This is Bullshit


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After his death, Kakashi gets sent into the world of BNHA. He still has all his powers and memories, but no w... More

Chapter 1 - Kakashi Hatake
Chapter 2 - Crayons
Chapter 3 - Long Days
Chapter 4 - Memories and Movies
Chapter 5 - There are No Benevolent Gods
Chapter 6 - Irritation
Chapter 7 - Kidnapping? How Unoriginal.
Chapter 8 - Theories
Chapter 9 - Precious Past
Bonus (sorta)
Not an Update
Chapter 10 - USJ
Chapter 10.5 - USJ
Chapter 11 - Why Are You Here?!
Chapter 12 - End of Part 1
Part 2 - Prologue
Chapter 1 - Plans
Chapter 3 - Blank
Chapter 4 - Point of View
Chapter 5 - Sports Festival
Chapter 6 - Cut Your Losses
Chapter 7 - Only the Beginning
Chapter 8 - Tales of Obito's Travels
Chapter 9 - Not This Shit Again
Chapter 10 - It Hurts
Chapter 11 - Injuries
Chapter 12 - Hospital Stays
Chapter 13 - Childish
Chapter 14 - Rin
Chapter 15 - The Same but Different
Chapter 16 - End of Part 2
Part 3 - Prologue
Chapter 1 - Change
Chapter 2 - Rekindling
Uh... Oops?
Chapter 2.1 - Omake 1
Chapter 2.2 - Omake 2
Chapter 3 - Finals
Chapter 4 - Endeavor
Chapter 5 - Mall Trips
Chapter 6 - Familiarity
Chapter 7 - Can't Catch a Break
Chapter 7.5 - Scars
Chapter 8 - Target
Chapter 9 - Fairness is Decided by Circumstance
Chapter 10 - End of Part 3
Part 4 - Prologue
Chapter 1 - Truth
Chapter 2 - Understand
Chapter 3 - You Heard it Here First, Folks
Chapter 3.5 - A Look Into the Past
Chapter 3.6 - Malfunctions
Chapter 3.7 - Cults
Chapter 4 - Tune In Next Time, If There Is One
Chapter 5 - Good News and Bad News
Chapter 6 - Conscious
Chapter 7 - The Truth, or As Much of it As I Can Say
Chapter 8 - Fussing Over Phone Calls, A Riveting Tale By Kakashi Hatake
Chapter 9 - Before You Say Anything...
Chapter 10 - Believe Me When I Say...
Chapter 11 - Open the Door to Hell...
Chapter 12 - End of Part 4
Final Part - Prologue
Chapter 1 - I Promise
Chapter 2 - Mission
Chapter 3 - Calm Like The Sea in A Storm
Chapter 4 - Spiral
Chapter 5 - Louder than Bombs
Chapter 5.5 - Omake: In Which, Kakashi Opens A Business
Arise From the Ashes, O' Fallen Soldier Pt. 1
Arise From the Ashes, O' Fallen Soldier Pt. 2
Arise From the Ashes, O' Fallen Soldier Pt. 3
Arise From the Ashes, O' Fallen Soldier Pt. 4

Chapter 2 - Todoroki's Log

25.9K 1.1K 1.4K

Me rn really wanting to post all the chapters I've stockpiled, but also not wanting to fuck up my nonexistent schedule.

"I'm thinking of letting someone else into our two person group." Kakashi said at lunch.

"Oh yeah? Who would appease you, oh great one?" Bakugou retorted.

"Well apparently you did." Kakashi grinned.

"I hate you." Bakugou mumbled.

Kakashi chuckled, then scanned the crowd. "Todoroki."

"Hm? Half n' Half?"

"Yes. He seems to be good at keeping secrets, plus he isn't as loud as you."

"So you're just going to force him?" Bakugou scoffed.

"I don't think there'll be a need for that."

Todoroki's Log, Entry #558

Bakugou and Kakashi. There's something off about them, could they be related? Long lost brothers? I don't know, but this warrants further study.

Kakashi's Quirk is very strong, unnaturally so. Quirk marriage? Human experimentation? Does he work for the GOVERNMENT?!

They're looking over here. They seem to be suspicious of me. I'll have to tail them.

Todoroki's Log, Entry #559

I've been tailing them and listening in on their conversations for two days, and I'm now sure.

They are 100% related.

