Behind the Scene || OffGun fa...

By Oongya_Oongya

74.3K 2.6K 590

I thought he feels the same way? Guess I'm being too confident to myself --- This is an OffGun fanfic. I don'... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 9

2.1K 91 6
By Oongya_Oongya

“ spill it ”

Mild said as she drink the cocoa shake that she orders but Off just look at him. He didn't want to tell her anything, after what he did earlier? He didn't know if Gun is mad right now because he ignored the boy.

He just sits there looking at the glass window thinking what he would do tomorrow if he'll see Gun.

“ YA! ” Mild shouted at him, almost all of the customers are now looking at them but Mild seems to not care.

Mild can be pretty uhm- loud? If you must say but Off give her a look to shut up. They're not a normal people anymore, they're celebrities so if Mild do such thing again they'll be the trending topic in the internet

“ shh! Can't you shut up? ” Off said almost a whisper but Mild just drink her cocoa like she didn't do something extreme earlier

“ if you'll tell me why the fuck you do that earlier? I'll stop making a scene ” Mild give him a sweet smile but he knows he needs to obey what this girl wants or else he's doomed

Off sighs, either he tell her or they'll be the headlines for tomorrow's news “ fine ”

Upon hearing that Mild instantly lean closer to him although there's a table between them, she is really curious. She puts the cocoa on the table with a creepy smile on her face making Off a bit awkward

‘ does all of the girls act like this? ’

“ what? Say it! ” Mild is impatient she want to know why of all people Off ignored P'Gun? The last time she checked his ex- boyfriend is so so in love with his BL partner so why the sudden change?

“ did you two have a fight? ” Mild started coz she thinks Off will not say anything if she didn't ask, but the man in front of him just shake his head saying no.

Mild look at him suspiciously, if the both of them didn't have a fight? Why does he ignored Gun? Mild took another sip from her drink and starts to ask again

“ last night was P'Gun's birthday right? ” Mild instantly notice the sudden change in Off's expression
‘ BINGO! ’

Her smile grew bigger

‘ now we're getting something ’

“ How did you know? ” Mild wants to throw something to him right now because of how stupid his question is, like really who wouldn't know? “ it's all over in the internet and trending on twitter stupid! ”

Off totally forgot that, of course everyone in the party, including their fans will surely use a particular hashtag for Gun “ oh yeah I totally forgot ”

He doesn't really care now if Mild will know all of the shit that happened last night, at least there is someone he can talk to. He's tired keeping this to his self

“ so what happened there-- ” Mild is cutted when Off suddenly talk

“ do you remember when I told you I like Gun? ” Off sounded serious so Mild just nod, she already knew that there is something between Off and Gun that is not right

“ I love him now ” He smile at what he said. Looking at him you'll think that he's crazy he's smiling but his eyes tells nothing

“ what's wrong? Did P'Gun rejected you? ” Mild is worried for him, Off is still her friend after all so seeing him like this made Mild worried

“ no ” Mild's brows furrowed, if Gun didn't reject him? Why is he acting like he is broken or something?

“ Gun already has a girlfriend... And last night, during his birthday. I saw them ”
after saying that Off look at Mild that is totally shock right now.

He wouldn't blame her even him, when Gun said that he's already had a girlfriend he doesn't know what to react so seeing Mild being schock like this makes him wonder
‘ does his face look like this when Gun told me he has a girlfriend? Did he suspected that I like him because of my expression? ’
that's what running on Off's mind right now

Mild is still shock, she can't process what Off had just said to her like Gun has a girlfriend? Like really? Is Off tripping her? But when she look back at Off's face, he looks like he doesn't care at all like he's numb and so used to it.
It takes a few minutes before Mild gains her composure

“ are you sure? ” that is the first sentence she speak out “ like are you really fucking sure that the girl from last night.. ” Mild is doing some gestures that make Off look at her “... Is P'Gun's girlfriend? Like-- what if it's just his friend, well uhm P'Gun has a lot of girl friends that he hang outs with. That's what I assume based on his IG story ” Mild can't clearly think that Gun has a girlfriend, I mean doesn't he like Off? Because the way he looked at her earlier she knows that his eyes was covered with complete jealousy and sadness.

At first, she didn't know if it was possible because Gun's eyes instantly changed its emotions but she's sure that what she saw earlier are sadness and jealousy, so what the heck is Off saying to her?

