By mhyz-serena

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~Sequel to Let Me Be Yours~ Let's join Amira and Ali in their journey of adventure, forgiveness, finding love... More

B. Y. ... BYE 👋


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By mhyz-serena

Ali just had his shower and was about to go to the gym to warm up before preparing for work when he heard a knock. He frowned, thinking who it was by that early hour of the morning.

Next was a knock on his bedroom door and before he even answered, she walked in.

Ali closed his eyes and huffed out. By Allah he almost forgot she's back.

"Good morning Hubby."

"What do you want?" He grumbled.

"Take me to school."

He frowned. "Pardon?"

"Take. Me. To. School. Very clear."

"Amira I must believe you've started losing it."

"Believe all you want. I'm running late for school." She stated.

"And you think I," He pointed at himself. "Am your driver?"

"You fired my driver."

"Who hired him in the first place?"

"Who does he work for in the second place?"

"Amira get out of my room."

"You are taking me to school Ali, right now."

"Amira before I snap, get out."

She rolled her eyes and went to his bed, took a load off. "Get dressed, it's at least a thirty minutes ride."

Ali gaped at her unbelievably. He just can't stop wondering what sort of woman he has as a wife.

"Amira call Lawrence or Imam_"

"They're not my husband."

"Amira just stop already!"

"What am I doing?"

Ali massaged his nape, cursing under his breath.

"Take me to school and until you bring back Mallam Nasiru, you will be taking me to school."

"So you think you've grown old enough to order me around?"

"Ali it's almost seven thirty and my class is eight. I'm not even letting you be until you take me to school so quit wasting my time."

"I will not take you to school!"

"Maybe I should tell Goggo you're stopping me from going to school." She said, fishing out her phone from her handbag.

Ali rushed to her and seized it. "Do you know you're a little devil?"

"And you're a big devil." She retaliated and he clenched his fist.

"I wish I could..." He gritted, wanting badly to smash her face.

"Last chance, or there's a million ways to reach to Yola." She stood up, folded her hands.

"I despise you."

"I loathe you."

"Fuck!" He smashed the phone on the bed and Amira watched as it bounced.

"Thank your stars it didn't fall or you'd have gotten me a new one and played every game there till the level I'm in."

"Just get the hell out of my life." He gritted, heading to his wardrobe.

"You can never tell, perhaps together forever." She grinned.

"Not now not ever." He corrected, pulling a black jubbah with him.

"Where are you going without me?" She snatched her bag from the bed and went after him as he took his phone, throwing the jubbah over his gym shorts.

He ignored her and dialed Lawrence.

"Good morning_"

"Car keys, anyone, right now." He ordered, cutting Lawrence's greeting short.

"Okay_" And he cut the 'Sir' off too as well.

He jogged down the stairs with she hot on his tail. He certainly was going nowhere without her.

"Where the hell are you going?" She demanded from behind him and he turned around abruptly making her bump into him.

He watched with a scowl as she reeled back, adjusting her glasses and veil.

"What was the meaning of that?!"

He hissed and turned around, heading for the door.

"Ali come back here!" She ran after him, pulled his arm and stopped him from opening the door.

"Don't you know how to say sorry?!"

"Amira I'm trying my very best not to get mad right now so don't you irritate me more than you already are!"

"Screw your grumpy ass Ali."

"Fuck you as well!" He shot at her and headed out.

"You're taking me to school_"

"Say that one more time and I swear I'm going nowhere." He warned, firing daggers at her.

Amira shut her mouth, not because she's scared but she believed to have pushed enough buttons for the morning.

Lawrence came jogging up to them and handed Ali the key, passing greetings between the duo.

Ali only hummed and headed to the car that honked when he pressed the fob while Amira answered, mentally facepalming at her husband's attitude.

Ali no get joy kpata kpata.

She hurried to him and not wanting much drama, sat at the passenger side.

He brought the engine to life, warmed it up a little before reversing. He stopped and Amira looked at him with questioning eyes.

"Do I still have to fucking say it?"


"I hate it when you play dumb."

"Then how're you expecting me to_"

"Fasten your seat belt."

"No. Why would I do that?"

He fired a fierce glare which she reciprocated.

"You can't scare me with that."