Kakashi dyed his hair to avoid being recognized as Bakugou's sibling, he wears the mask for the same reason.

Due to an unfortunate accident when Kakashi was young, he is now missing an eye. After he lost his eye, he ran away from home because he was tired of being coddled and treated like a weakling. "Just because I only have one eye, doesn't mean I'm weak" those were his last words to the Bakugou family.

There was a large police search, and when they found nothing, he was pronounced dead.

Bakugou's mother told Bakugou's father and Bakugou that Kakashi isn't actually a Bakugou! His father is unknown.

While Kakashi was on the streets, he ran into Aizawa, who is his true father, and went to live with him.

To avoid questioning, and to make sure people didn't make any connections, Aizawa changed Kakashi's last name to Hatake!

Oh. They're calling me over. Are they going to tell me their story?

Third POV

"Hey Todoroki." Kakashi waved.

"Bakugou, Not-Bakugou." Todoroki greeted. "I have a few questions for you."

Kakashi decided to ignore the name for now. "Oh really? Well this works out nicely then, because we have something we need you to do."


"Midoriya." Todoroki's eyes widened. "We did some research on him and his Quirk. I think this might interest you."

"Why are you telling me?"

"We're not only telling you, we need you to help us with research."

"You're using my position as Endeavor's son." Todoroki said flatly. "I can access data you can't."

"Yes." Kakashi nodded. No need to beat around the bush. "But you're also quite smart."

"I don't mind really." Todoroki shrugged. "What do you need me to research?"

Bakugou grinned and Kakashi began to explain what they already knew.


Todoroki had agreed to help them, though, Kakashi suspected that he needed an excuse to get away from Endeavor. Not that he blamed him. Kakashi had a few run-ins with the hero, and from his experience, he was, for lack of a better term, a fucking asshole. Not just to people he knew, to people he didn't know, from the elderly to children. If you spoke to him while he was working, you could expect to leave the interaction with a low self esteem, and daddy issues because of a man who isn't even your father.

So, Kakashi welcomed Todoroki into their group. He'd hated the way the villagers treated Naruto, but he was too wrapped up in his own grief to do anything about it. He'd failed Sasuke, but he knew he could help Todoroki.

Kakashi had enough therapists to know that sometimes an excuse to get away was the best thing you could offer someone.

The two of them were sitting in the living room of Aizawa's house and going over information. Kakashi was observing Todoroki's working habits, and figured that he, like Bakugou, was a genius.

Another interesting thing he noticed was that there was something wrong with all the geniuses he knew. Sasuke, Orochimaru, Itachi, Bakugou, even Minato could behave... oddly at times. Not to say that he was any different, if anything using himself as an example would prove his point, but Kakashi didn't have the time to do a complete self analysis right now.

"There have been multiple reports of Quirks similar to All Might and Midoriya's, the first one dating back to when Quirks first appeared, and the world was divided." Todoroki said. "Each person already had a Quirk when we assume they inherited One for All, all of them except All Might and possibly Midoriya."

They may or may not have hacked into government resources and information.

What did Aizawa think would happen when he left that book on coding and hacking just laying on the table?

They did have courses back in Konoha, they were mandatory for ANBU, though computers weren't mainstream, and were pretty much only used in hospitals, it was still a good skill for when civilians and enemies finally put them to good use, which they did during the war. Well... Madara didn't, but the allies did. Kakashi doubted that Madara even knew what a computer was.

But with all these intelligence Quirks, you'd think one would be able to help the government with security. Well, at least he can give them a show.

Once they'd downloaded all the information they needed and then some, Kakashi arranged some files so they would say, "Man, this security really is something, amirite?"

Todoroki had advised him against it, but Bakugou was all for it. That was how their team worked. Kakashi would suggest something, and Todoroki would seem either horrified, amused, or disappointed. Bakugou would laugh evilly, and Kakashi would wonder, though not for the first time, if they were sane. Not that he was one to talk.

Suffice to say, the government hacking became a National incident, and the security was buffed after that, so Kakashi could proudly say that he did his job.

He was fairly certain that Aizawa had suspected that he, Todoroki and Bakugou had done something, but he had no proof, and he would never get proof, so that didn't matter.

Now the Sports Festival was only 3 days away, and the three of them were both training more and more.

In some part of Bakugou's mind, he was probably aware that as he was, he could not beat Kakashi, for some reason this meant he spoke to him more. Kakashi didn't know why, but they were making progress so it didn't matter.

