The Painter Of Port Royal

By FloralPassengers

80.9K 2.3K 703

°•°COMPLETE°•° Lydia Mahogany was your resident artist of Port Royal, with a hidden past that always brought... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
chapter 7
Chapter 8
chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 - New Beginnings
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20 - Things have changed
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25 - The Final

Chapter 23

1.8K 60 13
By FloralPassengers

Just above the horizon was an island of grass and rock. It had two large points flying upwards, hiding what was inside. Shipwreck Cove. Home of Pirates they say, a stronghold only they could penetrate. Closer and closer they got, the island only grew in size. It was right out in the open, disgused in it's mossy exterior you would mistake for just a regular island. Smoke between the two points reigned high, signaling those who knew the island to come forth. The Pearl grazed by the cliff edge, no visible beaches making the island scare off its visitors. Each man of the crew stared off the side of the ship, the beauty of the island so captivating you would mistake it for a goddess in the water.

"Look alive and keep a weather eye!" Gibbs commanded walking down the main deck "not for naught it's called Shipwreck Island. Where lies Shipwreck Cove and the town of Shipwreck."

They really got use out of the word Shipwreck.

"You heard him. Step lively!" Pintel ordered springing the crew into action.

Jack, Lydia and Gibbs continued up the main deck as the rest ran behind them.

"For all that pirates are clever clogs, we are unimaginable when it comes to naming things," Jack said.

"Aye," Gibbs agreed.

"I once sailed with a geezer who lost both of his arms and part of his eye," Jack explained stopping the three at the stairs.

"What did you call him?" Lydia wondered.

"Larry," He replied.

Lydia let out a loud laugh hearing just how unimaginative Jack had been with his own naming. Not that she could have thought of anything better.

"That's the best you could have thought of?" Lydia giggled.

"I didn't think it was that bad," Jack replied shrugging.

"Sure Mr Sparrow," Lydia continued to laugh as she trailed him up the stairs.

"Okay what do you think he should have been called?" Jack cut her off, trapping her between him and the railing.

Taking a second to think, it was actually harder to think of a name than she thought, especially with Jack smirking at her like he was. When she wasn't replying with any names, Jack began to chuckle.

"Aha cat got tongue," He winked.

"No I'm just rubbish at names. Larry is still silly for a name," She said as she pushed passed him.


There was an opening in the island, one not clear to anyone but a pirates eye. The carved out shape perfect for ships to glide through and the Black Pearl definitely did. A fortress was above them. Stacked together multiple ships built the tower that was Shipwreck, millions of lanterns decorating each floor. You could see the cluster of ships surrounding it, even the silhouettes of people traveling across the area. Never before had Lydia seen anything like it. So crooked and almost not holding together, yet sturdier than any building she had seen before. It was a labyrinth of twisted paths and entrances, each decorated with everything you expected Pirates to have. Stolen items of gold and jewels collapsed from other pirates travels, everyone unloading ready for the big meeting of pirate Lord's. She was told she had to be there, and assuming her parents standing in this world there had to be a reason why it was so important for her to be there.

Docking up the ship, Lydia gazed up at the structure as the crew surrounded her, ready to hear the Captain's orders. It was Barbossa who spoke first, seeing Lydia's eyes dance over the area made him laugh slightly.

"We dock up for the night. Go have your fun. I, Jack and Lydia as well as Gibbs, Pintel and Regetti attend the meeting. No one else shall be there savvy?" Barbossa announced.

"Aye!" The crew cheered back, dispersing into individual groups to see the island.

"We have couple hours till the big meeting. Do with that as you please but meet when it's time," Barbossa told the smaller group, nodding to Jack who slipped his hand into Lydia's.

Hopping down the bridge that connected the ship to the docks, Jack smiled to himself as he dragged Lydia along.

"Where are we going Jack?" She asked.

"That's for me to know and for you to find out," He smirked.

He lead her through the fortress first, letting her feel the mischievous aura that was Shipwreck Cove. Assortments of stolen goods cluttered the markets, pirates of all backgrounds shuffling around them. It was a splatter of colour, this town much more organized than Tortuga, which was a blessing. They passed stalls filled with exotic fruits and various jewels, nothing that Lydia was going to question. She had a general idea where they got them. Along the way, Jack snagged a few bottles, presumably rum, and continued through the town until they reached a hidden clearing.

