The Tattoo Kiss (Jaylor Fanfi...

By BraedenLee

40.2K 1.5K 1.6K

At 22, Taylor Swift doesn't have the life she's dreamed about since childhood, barely making it by with just... More

Author's Note
Our Song
Getaway Car
My tears ricochet
Come Back...Be Here
This is me trying
Sad Beautiful Tragic
Don't Blame Me
Cruel Summer
I Did Something Bad
Everything Has Changed
I Think He Knows
It's Nice To Have A Friend
mad woman
I Forgot You Existed
I Almost Do
London Boy
Soon You'll Get Better
Back to December
Paper Rings
the 1
Chasing Shadows

Wildest Dreams

983 40 32
By BraedenLee

May 16th; 2012
The Next Day
Taylor Swift's Point of View
I'm behind stage of Entertainment Tonight, getting ready to go up on stage. I begin to chew my nails as my nervous take over. My first ever interview...I've never been interviewed. My head is filled with hundreds of 'what-if's' and my nails are becoming shorter by the second.

"Welcome the new rising star, Taylor Swift!" This is my cue to go up to the stage but it doesn't feel very real.

"It's okay, I'll be behind the cameras. If you get scared, just look at me." Joe walks around so he's behind some of the cameras and I find the courage to go up into stage. I sit down on the couch with one of my fingers tapping my lap.

"Hey everyone and welcome to ET, I'm Samantha Harris and I'm here with the one and only Taylor Swift. Thank you so much for coming in!" My guard begins to come down as I see this just seems like a conversation.

"Of course, I'm so happy to be here!" My first words ever spoken here. I can't believe I managed to speak in the first place.

"Congratulations, Taylor." Samantha says with a smile.

"Thank you."

"Incase any of you have been living under a rock, last night, Taylor just released her first ever single. I'm so happy for you." This comment makes me laugh slightly and I my nerves go away.

"Thank you." I guess all I'm going to say is thank you a bunch of times.

"Let's get started. So, your name is Taylor Swift?"


"This kind of sounds like a first date type of question but we know nothing about you. Give us a little bit of information about you."

"My name is Taylor...I was born in Pennsylvania and lived there for about a decade. I moved to Nashville to try and pursue my music career." I got a lot of more stuff but I'm trying to keep it broad.

"Do you still live in Nashville?"

"Well, when I was 16 I was emancipated and moved to Long Island. I just moved back a few days ago." Why am I giving away so much information? These people don't need to know this shit about me.

"I'm sorry about that."

"Nah it's okay. I got over it. I managed to get on my feet and begin my own life."

"At 16?"

"I dropped out of high school so I mean, I had to try and get my life on track. I have a GED now which has helped me a lot. Kids, stay in school...don't be me." This is going great, 10/10.

"Seems like you had a rough life."

"It was actually really good until was 16. I have an great brother, Austin, who has helped me through my experiences so much." These people are pulling this answers out of me. It's like I don't know how to speak for myself.

"You're close with your brother? My siblings and I always hated each other."

"My brother is basically my best friend. I don't know what I'd do without him."

"That's sweet. Anyways, I watched the new music video and it is amazing."

"Thank you."

"How does it feel to break dozens of YouTube records?"

"I didn't realize I broke so many."

"Your video has reached the most views in 24 hours and it hasn't even been 24 hours yet. You broke the VEVO record and you actually are the person to gain the most followers on YouTube within 24 hours. You broke several streaming records as well."

"Wow, that is-I never believed that would happen."

"You have almost 500 million views on your music video! I think it's so well deserved."

"Thank you so much."

"How did you get so many views?"

"I don't know..."

"I think the reason is because people keep sharing it. I literally woke up this morning from a text from a friend that was telling me to listen to you new song. Then I listened to it and shared it with all of my friends telling them to listen or I'm gonna go to their house and force them to. People love it and want other people to experience it."

"Thank you so much."

"What inspired you to want to make this song?"