In one of their "study sessions," Kakashi and Todoroki found some interesting information. All Might's master and the seventh holder of One for All, Shimura Nana (and wasn't that name ironic), had a grandson. Said grandson was none other than Shigaraki, or, Shimura Tenko.

Kakashi noted absentmindedly, that Danzo's last name was also Shimura. He thought maybe it was a fate thing, he then remembered that Nana was a hero, and she was likely not evil. Possibly.

Kakashi had suggested confronting All Might with this realization, they would have to figure out a way to tell him without having him realize that they were the ones behind the hack, Kakashi didn't want to land himself in Federal Prison before he was 20, in this world anyways.

"Are you fucking crazy?" Bakugou snorted when he heard his plan.

"Yes. Why?"

"That's the stupidest idea I've ever heard come out of your mouth."

Kakashi admitted, that maybe some part of him wanted to see All Might squirm, the same part that thought that this was largely the hero's fault, it was also the same part that took over when he was in ANBU, so he decided to tell it to shut the fuck up, and let him do his thing.

He later noted that arguing with a section of his brain was irrational, and he should stop, but he didn't.

Kakashi assumed that Goto figured he could use all the help available, so he now had therapy three times a week instead of twice. He couldn't say he blamed him, but it was a little annoying, he liked Goto though, so it was fine.

He received another text from Obito, this time from a different number, of him in a different part of Korea. He said he'd be travelling the world, and staying in each country for one month and a bit. Obito had also lamented about the fact that he couldn't spend more time in Korea, or any of the countries he was going to, but he was only travelling for a year, and there was lots to see.

Hizashi drove him to therapy and was strangely silent. Usually when they drove, Hizashi would talk about anything and everything, which was a good way for Kakashi to distract himself from his thoughts. Today, there was no such luxury.

"Hey Kakashi, come on in." Goto ushered him inside, and they began their session.

Goto asked Kakashi if he wanted to paint, so he did.

"Which colors do you want?" Kakashi thought back to Konoha, and all the colors there, and shrugged. "Here." Goto guided him to his paints cupboard, and let Kakashi choose. Kakashi started with a quick pencil sketch, from memory, then moved on to painting. "You're a great artist." Goto remarked, while watching him and talking about random things.

"No I'm not." Kakashi muttered, Goto just smiled and shook his head.

"So, how are you today?"

"If I confessed to a crime, would you break patient confidentiality and tell the police?" Kakashi asked, not looking up from the canvas. He wondered how the streets looked after the war. Who was Hokage now? Was Sasuke pardoned?

"Why? What did you do?"

"Nothing, just curious."

Goto raised an eyebrow, and sighed. "That depends on the crime. Anything above stealing 5 bucks or something equivalent to that, and I'll have to tell someone."

"Okay." Kakashi didn't say anything more on that subject. He figured telling his therapist that he stole confidential data to investigate a highschooler and the top hero in the country wasn't really going to go over well.

"How do you like living with Aizawa and Hizashi?"

"Fine, they're nice." They were. They let a random child live in their home without knowing whether or not he was dangerous. Kakashi didn't know if he should feel flattered, or concerned about their lack of caution.

"And what of your biological parents?" Kakashi knew this question was coming, he'd answered it before, yet somehow when he asked this time, it knocked all the air out of his body.

It was weird, really. That after all these years of grief, sometimes he still felt like that child standing in front of his fathers office. He should be over this by now, Kakashi would tell himself. You've forgiven him, he would think. But he wasn't over it, and he didn't think he ever would be. Meaning he was a liability.

"Dead." Kakashi chose to elaborate so he could avoid talking about this again. "My mother died when I was born and my father killed himself." Kakashi continued with the roofs of the houses in Konoha. Brown with a little bit of red. Sort of like dried blood, but... happier.

"I see. How old were you?"


"Would you like to stop painting?" Goto asked. Kakashi was confused, until he saw his shaking hands. He blinked and looked at his hands as if they'd betrayed him. They had.

He felt the sudden urge to throw the paint brush into the wall and burn his painting to the ground, so he put it down and stepped back. Here it was. Years of pent up aggression over his parents and village, out for someone to see.

How will he handle it? Kakashi wondered, can he?

Cliffhanger! Sorta. I'm probably going to update again tomorrow.

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