My mate - Accept or reject

By FriendsIsEverything

504K 13.2K 647

I had known who my mate was ever since I was 18, but we are not a couple. He's my brother's best friend, and... More

*Chapter 1 - fleeting mate*
*Chapter 2 - Giving him a chance*
*Chapter 3 - Is Emily my mate?*
*Chapter 4* - Heartbreak
*Chapter 5* - The Mating Game
*Chapter 6* - Waiting for The Game to begin
*Chapter 7* - preparation for The Mating Game
*Chapter 8* - First day of The Game
*Chapter 9* - Why won't you accept me?
*Chapter 10* - one step closer to be accepted
*Chapter 11* - once a player always a player - right?
*Chapter 12* - Claimed
*Chapter 13* - Struggle
*Chapter 14* - Losing her wolf
*Chapter 15* - Want to keep you safe
*Chapter 16* - It you I want
*Chapter 17* - New home
*Chapter 18* - Here with me
*Chapter 19* - I'm yours
*Chapter 20* - Respect your Luna
*Chapter 21* - Girl time
*Chapter 22* - meeting the parents
*Chapter 23 - Use our powers*
*Chapter 24* - Losing a mate
*Chapter 25* - The Moon Goddess
*Chapter 26* - members leaving their pack!?
*Chapter 27* - Lean on me
*Chapter 28* - Nothing is won without something else is lost.
*Chapter 29* Live or die
*Chapter 30* - Riddle
*Chapter 32* - Freeing the mates
*Chapter 33* - The Dark One
*Chapter 34* - Surprises
*Chapter 35* - Epilogue

*Chapter 31* - The Moon Goddess

7.9K 215 15
By FriendsIsEverything

A/N: Dedicated to EmmaDailey for all her comment.

*Matthew's POV*

When I again had taken control, I gently caressed Amy's coat before I slowly got up and walked over to my family. And my expression must have told its own story, their face fell, and Brigitta shook the head distraught, while she muttered.

"No, not my little girl ..."

I went over and pulled her gently into my arms, and murmured.

"Don’t give up hope, Amy took over, because unfortunately the silver has come into Emily’s bloodstream, but we have to believe that she can fight it. The Moon Goddess wouldn’t be so wicked to give us hope, for after worth takes something that is so precious to us, from us again, we need to believe that."

I say gently to my tearful future mother in law, who unhappily nodded. Before she let Anthony pulls her into his arms. This led me to look at him and Matthew, before I told them what Amy had said, they both stared at me confused. It was Anthony who asked.

"A riddle? what kind of mystery?"

And I repeated what I had been told, and hoped that I had remembered it correctly.

"It said: 'All the mates are alive until the sun hit the sea tomorrow, tucked away in a cave where the flowers never grow and the earthly truth dies'. I can’t make any sense out of it, but maybe one of you can figure it out?"

Both Matthew and Anthony looks thoughtful, but they both end up shaking their head.

"I have no idea what it might mean, earthly truth dies!? What the hell does that mean?"

Wondering Matthew out loud.

"Maybe a cemetery?"

We all look astonished at Clarina that said this, and she pulled questioningly at the shoulders.

"What?, You have to admit it makes sense 'earthly truth dies' versus earthly body dies, that's almost the only logical explanation."

Matthew laughs gently, and pulls his mate into him and kisses her deeply before he mumbles.

"I can’t believe that I am fortunate to have such clever mate."

We all nod in unison, we all know that she most likely are right, about the riddle is talking about a cemetery, now the question is just which cemetery. And once again it Clarina that come with the answer, or at least a possibility.

"Maybe some of the roughes know where to look? I mean it can’t hurt to ask them, they're even more interested in solving the riddle and get their mates back."

Brigitta nods.

"Clarina is right, they come from different places, so maybe one of them knows which cemetery it can be. Go down and talk to them, I and Clarina stay here and keep an eye on our girl."

She says with a gentle glance at me, clearly showing that she knows that I would rather not leave Emily again, but I and Lurius promised our mate that we would try to solve the riddle, and we only have until sunset tomorrow to figure out where we find the mates. So after gently caressed Amy's coat, I once again, with heavy heart, leave the room where the most important thing in my life lay, and is fighting for her life, to once again go down to the basement to the roughes. Most of them stands when we come in, and looks questioningly and hopefully at us. I look around at all of them before I get eye contact with the doctor who treated Emily, and while I hold his gaze, I say.