"Will you fasten the damn belt or no?" He belted and she rolled her eyes.

"If you're looking for an excuse to not take me to school then I'm not giving you." She fastened the seat belt. "Carry on."

Ali hissed and took off, riding mad as usual but Amira didn't complain. If he thought he's gonna scare her by doing that then he's in for a big surprise.

It took them less than thirty minutes to reach ABU and Amira gave him directions to her department where most of her lectures held.

"My lectures end 12, you or Mallam Nasiru or I'm not going back."

"Get the hell out of my car."

She smirked and leaned closer to him, placed a peck on his cheek.

Ali's jaw hung lose as he gaped at her. What in hell's name...

"Thanks and cheery bye sweetheart." She alighted, plastering a huge smile on her face.

Ali couldn't wipe his eyes off the window even after she was out of sight.

Wait did she just...

* * *

Umar walked into the office with a group of files in his hand.

"Ali have you gone through_" He stopped mid-stride as he stared at Ali, looking outside the full-wall window, his arms crossed before him.

On a normal day by this time, he should be on his desk working not staring at the busy streets.


He turned his head first before shifting his body to take in Umar's full figure.

"What's up?"

He shook his head and stared back ahead.

Umar fought back the urge to press an answer from him and asked what he'd wanted.

"Have you gone through all the reports? The presentations have been submitted and you have to be in the unit by noon. You also have a_"

"Umar." He cut him off. "Cancel all my personal schedules, take care of the important ones, I'll be sick for the day."

Umar's brows almost hit his hairline. "You should have taken better care of yourself Ali, we've been telling_"

"People don't fall sick to recover Farouq."

"Then you should go home and rest."

"I believe you have lots to cover Farouq,"



* * *

Khalil salaamed before entering Umar's office with their lunch for the day.

"Hey man." He greeted and went to keep the basket on the coffee table sitting between a set of armchairs at the south side of the office before going to Umar's desk where he's going through files and working on the desktop computer simultaneously.

They dapped before Khalil lowered to the chair across Umar's, picking a file labelled 'The Bumi To Zaria Highway Project.'

"Why isn't Ali looking into this? He worked so hard to get it approved."

"He reported sick today." He typed on the keyboard.

"But he told me he's in the office." Khalil's brows knitted together.


"What's wrong then?"

"I don't know but something is wrong with him."

"You didn't try to find out?"

"Of course I did. You know Ali."

"Then try calling his wife."

Umar's eyes flashed. "Why, I didn't think about that. But is she reachable?"

"Why don't you check."

"You call her."

"Jackass." He brought out his phone and began dialing her which she picked on the first ring.

"Salaam alaika Ya Khalil, good afternoon."

"Wa alaikis salaam. Afternoon Amira, how've you been?"

"Fine alhamdulillah."

"Just dialed to check if you're still breathing."

She chuckled. "I am Ya Khalil, thanks for caring."

"Pleasure's mine. Yeah I wanted asking..."


"Do you perhaps know what's wrong with your husband?"


"The one and only one you got."

"What's wrong with him?"

Khalil shared looks with Umar. "You didn't meet with him this morning?"

"I did, he even took me to school and he's perfectly alright."

"Oh, ok."

"Is there a problem?"

"Nah, nothing serious. I'll hang up now."


He cut the call and narrated to Umar what they discussed.

"But wait, could it be because he went home late yesterday? Did Uncle Sulaiman learn about it?" Umar suggested.

"That's true." Khalil nodded, his hands clasped together before his chin in thought. "But who could be the one spying on him?"

"Now that's the riddle."

They discussed more about random things while Umar went on with work and Khalil helped where he could.

Khalil was more apt when it comes to figures and software strategies, he didn't do much of paperwork.

After laying it off, they made for Ali's office together to pray and have lunch as was routine.

Umar placed his ID card before the reader and it pinged before the door opened on its own.

They walked in to meet Ali behind his desk, shuffling through groups of papers, files and still working on his MacBook. Khalil kept the basket in the mini sitting room in his office and joined the duo.

"Ali is there a problem?" Khalil sought.

He shook his head, scribbling something on a paper.

"Said you checked in sick."

"It's past zuhr, go get ready for salah."

They huffed and Umar went first to the toilet to make wudu' after which Khalil and then Ali.

