Cardfight Vanguard "Σ"

By RodolfoGonzalezS

8.1K 83 2

Sequel of Cardfight Vanguard "R". More

Opening & ending
"Σ" 01: A New Beginning!!!
Σ 02: The Flower Comes Home
"Σ" 03: The Beginning of Something Big
Σ4: The Masked Girl?
Σ 5:Tokoha's strength
∑ 06: The Fall of The Monarch
∑ 07: The Christmas Nightmare
∑ 08: The Christmas Nightmare [pt2]
Σ 09: The Arrival of a God
Σ 10: The God Born!
Σ 12: I Want to cheer YOU Up!
Σ 13: When the Past meets the Future!
∑ 14: The World will be Silenced.
∑ 15: Try 3
∑ 16: Our Final Battle!
∑ 17: Final Turn!

Σ 11: Oath of Men

302 4 0
By RodolfoGonzalezS

"Tokoha... How is everything over there." said a male voice.

"Don't worry Shion, everything is fine. Chrono wasn't seriously injured and the results of his physical exams don't say otherwise." Tokoha said, who was on a bench talking on the phone. "Mikuru-san is signing some papers to let Chrono out of the hospital."

"What about Taiyou?" Shion asks.

"He is seriously injured, but the doctors say it is nothing that affects his integrity and his health." Tokoha answers.

"It seems that you have a difficult time, I hope Mikuru didn't take it very badly..." Shion remembered that Mikuru couldn't be very upset about her pregnancy. "Back to the topic...What happened to Shouji after the incident."

"He just disappeared with the apostles..." Tokoha replied. "My brother and the others are looking for him." She added.

"I see..." Shion said on the phone, while he regretted not being there with his friend.

"You know... I think Chrono wanted to try to save him. But he lost and now for some reason he can't see his cards, and now we must add that he lost his G zone." Tokoha replies about to cry.

"We just have to get back what is lost." Shion was saying, to cheer up her friend.

"You're right..." she smiled, who knew she had something to do.

"We'll meet to find a solution once I finish solving the situation here. Until then..." Shion said, but... "Tokoha! You should visit this place, it's amazing!" said a female voice...

"As we arrived at night the clothing stores were still closed. I know that finding the apostles is important, but a girl has priorities." Am said...

"My condolences..." Tokoha was laughing internally.

"I know I don't have to emphasize this, but... You are Shindou's personal nurse, so take care of him. Remember that he always does silly things on his own and without thinking about others." Am trying to cheer Tokoha up, just like Shion did.

"Yes, rest assured that's what I'm going to do." Tokoha replied... "But saying it's easier than doing it... But how things are, I don't think he listens to anyone." Tokoha added, as she saw a moon that looked like earth.

"To be honest... I don't blame him." Tokoha said, who was watching the moon.

"That's right, after you passed out, Kazuma left with the apostles. And hours later that strange moon appeared." Hikari says to Chrono, who clicks his teeth in anger.

Σ 11: Oath of Men

"Yachiyo?" asked a girl who saw that her partner was distracted.

"Michiru, Can't you see that sphere in the sky?" she asks. "That's the best idea you have come up with for a play, but... Come on! Get back to class or they will scold us." she answers.

In the FIVA HQ...

"The event has already been investigated, only fighters with a strong imagination can see this moon, or rather... Planet Cray." Mentioned Ibuki, who seemed to be in a meeting with other leaders.

"This is a disturbance caused by Gyze. This could bring serious consequence to our world." said Chris, who was talking to Ibuki from a screen.

"Chris, do you think this has to do with the information we receive?" Aichi asks.

"Probably..." Chris replies

"The positive side is that the world hasn't been destroyed, yet. That means we still have time for a counterattack." Mamoru said.

"I don't think it's that simple. Maybe... Just maybe, they need something else." Ibuki was thinking aloud.

"Well, I'll keep investigating." Chris said before saying goodbye.

"Well, I think it's time to go." Aichi rise from his chair.

"Right, your flight leaves in a few hours." Ibuki was saying goodbye...