Wooden steps lead a trail up the cliff, completely hidden apart from the lanterns that littered the ground. The path was shaded by trees, caving over the path along this seemingly endless trail. Jack's grip tightened, shocked it was still there. Like an excited child, his paced quickened as he took her up the stairs, making sure she wouldn't trip up on the ragged steps. Emerald blended in with the mint green of the leaves, softly blowing in the wind. A few fell over them as they climbed the long steps, Lydia chuckling at how eager Jack was. His orderly skip, failing his arm that was holding the bottles crazily, was just the same run as he always had. That permanent drunk sway that became so charming yet if anyone else found him like this they would raise a brow.

The last couple steps revealed a clementine orange at the exit, the sun clearly setting around them. This made Jack go even quicker, not wanting to miss it. The clearing where they climbed the stairs had finished and took them to the top of the mountain, overlooking not only Shipwreck Cove but the sea below them. It was a vast field, shortly cut grass cut down to perfection. Who had time to prepare this? It looked like it was out of a painting, Lydia taking a mental picture as she didn't have her sketchbook with her. Spinning, she took in every part of the cliff, the sun smiling down on them. It left a sheet of is glowing light over the grass, acting like almost an orange filter.

Jack's smile grew as he took in the view of Lydia spinning around. She giggled as she felt the heat against her skin, the crashing of the waves below fading to a mellow noise beneath them.

"Don't just stand there come on!" Lydia laughed throwing her arms out.

Rolling his eyes, Jack threw the bottles down and ran for her, enveloping her in his arms and running around with her. Their laughs stormed over the noise of the sea, harmonizing into a beautiful song. Skipping around like they were already drunk, the pair jumped and danced in the evening sun, watching out for the cliff face every so often. After a while Lydia stopped to catch her breath, Jack holding her waist to him.

"Why did you bring me here?" She wondered.

"I used to come her all the time when I was a lad. Best spot in Shipwreck Cove," He smirked.

"That's definitely correct," She replied.

"Come on."

He picked up the bottles and they sat together at the edge facing the water. Large waves rolled below them, too small and far to feel any splashes of water. The sun was ahead of them, waving goodbye as it slowly fell past the horizon. Lydia rested her head on Jack's shoulder, their silence so comforting they could fall asleep there.

"If only there was a place like this in Port Royal," Lydia said.

"No place can beat this," Jack admitted "do you miss your home?"

"That was never my home. I belong out here. With you," She nudged his shoulder.

"Aye!" He raised his bottle before taking a swig.

"You said you used come here when you were young. Did you grow up here?" Lydia gazed up to him.

Setting his bottle down, Jack sighed and moved so he could face her. He was never one to talk about his past. It was never really filled with much joy. All with things he'd rather forget. But looking into those brown eyes of hers, he couldn't suppress it.

"I did. This is technically my home. But my true home is the sea, as you know love," He nodded.

"I had no idea," She smiled "we haven't exactly had time to talk about these things."

"What things?" Jack laughed.

"You know like the small random things about ourselves. Stories people tell each other to get to know one another," She giggled back.

"Alright. This one time on the ship, I drank half the rum and I knew the crew would go bonkers if they found out," Jack struggled to finish his story between laughs "so I topped up what I did have then hid the empty bottles under Gibb's bed. When they found out they were not too pleased with the poor bugger."

"Jack that's not nice," She playfully hit him "okay well I was in my shop once, topping up on paint, when James snuck up on me, presumably to make me jump, but when he did I spun round and got paint all over his new uniform. He didn't have time to change so he had to go to work with bright pink paint down his shirt!" She cried in laughter.

"Bloody wish I saw that!" Jack cried back.

Back and forth they went telling one another stories and other random facts about each other. Lydia discovered Jack could play the guitar, which she was desperate to hear when they had the chance. Jack found out Lydia had a deadly fear of needles, even the sight of one makes her queezy. He decided not to tease her about them. The more and more they shared, the more relaxed they became, their smiles never faltering. Orange and turquoise was ahead, watching over them like proud parents. Lydia hoped her parents could see her now, hidden within the stairs that began to flick into the sky. See how happy she was. That true happiness was there with her.

"Do you when met you I never thought I would fall in love with you," Lydia admitted.

"Harsh," Jack teased.

"Oh you know what I mean," She laughed.

"Aye. I remember all those times you blushed so hard but acted like nothing was happening," He said with a smile.

"I didn't think it was possible to love a pirate," She said.

"And here you are."

