Red Eyes (manxman)

By JustWriter

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Cooper is famous, he has reached the top and is enjoying the lap of luxery. His house in the hills, hot holly... More

Chapter 1 - Operation Tobalt
Chapter 2 - The Rewards Are Immense
Chapter 3 - I Am Cruel
Chapter 4 - Scared for You
Chapter 5 - I Am Dreaming
Chapter 6 - Stories Are Powerful
Chapter 7 - I Don't Want to Live Like This
Chapter 8 - I Offer a Solution
Chapter 10 - I Don't Want You To Go

Chapter 9 - Remember What You Were

1K 62 3
By JustWriter

Chapter 9 – Remember What You Were

            Luna Lincoln lay on the couch in a small Inglewood apartment.  She was beautiful and her fur coat was elegant. One would never expect such a powerful singer and gorgeous woman to be lying on a couch in the poorer part of town.  Overlooking her stood Marcus in a tight white tank top and sagging jeans that used to belong to Luna’s husband. The werewolf’s hair had grown out and curled a bit on the ends.  In the kitchen, Leshanda sat at her round kitchen table eyeing Cooper.

            “I can’t read your mind anymore.” Leshanda nodded, “You’ve changed since I’ve last seen you. You’re so different.” She stood up and opened her fridge. “Do you want something to drink?”

            “I’m okay,” Cooper tapped the table; he wanted to get to it. In a way, this wasn’t so different than when he was here the last time but Cooper wasn’t as nervous, he didn’t have as much to lose this time.

            “I’m going to pour you some O.J.” Leshanda was forceful as she had always. She filled the two glasses covered with pink and yellow flowers with the orange liquid and held it out to Cooper. “Always wanted to entertain a big Hollywood type. The last time I saw you, you wanted to find your boyfriend.”

            “A lot has happened since then.” Cooper nodded, which was true. Everything was the same only he had changed. He had dug into himself and found parts of him that were so different than before.

            “Sure, I hear that, now I am not a therapist,” Leshanda must have known about the other mind-reader who was killed, “but I do want to ask you one thing.”

            “Yeah,” Cooper nodded taking a sip of the orange juice, he felt a little bit like a kid again.

            “Why are you doing what you’re doing?” Leshanda leaned over the table her jewelry falling forward with gravity. Her eyes were brown and intent on Cooper.
            “Excuse me?” Cooper didn’t feel like he had to explain himself but he also didn’t know why he was “Because, he killed enough of the people I love and enough of the people other people love. I don’t want to lose anymore. It all started with my father but it didn’t end there and it won’t end.”

            “Okay,” Leshanda stood up sauntering into the living room, she paused at the doorway, tapping her hands on the doorframe. “Fair enough, let’s do this. And Cooper, I know this new self is stronger, but when this is all done…don’t stay like this. The anger and angst, well I’ve read a lot of people’s mind and it doesn’t help. Remember what you were.”

            “She’s still knocked out,” Marcus said, “We need to read her now – we don’t have much time.”

            “Boy!” Leshanda pulled up a chair and held the girls hand. “Don’t you dare rush me? Bursting into my house like this, damn.” She wasn’t about to take attitude from anyone.

            “Leshanda, we are looking for anything about Walt.” Cooper explained coming up behind the woman.

            “I’m digging, Walt is scared but intrigued, he talks about you a lot Cooper. He also, is interesting.” Leshanda moved her hands up to Luna’s temples and rubbed them leaning in.  “Walt knows you can destroy him but doesn’t have faith that you have the power.” Leshanda kept her eyes closed. “He said you’re a story – a made up story.”

            “Like the sword.” Cooper turned to the wall and hit it in frustration.

            “Don’t you break my house!” Leshanda stood up and pointed and accusatory finger at Cooper.

            “I’m sorry,” Cooper shook his head. “It just feels like there isn’t anyway to win. This guy has been around for so long and he started half the rumors to destroy him. How do we know he didn’t just start me? Maybe I am just a fake story on how to destroy him.”
            “Then why would he be scared?” Marcus countered.