"We will wait for the others and try to defend the Zeroth dragon that we have." Aichi said taking his suitcase.

"Mamoru, did you deliver what I asked you?" Ibuki asks Mamoru.

"Yes, but... We need him to regain his mood." Mamoru replied.

"Well... It's time for the past to meet again with the future, don't you think so." Ibuki was smiling.

"What are you talking about?" Mamoru asks him.

"You see... Long time ago when I was wandering around the world, I met a man. I hadn't understood his words until now..." Ibuki said in a very serious tone.

Back with Chrono...

"Don't worry about this, the doctors said it wasn't nothing. The doctor said I'll be fine with a little rehab and after that, I'll be ready to get back into action." Taiyou said, while Chrono saw the brown-haired young man with a plaster on his right leg.

"Sorry..." replied Chrono

"You don't have to apologize for anything, besides... I was finally able to do something to help you." Taiyou insisted, while Chrono remembered the words of Brant and Gastille.

"I'm really sorry..." Chrono was apologizing once again, as the dream he had was coming true. Chrono returned to his room and met Hikari. "I have a message from your aunt. She told me to change your clothes so you can go home once she finishes signing the papers. He also said he wanted to talk to you." Hikari was saying, as Chrono nod. Chrono stares at Hikari... "I'll leave, so that you can change. Apparently she spoke to Tokoha, she explained everything to her, since she is in a very delicate state, she tried to take it easy."

As Chrono change his clothes, Hikari continued to scold him. "Take responsibility, as director Ibuki asked me to be your bodyguard, but... In the end, I think I wasn't very helpful." Hikari said, but someone reopens Chrono's room...

"Shindou, sorry for bothering you, but... I can talk to you as soon as you finish changing your clothes." A familiar voice was saying.

"Onimaru-san... I, I'm not feeling okay right now..." Chrono said, remembering that the images on his deck had disappeared, and his G zone too.

"You are the last person Kazuma fought with, I try to find an answer to his behavior." Kazumi mentioned worried about his brother.

In the meantime...

"Please tell your nephew to take care of himself." A nurse was saying to Mikuru. "On the other hand... I'm glad you are calm with what happened. If you had been worried or scared, we wouldn't know what could happen to the baby you are expecting."

Mikruru was about to return to Chrono's room, but he sees his nephew walking behind Onimaru Kazmui. "I know very well that this won't be a fair fight, at this moment your cards are almost in blank and you don't have a G zone. Therefore, you cannot Stride, defend yourself with a G Guardian, or use your Generation Break." Kazumi said, who was on the roof of the hospital with Chrono.

"Even though everything is against you, I still... Want to fight you..." Kazumi became serious. "I beg you."

"It's natural..." Chrono said in a low voice. "After all... You are his older brother, it is normal that you are worried about an oversight of mine." Add the redhead.

"Thank you..." Kazumi thanked him. "Stand up, Vanguard!" Chrono and Kazumi said at the same time.

\Time Leap.../

"Ride! Seizui" putting Seizui in his Vanguard circle

"Ride! Chronoethos Jackal. Also... I call another Chronoethos." Chrono said... "My Vanguard attacks Seizui."

"Now my other Chronoethos will attack your Vanguard!" Chrono made his second attack, but... "Guard!" Kazumi blocks it easily.

"Ride! Genkai. And I call two more units..." Kazumi was determined to continue the fight to find the answer that his brother saw and he couldn't see. "Fuurai, attack!"

"Guard!" Chrono was defending himself from Kazumi's attack.

"Genkai attacks your vanguard." Kazumi attacked Chrono again.

"No guard..." replied Chrono.

"Drive check: Heal trigger power to my Vanguard and I heal one damage." Kazumi was recovering from the only damge Chrono had made him.

"Nori attacks your vanguard!" while Chrono remembered what had happened to Kazuma, Onimaru caused Chrono his second damage.

"Ride! Chronobeat buffalo, call." Chrono called Lugal-ure. "Lugal-ure, attack your Vanguard!" As Chrono attacked Kazumi, he remembered Taiyou's words. Since Kazuma had sacrificed himself to protect his friend.