Ali led the prayer and after the taslim, they salaamed among themselves and rolled up the prayer mats, Umar laid them in the shelf and Khalil began serving the meal of jollof rice and beans, goatmeat peppersoup and fruit salad.

"Zee prepared this?" Umar asked, taking his seat beside Ali.

"The peppersoup, Abeedah agreed to volunteer today." He pushed the basket aside and drew closer one of the armless chairs meant for guests and sat down, facing them.

"She's off her pregnancy break?"

"I guess. That lady could be a case." Khalil laughed.

"When will Amira start cooking for us?" Umar glanced at Ali trying to get a talk out of him but he rather stopped him from eating as he kept back the spoon he took.

"I don't have an appetite." He rose from the seat and went back to his desk.

Umar looked over his shoulder at Ali and then at Khalil.

"C'mon Ali, what's wrong?"

"Just eat, I will later."

"Just say you won't." Khalil remarked.

"Look, eat and give me some privacy."

"What's wrong Ali? Is it about Uncle Sulaiman?"

"It's about you trying to piss me the fuck off. Now eat and get out of here." He barked at Umar and went back to work.

They yielded to his wish and went on with their lunch, chatting about everything possible.

* * *

She's on a video call with Khalid, Umar, Jamil and Jamaal chatting about Sumayya's wedding arrangements and Aliyu's new job at a construction company.

"You should see your sister's fiance, he's finer than Prophet Yusuf o." Khalid mocked.

"Be off Khalid, that's rude." She frowned.

"Don't mind him Mami, the guy's really good-looking, just dark-skinned that's all." Umar eyed him.

"Yikes, chill." Khalid surrendered. "I was just joking, I mean, you know how much she always bragged about marrying a rich, fair and handsome man."

"She told me he works with a bank right?"

"Yeah, he's well-off though, owns a house and car of his own."

"Will you make it to the wedding?" Jamaal asked.

"When is it?"


"Umm, I really don't know. I'll have to talk to Ali."

"So how far with him seff?" Umar asked.

She smiled at him. "We're doing good. He should be on his way back by now."

"But really, you just let him slap you and you did nothing?" Khalid jeered.

"You expected me to slap him back?" She raised a brow.

"Something like that." He mumbled, scratching the back of his neck.

"Wait, let's see how your wife does that."

"God forbid I marry a woman that'll raise a hand on me."


They talked more and more before she heard Ali's car drive in.

"I guess he's back."

"Hmm, oya kukuma go welcome him." Umar smirked.

"Oya nah, bye bye."

"See you, chala." And they disconnected the call.

She shut down the laptop and went to the window to have a look. He's unpacking the car, gave Imam a box and Philip a bag, he took his laptop bag then Lawrence took over the car keys for parking. Yeah, she can tell who's who now.

He led the men into the building and she sighed, drawing her windows close.

She had no intention of disturbing him that day, she decided to give him more chance to adjust, she wasn't even trying to take much from him or take advantage of his situation, she just wanted to change him, for the better, in a fun way. To make him see the goodness in life, to help him be happy once again and she can't do that if she'll let him always block her out as he does. She had to get close to make him loose up with her, and that could be done only by playing him a bit hard.

So tomorrow's Friday, and on a glorious day, she'll begin her mission in shaa Allah.

* * *

The aadhan met him in front of his system, going through the palace reports for the week.

He puffed out and went up to make wudu' and pray.

After that and a brief recitation, at six am dot, he went in for a cold bath. He wore a worsted light grey wool suit, paired with a black tie and black leather Brogue shoes.

He packed his laptop and everything he'd need for the day and hung his jacket on his shoulder as he sauntered out, making a beeline to the kitchen for a shot of espresso to get him through the day.

His visage dropped at the sight he caught. He wafted an air of spleen and rubbed the bridge of his nose.

Hah, there we go again.

Though he knew she won't dare make him take her to school again because he made sure Mallam Nasiru was back to work first thing after taking her to school yesterday before he even went for work and that because another half an hour ride with this woman and he's done for.

"Hey there, you ready already?" She flipped the egg she's frying, making a cup of tea simultaneously.

He ignored her and kept his laptop bag on the island away from her work and hung his coat on a stool. He then went to the cupboard and opened it, his eyes flashed.

