MHA One shots.

By plumbobpancakes

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My hero one shots! More



6 0 0
By plumbobpancakes

Midoriya X Bakugou

Midoriya is recently engaged to Shinsou, which causes even more tension between Midoriya and Bakugou.

"Wow" Bakugou breathed "engaged, huh?"

"Yeah" Midoriya mumbled in reply "It's all quite a shock to be honest..."

"I bet. You really had no idea?"

"None. We've not even been together that long-"

"5 months, right?" Bakugou interrupted.

"Erm, yeah. How did you-"

"Pikachu told me you guys were dating back in January, so..."

"Oh right, of course. Shinsou must have told Kaminari, duh"

Both the boys fell silent, looking out over the night sky as they leant over one of the many balconies at the Yaoyorozu home. She had insisted on throwing the couple a party to celebrate their engagement. Izuku didn't want the fuss but Shinsou had insisted, saying that you only got to do this once, and with that Izuku had agreed. Bakugou knew nothing of the engagement, only finding out when he got a Facebook invite to the party.
He'd never want to admit it out loud but he was kinda hurt that Midoriya hadn't told him about the engagement...

"Why didn't you tell me?!" Bakugou suddenly blurted out. It came out with a lot more venom than he had intended but he couldn't help it, he was hurt.

"Kacchan I-"

"Is it because of what happened? Me and you on Halloween night, remember?"

"Jesus, Kacchan of course I remember!" Midoriya replied, evidently hurt. How could he not? It was one of the best nights of his life. Well, so he thought...

"Tch, sure doesn't seem that way" Bakugou mumbled.

"You were the one who stopped talking to me, remember?!" Midoriya almost shouted. He thought he was over this whole thing with Bakugou but the hurt that he had managed to push down had suddenly all resurfaced "I tried talking to you so many times but you just blanked me! Do you know how that feels?!" Midoriya eyes began to water, he'd never been good at keeping his emotions in. "You were my first Kacchan..."

Seeing  Midoriya with tears in his eyes, knowing he'd caused that pain, broke Bakugou's heart. He had never wanted to cut ties with the small green-haired boy, but he knew nothing good would come out of them being together. He was closed off and constantly angry, unable to express his emotions rationally. And Midoriya was the complete opposite, he was pure and in check with his emotions. He cried a lot sure, but surely that was better than being a constant bulit up ball of anger.

Tears stung in the corner of Bakugou's eyes as he looked down at Midoriya. He wanted to pull him into a hug right that second and apologies for all the shit he had caused...

"I-i didn't want to hurt you Deku..."

Midoriya scoffed in reply "Well, you did a really rubbish job".

"You think I don't know that?!" Bakugou growled "I felt so fucking guilty, everyday! It killed me inside! Damn it Deku"

"So what? You want me to feel sorry for you?"

"What? No, I'm just I-"

"You're what? Are you gonna tell me you're sorry? That things have changed?" Midoriya growled back as he took a step toward Bakugou. He was always the smaller of the two but he wasn't going to let that stop him. He was angry and Bakugou needed to hear it."We both know that's not true, don't we? You're still the same scared, angry little boy you've always been!"

"Fuck you" Bakugou hissed, getting in Midoriya's face.

"What are you gonna do Kacchan? You gonna beat me up like you did when we were kids, huh?"

The words stung too true for Bakugou. He'd never regretted anything more than the way he treated Midoriya when they were younger. All the terrible things he said, all the times he let his frustrations out on him. He snapped and grabbed a hold of Midoriya and pushed him up against the sliding door that led to the balcony. Midoriya got ready to fight back but stopped when he saw the tears falling from Bakugou's eyes.


"I'm sorry, okay?! I'm sorry for everything Deku, fuck. I just- I just wanna make it better... I-i don't wanna fight it anymore".

Midoriya couldn't breath. He hadn't been this close to to Bakugou since Halloween night. A night of stollen kisses and secret moments. His hands in Bakugou's hair... Bakugou's arms wrapped around him.

"Kacchan..." Midoriya whispered as he took Bakugou's face in his hands, wiping at his tears. Bakugou met Midoriya's eyes, his heartbeat quickened as he stared into those big green orbs. Midoriya cupped Bakugou's cheek into his hand. "so don't..."

With those two simple words Bakugou's walls crumbled down. His lips met Midoriya's and both boys fell in sync with each other. Bakugou took a hold of Midoriya's hips and gently pushed him closer to the door. Midoriya snaked his arms around Bakugou's neck and pulled the blonde closer to him.
Bakugou let out a small moan when Midoriya pulled his lips between his teeth, sucking on them lightly.

"Fuck" Bakugou breathed before kissing his way down Midoriya's neck. He lowered himself and pushed his hips forward, he could feel Midoriya through his trousers. Bakugou grinned to himself knowing he had caused it. He kissed his way back up  Midoriya's neck and breathed in his ear "I want you Deku. You're all I've been able to think about since that night..."