            “Well, why can’t it be both? Why can’t you be made up but also be able to kill him.” Leshanda explained. “You’ve killed a demon before, right? What if Walt can be killed the same way – that any human can do it, but right now you’re the only one that actually has.”

            Cooper looked at Leshanda and it all clicked. It made sense, he could kill demons and that is what Walt was – a demon, just the very first one. Cooper hugged Leshanda then was quickly pushed off her.

            “I am not your mama,” Leshanda stated. “Well, good luck Cooper.”

            “We are done with her.” Cooper said walking towards the door. Marcus grabbed Luna’s head snapping her neck.


            Cooper paced back and fourth in his Hollywood Hills mansion, Marcus sat on the couch following him with his eyes. “This is it,” Coopers’ hand shook. He just got off the phone with his friends and this would be the final push to defeat Red Eyes. Everyone would be in the proper places and James was all set as well. Cooper couldn’t rest, he was too nervous. A cold wind blew in through the broken glass wall, still destroyed from the last time Cooper was here. The sky swirled with dark gray clouds.

            “We’re going to be okay.” Marcus stood up and walked over to Cooper.

            “Marcus, I’ve done things…” Cooper thought about his past two times with Walt. How horrible they were. “And I’m scared, I’m scared for what will happen with all of this. I don’t know if I am going to come out of it alive but if I don’t try the not trying will kill me anyway.”

            Cooper was crying and the soft wounded dove was right in front of Marcus. The werewolf hugged Cooper close, resting his head on top of Cooper’s and feeling Cooper cry into his broad muscled chest.

            “I know I’ve said this before but I’m sorry,” Marcus whispered.

            “Don’t be,” Cooper whispered in between sobs. “I made just as many mistakes, I led you on and it wasn’t right.”

            “Did you really not love me?” Marcus couldn’t help but ask the question that had been tugging on his mind for all his years.

            “I don’t know,” Cooper gripped Marcus’ bicep feeling the strong warm muscle in his palm. He looked up at the wolf and felt just as twisted and dark as the wolf once was. Leshanda’s voice rung in Cooper’s head but also the words Walt said. Cooper had changed and was different but he was exactly who he was supposed to be for the moment. Cooper decided his own story and right now he couldn’t imagine anyone but Marcus holding him. Marcus’ beard had grown and before Cooper knew it the scratchiness of it was rubbing against his face as he kissed the man.

            Marcus lifted Cooper onto his granite counter and kissed him softly. Cooper reached under the white tank top feeling Marcus’ hirsute abs. The muscles tingled on his fingertips and Cooper’s loins were set ablaze as he reached up touching Marcus’ nipple. Marcus’ tongue slid into Cooper’s mouth and his firm hand rested on Cooper’s back.

            “No,” Cooper stopped and pulled away and Marcus respected him. “I can’t, not while Jake is like he is.” Cooper slid off the counter. “But thank you, I needed that to calm down.”

            Marcus nodded and looked at the stovetop clock. “We should get going.”

            “Sure, let me just change.” Cooper went upstairs to his bedroom he opened his closet and pulled out some comfortable jeans. Sliding them on he pulled out his phone texting his mother that he loved her. He needed to do it, just in case. Pulling on a comfortable shirt and an overpriced sweatshirt, Cooper left his room and hopped in his BMW.

            Driving down the hillside it wasn’t long before Cooper arrived at the Artist Talent Agency. He parked and walked up to the top floor where Walt’s office was. His assistant let Cooper in.

            “Well, what brings the visit? I feel like I couldn’t get hold of you for so long now I can’t go a day without seeing you.” Walt smirked. “Can’t get enough of me? Well I suppose I have enough time for a quickie.”

            “That’s not why I am here.” Cooper started. “You’re scared of me, right?”