"My mate, who is currently fighting for her life, has got a message she should pass on for the Moon Goddess ..."

But before I could continue, the doctor exclaimed smiling.

"Is Luna Emily woken?"

And I see how the other roughes also look happy at this message, which once again makes it clear that they aren’t ordinary roughes. But their happy expression disappears when I shake my head.

"No, it was our wolves who had to use their mind link to communicate, unfortunately, the silver has gone to her bloodstream, so Emily had no opportunity to communicate with me, but it was her wolf. So now we just hope for a miracle to happen so my mate get through this without any injury."

I couldn’t bring myself to say 'come alive through this' even though I deep down know that it really was is at stake. But as long as I don’t say it out loud, I don’t need to consider it. I'm being ripped out of my thoughts when George, the roughes who had told why they were all rogue exclaims.

"We are sorry to hear that Alpha we really hope the best for Luna Emily."

"Thank you, so are we ... But the message she pass on sound as follow: 'All the mates are alive until the sun hit the sea tomorrow, tucked away in a cave where the flowers never grow and the earthly truth dies'. We mean it’s probably has something to do with a cemetery, but we don’t know which cemetery, and therefore hoped that one of you might be able to shed some light on it?"

The men who had not risen when we came in, stood up as soon as I told the message, and I could see all the way around, that the message that their mates were still alive got them all to live up. After some time there was one of the youngest men whose eyes widen.

"The abandoned cemetery, it’s located about 140 kilometers southeast from here. It’s a little graveyard, but the soil is completely dry, and nothing can grow there, so the stones stand freely on the grayish earth, I have always found the place a bit depressing and scary, even more than a normal cemetery, it’s possible that it’s the place the Moon Goddess alludes to."

Several of the other roughes nods, and an audible murmur sounded. I look questioningly at Matthew, to see if he knows of that cemetery, but he just shrugged, and it’s clear that he has as much knowledge of that place as I have. But we have to trust that what they say is the true, however there is still the possibility of them trying to lure us into a trap, and although it sounds cold, we need to be sure that it is not the case. Therefore, I look at George and the young man, who are in the same cell, and say.

"Fine, you go and see if you can find anything, and if they are there and I need more help, then you send us a video of what is happening at the place, with a camera that only can send directly, and then we come as quick as possible."

There sounds angry outbursts from several of the roughes, but Matthew yell

"Shut up, it's your fault that my sister and Lucas's mate is in a critical situation at present, in the principle, we can kill all of you and don’t care at all about you mates, but we give you a chance to find your mate. You have all been part of a pack, and none of you can honestly say that your former alpha would allow to put 17 roughes free, when we have no idea how they will behave, so be realistic and stop acting like spoiled teenager who expect to get what they want."

I look surprised at him, it's rare that I experience Matthew's alpha, but right now it is very clear, and I can feel I'm proud to be by his side. And the roughes also got silen after his exclaiming, although there still sounds unhappy phrases around. But there is understanding to see in several of the faces, and when the entire group had silent, the doctor stood up.

"I understand what you mean, you can’t let all of us out at once, but to only to send 2? If they meet any hostile, they don’t have a chance, and we will not be able to save our mate before tomorrow at sunset."

I stare at him before I shrug.

"We send 2, but they get a direct camera with them so they can film the entire roads, it can be attached to one of their jackets, that way we can see what they see, then if something happens to them, we will know and are able to send someone new. As Alpha Dust said, we can’t send a large group off, we can’t risk our safety. But okay, the two men I appointed, may take an extra with, which you choose, but if you wanr a chance to find them, and for us to get there if necessary, the three people have to leave this house within 10 minutes, I go up for the camera, and then come back down, and expect that you have decided, if not only the first two mentioned goes."

I say cold, before turning my back to all of them, and leave the basement along with Matthew, who looks at me questioningly.

"Do you think it is wise for us to let them go?"

I shrug.

"I don’t know, but it was a message from The Moon Goddess and if we have understood it correctly, then they have to tell the truth. We must just hope for the best and that it’s the right place we send them."

When we again come down into the basement, three men already stands clear at the cell door, and after a brief nod to one of the guards, they slowly let them out, and to our surprise without any of the other trying to get out. Everything happens in peace and harmony, though you can feel the tension in the room. After a quick conversation where the three roughes took the camera to film their trip, they left the basement in a hurry, that showed that they were keen to get off. I chose to take the small television that showed what they were doing, up to the room where Emily lay still in her wolf form Amy, where I put it next to Amy before I lay down next to her in bed, and quickly the sleep overtook me.