He pulled her into his side again as the last of the sun faded away, leaving behind the last glow of orange. Faintly he rubbed her side, still in wonders she was really there. Lydia nuzzled her head into the crook of his neck.

"I didn't think anyone could love me like you do," Jack murmured "I'm so lucky."

Tears dabbed at Lydia's eyes. His voice melted into her ears, warming her heart like a deep embrace.

"I'm so glad you ran into my store. I'm so glad Will dragged me along to see you in jail. I'm so glad I have you," She replied.

"Suppose we should thank that traitor for something," He chuckled "I'm glad you stuck by me. I know I'm not the easiest to trust sometimes."

"I always did though. I always knew you did care. No matter how much you put on that too cool persona," She said.

"You think I'm cool dear," He spoke.

Rolling her eyes, she nudged him again. Their bottles sat beside them, like a couple as well, leaning on one another mirroring their pose. They'd found a place that was perfect. Found a time they could truly never forget. You could say they were soulmates, although they would hate those words. When you meet that person who is the one for you, everything else seemed to fit into place. You're so incredibly in glee that you begin to light the world around you. That aura you carry while in love transfers onto those around you, until everything is okay. Everything was beautiful in your eyes, even the tiniest things like the order of stars in the sky. They traced shapes together, finding connections with those around them. The sky watched down upon them as if they were the only two people in the world.

"It's been a crazy ride," Jack said.

"It really has," Lydia nodded.

"If I died now I would die a happy man," He whispered.

"You're not dying anytime soon. Not on my watch," She assured him.

Although staying silent, Jack still carried the burden of what could happen. This is only going to end in a battle, a painful one. One that will be remembered by all men, pirate or not. There was no one he cared more for than Lydia. And he'd do anything to protect her.

"We shall prevail," Jack showed a tight lip smile.

"Let's not think about that now. We fight when it comes to it. I don't want to mess with this perfect moment," Lydia said.


By now the stars were fully out in the sky, sprinkled over like grains of salt sprinkled over food. A mess of light, no two clusters the same. The last time Lydia saw a sunset that beautiful was when she was marroned, first seeing how handsome Jack was. The orange and turquoise that watched over them had disappeared. They didn't need that reminder that they were right for each other anymore. They already knew it.

"No matter what happens. No matter what could happen. I love you Jack," Lydia said.

"I love you too darling. Everytime you say it, I can't describe the feeling I get," He stroked her cheek.

"I've had the best time with you. And we still have so much to do. Like find that treasure of mine," Lydia said as Jack gazed down at her.

"Forgot about that," He stared at her hair as he felt it in his fingers.


"No. You still owe me that," He mumbled as he leant in and pressed his lips to hers.

He hummed into the kiss as he held her cheek in his hand. Gently he laid her down and sat down to look at her before kissing again. That brief moment he gazed down at the most stunning woman in the world, he felt an odd flutter in his stomach. Like butterflies. Strange. He'd only felt these a couple times. She really had an effect on him. When they parted, Jack only bent back by a few inches, only separating each other slightly. She held his face in her hands, taking in every feature of his face. It was perfect. She'd never seen someone with features like him. The prettiest eyes she could get lost in, always lined in dark, yet making them appear so soft. She could get lost in them? She was already lost in them. As he could with hers.

"We have a meeting to go to," Lydia raised her eyebrows at him.

"Ughhh," He complained, letting his head fall into her neck.

"We have to go. We can't spend an eternity up here," She moved to look at him.

"We could," Jack smirked.

"Come on Mr Sparrow," She heaved him up.


Barbossa banged an iron ball on the table, catching the attention of everyone that was in the room. There was an ensemble of different pirates, each from different places around the globe. They sat orderly surrounded by their crews, a long table separating them from one another. Barbossa and Lydia stood at the head of the table, Jack behind them twiddling the swords that lied in a spinning globe. This room was too small for this many pirates, supposedly only meant for just the pirate Lord's, not their whole crews. Like a feast had just been served, the table was messy and full of crumbs, Lydia avoiding looking at it too long. Above them were several wooden chandeliers, multiple glowing candles on each one.

"As he who issued summons," Barbossa began "I convene this, the Fourth Brethren Court."

The pirate Lord's murmured as they sat down, letting the meeting commence. Barbossa nodded the Regetti and he scurried along the back.

"To confirm your lordship and right to be heard, present now your pieces of eight my fellow cap'ns," Barbossa commanded.