"Here's breakfast." She set the meal of egg sandwiches before a stool, smiling. "Is anything wrong?"

He tucked a hand in his pocket, using the other to rub his eye. "Where's my coffee?"

"Oh." Her lips formed an 'o' and Ali turned to her, reviewing her figure clad in a peach sweatsuit. Oh?

"Forget about that, just come have your tea."

"Where did you keep my coffee?"

"You're unbelievable. If it isn't there, it's nowhere."

"I need a cup of coffee before work." His voice tightened.

"Oh you." She walked to where he stood. "No more coffee for you. You can have tea instead."

His eyes zeroed on her. "What the fuck do you mean?"

"I mean I've thrown away your coffee, every single bit of it. I'm also giving out that espresso machine. Baby you take too much coffee, the reason you broke down before was due to less coffee than hunger and stress which only means you're already addicted to caffeine. Insomnia, high blood pressure, rapid heart rate, fatigue and," She poked his chest with her index. "Cravings."

"Don't be silly." He pulled her hand away from him. "Who the hell said that?"

"Nobody. Figured it out myself." She grinned.

"I'm not addicted to anything."

"Well prove that."

His brows arched together. "Prove what?"

"You aren't addicted."

"I have nothing to prove to you."

"You're the one arguing, and unless you prove you aren't, you are."

He huffed incredulously. "Don't bullshit me."

"Three days without a drop of coffee, if you hack it, I'll personally make your coffee every morning."

He clenched his jaw, swallowed silently. "If I don't?"

"You'll pay back for making me prove an evident fact."

He puffed out drearily and sidestepped her for his belongings.

"That's your breakfast." She said as she noticed he had no intention of looking at it.

"When did I ask you to make me breakfast?"

"When I felt like it." She walked up to him, eyes lodged in his. "Eat quietly, or regret it."

"Who the fuck are you to threaten me?" He's getting pissed, very pissed.

"Your wife idiot." Her last word pitched a deadly glint in his eyes.

"You're irritating me." He gnarled.

"Why do you always have to make things hard? For you, for me, for everyone? Are you a child? That has to be told to eat? Grow up Ali." She countered.

"Fuck off." He grumblingly whispered, turning to leave.

"Step out of this house without eating and I promise your father will hear of it."

He stopped dead on his track, reevaluating her words. He then limply, turned to have a full look of her standing with her fingers wrapped around the top rail of a chair, eyes on the worktop.


"Just remember this, I'm the wife you harassed weeks back, whatever happens, everyone's on my side. Your father and grandma inclusive."

"Wha, you blackmailing me?"

"Piss off."

"So you're doing all of this cos you foolishly think you have my parent's backing?"

"I'm not a fool and I'm not thinking, I do have their full backing. But forget that Ali, reporting you to your parents is the nicest thing I could do to you."

His jaws fell, eyebrows quirked. Then he chuckled a frustrated laugh, eyes becoming wearier.

She moved to him and slipped his jacket off his shoulder and took the bag from him, kept them as he did when he earlier went into the kitchen and squared him, crossing her arms.

"Did you sleep yesternight?"

He huffed in mirthless laughter, the rim of his eyes crimsoned. "Don't pretend as if you care."

"I do."

"No, you don't. If you had, you wouldn't wanna make me more frustrated than I already am."

"You're the one seeing it as such but that isn't what I'm doing. I'm not trying to make you miserable Ali, I'm just trying to help."

"Help? Me? Don't be silly." He flouted. "I don't need your help. I don't need your care. I don't need you."

"I know."

"So what the fuck is wrong with you?"

"That you're trying to waste the food I prepared and I don't like it. Eat before it gets cold."

He puffed and flew his palm to his face, scrubbed on it then brought his knuckles between his teeth.

After sequential deep breaths, he lumbered to the seat prepared for him and sat down. He pushed away the plate of sandwiches and took two slices of bread from the loaf on the island.

"You don't like eggs or you just don't have appetite for it?"

He looked up at her. "I don't like it cos it's prepared by you."

Her expression fell to a hurtful one. "That hurt."

"This," He pointed at the tray. "Hurts."

She blinked back to stop her tears from overflowing and heard a loud cling of ceramic on glass which brought her attention back to Ali.