"Oh my god" Midoriya breathed as Bakugou ran his hand over his  bulge. The boys eyes met before they both surged forward and met in another hungry kiss. Midoriya's hand found the back of Katsuki hair where he ran his fingers through it. "Hmm Deku" Bakugou moaned before his hands found there way to Midoriya's belt buckle.

"K-Kacchan" Midoriya breathed out, placing his hand on
Bakugou's chest "Kacchan, we need to stop".

"What?" Katsuki whispered, abandoning the belt buckle and letting his hand sit as Midoriya's waist "Why?"

"We're at my engagement party Kacchan! I-i'm with someone else, I'm sorry" Izuku apologied, shaking his head "but this was a mistake".

Bakugou's heart broke. Was he really gonna go through with it? Even after what just happened? "A mistake?" Bakugou whispered as he pulled away from Midoriya, his eyes glued to the floor.

"I'm sorry Kacchan I really am" Izuku mumbled as he quickly fumbled with his belt buckle. He began to panic, remembering where he was. What if someone had caught them? Then what? They were at his engagement party for christs sake. They were there to celebrate his engagement to another man, not to hook up on the fucking balcony. Tears pricked at Midoriya's eyes as the reality of the situation hit him. He had just cheated on his fiancé with his childhood best friend. "We can't do this. I can't do this, this is wrong. I-I'm suppose to be getting married for gods sake!"

"You're still gonna go through with it then?" Bakugou mumbled, keeping his eyes to the ground. He couldn't bare to bring himself to meet the small boys eyes. He'd be sure to break down if he did.

"Yeah" Midoriya mumbled "Yeah I am".

"Right" Bakugou nodded, turning away. Fine he thought, Midoriya had made his choice and it wasn't him. As far as he was concerned there wasn't much else he could do. 


"Don't. I'm gonna go" Bakugou marched through the balcony doors and into the adjoining bedroom. Midoriya moved quickly.

"Kacchan wait, please" Midoriya begged as he grippped at Bakugou wrist.

Bakugou stopped in his tracks, hand on the doorknob. His gripped tightened, what did Deku want from him? From this situation?

"What is it you want from me exactly?!" Bakugou hissed.

"I don't want you to leave again! W-we can still be friends, like when we were kids..."

Bakugou scoffed as he turned to face Midoriya. Midoriya's grip on Bakugou's wrist dropped.

"I can't be just friends with you anymore Deku, too much has changed. I can't stay and watch you be with someone else, watch you touch someone else like that, watch you kiss..." Bakugou stopped as the lump in his throat grew bigger. Tears brimmed ever so slightly in his eyes as he lifted a shakey hand to Midoriya's cheek, running his thumb over the others freckles, something he'd always wanted to do.

"Kacchan..." Midoriya whispered.

"I'm in love you Izuku...I've been in love with you for as long as I can remember"

"Kacchan I-"

"I know. I just had to tell you at least once..." Bakugou leant down and kissed Midoriya one last time before turning to leave.

"Bye nerd"

"Kacchan please, please don't leave..."

Bakugou pulled open the bedroom door to leave only to be met with a pair of confused purple eyes.
Hitoshi felt the tenese atmosphere instantly, seeing both his fiancé with tears streaming down his face and Bakugou with red eyes.

"Izuku, what's going on?" the purple haired boy asked, looking between the two.

Bakugou barged past Shinsou not bothering to look back, he couldn't do this. He heard Izuku burst into tears as he apologiesed to Shinsou telling him how sorry he was. Bakugou however rushed down the hall toward the stairs that lead right to the foyer where a lot of the guest were mingling. Bakugou cursed to himself as he quickly rubbed the tears from his eyes, he didn't want anyone knowing what had been going on.

"Bakugou?" a voice shot through the crowd. Bakugou turned to see Kirishima stood there with his girlfriend Mina and the rest of his old school friends. Bakugou turned back and quickly pushed his way through the door ignoring his friends.
As he walked down the driveway of the giant mansion a voice called out.

"Bakugou, wait!" It was Kirishima again. The redhead ran after his friend only just catching up as he turned out of the drive.

"Just leave me alone Shitty hair, I'm fine!" Bakugou growled, he didn't need anyone's help right now, anyone's pity.

"Like hell you are!" Kirishima spat back as he grabbed a hold of Bakugou's arm. "What happened man?!"

Bakugou stopped and clenched his fists as his emotions began to spill over. Damn it! He quickly wiped at his eyes with his sleeve hoping Kirishima wouldn't notice his tears, but of course he did.

"Bakugou... What happened?" Kirishima asked on a much softer tone this time.

"He's choosing him, Kiri. He's still going to marry him..."

"Oh Bakugou..."

Kirishima had know all about that fateful Halloween night and about Bakugou's reasoning for blanking Midoriya. He had tried to convince his friend that it was the wrong thing to do but Bakugou had already made his mind up about it. It killed him inside and Kirishima saw a side of Bakugou he had never seen before, his vulnerable side. The blonde had told Kirishima all about his history with Midoriya as he broke down and cried in Kirishima's arms.

"Shit, I'm so sorry man"

"I knew I shouldn't have come, but I just had to know..."