Regetti held out a bowl for each Captain to throw in there piece and Lydia was surprised and what they gave. Items like cards from a deck, a chopped off top of a bottle and a pair of glasses. Jack had given her his piece of eight, and now it seemed a lot more worthy than the junk the others were throwing in. Once Regetti made his way round the table he lowered his head at Barbossa, gazing at the items he'd collected.

"Master Regetti, if you will," Barbossa called holding our his hand.

"I kept it safe, just like you said when you have it to me," He stuttered.

"Aye, you have. But now I need it back," Barbossa glared before swatting him in the back of the head and popping out his eye and dumping it in the bowl.

Lydia grimaced seeing the eye pop out so easily. It wasn't exactly a pretty sight to be seen.

"Sparrow!" A short pirate Lord shouted from the other end of the table.

Glancing at Lydia, Jack strutted forward, only Barbossa noticing Jack's odd stare at Lydia's hair. Where a coin was braided. He nodded to himself.

"Might I point out that we are still short a pirate Lord," Jack stood beside Lydia "and I'm as content as a cucumber to wait until Sao Feng joins us."

"Sao Feng is dead," That same female voice surprised them again.

At the door stood one Elizabeth Swann, dressed a gorgeous detailed outfit and guarded by what appeared to be her own crew. Lydia chuckled slightly seeing her best friend. She looked great she had to give it to her.

"He fell to the Flying Dutchman," Elizabeth continued.

"The plagued ship," An old lady Pirate Lord pleaded as the rest of the group erupted into gasps and grunts.

Stabbing her sword into the globe, Elizabeth winked at Lydia as she joined them, Jack shaking his head at her.

"He made you Captain?" He questioned "they're just giving the bloody title away."

"Jack," Lydia elbowed him "I'm not surprised at all."

The rest of the pirate Lord's were into chaos, spouting out all sorts of commands in their own languages, acting just as Pirates would.

"Listen. Listen to me," Elizabeth ordered "our location has been betrayed. Jones is under the command of Lord Beckett. They're on their way here."

"Who is this betrayer?" A tall man with dark skin asked.

"Not likely anyone among us?" Barbossa assured him.

Jack and Lydia slowly looked to one another before quickly turning away. Of course they knew.

"Where's Will?" Elizabeth leaned into Lydia.

"Not among us," Jack said for her.

Now Elizabeth knew too. Scoffing, Lydia gave an apologetic smile at Elizabeth as Barbossa continued.

"It matters not how they found us. The question is, what will we do now that they have?" He pondered.

"We fight," Elizabeth said.

As the rest of the pirate Lord's laughed at her, Lydia thought over that plan. It was all they had. They had almost every pirate around the globe under this fortress. No matter what Beckett could throw surely it wouldn't be a match for this.

"Shipwreck Cove is a fortress," The lady Pirate Lord stood up from her seat "a well-supplied fortress. There is no need to fight if they cannot get to us."

The rest of the pirate Lord's mumbled in agreement.

"There be a third course," Barbossa offered "in another age, at this very spot, the First Brethren Court captured the sea goddess and bound her to her bones. That was a mistake. Oh, we tamed the seas for ourselves aye," He began to stroll round the table "but opened the door to Beckett and his ilk. And now he's after one of our own," He gestured to Lydia which she smiled awkwardly at "better were the days when mastery of seas came not from bargains struck with Eldritch creatures, but from the sweat of a man's brow and the strength of his back alone. You all know this to be true," The Lord's muttered agreement "gentleman, ladies, we must free Calypso."

The Lord's stared at him like he offended their mother, blinking slightly before erupting into chaos again. They shouted obscene words to Barbossa, threats Lydia was sure they would hold up.

"Shoot him!"

"Cut out his tongue!"

"Shoot him and cut out his tongue, then shoot his tongue. And trim that scraggly bears," Jack joined in, Barbossa shaking his head at him.

"Sao Feng would agree with Barbossa," One of his men said.

"Calypso was out enemy then, she will be our enemy now," A Lord said.

"It's unlikely her moods improved," Another with long curls and heavy makeup said.

"I would still agree with Sao Feng. We release Calypso!" Another said.

This only made the pirates argue more, instead targeting each other instead of Barbossa. As gunshots went off, Lydia stepped back into Jack, watching the brawl unfold ahead if them. Even Jack was slightly shocked at what had begun, keeping a watchful eye out on who was flying where. Bottles were smashed, men were slid down the table. Now it was reminding Lydia or Tortuga.