"You don't even know how I like my tea."

"If you'd let me do my wifely duties seven months ago, we'd have been well past this stage."

He ground his teeth in exasperation and threw away the tray to the ground, spreading toasts and tea scattered everywhere and the wares shattered.

"You're gonna pay for that." She deadpanned. "In fact you're gonna pay for every fucking thing you break out of stupid anger."

"How much?"

"Money is all you ever care about right?  Then pay for everything you know you've ever broken, everything that meant a lot to me." The tears in her eyes danced but she's fighting not to let them fall.

If Ali was one with senses he'd have realised how much his actions hurt her but then, he took his suitcase and counted out five bundles of one thousand naira notes, placed it before her.

"Is that enough?"

"I hate you." She gritted.

"The feeling is mutual Amira."

"You're just so stupid _"

"Enough with the fucking disparagement Amira!" He pound his fist on the table, shooting up to his feet. "Who's causing all of this? You're making my life miserable and you don't want me to get mad because you claim you're damn helping me? I never asked for it!"

"Helping you, is a punishment for you."

"Of course it is. In every blasted way."

"And I'll make sure I punish you for this, in my own way."

His brows rose and lips worked upwards. "Gotta say, this is just the beginning of my misery."

"Anything you take it as." She walked out.

* * *

"Won't you come to work?" Umar asked Khalil over the phone.

"Nah, today's Afeef's birthday. I gotta surprise him when he comes back from school."

"Wow, I totally forgot. Well, I'll see him when I'm through with today's work."

"Why won't you? And don't worry about the kids, I'll send to pick them up."

"Thanks a lot."

"No p. You owe me a game."

"You never do nothing for free."

"You know me bro. Gotta go."

"Aha." The call cut.

He used the landline to call his secretary. "Aisha get our coffee, one black and make mine latte."

"Ok sir."

He went on with his work, looking through the files of applicants who'd applied for vacancies.

The coffee was brought about fifteen minutes later and he thanked the lady.

"Is there anything else Sir?"

"Nothing, you may leave." He replied without glancing at her direction.

He didn't like female secretaries. Main reason being Fauziyya, jeez can that lady be wild.

For the seven years he's acted as MD of the Dangali and Son's Ltd, this is the second time he had a female secretary. The first resigned after a clash with Fauziyya. She said she's trying to seduce her husband. She's right, he never felt comfortable around the woman. And this, she's been around for a month now, but just temporarily until he finds a male replacement.

He got up after saving his work and took the two cups with him to Ali's office.

"I'll be out for half an hour, don't reach me unless it's crucial." He said to the lady who stood up as he exited his office and she nodded with a 'Yes Sir'.

He lumbered down the silent corridor of the tenth floor, only his office, Ali's and Khalil's reside in that floor, then the conference room.

He reached the door and asked Andy for help.

"He's been in there all day, he said to be left alone."

"I know."

He went in and found Ali rocking on his chair, a pen twirling in his fingers and left fist supporting his chin. Though with the spiffy dressing, he looked rugged.

Umar moved stealthily to his almost untouched desk and kept his coffee before him.

That's when Ali realized someone was in his office as he shot his tired eyes to Umar.

"You are freaking telling me what's wrong with you."

He sighed and shook his head, leaning forward and clamping his hands together on the table.

"You look like a dead man Ali. What's going on?"

"Today's Friday?" He gruffed.


He checked his watch and it's just eleven. Not yet time for prayer.

"Talk to me Ali." He sat at the edge of the oak desk, dropping his cup of coffee. "Are you still ill? Maybe you should go see a doctor."

"And I told you this, we don't fall sick to recover."

"So why do we?"

"To be sick forever." He mumbled.

"Cut the crap."

"Which is mine?" He swiped his eyes between the cups on his table.

Umar handed him his cup and as he took off the cover and led the tip to his lips, he froze up and burst into a fit of mirthless chuckle.

Umar stared at him owly-eyed like, Ali was really laughing, but in a fearsome manner.

"This is coffee right?" He swirled the cup, watching the liquid spin as he did.

Umar's brows furrowed together. "Yes?"

"Is espresso and coffee same?" He swiped his worn-out eyes to Umar.

"They're both coffee."