“ it's his girlfriend. The way he smiles at her ,the way he blush while talking to her and how he is so comfortable being around her ” Off can't hide the bitterness in his voice, it still hurts him

“ but- but I thought P'Gun likes you too? The way he hugs you and he kiss you? Was he just pretending? ” Mild is really confused right now

“ I thought that too but... those kisses? hugs? It's just a normal thing for him. I thought I was special because he do those kind of things to me but everything changes when he told me he has a girlfriend ”

“ when did he tell you? ”

“ you know the time when I broke up with you? And the media gone mad and made an issue? ” Mild just nod, she wouldn't forget that time.

The issue was all over the place and she was so shock when the media fabricated what really happened. She told Off that time that she can clear the false news for him but Off refused he said that the news will surely be gone after some weeks so she didn't need to do something

“ I stay at my condo for weeks and at that time Gun visited me. We talked about the issue and that leds him telling me he has a girlfriend ” Off can just feel the pain when Gun first said that to him like it was just yesterday when Gun told him that “ since then, it hits me those kisses and hugs that he gave to me means nothing to him. He also gave those kind of affection to other people in Grammy the difference is that mine is being recorded and the others are not. I was the only one who thinks that everything he does is special, that I'm special. Maybe I am? but not as special as his girlfriend... and you know what's funny? He didn't even tell me that he is a gay and here I am assuming things on my own ” Off laughed bitterly,

maybe Mild thinks that he's stupid and a delusional person like why would you assume something when that person didn't tell something about it in the first place. Gun being a BL partner for him doesn't mean he's already a gay but why he assume those things? Coz of the kisses? FUCK HIM! he should've been more observant before he jumps into some conclusions.

“ here ” Mild offered a handkerchief but he didn't take it he just look at her confused “ what is that for ”

“ you're crying ” Mild can't help but to feel sorry for Off, the way he speaks earlier you can clearly see that Off is really broken inside. This is the first time that Mild witness Off in this state, if what he said is true that Gun is really not in to him there's no way but to accept it. But she's still not convinced, she still holds with what she saw earlier but for now Off needs someone to vent out his sadness and she's the only one available right now

When she thinks that Off is really not getting the handkerchief, she lean in to him and wipe it herself
“ I'm sorry to hear that maybe you can ignore him but not too long he's still your friend ”
after she said that Off get the handkerchief and wipe it himself. Off is really devastated and Mild can't do something about it

“ don't worry I'll not ignore him that long, it's just that I'm not ready to face him after last night. Maybe tomorrow and I'll say sorry to him don't worry ” Mild just nod at him.

She's right Gun is my friend and it's not his fault that he fall inlove to the boy, so why would he give him a hard time?

After the crying scene, Off and Mild talk about some random things, now they're really catching up. Like what Mild kept her busy when she still didn't enter the GMM and what happened to her after they broke up coz at that time they lost communication and they didn't know why. They also talk about Off's life but they didn't dare to open the topic about Gun, and Off is thankful about that.

“ OI! it's already 7:30 I need to go home! ” Mild panicked when she saw what time is it, they talked too much that they didn't notice the time

“ shh can you lower down your voice? Thers are still some customers -- ”

“ I don't care, they are not the one's who'll face my angry mother ” Mild said picking up his things and immediately walk out to the coffee shop, Off just followed him

“ you still live with your mother? ”

“ I need to okay? ” Mild is busy waving her hands for a taxi

“ you should've book a grab you know? ” Mild glared at him that causes for him to step back a little he doesn't want a purple eye for tomorrow's schedule

“ if you should've told me the time then I will not be in such a hurry ” Mild spat out to him. This woman's voice is really really loud he still can't believe how he handle this before.

After a minute of waiting a taxi cab stopped in front of them, Off open the door for her

“ oho! Being a gentleman now~ ” Mild tease him as she gets in the car

“ its natural anyway take care ” he was about to close the door when Mild said something

“ P'Off don't be too sad ,one day I know you and P'Gun will still end up together. Her girlfriend and him are still not married you still have a chance! ” Mild said to him making him laugh

“ how are you sure? Gun is not even-- ”

“ just trust me! Okay? Bye bye ja ” after that Mild close the door herself and  the taxi immediately leave, maybe Mild told the driver to do so.

Off can just smile at how Mild acts did he really fall for that girl? Off was about to get his phone when he check his pockets he can't find it . That's when he remember that he leaved his phone in his condo.

