I Am Bree - Book 1

By WriterByNight12

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****Copyrighted**** 'Tell me you don't feel it.' He whispered against my lips, and the trembling that had cea... More

Chapter 1 - A Brief Introduction
Chapter 2 - The Dice Are Cast
Chapter 3 - Gone
Chapter 4 - A Broken Promise
Chapter 5 - Words
Chapter 6 - Servant
Chapter 7 - Adella
Chapter 8 - A Year
Chapter 9 - Rainbows and Tears
Chapter 10 - A Castle and a Prince
Chapter 11 - A Friend and Confusion
Chapter 12 - A Ball
Chapter 13 - Nobility and Horrid Truth
Chapter 14 - Kindness and Preparations
Chapter 15 - Sword Dance and Complications
Chapter 16 - Dance and Blood
Chapter 17 - Jealousy and an Unexpected Savior
Chapter 18 - Contrasts
Chapter 19 - Visions and Masked Ball
Chapter 20 - Monster
Chapter 21 - Barbarian's Law
Chapter 22 - Dream Turned Reality
Chapter 23 - Family
Chapter 25 - Promises
Chapter 26 - Impending Doom
Chapter 27 - Accused & The Figure in the Dark
Chapter 28 - Dreams, Letters, & Reality
Chapter 29 - Rain and Black
Chapter 30 - A Plan & Unexpected Aid
Chapter 31 - Unexpected Developments
Chapter 32 - Running

Chapter 24 - A Letter and Disappointment

4.5K 277 101
By WriterByNight12

 When I woke again, the headache was gone—replaced by intense hunger pangs. It was dark, and I had a vague memory of a fever. How long the doors had been shut on me this time was impossible to tell.

My mouth was dry and foreign and tasted horribly bitter. I stirred slightly, wishing death would take me. I truly wanted nothing more than to die right here and now.

Well, no, actually, that wasn't true at all. I wanted to live. To actually live. I wanted to leave the throes of the political life behind me and live out the rest of my days in peace and quiet. I wanted to have my own life.

The door opened. This time, however, Flora's odious face wasn't the first thing to greet my eyes. A middle-aged woman was looking down at me with a pair of severe eyes. She took one whiff, screwed up her nose in disgust, and disappeared. The fresh air from the outer room and the quiet murmur of voices were the only things that kept me from thinking I'd finally lost my mind.

And then there was Liesl. Her big eyes were full of pity as she looked at me, and she stooped down with a gentle smile. Could I be dreaming?

"Come on, let's get you cleaned up." She said softly, reaching out and taking my hand.

She was really here. Ignoring the pain it caused, I pushed myself up and fell into her arms. I didn't know how she'd found me or what we would do next, but I didn't care. She was here, and that was enough. Heedless of my stench, she wrapped me in a comforting hug.

"Sh, it's all right." I hadn't realized I was crying until her gentle hand was patting my back. "We don't have much time, though. I barely managed to come in here as is."

I straightened. "How did you find me?" I sounded childish even in my own ears.

"You'd be surprised how news travels around a palace of this size. Myrtle kindly informed me there was another person in the room she was tending to, but there was no way for me to get in." Liesl said.

Practical as ever, she pulled me carefully to my feet. I waver unsteadily, and she wrapped an arm snuggly around me as she led me to the adjoining bathroom.

"Lady Una has been trying everything to get to you, but even she can't infiltrate a guest's room without reasonable cause, and you are worth little in the king's eyes—especially after what happened in the courtroom." She explained as we walked.

There was a bath filled with water, and she stripped my once fine underthings off me and helped me climb into it. My skin was mottled and bruised, and my rank scent was almost overwhelming. My vision swam slightly, and it took all my strength to maintain consciousness.

"Drink this." Liesl gave me a cup, but my hands were shaking so badly, she had to hold it while I drank. "What have they done to you?" She said, breathing a stream of curses.

It was the first time I'd heard someone so dainty and ladylike swear, and I looked up at her in surprise. There was unmistakable rage in her eyes, and I realized she was angry on my behalf. A hollow feeling welled within me, and I struggled to swallow around the sudden lump in my throat.

"I'm no better than they." I said, finally finding my voice. Whatever had been in that cup was stimulating my senses, and I felt stronger already.

"What are you talking about?" She scoffed.

"I repaid Una's kindness by stealing from her." Tears welled in my eyes at the confession. "How can I ever face her again?"

"Wha—oh." Liesl sat back on her haunches, realizing. "You're talking about Aidan, aren't you?" I nodded, and she breathed a sigh. "Matters like these are never simple." She bit her lip.

Shaking herself, she began to wash my hair. At least she hadn't turned against me. I don't think I could have borne it if she hated me.

