sit down i'll come over in a minute."He smiled at us.

I walked over to my favoite table with the booth in the far corner.

She came and sat across from me. 

Eric came up to us and he smirked at me.

"I havent seen you in awhile bud"He patted my back.

"You sure got more manly"He looked me up and down and laughed.

"Bitch i know."I laughed.

"Where is Steve?"I asked.

"Ah the old man, he thought he could stay home today. His wife has been a little ill."Eric said saidly.

"Wheres all the cousin's."I laughed.

"They imagining they are playing for the world cup in the back."He laughed.

"I would join them, but you know what happned last time."I rolled my eyes.

I looked at Cyan as she sat there awkwardly, so i cleared my throat and smiled at Eric.

"So we might need a minute."I said.

He nodded and smiled at Cyan before leaving.

"So he is a old friend?"She asked.

I nodded.

"So how many girls have you brought here?"She smirked crossing her arms.

I rasied my eyebrow and I smirked.

"You see me to be that kind of person?"I chuckled.

She shrugged.

"Well yeah, I mean you aren't ugly."She said simply.

"Your smart aren't you."I asked her.

She giggled and shrugged again.

"No far from smart.."She sighed.

"I've never taken any girl here...this place is to special..."I sighed.

"Why did you bring me here then?"She asked.

Why did I bring her here?

"I don't know."I said leaning against the table looking at her closly.

"Your different."I suddenly said.

"I'm not different , i'm just fucked up..."

"We can be fucked up together..."I said.

She smiled.

"I didn't know I could be friends with a stranger."She chuckled.

"I ain't no stranger babe."I winked at her.

She suddenly looked down and smiled.I finally got her to react to my pet names.


A short little chapter i hope you like it! Please comment what you think and vote for meh :p love ya guys


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