He chuckled and kept back the cup. "I can't take it."


He shook his head, peering unmindfully at the neat pile of files beside the Mac

"Look man, if you don't get to the point, I'm getting you a leave for vacation."

"Vacation?" He jeered.


"You mean staying at home 24/7?"

"I believe."

"Hah." He inhaled and exhaled. With her? "Khalil isn't in the office right?"

"It's Afeef's birthday, they're planning a party for him."

"Yeah. Lunch is twelve?"

"Today's Friday, yeah."

"You asked me yesterday when Amira'd start preparing lunch for us right?" He faced him again.

"I did."

"Well ask her yourself. Give her a call."

Umar's face wrested in confusion. "Why?"

"Give her a call, hear what she'd say."

"You're acting weird."

"Give her a fucking call Farouq."

"Why should I Ali? She's your wife, you talk to her yourself."

"She's my wife and that's why I'm asking you to call her, she respects you so do."

"She respects me and that's why I can't ask her something like that."

"C'mon Farouq, do it for me."

He scrupled for lazy moments before taking his phone out of his pocket and dialed her number, putting it on hands-free.

She received it, laughing at something that has to be very funny.

"Ya Umar, good afternoon - no morning." She giggled.

"Morning Amira, how's your day?"

"Fine alhamdulillah."

"Umm, I wanted asking you something. It might sound stupid but... I really wanna ask."

"Okay, what's it?"

"Well, I and Khalil talked recently and umm, we thought to ask you if you'd wish to honour us with lunch at the office someday. Ju_"

"Really?!" She exclaimed loudly. "That'd be cool. I see Zee and Abee do that sometime and I'd love to also, but I'll ask Ali first, I hope he agrees."

"Wow, okay. Ali shouldn't even have a problem with it, just once will be fine, we see he's always overprotective of your meals, must be a book to write home about."

"Oh Ya Umar, it's nothing like that. Believe me Zee knows how to cook more than I do. She makes the best jollof in town."

"We'll see, with time."

"Of course, I'll talk to Ali. He can't even say no, right? It's just a few times, no big deal."

"Yeah right."

"Today's Afeef's birthday, are you gonna make it?"

"I hope."

"It's starting by four and I really wanna go. I've been trying Ali but his phone is off."

"Oh, I'll talk to him."

"Really? Oh Ya Umar, you're a life saver. Ask him to call me okay? And also Ya Umar, please don't let him take even a sip of coffee."


"Alright then, bye."

"Aha." He cut the call.

"Of course I can't say no." Ali lamented.

"What's happening?"

"Tell her she can go to the party, she shouldn't ask me."

"Why don't you talk to her?"

"I'm busy."

He swore under his breath. "What's with the coffee stuff?"

Ali chuckled again and breathed heavily, staring into space, brows arched together. "Do I take too much coffee?"

"You do. Everyone tells you that."

He faced him with red eyes. "Can a person be addicted to caffeine?"

"Yes. Not like serious drug addiction though."

He huffed and plopped back on the swivel chair, making it rock back and forth.

"What's wrong Ali?"

"You know Dad set someone to snoop on me right?"

"You haven't been answering my questions."

"The person Dad assigned to give him feedbacks on when I go home, how I treat my wife, everything..., is my wife herself."

Umar's brows shot up, turning his forehead to creases. "What?"

Ali smiled gloomily. "Isn't it so amazing? My own wife. Very crazy."

"Did she tell him?"

He shook his head, imperceptibly. "That's what children do. She isn't a child."

"Then what's really wrong?"

"You still don't get it?"

"You've been talking in parables."

"I thought you always got me." Ali mumbled.

"Well right now, I don't."

"But Amira does, she knows exactly what she's doing and she knows I hate it."

"Can you hit the point?"

He leaned closer to Umar. "Everyone's on her side, so even if I tell you, you'll take her side."

"You haven't told me."

"I can't."

"Ali, I can't guess what's going on with you if you don't tell me yourself."

"You don't have to know."

"Then don't look that way, you seem like you've been to hell."