            “Yeah,” Walt leaned against his desk with a coy grin on his face. “I’m scared of you Cooper Morris. But I’m sure Sol and Luna told you. I know they’re dead and I know you’re up to something. I just don’t know what yet. So do me a favor before I kill everyone you love…”

            “Okay,” Cooper smiled and walked up to Walt so his face was just inches away from the man. “I will spill all.”

            “That sounds sexy.” Walt puffed his chest and wrapped his hands around Cooper. “You know, I am glad you got rid of those two singers, I was so bored of them, I like a guy that can keep me on my toes.”

            “I am going to kill you, the same way I killed Jonas…” Cooper looked out the window as the last specks of sun set. “By now my friends have started the first attack, on the first floor some wolves and vampires are working their way up to me.”

            “Good to here, but my army of demons, they are coming and there are some between you and me.” Walt smirked and wrapped his fingers around Cooper’s waist. “So, there is no escape from this building if they make it up here.”

            “They’ll make it up here.” Cooper said assuredly.

            “So, do you want to suck me off before they get here.”  Walt smirked.

            “No, but I wouldn’t mind putting you to sleep.” Cooper pulled a small vile from his pocket and smashed it against Walt’s face. Walt threw his arm out sending Cooper through the wall into a conference room.

            “You think putting me to sleep will do anything?” Walt wiped the liquid from his face.

            “I’ll see you in the spirit world.” Cooper turned to his left as Walt’s secretary, now with rows of serrated teeth darted towards him, she was a demon. Cooper leapt to his feet and pointed his hand at the girl, she few backwards hitting the wall and falling down dead. The elevator opened and two more demons ran out. Quickly, Cooper made word of them psychically sending them out the window falling to their death. The door to the stairwell burst open Marcus dashed forward in wolf form. Marcus was followed by Emily, Soraya, Kayla, Zeke, and Jake. Cooper’s heart skipped a beat and he ran forward embracing Jake.

            “Jake, what happened? Why are you here?” Cooper looked at Jake his eyes shining.

            “I woke up,” Jake nodded. “I’m here to help.”

            “Guys we don’t have much time.” Kayla shouted. “You can make out later.” Cooper nodded and ran over to where Soraya made the circle to enter the spirit world. She looked up at Cooper with a smile.

            “You remember this?” Soraya looked at her friend and squeezed his hand. “You’re going to win Cooper. I know it.”

            “I know am.” Cooper said, still a bit unsure about what would happen. But he was done running away from this, now he was running full speed towards it.  Cooper lay down in the circle and felt himself drifting away. His friends would keep his body safe while the war of the century went on outside. Cooper’s spirit and soul would drift off to the spirit world where he would fight the king of demons.

            Opening his eyes, Cooper stood up, the office was fixed now, unbroken and quiet. Except the fourth wall, the one, which was all glass and looked out over Los Angeles, was replaced with a lush and green jungle. Cooper walked through the jungle for a moment before exiting to the top of a stone pyramid. He was looking out over ancient Mesopotamia.

            “So here we are.” Walt smiled. “My childhood.” He walked up behind Cooper and put an arm on his shoulder. “

            “It’s beautiful,” Cooper said and looked at Walt.

            “You had a forest I have this. You realize, you led them to kill my Uncle the Apkallu.” Walt walked along the pyramid and leaned up against the stone wall. In a way, he seemed happy to see something he never thought he’d see again. Scenery that wasn’t available in history books that could only be remembered by ancient ruins.

            Cooper remembered the speaker for the gods, a mythical creature who led a cult. He remembered being right by Tobalt when they led the siege that took down the Apkallu in that old hotel in Los Angeles.  “I see where you got your crazy from.”

            “Hah, right,” Walt gave Cooper a genuine smile, something that probably hadn’t been seen in centuries. “We are not so different you and I. I don’t see why we can’t live in peace.”

            “We are so different.” Cooper shook his head in disagreement.

