I need this (camren)

By Annabella213738

4.5K 79 34

Will they last WARNING Camila G!P More



647 15 8
By Annabella213738


I was awaken by the light flashing through the window I sat up and made my way over to the window to shut it since it was far to early to wake lauren.

But it was too late when I turned my back around I seen the green eyed girl staring at me from her bed

"What are you doing up" she asked in her sleepy voice witch was so cute to me

"The light was hitting me right in the face" I said siting down next to her realizing we were both naked

"Oh yeah I hate that" she said with chuckle

"Let's brush our teeth" I say because I really wanted to kiss her right now but she hates when we have morning breath

"Okay" she laughs it off because she already knows why

After brushing our teeth we make it back to Lauren's bed I figured we have lots of time before school

it seems like Lauren has the same idea because as soon as we get to her bed she pushes me down while she gets on top of me now straddling my waist I felt my member start to harden under Lauren

Lauren leaned down and started to kiss passionately she then begun to kiss down my neck to my collarbones when she suck and kissed even hard because she knew it drove me insane

She then continued to kiss her way down to my six-pack that has grown since we first started having sex our junior year and I can thank baseball for that

Lauren then kissed each ab one by one I couldn't take this teasing anymore I pulled Lauren up so she was straddling me and pulled her closer to meet my lips I could never get tired of kissing her lips that were softer then marshmallows on a bed of clouds

I then stood up with Lauren still in my arms while our lips moved in sync with each other I gently put her down on the bed keeping our lips locked at all times

I moved my lips down to Lauren's breast knowing what she liked and how to pleas her I started to do all the things I knew she enjoyed

After we laid in each other's arms till it was time to get ready for our last day of our junior year I was certainly happy it was the last day of school but that also means Lauren will be leaving soon

She did not give me much detail just that all the cheerleaders were going on a trip for the WHOLE summer I felt like it was just a little excessive

Lauren and I had just gotten out the shower I was rummaging through the section tucked in Lauren's closet where all my cloths were neatly folded

I grabbed a white t-shirt then pulled my pair of black pants out these jeans did not feel right to me I pick them up but they were clearly to big they didn't look like hers

"Lauren these aren't mine" I turned on my heels to tell Lauren she was in the middle of putting her light blue crop top on

"Oh Sorry you know who those are my mom might have got them mixed up" Lauren said reaching for the pants and putting them in the bottom of her dresser

Of course I know who's they are there her "real" boyfriend Jackson's

I brushed off the sadness anyway and got dressed since Lauren was almost done and I was still in my briefs and bra Lauren then entered her bathroom to do her hair and make up

After I got dressed I sat on Lauren's bed then started to think while putting on my shoes if Lauren's mom does laundry on Wednesday that means Jackson was here sometime in the week and with no pants clearly but Lauren promised me they weren't having sex anymore

"Are you ready" Lauren says from behind knocking me out of my thoughts thankfully

"Yeah I just need my back pack" I said walking to the door where my backpack was hung up from the door of Lauren's room

I turned around to have Lauren push me against the door and attach her lips to mine while our lips moved in sync my hand moved to Lauren's hips to bring her body closer to me I start to get lost In the kiss

Till Lauren pulled away "let's go before my parents come up for us" she says opening the door and letting me go first

We walked down stairs to be greeted with good mornings from Lauren parents and younger siblings

I don't talk much when we leave Lauren's room before my mother passed she told me "if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all" and Lauren's parents weren't exactly my favorite don't get me wrong they are great people

it's just Lauren is so scared to come out to them that she keeps us a secret In front of our friends and family the only time we get alone is in her bedroom or if we go on a really far date this has been going on since the beginning of our junior year when I moved here with my father because we just couldn't stand the look of our old house without my mother in it

The only reason Lauren parents believe we are best friends is because she already has a boyfriend and has had one since before I moved here

"Alright we are going to head to school" Lauren's said bringing me out of thought I grabbed my bag and followed Lauren out the house

We got into Lauren's car and drove off seconds after Lauren had connected her phone she got a text message from Jackson witch she replied to at a red light

Witch brought me back to this morning "Lo" I said looking to my side while she focused on the phone then back to the road

"Yes Camz" she replied

"Did you have sex with him again" i flat out asked and looked in my lap not liking to express my feelings

No response but I guess that was enough of an answer for me

"Camila you know I have to at least once in awhile he is my boyfriend and he will get suspicious if I just deny him ever time he ask" I wish she would just just love me enough to not be scared of what her parents or anyone else though

"I know" I said looking out the passenger window in defeat

"Can you drop me off at the bridge I need to smoke before going to school and I'll walk the rest of the way" I asked kindly not making eye contact with the green eyed girl sitting next to me

"Yeah but I'm not leaving you I'll wait" she said stoping at the last light before talking the small street towards the bridge