"Umar I'm experiencing worse. My life's totally fucked up. I can't do nothing the way I want to, I don't even own my life anymore. That girl has me right here," He splayed his fingers. "And she's playing me like cards. My whole life I've never ever been ruled by anyone, not even my parents made me this anxious. You don't know how frustrating it is, I wish I could undo everything I've ever done to her and don't feel this much indebted cos everything she does, I don't even have a right to be angry, I can't talk back at her, I can do nothing. You might think she's doing the right thing okay? But I'm not used to it, and I don't like it."

"She's trying to get closer to you, isn't it?"

"No, I call it tormenting me."

"What's wrong with it? She's your wife."

"Not really my wife."

"And that means?"

"She hates me okay? I see no reason why she's trying to be so caring with me. It pisses me off that I can do nothing but give in to her wishes."

"Well you both agreed to get back together to put your relationship back on track."

"Not quite so. It's a contract."

"Contract?" Umar's face contorted.

"She decided to come back to save my relationship with Dad. If everything's fine, we'll get divorced."

"The hell you're saying!"

"You heard right, and not even Fauziyya should know about this."

Umar shifted to his right. "You mean you just played it up?"

"She said it's the best option, everything's too messed up then I never realized what I was walking into. I think I held the wrong end of the stick because I believed she meant we should live as strangers. Like, 'I don't care what you do with your life' stuff, but she's bent on trying to help me, as she puts it, and she always prepares my meals and now she's even choosing what I eat and what I even do. It's damn frustrating."

"Why don't you give it a chance?"

"Give Amira a chance?" He shook his head. "No."

"Are you into her?"

"You mean love?"


"Fuck off. How can I be in love with someone who doesn't love me? Who I can't even have."

"I never thought I'd have Fauzee when I fell in love with her."

"Well this is a girl we're counting to divorce with. It can't happen."

"Look, that girl cares for you. We all know she's from a good family which means she won't even want you for money but she came back. After everything she came back. To help you. Why don't you appreciate that?"

"Well, I just said it, everyone will take her back."

"It isn't about taking backs, she's doing the right thing. Maybe she doesn't wanna stay with you but she's still your wife and she's got responsibilities on her for that, why don't you want her to fulfill them?"

"Because," His forehead creased. "I don't want her close to me, I don't want her to care, I don't wanna get attached to her and then she leaves, like every one of them, she'll go and she'll break my trust, or I'll hurt her and make her leave. I don't wanna take chances, she's made up her mind, she isn't staying. I can't risk getting used to her being around and wake up not to find her around someday. I'm already wretched the way I am. What'll stay, should stay. But Amira isn't staying."

"Then don't divorce her Ali, get her."

"She's done so much for me, and you want me to break our promise?"

"This is a matter of hearts_"

"None of us is in love with the other, we can't even stake that."

"Man you know at this rate you're going, it's either you or her. I won't be so surprised if it's you first, you've ignored that girl for too much. You're penetrable Ali, you're just still denying it. Just wait and see how that girl thaws you away, she means no harm, just wants to see you for a better man you are. So try to get along, if you fall in love firs_"

"I won't."

"I hope you will, Uncle Sulaiman will want to see you happy. And love though it has lots of quirks, brings bundles of happiness Ali. You'll know, in a little time, you'll be all wifey with her."

"I forbid you to utter that ever again."

He laughed. "Oh boy, falling in love just happens, in a minute, an hour, just some words, an act or two, a glance, you won't even realize you're falling, and before you do, you've fallen too deep, too deep only that girl could save you from crashing."

He scoffed. "And you call that happiness?"

"It is. I can't explain it in words, nothing can explain it. The feeling's just heavenly. You'll understand when you do."

"I pray I never do."

"Perhaps you have."

Ali's eyes bugged out.

"I said it," He shrugged. "You won't even realize you did. So why don't you also be nice to her? Maybe take her out sometimes, surprise her, have meals together y'know, try to be more spouse-y. So you won't be the only one falling in love."

"Do you really wanna reach that party in one piece?"

Umar laughed and moved away. "When you fall in love Ali, it'll be a sight wallah. I can't imagine it. He's gonna fall in love in love and here's the bottom line, our trio's down to two." He sang from Disney's 'Can you feel the love tonight'.

Ali grabbed both the ink pad and stamp and hurled it at him but he ducked.

"Jeez man, that's close."

"Get those back here and get out of my office."