It's already late when he arrive at his house, the first thing he did was charge his phone. He didn't know that it already run out of battery so he charged it, he's planning to stay awake till his phone is fully charged but minutes passed Off can already feel his eyes want to drop coz of how sleepy he is, he just decided to leave it for the night and just unplugged it tomorrow when he wake up


A ring from his phone made Off waked him up, he was planning to ignore the call as he was expecting it to end but it continues to ring so he has no choice but to anwer it. He lazily remove his phone charger to his phone and accept the call. It was his manager

“ yes P'? ” he knows that he has some schedule for today but it's for 1:00pm, it's still too early! when he check his clock on the table it's only 6:30 in the morning so why the heck his manager calling him this early

“ did you just wake up?! ” he can clearly here the irritation from his manager

“ yes why? My sched will start at 1 so why do you call this early ” he really can't open his eyes ,he hates it when he needs to wake up early

“ what the hell did you do! ” Now it's time for his brows to furrow why is his manager accusing him of something?

“ what do you mean? I didn't do anything ” he spat out

His manager just sigh at the other line “ open your twitter and you'll see, after that go to the agency ” the call ended with that.

He is still confused what is going on but he still follow what his manager told hom to do. The moment he connect his phone to the wifi, his phone started to ring like crazy he was bombarded with notification that it took 5 minutes for it to stop
‘ what the hell is going on? ’
When he check his sns account a lot of people tagged him in a photo it was him and Mild last night when he closed the taxi for her

“ where did they get this? ” he keeps on scrolling there's also a photo of him and Mild laughing he keeps on scrolling thinking that maybe they also got that one particular moment because if that will be exposed in the media he'll be dead for sure but thank God they didn't capture the one where Mild wipes his tears.
It's not a big deal to the both of them because they're friends but the others will think the other way you know how people like to think too much with a single photo? And the next thing you know they already made a fake novel for that. He also reads the comment and he was fucked up when when the fans know that Mild was used to be his girlfriend. Why he didn't think that yesterday? he was too careless and now he dig a grave for his self, but there are still a lot of fans who defended him especially to those who spread a lot of info that you'll think they join him and Mild yesterday.

He immediately took a shower and go to the agency. A lot of people are looking at him and they're eyes saying that he's in a big trouble he's really in a big trouble, when he look at P'Godji's table she was looking at him too with a warning eyes he can't help but to be nervous was P'Tha ready to fire him? Or worst kill him!

He enter P'Tha's office Mild and his manager are already inside and there's a girl besides Mild probably her manager. He sits next to his manager that is looking more stressed than him. He feels sorry for him because lately he really did bring a lot of troubles with him and his manager need to take care of it.

“ so what did the both of you did yesterday? ” P'Tha started to ask
Off look at Mild who was clearly looking at him and signing him like
‘ say something?! ’

“ we just talk P' that's all ” He's the one who answered coz he feels like it's his fault, he's the one who drag Mild with him just because he wants to avoid Gun

“ you shouldn't have make such careless move, we accepted Mild in the agency even though we know her past with you because we know Mild has a lot of potential, I know that the rumors spreading before is not true but you should've been more careful ” P'Tha is really not scolding him more like saying him what he needs to do and that makes him more guilty

“ I'm sorry P' I'll just explain to them that we're just hanging out- ”

“ No let us do it, the media will try again to manipulate this thing. But next time be more careful ”

“ but P' I really want to tell it myself ” he doesn't want to just be silent and let the agency handle the issue he's the one who caused it so he is the one who needs to solve it

“ Off listen, what ever you do or whatever you say people or the media will always say some things that is against to you. So it's better that we will make the move. They're just waiting for your downfall like every artist here in this industry. They really want to see an artist who is at the peak of his career and will quickly drop because of an issue. So please just listen, we will handle this for you just please don't make another scene ”

Off feels bad hearing what P'Tha said, he really wants to help but P'Tha has a point so he has no choice but to follow

“ yes P'Tha ” Both him and Mild answer in unison

After that they leave P'Tha's office, soon as they leave the room he earned a smack from his manager

“ Oho! P'! What was that for! ” both Mild and Off said at the same time. Mild also got a hit from her manager

“ the both of you can you please? PLEASE don't make another scene? You'll really be the cause of my early aging! ” Mild's manager said while fanning herself

“ You're already old what are you saying? ” Mild said like it was nothing, Off and his manager was about to laugh when Mild's manager glared at them ,they quickly looked away like they're looking for something