"It's fine Lauren I want to be alone" I said knowing smoking and taking a walk alone is the best way to feel better

We came up to the bridge and Lauren just looked at me never unlocked the door so I could leave but just look at me I then had no choice but to look back at her with her piecing green eyes

"Are you mad at me" she asked taking her hand in mine

"No you know I just like being alone I'll see you at school" I lied waiting for her to unlock the door

"If you not mad then kiss me first" she smile bring a slight smile to my face I then pull her face in for a short kiss she then unlocks the door and says "see you later"

I pull the half joint from yesterday morning out my back pack along with the lighter Lauren got me with a picture of her on it so I'd never lose it

I sparked it up and inhaled once the joint was fully lit I put my ear buds in and start the walk to school witch was not to far from here once I finished the joint I could see the school on the corner of the street I threw down the tip and made sure it was out

When I got to the school I knew I was feeling it for sure my heart was beating at a slower pace I looked to my left and of course Lauren happened to be with Jackson and his friends but I was to high to care about them

I continued to walk to my first period and On the way ran into our friends Dinah, Ally, Normani, and Elena

"Hey guys" I say to them

"What's up Mila" Dinah says bringing me in for a hug

"Hey Camila" Elena says hugging me also

"Good morning mila" Normani and ally say in sync witch was kinda weird

I was standing against the wall next to Elena when she started sniffing she then came to me and grabbed my by my shirt and inhaled deeply

"You reek of weed" Elena says slapping me on the chest

"I know do you have anything" I ask knowing I wasn't trying to get sent home and the last day

"Yeah" she grabbed her perfume out her bag and sprayed it around me and some on her before she put it away

"Why didn't you invite me" Dinah says joking around because none of them smoke

"Whatever" I say with a chuckle then heard the bell ring signaling to go to class

"See you guys at lunch" I tell them because that's when we're all together again

After school I was waiting for Lauren by here car as I always do at the end of the school day

"Hey" I here from behind me I turn to see Lauren as cheerful as ever


"Are you coming over to pack with me or do you want me to take you home" she asked and of course I chose to go with her I want to be with her all the time

We got to Lauren's and went upstairs no one was home yet but it's not like it mattered to them nobody ever came in here

Once we were in Lauren's room I sat on the bed as I watched her change into something comfy and pull out a suitcase from the closet

Lauren was putting cloths in the suitcase when I decided to ask "Why do you have to leave"

"I don't have to Camila I want to don't be a party popper" she reply's with a chuckle

"I'm not trying to be a party popper it just this our first summer together I want to spend it all with you" I said looking down in my lap it was weird to talk about what I was feeling it made me feel awkward

"Camila it's the first year we can actually rent a cool place now that some of us are 18 and it's 2 months Camila that is not long at all I'll be here before we even start school" Lauren says putting her arm around my shoulders and pulling me in

"Please don't go I'm going to miss you" I say feeling a tear shed down my face

"Camila you need to calm down when I come back i will still be me and you will still be you and we will still have all the time in the world to do stuff together" she says wiping the tear

"Alright" I saying coming to conclusions shes not going to stay no matter what I say she pulls my face up into a kiss then finishes getting ready when she was done it was about time for Lauren to leave

"Im going to miss you my love" I say hugging her as if she would disappear if I let got

"I'm going to miss you to baby" she says pulling me in for a kiss I kissed her back knowing this will be our last kiss for awhile I slip my tongue in her mouth she let out a little moan at the sudden contact witch made my member twitch a bit

"Okay Camila don't start something we can't finish" she says pulling away

"But we can if you stay" I tell her ready to take my pants off

"Haha good one Camila but I'm really exited to go so we will just have to wait" she says laughing a bit

"Ugh fine" I say

"Let's go I don't wanna be late with the girls" she says putting her last few things in her bag

"Alright" I say getting ready to leave I make sure not to forget anything since I won't be back here for awhile I grab my back pack and toss it on my back then grab Lauren's suitcase for her

Lauren was saying goodbye to her parents while I put her stuff in the car for her

"Okay all done so do you want me to take you home or" she says and I just nod yes and get into the passenger side

Lauren then begins the drive to my house witch is not nearly as big and Beautiful as Lauren's but it was enough

I don't really spend a lot of time here my dad works all the time and I kinda hate being alone in this house that doesn't feel like home

When Lauren got to my house we stoped in front of it and I just stared at the small white house

"I'm going to miss you why can't you just stay" I asked one more time just to try my luck

"Camz I already told you I'm going I'm going to miss you too but its summer" that was just an excuse to leave me here alone for two months

"Fine" I finally sighed out knowing nothing's stopping her from leave

I looked at her one last time before pulling her into a quick but passionate kiss

"I love you" I said when we pulled apart

"Me too Camz me too" with that I got out her car and looked at her one last time before she waved goodbye

I was standing there on the sidewalk already starting to miss the green eyed girl which whom I adored

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