"I was on my way dear," He squatted to take the items. "This suit was a gift handpicked by my wife and you almost ruined it, that's so uncool."

"Never talk to me about love ever again."

"A month is all I give you, and you'll be the one to first talk about..., Fuck!" His eyes goggled at his crisp white suit shirt now daubed with strokes of ink, before he could react, the stamp went on his chest, leaving a clear logo of the company.

"I interdict you to ever talk to me about love again." Ali sat back on his chair, twining his fingers together on the table.

Umar chuckled. "I wore this because it's Friday and I ain't just taking your suit this time, I'm gonna pray and fast earnestly to make you fall in love with her. I promise."

"Don't bullshit me." Ali glared at him.

"It's a promise Ali, a month." He turned away with a goofy smile. "I'll go get another coffee, my wife hasn't forbidden me to." He winked at Ali and disappeared.

Ali let out a huge sigh and tufted his hair between his fingers. Ya Allah please don't accept his prayers.

* * *

He parked the car and left it unlocked for the driver to take away as he lumbered up the stairs, unable to even keep his eyes apart.

Is this how much coffee helps me? To even act human?

He pushed the door, kicked it close and opened his heavy eyes, everything swirling around him.

Ya Jalaal!

He reached the sitting room and collapsed on the three-seater couch, letting his coat fall beside him and kept his palm on his forehead as though to keep his brain intact.

Minutes later, he noticed someone approach him and he opened his eyes as she lowered beside him on the arm. He angled away from her with a delirious face.

"You can't even make it through a day, and you say you aren't addicted."

"Well I am." He said in a breathy voice. "Satisfied?"

She shook her head in the negative. "I was waiting for your call so we'd go for Afeef's birthday together."

"A child's party? Go together?" He scoffed. "You can go, I ain't going."

"Don't you think the child will love to have you there?"

"Get him a gift, he'll like that better." He laid his head and shut his eyes.

"Well I'm not going."

"Why?" He sneered.

"Because we aren't going together."

He chuckled deliriously. "Are you tryna flip me out?"

"I don't like it when you laugh like that."

He did it again, with a sneer. "When is this contract going to end?"

"I didn't tell you? Well I've changed my mind. It's lasting till you get remarried."

He snickered, running his palms through his head. You know at times when you're angry, like really frustrated and you feel pathetic to the pit of your soul, you can't even let fly for darn's sake, your anger just flips within you and all that's left is fits of spontaneous snigglings.

"Are you shitting me?"

"Don't be like this." She scowled.

"You're making me like this, cos I really have to get my mind examined, I think I've lost a lot of screws up there."

"The bitter truth is that I'm earnest."

"Yeah, I think I'm not the only crazy one here."

"You need to rest, we'll have a better discussion when you're in the right state of mind."

"Oh shit, I'll be back on track when all this is over and you leave right through that door." He motioned at it with his eyes.

"I don't think that's happening anytime soon."

"Well," He shrugged. "We'll be all nuts till then."

"Ali don't make this hard."

"Don't you see how hard it is for me?"

"You bargained for this."

"I didn't, you didn't give me an option!"

"So you prefer to be thrown out by your father?"

"Absolutely. To this life, better that."

His words hurt her greatly and she looked away from him, sniffing and blinking back her tears.

"Go take a cup of coffee, you'll need it." He got up to his feet and shuffled for the staircase. "And if this is all part of punishing me your own way then go ahead, I won't stop you. But just know that nothing will ever happen between us and neither can you help me, ever. I hate you and it's increasing with every passing day..." His voice faded as he arrived his room.

She closed her sodden eyes and the liquid spilled forth, drawing lines of pain on her cheeks. Ya Rahman ease this pain. Please. Give me the strength to be a good wife, the patience to endure and the will to conquer.

* * *

If she's amazing, she won't be easy. If she's easy, she won't be amazing. If she's worth it, you won't give up. If you give up, you're not worthy... Truth is, everybody is going to hurt you; you just gotta find the ones worth suffering for.

- Bob Marley

* * *

So guys, chappy 2 🤭

How was it?

And Umar... is he really weighty about that? Will Ali be all wifey soon? Well I do hope so and CAN'T WAIT!!! 😁😁😁

Your thoughts are more than welcome 😇 and please shower your girl some love as always 😍😍


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