"Why? Why did that idiot sacrifice himself?" Chrono thought... "That Idiot!" Chrono was saying out loud.

"Chronobeat, attack your vanguard!" Chrono began his attack against Kazumi, but he didn't guard himself.

"Chronoethos, now it's your turn..." Chrono's attack is successful again. Thanks to the critical trigger that Chrono took out during his Drive check, he manages to make Kazumi take three damages.

"Let's fight together, under a new oath... Ride! Shiranu... 'ZANKI' activated his skill: I select one of your rear guards and he gets + 2k, after that... that unit is dominated." Kazumi was calling her new Shiranui and the problems for Chrono were just starting...

"Lugal-ure, attack Chronobeat!" Kazumi used his domination skill to attack Chrono with his own units.

"Guard!" Chrono protects him from Lugal-ure's attack.

"Noroi, attack!" Kazumi attacked Chrono again, but... "Guard!" Chrono blocks Kazumi's attack.

"Shiranui 'ZANKI' attacks your vanguard!" Kazumi said, as she prepared to attack Chrono. "I activate Noroi's skill. He goes to my soul, draws a card, and my Vanguard gets [power] + 5k."

"No guard..." Chrono answer, as he looking down. "Twin Drive: No trigger (grade one) / Draw trigger! I give power to Fuurai and draw a card." Kazumi said, as a card fell into Chrono's damage zone.

"Fuurai, attack!" Chrono was uneasy, and because of that he had reached his fourth damage.

"It's ... This ... This is my fault." Chrono said, seeing his damage zone.

"Ride! Chronojet dragon G." Chrono briefly turns to see his G zone, but remembers that he had lost it.

"Lugal-ure attacks your Vanguard!" Chrono launches a attack on Kazumi, but ... "Guard!" Kazumi blocks the redhead's attack.

"If I become a Gyze... If that day I had become a Gyze. Kazuma would never have had to go through this." Chrono thought "This is my fault..." said Chrono loud. Chrono closed his eyes and Gastille's words returned to him... "Your very existence is a great manifestation of the destruction of the world."

"Chronojet dragon G, attack your Vanguard..." Chrono attacked Kazumi, but Kazumi hesitated to defend himself.

"Do it, please." Chrono asked Kazumi not to be soft on him and defend against his attack. Kazumi surprised at Chrono's bravery responds... "I'll send a Heal trigger to the drop zone, then... Generation Guard!"

"Twin drive! First check: Heal trigger." Although Chrono will draw a Heal, Gastille's words were present again. "No matter how much you resist, you can never escape the hands of fate."

"Second check: no trigger (grade 2)" at that moment Chrono starts to think... "Singularity... If I hadn't taken that hand that day." While Chrono thought that it was all his fault, Onimaru had reached his fourth damage.

"Kazuma... Kazuma said something to me. He was looking for a way to thank you for everything you had done for him. But he also said that until now he couldn't find a way to return the favor. That is why I think he did that and acted without thinking." Kazumi said. "I activate the Shiranui 'ZENKI' skill. Soul blast and now both players take a card and call it to the field." Chrono got rid of Lugal-ure and called Chronobeat.

"You told Anjou, don't you? Kazuma made it Diffride and still challenged you. I think Kazuma forced him to do it. Kazuma has faith in you, he believes that you can beat Gyze." Kazumi said, trying to get Chrono back.

Far from there...

"He really needs to rest now?" A mysterious character said.

"Once Gyze gets stronger we'll no longer have to worry." Vaelos answered. "Everything is going according to plan... once the Gyze gains full control over the human body, it will only need the Zeroth Dragon to emerge. We just need to retrieve the Zeroth dragon that Humans have and the destruction of their world will begin." Vaelos added quietly.

Back with Chrono...

"So... He thought I..." said Chrono, who was surprised to hear Kazumi's words.

"Then that... Then that fight." Chrono was saying, hitting the table hard. "If that's true, then I..." added Chrono, but...

"I'm not giving up, is what you plan to say, right? It doesn't matter who gets in your way. It doesn't matter who is your opponent... I'm going to bring Kazuma back." Kazumi said, who was taking a card.