"They can never marry." She said suddenly. "Aidan and Una." She added as if I didn't know who she was talking about. "Her father, Statesman Forthren, made some. . .difficult decisions a few years ago, and he's paying for them now. The only reason King Erik hasn't gotten rid of him already is because it would create enormous disruption in the court."

Her fingers stilled on my scalp for a moment. I understood how naive I truly was then. In my mind, a decision made by her father should have nothing to do with Una's love life.

"They've been trying to work their way into King Erik's favor since then, but he's a hard man. He won't ever give them permission to marry." Liesl carried on with her scrubbing with renewed vigor. "Soon, he'll tell Aidan to choose a bride, or one will be chosen for him, and then it will all be over."

She moved quickly and efficiently, and before I knew it, she was helping me out of the bath. I was relieved to discover that my limbs didn't shake half so much. I still felt sore, but instead of overwhelming pain, it was a dull throb. I could manage like this.

"They've been hurting so long, I think Aidan has despaired of ever fixing the issue." She did the buttons on my fresh set of undergarments with surprising speed. "I think he wants to move on from the pain, since it's impossible for things to work out between them—which is why he's shown you attention. It's easy for him with you—there's no history to tangle you up."

I don't know how she'd gotten it, but she helped me into the dress Madame and the girls had taken from me. It was somewhat wrinkled and a little worse for wear, but I still felt elegant in it. At a quiet tap on the door, she left me sitting in a chair. Returning with a tray of breakfast, she placed it before me.

"Hurry and eat." She said.

Forgetting everything else, I devoured the food. Without stopping to identify each piece, I shoved it into my mouth as if I were afraid someone might steal it. In truth, I wished Liesl had brought a little more when the last crumbs were gone. I had no way to know when my next meal would be, and the urge to fill myself to the bursting was almost overwhelming.

While I had gorged myself, Liesl had done my hair into a simple updo. When I inspected my image in the mirror, I was confused at the lack of skill she had displayed. I was used to her jaw-dropping expertise, and she laughed softly at my confusion.

"I'm not supposed to be here. Myrtle was supposed to help you." She explained. "If they come back and find you looking all fancy, they'll know something's up."

Confusion wrinkled my brow. "You're not taking me away?"

She shook her head sadly. "Things have gotten. . .complicated since you've been locked up. Believe it or not, this is the safest place for you right now."

"I don't understand." I looked at the mottled bruises on my skin, wondering if she'd seen them.

"I know, and I wish I could explain." She looked torn for a moment before shaking her head firmly. "I can't."

"Then why—I don't understand." I repeated.

Voices in the outer room made her jump, and she clasped my hands. "I have to go. I only came, because some man showed up in the servant's quarters yesterday. He'd apparently been turned away from the gates after asking for you, and he was most insistent on finding you. I was able to see him briefly before the butler turned him out. He left this for you." She pulled a slightly yellowed envelope out of her pocket and placed it in my hand. "I've got to go."

She squeezed my hand almost regretfully one last time. I could see the war going on within her clearly displayed on her face, and it was obvious she didn't want to leave me behind. My brain was too numb to thoroughly question what was going on, and then she was gone.

"Come, Angela. We've been invited to attend the State Dinner." Madame appeared in the doorframe. "Unfortunately, we must take you along, or it will cause trouble for me." She looked at me in disgust.

I tried to hide my emotions. The moment Liesl had appeared, I'd thought my troubles were over, but she'd left me. I was alone again.

"Move! We can't let them wait all night." Madame snapped.

I mastered my despair with the last of my strength. Ignoring the empty feeling in the pit of my stomach, that had nothing to do with hunger, I hid the envelope in the folds of my skirt. There was nothing for it: I obeyed her silently.

Adella, Flora, and Annabella smirked at me as I walked into the outer room. They were decked out gaudily in all their finery. Likely, this was Madame's final attempt to catch the prince's eye before our departure. It would certainly do the trick, but I wasn't sure the attention would be in their favor.

"Now, you are not to speak a word once we set foot out of this room. Is that understood? You are merely an accessory, so no uncomfortable questions are asked." Madame looked down at me menacingly.

I lowered my eyes, and she seemed satisfied. Following them out of the room, I stuffed the letter into my pocket as stealthily as possible. It would have to wait for later.

My mind was heavy with thoughts of the future as I walked. Without Una, who would stand by me? Once we bid our final farewell to the king, my fate was completely out of my hands. I was doomed.

"I hope you know what will happen when we're out of this place." Adella slowed to walk beside me. "There are so many eyes and ears here, it was difficult to actually punish you. I can't wait to remind you what a piece of useless garbage you are."