"Of course man, I'd have done the same" The redhead reassured him as he pulled his friend into a hug.

"I can't believe it's really over... I love him so much Kiri!"

"I know man"

"So much" Bakugou sobbed as he burried himself in his friends shoulder.

"I know, shhh" Kirishima whispered as he rubbed circles on his friends back "It'll all be okay, you'll see..."

4 months later.
October 31st.

"Dude calm down"

"Shut it Shitty hair!" Bakugou moaned "I'm fine".

"Sure you are"

"I said I'm fine Shitty Hair!"

"And is that why you're biting at your nail?"

Bakugou froze looking down at his thumb as he chewed at the nail. He quickly pulled his hand away, hating that Kirishima was right.

"Just go and talk to him..."

"I can't just walk over there and talk to him, we haven't even seen or spoken to each other since the engagement party!"

"So? He clearly wants you to, he keeps glancing over here"

"He does?"

"Yes! C'mon Bakugou, he's single, you're single, it's literally the perfect time!"

"Okay, yeah okay I'm gonna go and talk to him"

"You got this!" Kirishima grinned, giving his friend a small nudge.

Bakugou took a deep breath and marched forward. Midoriya saw the blond walking toward him instantly. He'd secretly been watching him all night, hoping he'd come over and talk to him.

"Kacchan..." Midoriya breathed as Bakugou stopped in front of him.

"H-hey" Bakugou stuttered "Can I talk to you... Privately" he finished, eyeing Midoriya's friends.

"S-sure, let's go outside..."

Both boys were silent as they made their way into the garden. Midoriya sat down on the swing bench with Bakugou joining him. Neither of the boys said anything at first, Bakugou began biting at his nail again, pausing when he caught himself. He wanted to say something but he didn't know where to start, he didn't exactly think about what he was going to say when he marched over to Izuku.

"I'm glad you came over..." Midoriya started "I've wanted to talk to you for a while but..."

"No it's fine I get it. The last time we saw each other was a shit show" Bakugou scoffed "and I know you wanted to be respectful to the insomniac or whatever"

Now it was Midoriya's turn to scoff "I wasn't respectful, I cheated on him at our engagement party"

Both the boys hung there heads, they were both ashamed about what went down that night. But Bakugou would be lying if he said he regretted it. It was his last chance to tell Izuku how he felt and he did just that. Could he have gone about it better? Sure. But he's never been good at planning things out or talking about his emotions, now being the perfect example of that.

"Listen... I regret the way things went down that night, but I don't regret what I said. Everything I said was true, it was true then and it's true now"

"Wait, so you still..."

"I never stopped loving you" Bakugou interrupted "I don't think I ever will"

"You can't possibly know that"

Bakugou shook his head. "I can... I've know you my whole life Izuku and whenever I try and imagine it without you, I just can't, I come up blank. So as far as I'm concerned my world doesn't exist without you in it. I want you here with me for the rest of my life"

"Sounds like a proposal" Midoriya chuckled, wiping at a stray tear that fell down his cheek.

Bakugou took Midoriya's hand in his, glancing down at his ring finger.

"Maybe not a proposal just yet nerd, but a promise" he smiled back "a promise for a lifetime of happiness and adventure and love..."

"You promise you won't run away again?" Midoriya sniffed, remembering what happened this time last year.

Bakugou tensed up but nodded "I promise. You have nothing to worry about because I'm not scared like I was back then. I'm not gonna run, you can trust me"

Midoriya let out a sigh of relief. That was all he wanted to hear, that he could trust Bakugou, that he wouldn't run away again. Of course there was always gonna be something inside of him that would worry about Kacchan leaving, but he said he could trust him, right? So if Bakugou was willing to try so was he.

"Okay" Midoriya smiled softly "I trust you"

"Yeah?" Bakugou asked, his eyes lighting up in hope.

"Yeah. Let's give this a go" Midoriya grinned. 

Bakugou grinned back, so much that his cheeks actual began to hurt "You honestly have no idea how happy that makes me"

"I think I have some idea" Midoriya smiled back, leaning toward Bakugou.

Both boys leaned in at the exact same moment, connecting their lips. Bakugou felt as though a weight had been lifted off of his shoulders. This was all  he had ever wanted, he'd never been so sure of anything in his whole life. Izuku was the love of his life, his soulmate. He laughed at how naive he had been before, thinking that he could just run away from his feelings.

"What's so funny?" Izuku smirked.

"I'm just really happy right now" Bakugou smiled, running his hand through Midoriya's hair.

"Me too..." Izuku smiled, gazing into Bakugou's eyes "I love you Kacchan..."

Bakugou froze. This was the first time Izuku had ever said he loved him. This was huge, after everything Bakugou did he didn't expect Izuku to say those words, at least not straight away.


Midoriya nodded "Yeah..."

"Guess I love you too" he shrugged like it was no big deal.

Midoriya laughed, giving the blond boy a smack in the chest "You're the worst"

"No as bad as you, nerd" Bakugou smiled before kissing Izuku once again.

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