"This is madness," Lydia mumbled.

"This is politics," Jack replied.

"Meanwhile our enemies are bearing down upon us," Elizabeth added.

"If they not be here already," Barbossa growled.

After letting the brawl go on for long enough, Barbossa stomped into the table and held his gun in the air. He shot high grasping everyone's attention.

"It was the First Court that imprisoned Calypso. We should be the ones to set her free," He said "and in her gratitude, she will see fit to grant us boons."

"Who's boons? Your boons?" Jack questioned "utterly deceptive twaddle-speak, says I."

"If you have a better alternative, please share," Barbossa climbed off the table.

"Cuttlefish," He said "aye," He beckoned people to move out of his way "let us not dear friends forget our dear friends, the cuttlefish. Flipping glorious little sausages. Pen them up together, they'll devour each other without a second thought. Human nature, isn't it? Or... Or fish nature. So yes we could hole up there well-provisioned and well-armed. Half of us would be dead within the month. Which seems quite grim to me, anyway you slice it. Or... As my learned colleague so naively suggests, we can release Calypso, and we can pray that she will be merciful. I rather doubt it. Can we pretend she's anything other than a woman scorned like which fury hell hath no? We cannot. Res ispa loquitur, tabula in naufragio. We are left with but no other option," Jack had made it to the other end of the table by then "I agree with, and I cannot believe the words are coming from me mouth... Captain Swann. We must fight."

Lydia grinned to Elizabeth which she hesitantly returned, not to appear too much like an excited child.

"Yes we should fight," Lydia announced her presence.

"And who might you be Miss?" A Lord inquired.

"I am Lydia Mahogany. Daughter of Benjamin and Lucy Mahogany," Dhe let the names settle in as everyone widened their eyes "and Jack is right. We have no other option."

"The last Mahogany," A Lord mumbled gaping at her.

"Aye. She's with me," Jack bragged.

Lydia shook her head chuckling as the eyes of the fellow Lord's jumped from Jack to Lydia, taking a moment to grasp their relationship.

"I suppose that's true," Lydia said.

"Aye let's move on from your two's cutesy nonsense and get to it. You've always run away from a fight Jack!" Barbossa interrupted.

"Have not."

"Have so."

"Have not."

"You have so!"

"Have not."

"You have so, and you know it," Barbossa concluded.

The Lord's head went back and forth between the two men, their voices clearly over powered by them.

"Have not. Slander and calumny," Jack rebutted "I have only ever embraced that oldest and noblest of pirate traditions. I submit that here now that is what we all must do: we must fight... To run away."

The pirates in the room all cheered at Jack's voice, going back and forth in decisions like they were playing catch. Lydia nodded to Elizabeth to notion it was her plan not Jack's. But Jack made it sound fancier and more pirate like.

"As per the code, an act of war, and this be exactly that, can only be declared by the pirate king," Barbossa folded his arms.

"You made that up!" Jack accused.

"Did I now?" Barbossa said "I call on cap'n Teague keeper of the code."

Jack's face dropped at the name and as the other Lord's had a rebuttal of their own, he only stared at the table. Noticing this Lydia gazed him down, managing to ignore the gunshot that sounded from her left. Until everyone turned to see where that gunshot came from. A man stood at a balcony of a ship behind Jack, with long black hair and a wrinkly face. The man appeared a lot like Jack, only older and like he been sat in a bath too long and turned into a wrinkly grape.

"Code is the law," He said, blowing away the smoke from his pistol.

Twitching even more, Jack was still more interested in the table, or he was avoiding whoever this Captain was. The rest of the Lord's sat down slowly as he marched towards them. Coming into the light he looked even more like Jack. That was his father. Lydia gasped quietly then took a closer look of his clothes. She could tell where Jack got his style from, the man had beads in his hair and a flowy outfit like his own but this older man was more refined. Less scruffy as Jack could be sometimes.

"You're in my way, boy," Captain Teague said coldly behind his son.

Shuffling to his left, Jack moved out the way and let his father call over the code carried by too even older men. The large book was placed onto the table with a thud, it much larger than any book Lydia had ever seen. Each pair of eyes round the table stood up for a better look at it's leather exterior, Teague whistling for a dog to bring the keys. That same dog that was on the cannibals island merely a couple months ago. How it escaped Lydia will never know.

"That can't... How did..." Pintel and Regetti were just as confused as Lydia.