            “Really?” Walt slid his hands in his pockets and balancing on the balls of his feet took a step towards Cooper. “Both born into families, both with great destinies before us, both with legions of followers ready to give their lives for us. How are we different?”

            Cooper felt a strange taste in his mouth, a bitter taste of disagreement followed by the sour taste of something he was unsure of. “I’m not trying to destroy all humans.”

            “No you’re trying to destroy demons. You are trying to destroy my race,” Walt pointed at himself angrily. “Why do humans get to rule?”

            “You created demons.” Cooper shook his head.
            “And humans create other humans, right?” Walt rolled his eyes, “So why is your version of God so much more important than mine.”
            Cooper recognized the sour taste. He knew Walt was wrong but he made valid points. Who was Cooper to play God? But Cooper knew he wasn’t as malicious as Walt, “You possess people. You take away their free will. You control people.”
            “You controlled Paul. You led in the deaths of Sol and Luna, those were my friends.” Walt rebutted. He walked up to Cooper facing the man. Cooper looked into Walt’s glowing red eyes and knew he was right. 
            “Stop getting inside my head.” Cooper screamed stepping away, he knew in his heart he wasn’t as evil but all of arguments Walt

            “You want me there, don’t you?” Walt’s words had a stronger effect on Cooper. “You put yourself at my feet these past few days. We got closer, more intimate.”

“Because I wanted to destroy you.” Cooper took a step back, he was now at the edge of the pyramid, one more step and he would fall. Walt stood in front of him, his glowing red eyes piercing into the man.

“Every moment you got closer to me I got closer to you.” Walt smirked.

“Because I wanted it.” Cooper challenged. “I got close to you to bring you here so I can destroy you!”

“Destroy me then.” Walt pushed Cooper off the edge of the pyramid and Cooper plummeted. The black sky swirled with white clouds and the inverted colors of the spirit world swirled around him. Cooper hit some fat elephant ear leafs in the forest below then plunged into black murky water. Breaking the surface he stared up, Cooper survived and waded through the water to an open stream. Pulling himself ashore he gulped. He needed to regroup. Cooper knew what he needed to destroy Walt, the purple flame. 

His clothes were dried instantly and Cooper started running until the dirt floor turned into cement and the rainforest became a city block.  Turning around he spotted red eyes looking at him from the shadows of the forest. There wasn’t much time. Cooper ran down the familiar street to the club “Fire”. Descending the stairs into the darkness Cooper kicked open the club, it was gorgeous and huge as if there had never been a fire there before. It didn’t look like the last one Cooper visited. Hurrying into the backroom the fireplace was empty, where was the purple flame.

“Welcome to my version of the club.” Walt stood in the doorway, except he stood taller now, staring down at the man. “You created a forest, I created a world. This is my part of the spirit world and I’m afraid to say I know it better than you do.”

Cooper knew that if he died here, this would be it, the end of the line and he would die in the real world as well. Turning to a nearby window Cooper ran to it breaking through the glass. He remembered this window from the last time and although the club was new the architecture hadn’t changed. Once Cooper burst through the window, he was in a completely different place. It was ancient Rome and tall stone columns surrounded him.

“My world is complex Cooper.” Walt leapt from the building into the courtyard. “You’ll get lost here, like all the spirits.”

Cooper remembered that his spirit world had formed a forest where people’s spirits from his life were trapped. He burnt down the forest and all the people in his life that were trapped there were freed.

Walt started walking to Cooper, his eyes intent on destruction. Cooper threw out his arm and Walt held up his, bracing himself. Then, before Walt could attack a creature Cooper never thought he’d see again appeared at the end of the street. It was the Apkallu, his ancient tribal robes blew in a breeze as he walked towards the two. Walt looked just as shocked to see the man.

“Well, well, if it isn’t my progeny, Red Eyes.” Apkallu smirked and approached the two. “And I remember you, you led that vampire who killed me right to my doorstep. What a nice surprise for you both to join me here.”

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