The Pursuit of Happiness (Pat...

By Pentaholic2011

18.8K 390 8

Kayleigh has lived her whole life trying to make a mind of her own. Even with being raised in a city where ed... More



300 6 0
By Pentaholic2011


I had been trying to get my family out to Chicago since the beginning of times. But my dad wouldn't come without Andy so they could experience the magic of the city together and two plane tickets are pretty expensive around here. So I usually went home and that's how we saw each other.

Leave it to Patrick to be the man no one thought he could be to do this incredibly nice thing for me. He knows family means the world to me, just as his family means a lot to him. And the fact that he did this says a lot about him and his heart. Even if a lot of people don't hear it enough, he's a great guy he shows it, and that's what really counts.

Tonight he was treating my family to a game and even gave them a tour like he did for me. I let my brother and sister and dad ask all the questions their hearts desired as I hung back with Randy. He wasn't all that into sports like my dad was. My dad followed the Bulls religiously so being down here was a dream come true for him. Same for Mason. And honestly Mandy was hoping to find a hockey boy for herself.

"How have you been with all of this" Randy asks me as he points around. "It's defiantly not your normal scene."

"It's not" I agree. "But it's something I've come to love. Before I even got into hockey and learned of the United Center and the history here I met Patrick and his friends and their girlfriends. I've become good friends with a bunch of them and before I even asked Patrick out I slowly started to get pulled to the hockey scene. And now that we're dating it's even more fun for me to be a part of this. Especially with how good the team has been" I admit.

"So do you like hockey now" he wonders.

"I really do. Out of all the sports this one takes the most skill set. The skating, the stick handling, you have to play offense and defense at every second you're on the ice. The amount of talent and hard work something like this takes is incredible. And it's a team effort, every single person has to be on their best game in order to do the things this team has done. I wish I was more into it before hand" I laugh.

"I don't think I've ever seen you this happy" he accuses and I blush. I look over at Patrick who was taking a picture of my dad in front of a bunch of different things down here. Both of them having the time of their lives.

"I don't think I've been this happy either. I just graduated and I'm in the first serious relationship since I was in high school. I finally feel like I have a place in this world" I sigh.

"Do you love him" he asks me and I stop. I didn't want Patrick to hear and I certainly didn't want my dad to either. He was one of those dads that overreacts to everything. If he knew anything about what I was about to say he would freak out. Andy was the cool dad I could go to about these things and I'm happy he was here to do so. Because trying to be serious around my dad wasn't a option.

"It's complicated" I try as he laughs

"Let me tell you a little something about falling in love with boys" he starts as I roll my eyes. "It ain't easy, guys so tend to suck at some points. Men will do most anything to deny themselves their feelings. I mean look at your dad" he jokes. "But In all seriousness, I regret not telling your dad how I felt sooner, even if he wasn't ready to tell me how he felt too. Because denying those feelings is denying you so many moments filled with love because you won't let it show.

I know you Kay, you're not the type of person to not take advantage of every opportunity you see. That is why you gave this man a chance in the first place even though you guys are worlds apart. The pure possibility to be something amazing is enough for you to take a leap of faith. So jump" he insists.

"And what if he doesn't love me back" I question.

"I asked myself that for twenty years. But the answer was always the same, it doesn't matter. How he feels shouldn't change how you feel. No matter what, you should tell him. Learn from your old man" he smirks.

"I'll think about it" I smile.

We finish the tour and end up in the locker room. Patrick gets everyone a stick and we all practice passing with a tennis ball. He claims this was all he did as a kid and judging by the amount of control he had he wasn't lying. And while we all sucked compared to the hands king himself, we had fun and that's what was important. My family loved him, just like I did.

Eventually it comes time for him to get his game face on for the game. They were wrapping up their shortened season and getting ready for the playoffs very soon. So we leave him be and find some food for the night. Once we had our food we find our seats pretty close to the glass. We sit and enjoy the calm before the storm of red floods in. I sit between Monica and my dad as we enjoy our pretzels and cheese sauce.

"You're living it up out here Huh" Monica claims and I laugh.

"I have it pretty good. But the work is just beginning for me. Not only am I trying to piece by piece save the people of this city, but I'm also trying to date one of the biggest names in the country right now. It's certainly not how I imagined my life being right now but I'm not complaining" I admit.

"How do you do it" she asks as I shake my head.

"I don't know. I had such plans, bigger than anyone around me ever understood. And day by day they get bigger to the point where now even I'm surprised by it. But I'm sure as hell not going to complain" I say.

"I'm just trying to get to where you are" she chuckles.

"I've been called insane for the longest time. So try losing your mind a few times" I wink.

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