By Youtubeforlife

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Interview 1: Kelseytheawsome
Interview 2 XSelahX
Inteview 3: NaniRox
Interview 4: MangoKiwi

Interview 5: OliviaLovesSnow

293 25 26
By Youtubeforlife

Me: Hello everybody and welcome back to another installment of Interviewing Wattcrafters! Today we've got another one of the biggest Wattcrafters, the Snow Girl, OliviaLovesSnow! You may know her from her trilogy of Skydoesminecraft fanfictions which are titled Sis, Bro, amd Mum. Hey Olivia!! How's life treating you?

Olivia: Great! :) Mid terms in a few a weeks, which slightly freaks me out, but other than that, life is good :)

Me: Awesome! I'm sure you'll do great. :) 
Who's your favorite author/book on Wattpad? Off of Wattpad?

Olivia: Well, I'd have to say @MissCierra's "Not Jut Another Fangirl" because it was the fan fiction I had ever read and it got me hooked on wattpad and inspired me to write my own fiction :) as for favorite author and book off of wattpad, my favorite author is my dad, Sigmund Brouwer, and my favorite book is Doon :)

Me: Awesome! That's pretty cool your dad is a writer! Is he one of your inspirations? Who are your biggest inspirations to write more?

Olivia: My biggest inspirations in the beginning were @MissCierra and SkyDoesMinecraft, because they opened up a whole new category of fiction to me, fan fiction, and gave me the chance to be able to pour out my fandomness through writing.
My dad indeed is such a huge inspiration to me, as the dad and as an author :) He is such a huge model to me, and I want to aspire to be like him someday.
I find inspiration for stories in the YouTubers I watched, my favorite group being the Brogers. They make me laugh everyday, and give me little ideas for stories I want to write someday. My friends also play a hug role in it, because they love to daydream and fantasize with me like how six year olds do. They are a lot of fun to be with.
It's not just people I find inspiration in. I find it in a beautiful necklace I see in a store, or the adventure I had getting lost in the woods. And I think the biggest thing overall to me is thinking about something I want to do, but know I can never do it, and just writing a story about it, whether it be time travel or superpowers or being a princess (yeah, that may be me..), depending on who you are. You get to live the adventure and share it with others :)

Me: I couldn't have said it better in a million years. That was beautifully worded. :)
What are the best ways your fans can get in touch with you?

Olivia: I think the best way is to just PM me. I always try to reply, but it can take a little bit for me to reply because I don't get on wattpad as much at the moment because of high school. There's also a glitch on wattpad where sometimes people are just totally wiped from my inbox. Thankfully that doesn't happen very often :)

Me: Awesome! Quick and easy, I like it.
What do you say to all those people out there that think they can't write well and that they will never get followers/reads?

Olivia: Everyone has to start somewhere. The greatest authors in the world had to learn to become good readers in elementary school, let alone write. Don't put that type of pressure on yourself to be as good as people who have had thirty years of experience. You're not bad at writing, you're just a beginner. Just keep writing, and you'll get much better :)
As for the reads and followers, just have fun and keep on writing, because thats the real important part of it. But if you're dead set on getting reads and followers, there are ways to get your works out there. Don't advertise on other people's pages or stories to follow you. Try to make friends on wattpad by messaging people who have the same likes as you, and asking them to read your story. It's really fun to be have online friends in such an awesome community like wattpad :)

Me: Nicely said! Random question time. ;D
Favorite fruit?

Olivia: Cocoanut :D

Me: Interesting, never gotten that answer before :3
All-time favorite animal?

Olivia: Panda. Kung Fu Panda was my all time favorite movie and obsession in elementary school X3

Me: Omg I love Kung Fu Panda XD that is amazing
Last question! How do you feel about having people writing some seriously in depth fanfictions about you and drawing some freaking amazing fanart of you?

Olivia: I.. I just... There is no way to describe how amazing it is. When I feel really down on some days, and I see something someone's drawn for me or written something for me, I can't stop smiling. It reminds me of how excited I am to someday grow up and be an author <3

Me: You really deserve it, you're an amazing author. :) Thank you so much for giving me this opportunity, stay amazing Olivia!

Olivia: No, thank you so much! :) Stay amazing too!!

That was the Snow Girl everybody, thank you for joining me Olivia! It was great getting to know you better! Everybody head on over to her account and show her some love. She's a really great person and super sweet, as are the others I've interviewed. Take a second to go show all of them some love right now, I'll wait. *sits down and crosses legs and waits in silence* ... *three seconds later* *muttering to self* This will take a while... Well! I hope you guys enjoyed this, See you next time! I've got a few people lined up to interview, don't worry about that! I'll see you next time, buh byeee!!!

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