"It's always just been my dream to release music and Cruel Summer is just adding on to my dream. I write about my life and Cruel Summer was just a part of my life."

"So, I heard you're playing in New York. How are you feeling about that?"

"It's my first time playing in front of a real audience before so that's a little nerve racking. In the end though, I'm pretty excited."

"First time on stage will probably be a little scary but I know everyone will love you."

"Thank you." I've said thank you so many times but she's giving me so many compliments.

"You're also going to be releasing your debut album in a couple months?"

"Yep and it's called Daylight!"

"I'm very excited and congrats on the album!"

"Thank you."

"So, we did a little social media stalking and we saw that you have a daughter."

Oh fuck, oh fuck, uhhh what do I say? I can't lie... "I do...Her name is Olivia." Dammit.

"That's such a cute name. How old is she?"

"She's pretty young still." Good Taylor, sticking with broad answers.

"Just the one kid I assume?"

I put my hands so it looks like they're pointing to my stomach. "Well, I'm actually expecting a second." WHAT THE FUCK. WHY DID I JUST SAY THAT? I look over and see Joe spitting out the water he was drinking.

"Well, congratulations!"

Don't say anymore, just keep it together. "I'm two months so very excited." I hate myself.

"How will it affect your performances or album releases?"

"Everything is still on track as it should be...I think. I haven't exactly told anyone yet." I'm gonna throw myself in a ditch. Bye.

"I feel honored to be the first to know. How is every thing going for you?"

"I was very nauseous at first but I'm doing a lot better now." I've accepted my fate at this point. I've fucked up this interview.

"Well, that's good. Happy you're feeling better. Anyways, thank you so much for being here!"

"You're welcome."

"And thank you to the fans! Be sure to watch Taylor's new music video and buy Daylight in a couple of months. I know I'm picking up a copy. We'll see you next time." Samantha looks at the camera and waves as if she's saying goodbye. I do the same as I'm very awkward and don't know what else to do.

"And that's a wrap!" The director says.

I quickly get up and run to the backstage. Holy shit, what did I do? I only announced to thousands of people I'm pregnant...shit that's bad. I put my hands on my forehead so it pushes my hair back and I begin to pace back and force. I need to get out of here oh my god. I go out the exit where the sun is shining brightly and I begin to breathe slowly. I begin to calm down but I see Joe walk outside which makes my heart rate pick back up.

"There you are." Joe walks over to me and stands in front.

"God, that-that was horrible." I spit out.

"You did good for your first time. Next time, just don't reveal so much about yourself. Let's get going." He takes my hand and we get into his car.

"I'm sorry." I look down as the car begins to drive.

"For what? You found someone to date." This is when I release he thinks someone else is the father.

"It's yours." I look down as I pick at my fingers. Joe breaks the car so we come to a hard stop.

"Wait, what?" He looks at me as I continue to avoid making eye contact.

"I-it's." Why don't sentences form from me when I actually need them to.

"We're gonna be back at the hotel in a few minutes. Let's just...stay silent."

"Okay I'm cool with that." Every second that passes I feel like it get's even more terrifying and awkward then before. I look up as my eyes water slightly, still trying to say nothing. Joe eventually parks his car into the parking lot and gets out. I follow him into the hotel.

"Can you start from the beginning?" He asks.

"So...I'm pregnant. I'm almost two months and I've known for about a month. I just haven't had the guts to say anything." I've learned nothing from my past mistakes. All I have done is repeat history at this point. Reckless because of a boy.

"I'm the father?"

"Yeah. I know, it's a little weird since we're friends." We both reach the level where the room is. The elevator opens so I walk out but when I look back, Joe is still standing in there.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"I need to just think, clear my head." The elevator closes and Joe leaves. Well shit, this is going great so far. I sigh and walk into the hotel room. All I do is collapse on the bed and think things over. He doesn't even know if he wants kids so what if he runs now? I want him with me, I want him to be a father with me even if we're just friends.

Author's Note:
That went well

Everyone: sHEs prEgNanT
Me: how do u know?
Word count: 1,597

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