*Lucas ... Lucas! It's time to wake up, they are almost there.*

I'm being ripped out of my dreams when I hear Emi's voice, and I fly out of bed, only to stare surprised down at the still unconscious Amy, but I had heard her voice, I was sure that it was not something I had dreamed, her voice had waken me, but now there was no sign of life, she was not moving. But her words made me look to the small TV that still ran, and it showed that the three roughes had a cemetery in sight, and it was obvious that it most likely was the right place, the place was guarded by about 20 roughes, my phone rang, and when I took it, I heard George's voice.

"Alpha, we are at the cemetery, and we need support, there are 19 roughes..."

I interrupted him.

"I know I've seen it, I send someone off to come to your aid, wait where you are and don’t do anything stupid, it doesn’t help any of us if you get caught and killed, so make youself invisible."

I say before I end the call and go to the door out of the room, but before I get put I become blinded by a bright light, and when I can see again a beautiful dark-haired woman stands beside the bed where my mate lay, protective I quickly step over so that I stand between them and look threatening on the stranger woman, but she just smiles softly to me.

"There is no reason to panic my son, it's not your mate you have to worry about, but the others mates, you have their life in your hands, you face a choice about who should know that they are found, if the wrong person get the knowledge, it will mean the mates death, so be careful to who you tell and who they say it to."

I stare at her in confusion.

"Who are you?"

"Your mate and her friend have already met me and your mate have helped me to pass on some information, and you solved the riddle, where you have sent the men is the right place, but the people who guard the place is forced to kill the mates if ‘The Dark One' gets whereabouts of that you being able to free them. But if they aren’t contacted by 'The Dark One' they will not fight so much, and hopefully we can avoid more innocent lives being lost."

She said softly, and my eyes widen surprised.


I exclaim and the woman laughs softly as she nods. I open my mouth again to ask a question, but Selene shakes her head.

"I'm sorry Lucas, I know that you have many questions, and that it’s your mate’s destiny bothers you the most, but I can’t give you the answers to the future, Emily is a fighter, but I don’t know the outcome for her, it can go either way. I’m sorry to put you through this, but you have to find out who and how many you want to send out, and will provide the knowledge to where the mates are, be carefully cause if you take a wrong choice, the mates will be history."

She smiles regretful before she slowly faded away just as quickly as she had come. I stare petrified at the place where the Moon Goddess stood for a few moments before I turned around and planted a gentle kiss on Amy 'snout.

"Don’t worry princess I will do everything in my power to find the mates and make sure that they are united with their mates."

I softly whisper, before I straighten up, and after quickly have gotten Clarina to sit with Emily, I quickly run down to the office, where Matthew sits behind the table, he looks surprised at me when I come in. He quickly gets up from his chair and exclaims.

"Emily ..."

This makes me sadly shake my head, and I see how Matthews face fall before he again looks at me questioningly.

"Then what is it?"

"They have found the cemetery, and it is the right place but is guarded by 19 men, so we have to send someone off to help."

"Why haven’t you called to a pack meeting so they know what is going on and can choose whether to help or not?"

Asked Matthew astonished. I shake my head.

"No, the Moon Goddess showed herself to me and informed me that I should be careful to who we give the information to, since the knowledge in the wrong hands could mean the death of the mates, it therefore indicate that there is a traitor in our pack. I am certain that I can trust you, so I thought that together we could figure out who else we can trust, but The Moon Goddess also said, that a person could tell it to the traitor, so it's hard to decide who to involve."

I say a little desperate, and Matthew wrinkles also thoughtfully brows, before he said.

"Listen, it sounds like it's pretty important that we consider carefully who we go tell, if we both find 5 people from each of our packs, which we trust to keep it a secret, then we can spent a little time with our mate, I know that you are not much for leaving Emily now, but you also know that you can’t just lock yourself in with her, she wouldn’t have had that."

I nod, I know he is right, so once again I go up and lay beside of Amy in our bed, and hope that she will soon wake up, I don’t want to leave her while she is still unconscious but at the same time I know that Matthew was right, Emily wouldn’t have that I forgot my responsibility to be with her constantly, it went against all my instincts, but I knew that I had to leave in the morning.

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