Judging in the jungle

By RealorNot_

28 7 0

2 girls Polar opposites Stuck alone and forced to work together However will they realise that they're not as... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3

Chapter 1

14 3 0
By RealorNot_

Hey guys this is my first story, so I'm just trying it out. At the moment I'm doing this for fun but if someone likes it then so be it I may write quicker :) I realise I'm probably talking to myself but feel free to cretic and pls enjoy. For each chapter I'll do a song not necessarily because it fits into the chapter just because I like it at this moment in time. Be nice to me ٩(^ᴗ^)۶ -TFB

Note- the title "judging in the jungle" is a bit of a metaphor/play on words. It's true that later on in the story there is a setting that could resemble some what of a jungle like forest but in this case "jungle" is school, as a teenager myself I can relate to the setting and can say from a first hand experience it is very much so a jungle.

Main characters:
-Ava Sprout
5,3 feet
Blonde hair
-Jess Nikk
5,6 feet
Brown/hazel hair
-Daveen Allston
5,6 feet
Black hair

There's nothing more that I hate than the outdoors. I just didn't realise that I was so unlucky, that I'd not only be stuck outside but also with someone that I detest. Oh how cruel this world keeps getting.

This all started with a much dreaded trip, my parents were both notoriously sporty in their time at secondary school. And unsurprisingly expected me to be exactly the same. However just like in a chemical reaction two positives make a negative (or was it the other way round, i always forget)

I became an antisocial idiot cursed with asthma and a hate for any activity that couldn't be done while sitting down all the while eating crisps. It would be a lie to say my parents weren't disappointed. They did try to get me out of the house whenever possible, wether it was trips to a cricket field or a local pool but however much to their distaste, nothing stuck. This is what led up to them signing me up to this cursed exhibition.

School wasn't much fun either, true it was away from my parents judgemental needs but it was no way better. I wasn't especially good when it came to studying, my grades were nothing to brag about and never set me apart from my peers. I put in just enough effort to get an average in my tests, middle set for just about everything ( of course with the exception of Pe and Re, those sucked)

I had a few friends nothing special, no undying bond of trust, just people i would talk to if i was forced. Nothing like the popular groups, what was with that anyway, i swear there is a popular group of people in every school. You know what I'm talking about, those girls that seemingly knew everyone from other schools and had a list of boys at the ready to toy with. The boys who were super energetic and would pick on anyone that dared looked at them in an unacceptable way. My goal in school was to avoid "them" at all cost, unfortunately an antisocial lazy freak was just what they were looking for, I became their new entertainment. Apparently failing in classes was no longer cool enough for the main chavs, they had to assert their dominance to the rest of the school by crushing anyone easy enough. Its true not all of the "popular group" joined in but to me they were all the same. Constantly seeking attention in anyway possible, just to clench their boredom enough in the hell like 6 hour period once a day.

Monday's always seem to roll around at the worst times, after a weekend of Netflix, assignments and nagging from my parents about something to do with badminton, i had nowhere near enough energy to deal with a Monday. Unfortunately I didn't have much say in the matter as my alarm clock once again began to ring at 7:15.

My lazy lump of a self rolled out of bed into a crooked standing position as a taught my weary self how to walk again. I follow my very normal schedule as i made my preparations for school. Brush my teeth, pack my bag, remember my homework, get dressed. After following my own instructions I checked myself over in my full length mirror making sure my outfit matched. Gazing at myself in the mirror I questioned once again how I wasn't overweight considering how much i eat on a daily basis, I definitely would be if it weren't for my parents genes.

A long sigh escapes my mouth as I see my energetic parents sit at the ready in the kitchen, how they had so much energy always amazed me. "About time you got up Ava, I was worried you'd overslept." She stated as i made my way down the stairs.

"No mum, as you can see I am wide awake and on time just as usual." I muttered sarcastically, emphasising wide as I grabbed a granola bar, quickly stuffing it in my pocket.

"You can eat that now Ava as it seems we need to talk." My dad said looking up from the morning paper, knowing him he was looking at the sports area not that I cared much for it. Greeeaaaaat what have I done now, grades not good enough or maybe I should join a club, god forbid they asked me to bring a friend home.
"Look this year we have slacked off a bit trying to convince you to become healthier and more active, a child your age needs exercise to support your bodies growth. So from now on we will be making the calls to ensure that we remain good parents with no regrets."my mum explained.

Seriously they honestly believed that they were giving me a break, what a joke, yer maybe the attempts to get me to join in had slightly decreased but in no way enough. And now they wanted to be good parents by forcing me into stuff, i cant wait to see what they come up with. I knew it was no use to argue but i tried anyway.

" but muuuuum, what about school work, how can i possible keep up with everything, I'm in year 10 my GCSE's are right around the corner" i whined but much to my displeasure it had no affect. "Enough of that, I can assure you that we will take into consideration you work and anyway you can join in with your friends too, i see this as a win win. You get sunlight while becoming more "out there"

Right my non-existing friends, at least I honestly wouldn't class them as friends more like partners in times of need, but I couldn't let my parents know that. In amidst of my hidden anger i muttered a good bye, as the time for school to start drew near. The best i could do was to push this conversation out of my head and try to pretend it was all just a bad dream. If this really was one it was soon going to become a nightmare.

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