"Stride Generation! Evil-eye Hades Emperor, Shiranui 'MUKURO.' Stride Skill: Dominate Chronofang Tiger and get [power] + 2k. Madoi Skill: Goes to soul and draws a card, and Fuurai gets [power] + 3k. Now activate the Genkai skill: I draw a card and Genkai gets + 2k, plus Fuurai gets + 2k for his own ability." Kazumi said... "When I was under control of the Difrrider, Kazuma did everything to bring me back. Now it's my turn to return that favor." Kazumi added.

"Chronofang, attack." Chronofang attacked Chrono, but... "Guard!" Chrono defends itself from attack.

"I call two more units... I activate the Shiranui skill 'MUKURO': Soul blast, and I turn a card from my G zone, I also remove a card from my hand and now... I dominate your vanguard. Seizui gains [power] + 3k. After that... your Vanguard attacks all of your rear guards." Said Kazumi, who was taking control of Chronojet dragon. "Twin Drive: No trigger (grade one) / Draw trigger power to Fuurai and take a card."

"I'll ask you, so answer honestly. Shindou, do you plan to leave things as they are?" Kazumi tells him, while Chrono reflects on what happened, Chronojet who was dominated by the Shiranui skill begins to attack his companions, until...

"Chrono... Do you really wish we had never met?" Dran asks, who starts crying. Dran appears in front of Chrono, and behind him, Shion and Tokoha appear, but not only them... Also appear his friends and his family.

"I couldn't save him..." Chrono said to the figures who appears in front of him, until a mysterious figure hits him on the head and responds... "I think you already suffered a lot... It is time that everything you suffered be rewarded."

"I can't, I can't. I can't do it, if I hadn't found the Vanguard... I'm sure I couldn't have met any of them." Chrono said through tears. "Let's go! Onimaru-san..."

"Shiranui 'MUKURO', attack your Vanguard!" Kazumi continued his turn while smiling, while they were watched...

"So here they were, Mikuru-san... I want to apologize to you." Tokoha was upset, but Mikuru smiled at her and then asked her to come closer.

"Those are Chrono and Onimaru-san?" Tokoha said, who was looking out the window.

"He definitely looks a lot like my brother." Mikuru took a deep breath since there was nothing she could do anymore.

"Men..." Hikari sighed.

"Triple drive: No trigger (grade 3) / No trigger (grade 2) / Critical trigger: power to Fuurai and critical to Shiranui." All that remained was for Chrono to get a heal trigger, but...

"Damage Check: no trigger..." both results were negative for the him.

"I see they are done." Mikuru said, who enters with Tokoha and Hikari.

"Thank you very much Onimaru-san." Chrono thanks Kazumi for making him reflect. "I will find a way to bring your brother back. And I won't let Gyze destroy the world."

"Glad to hear that, but also keep in mind that you are not alone." After those words Kazumi and Hikari leave, Kazumi had to go to a very important meeting and Hikari had to attend to some matters at her school.

"Chrono... Are you feeling better?" Tokoha asks.

"Yeah, why?" Chrono answers, to which Tokoha hands him a plane ticket.

"What are you give me this plane ticket." he asks.

"Ibuki-san had information from the Tatsunagi Foundation. The place where a unit from planet Cray was visited long time ago. They believe that there is a person who can help you to get back your G zone." Tokoha explains the situation to Chrono and Chrono stares at the ticket for a couple of seconds.

"Mikuru-san, I..." Chrono, sorry for what happened, tries to talk to his aunt, but... She interrupts him. "Have a good trip, Chrono. This trip is to protect what you love the most, or am I wrong?"

"I can't stop you even if I wanted to, if Tokoha couldn't do it, I won't either." Mikuru sighs. "Just come home safe."

"This time I won't let you down Mikuru-san." Tokoha said, who took another ticket from his bag.

"I'm counting on you this time." Mikuru hugged Tokoha, while Chrono... "I wonder whose the voice I heard, it seemed familiar to me." thought the redhead...

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