“ oh! P' it's almost 1:00pm we need to go to my next sched! ” Off said wanting to get out of this situation

“ a-a yeah come on! ” his manager immediately walk to the elevator he just give a wai to Mild's manager and leave them with Mild's manager still nagging at her. He feels sorry for Mild he wants to help but he's also afraid to Mild's manager she's not really friendly as you can see

“ P' why did you leave me back there! ” he complains the moment he enters the elevator

“ and stay a little longer with Mild's manager? I can't she's scary ”
Off can just agreed to that, she's so scary he didn't think why Mild choose her as her manager but then maybe Mild's manager is really a responsible person just like his manager, even though he's weird and he left him earlier his manager is really responsible unlike his old manager.

“ your fans are defending you ” his manager suddenly said while looking at his phone, off didn't say anything he knows he's wrong but seeing that his fans still understands him? It's a a big relief for him. Just what P'Tha said just listen to those people who understands him and see his flaws but still believes in him, that's what he needs right now

“ did you talk about this with Gun? ” his brows furrowed ,why would he talk about this issue with Gun? It's like they where dating or something

“ he'll be worried for sure, you should talk to him and explain that it's just a misunderstanding that you and Mild was just catching up ”

“ yeah, maybe if I'm free ”

His manager looked at him like he can't believe what had Off just said “ are you sure? ”

“ I'm sure, as if he didn't know that the issue is not true ” he is sure Gun would not believe in such issue. He knows it, Gun knows him too well, maybe he did some inappropriate thing yesterday in front of him but that doesn't mean Gun will just believe everything that is on the internet

“ okay if you say so ”

Off's day was a little bit messy but all in all he's still thankful. His shoot for today run smoothly the director didn't say anything bad about his performance. He also thank him for keeping his phone when he's in a hurry. The shoot finishes about 3:00am they start pretty late about 1:10pm? it's already late for him especially if you have a lot of scenes that you need to take and you need some night scenes.

“ thank you for today P' I'll go now. Do we have a shoot for tomorrow? ” he ask the director while he's busy packing up his things.

“ no no we're free for tomorrow ” The director replied at him

“ okay P' have to go ” the director just nod at him and continue to check the shot that is taken for today.

He leaved the place and drive his way home it's not really that dark actually because there are food stalls that are still open and some stalls that are starting to open you know for breakfast. As much as Off wants to have some breakfast he wants to sleep first.
He's almost near his house when his phone starts to ring, it keeps on ringing so Off stop his car on the side of the road to avoid accident, he gets his phone inside his bag and get his phone. Its Gun.
‘ why would he call at this hour? ’

“ hello? ”

[ hello? Off? ]

“ P'Best? ”

P'Best is one of Gun's friends and a great make up artist but why did P'Best called him in Gun's phone? At this hour?

[ thank God you answer-- ai Gun! ]

He can't understand well what P'best is saying because of the loud music in the background. Maybe they're in a bar, but why is this bar still open at this hour? And with loud banging sounds? Gun usually go to a bar but why he have this feeling that this isn't the normal bar that Gun usually go

“ hello P'Best? ” he called again because he can only hear P'Best calling Gun

[ hello? Off? You're still there? ]

He can hear P'best heavy breathes like he was dragging something “ yes P' ”

[ Ai'Gun! Come back here-- can you please come here please? Gun is out of control ]

He can hear some sounds of fast walk and P'best voice calling Gun
‘ what's happening in there? ’

“ uhm what do you mean P? ”

[ Gun is really drunk right now and we can't stop him-- GET YOUR HANDS OFF OF HIM! ]

Off remove his phone from his ear when P'best shout like seriously what the hell is happening that P'best really needs to shout? Off is confused, and why the hell they're still in a bar?!

[ Off please come here I'll just share you the location this boy is really out of control he kept on dancing with some random people and I'm afraid people will recognized him ]

Off's blood boil upon hearing that his boy is dancing with some fucking random people? Like what the fuck is going on Gun's head? Why would he make his self drunk and loose his self like that? After the call, Off received a message from P'Best it's the location of the bar. It's really far from his location but he doesn't care it's Gun that we are talking about here.

He doesn't know what he would do if he will see the scenario that P'Best told him when she call but one thing's for sure he will not kept his cool and maybe P'Best really needs to call someone because he doesn't know maybe he'll be the next one who will be out of control.

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