I raised my head slightly. Keeping my gaze directly forward, I didn't respond. They had control of me, lock and key, and the minute they decided to throw me away, I was as good as gone. I needed no reminding.

"What? Nothing to say? Spending all that time in high society curbed your foolish tongue I suppose." She jeered. "You're weak. Just like Father."

My head snapped up, and I opened my mouth to spout a retort that might have been the end of me. At the same moment, a pair of doors banged open loudly, and I returned to my senses. It would be foolish of me to say anything. I was completely in her control.

The room we entered was unfamiliar. It was well-lit and decorated, but somehow, it was more intimate than the enormous ball rooms I'd become accustomed to. There were fewer people, and an enormous table of mouth-watering food stood proudly in the center of the room.

Madame seemed to know what she was doing, for her pace didn't falter as she crossed the room. A smaller table on a slightly raised dais came into view around the girls's gaudily colored dresses.

King Erik was sitting at the head on a chair so similar to his royal throne, I almost wondered if they'd moved it from the throne room just for the occasion. It was as though he felt the need to remind everyone that he was king. I frowned at the thought. Could he really imagine anyone doubted the fact?

Aidan was sitting at his right, and I couldn't help thinking what a stark contrast he made to his father. From the set of his jaw to the slope of his shoulders, he had none of the regal bearing of a king. There was no doubt: his reign would be wholly different from his father's.

Their table was set just far enough from the other to show the difference in stations. Even if the most powerful nobles in the kingdom were in the room, they would know what all their power meant before the king. Aside from King Erik and his son, there was only one other man, that I didn't recognize, at the table, a woman at his side.

"Mrs. Angarden," King Erik's voice was kingly as ever. "I'm so glad you could come." He smiled, but when his eyes landed on me, I noticed a certain coldness.

"Of course, your majesty. We wouldn't have missed this for the world." Madame smiled in return, and it was the most sickeningly sweet thing I'd seen in my entire life.

"I hope you enjoy the feast." He was the picture of gracious kindness, but looking at him, I could only see a man who allowed his own son to be bludgeoned before his eyes.

His tone and words had been dismissive. He had nothing more to say, so we should move on. Madame, however, didn't seem to understand—or had ideas of her own.

"My girls and I will be so sad to go. It has been such a pleasure to stay here in the palace." She gushed.

"And we will be sad to see you go." King Erik's smile turned forced. "If only the festivities were not at an end, so we could continue to see your beautiful face here. You will be leaving soon?"

"Yes—" Madame began.

"You will come visit often, though?" Aidan straightened in his chair, catching my eye.

He was staring at me unashamedly. I blushed fiercely at the realization. Knowing how he had loved Una, I wondered how he could even look at me.

King Erik cleared his throat meaningfully. "Yes, you must come back for the ceremony." His voice was cold.

This seemed to be what Madame had been after. "You are too kind, your majesty. It would be an honor for our household to attend a royal wedding." She was almost like a giddy schoolgirl.

"I'd hardly call it a royal wedding." King Erik snorted. "But you will make time to attend." It was more a command than an invitation, and his eyes pinioned me. "I want you to see it."

I couldn't understand what he was saying. Had Prince Aidan already selected a bride? That would mean tradition had been broken, though, as the crown prince always named his bride at his birthday celebrations. Then who—

"I can only hope that means we will be welcome when it comes time for dear Prince Aidan's wedding?" Madame spoke boldly.

A slight movement from the left side of the table drew my attention, and realization flashed through my brain. Without his familiar, black clothes, Kotaro had looked like another nobleman, but there was no mistake now: it was him.

My mouth went slack. He was decked out in Falea's colors, and his hair had been combed and styled. I didn't know how I'd managed not to recognize him before, but he looked so different. Only his guarded expression remained the same.

"Most certainly. Now that I've found a bride for one son, the other shouldn't be far behind." King Erik's voice was tight, and I could feel him still watching me.

I was barely listening now, though. A pale hand settled on Kotaro's arm as I watched, and Lady Mallory smiled smugly at me as she leaned closer to him. She was Kotaro's bride.


The plot thickens! So Bree is safer with her 'family'. . .Who do you think would be putting her in more danger if she were away from them? And Una couldn't protect her? Hmm. . .so many mysteries. Most of all. Umm. Kotaro. Umm. Whut. (Is it weird that I'm the author and am internally screaming 'What the heck?!' Yes? Ok, sorry. . .Psych! Not actually!)

Ok, we're gonna pretend none of that happened. . . Yeah, moving on. I'm currently writing the next chapter, and I will try to post it tomorrow if all goes well. . . *fingers crossed*

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