"Sea turtles mate," Teague said, a running theme of grand escapes.

As Teague unlocked the book, the dog barked in agreement, bragging about how it got out. Teague heaved the book open at the right page, guiding his finger down it for the right section.

"Ah Barbossa is right," He said.

"Hang on a minute," Jack pushed forward "it shall be the duties, as the king, to declare was, parley with shared adversaries... Fancy that."

"There has not been a king since the First Court," A Lord said "and that's not likely to change."

"Why not?" Lydia and Elizabeth questioned.

"See, the pirate king is elected by popular vote," Gibbs explained.

"And each pirate only ever votes for hisself," Barbossa joined in.

"You know what could make this easy," Jack pondered "Lydia Mahogany is still technically Royal. Doesn't that count for something."

All eyes turned to Lydia who stood there without a clue on what to say. She was royalty. But there was no chance she could lead. She followed others, not had them follow her. If anyone should lead it was Elizabeth, the one who came up with this plan in the first place.

"The Mahogany's, although Royal yes and very powerful," Barbossa nodded to Lydia "were always too humble to partake in these business so she has no voice in how they shall be dealt now."

"Darn," Jack clicked his fingers "okay I call a vote."

Her parents, although being pirates were clear to never really follow their rules, which could be why they were so successful. The Pirates round this table, excluding some, seemed to not hold up so much on their, choosing to side with either Jack or Barbossa on most scenarios. Captain Teague had retired to his arm chair after all the squabbling and started to play his guitar. Is that where Jack learned it from, Lydia wondered. Each Lord voted for themselves as they said they would, Lydia finally learning some names around here. Ammad, Chevalle, Sri Sumbhajee, Mistress Ching and the rest stood up one by one and addressed the room.

"Elizabeth Swann," Elizabeth shook her head.


"Elizabeth Swann."

Shocked by what had just come out of his mouth, everyone spun to Jack, him winking at Lydia from across the room.

"What?" Elizabeth said confused.

"I know. Curious, isn't it?" Jack replied.

Again the room was chaos, the Lord's offended that someone didn't vote for them instead of Elizabeth. Reaching forward Lydia patted Elizabeth's arm. They dreamed of that when they were kids, ruling over the seas with pirates. Now it was becoming a reality.

"Am I to understand that you lot will not be keeping to the code, then?" Jack pointed out.

A string from Teague's guitar sprung from it's place, urging everyone to be quiet and sit down.

"Very well," The female Lord said "what say you, Captain Swann, king of the Brethren Court?"

"Prepare every vessel that floats," Elizabeth commanded "at dawn... We're at war."

Elizabeth and Jack nodded to one another, Jack smiling slightly.

"And so we shall go to war," A Lord that was yet to speak stood up, his high pitched voice proving why it took him so long to speak.

Everyone pirate around the table shouted and cheered the signal of war, Barbossa looking to Regetti who slid the bowl of eights in his jacket. As the rest of the Pirates filed out the room, Lydia pushed through to Jack, who had turned to face Teague who was still lounging in his chair.

"What?" Jack mumbled "you've seen it all, done it all. You survived. That's the trick, isn't it? To survive."

"It's not just about living forever, Jackie," Teague shook his head "the trick is living with yourself forever."

"How's mum?" He wondered.

Teague lifted up a small dolls head in front of Jack, Lydia taking a stead back next to him which announced her presence. Teague gave her a knowing smile.

"She looks great," Jack stuttered.

"So you finally found someone," Teague said.

"Oh yes um I did," Jack held Lydia's hand and pulled her too him.

"Treat each other well," Teague leaned into Lydia's ear "don't let him do anything stupid."

"I won't," Lydia chuckled, Jack wanting to know what he said.

Waving goodbye to Teague the two walked back to the Pearl where the others had retired for the night. Tomorrow was the big day. The day to end it all. Finish this adventure they've been on for so long. Everything had lead them up to this. Feeling her necklace, Lydia remembered thinking that adventure was completed and in her past. But maybe that was the catalyst for this all. Jack stumbling into Port Royal, changing everything around him. For good or for worse? This will soon decide that.


Writers note:

I tried to upload them all yesterday but that proved to be rather difficult 😂

Anyways I wanted that moment by the sunset for Jack and Lydia to be a final kinda peaceful moment between them as the last two chapters are very chaotic. I hope you enjoyed it's kinda sad it's ending soon.

Happy reading ❤️

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