The Pursuit of Happiness (Pat...

By Pentaholic2011

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Kayleigh has lived her whole life trying to make a mind of her own. Even with being raised in a city where ed... More



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By Pentaholic2011


Today was going to be a big day of learning for me. As a part of Kayleigh's studies she is going to a homeless shelter and talking to the people who work and go there. This is the last project she has before she graduates at the end of this semester and then there's no telling what she's going to do. There is no limit to the things she will accomplish, not for someone with the amount of power and determination she had. By the end of this month she will be walking across the stage and into a future only she can create.

And she was nice enough to let me tag along for the day and come visit the homeless shelter with her. I've done some charity things through the blackhawks but I've never done something like this on my own. This city has given me the world, even if it doesn't feel like home to me this is the greatest city I've been a part of and I do love this place. I think it's about time I try and help the city out as much as they have helped me grow into this star player.

So I pull on a Blackhawks jacket and meet Kayleigh at the center. She was dressed in all black which really should have been illegal to be looking that good. I pull her into a soft kiss as she smiles up at me.

"You ready" she asks.

"I feel like I'm not but that's why I'm here" I assure her.

We walk in and head straight to the front desk. Honestly the place wasn't that awful looking but it could use a few touch ups and something to make this place seem less... sad. Kayleigh finds whoever it was she had been in contact with and they give us a tour. We see the rooms they stay in, where they eat and shower and everything else.

And as I look around I noticed something scary, there was kids in here. Children who were malnourished and weak and sick and they had nowhere else to go. I stop walking as I see a kid helping another kid a little younger than him eat. I feel my heart break as these children fight to go on.

"You okay" Kayleigh asks as she starts to rub my back. I shake my head as I turn to her trying not to cry.

"I don't know what I was expecting to see today, but this want it" I admit.

"Homeless shelters aren't where crazy people who yell at the sky come. These are real people who are trying to do better. The people here all have to apply for jobs and help out around here in order to stay, they can't just crash here for free. Peoples stereotypes about homeless people is limited to what they see when they're driving around the streets of Chicago in movies. But these kids aren't to blame, the women who leave abusive relationships aren't to blame. We are to blame for letting these people down because we care about ourselves more than anything.

If this was you having to stay here because this is the closest thing you have to a home, wouldn't want someone to help" she questions.

"I would" I admit.

"So let's help them then" she insists.

"What can we do? We're just two people" I remind her.

"When I graduate I want to get proper funding for places like this, Chicago is full of them. These shelters are receiving less and less money as more and more people run out of options and coming here. I want to get them all three meals available and clothes for them to go to their interview in so they can get the job. Something for these people to know that we haven't given up on them" she explains.

"How can you get the government to fix something they blatantly ignore" I wonder.

"Just because you don't see it, doesn't means it's not happening. We can't always see the sun but it's always there. And just because we don't see the homeless, the hurt, the broken, it doesn't mean that they're not there. They are and they are right under your nose, we just chose not to see it because it makes us feel bad. If we can bring attention to places like this, if we can show how easy it would be to get these people back on their feet and into the economy again people will realize by helping them they can help themselves too. People just refuse to believe that doing something out of the kindness of their hearts is good for everyone around them. But I would rather feel bad about the truth than live in a lie, wouldn't you" she asks.

"I would" I agree. "But I can't speak for the rest of the world" I insist.

"If we can change one persons mind, who can change another persons mind and so on and so on, then who's to say we can't change the world" she questions. A small smile comes across my face as I just stare at her.

"You're going to change the world, I just know it" I insist.

"I'm trying" she admits.

We continue to walk around as she makes a list of things the people need and the best ways to help them. She has this theory that instead of the government sitting in their offices dictating what happens with these peoples lives we should be here first hand and ask the people themselves what they need. The people need help now and not when it's convenient to others so she is going to do whatever she needs to get there people help now. As soon as she graduated she can come back and deliver on her promises and she couldn't wait.

I see the kids I was watching eat earlier sitting by the door watching the city start to light up and I decide to go introduce myself. So I walk over and kneel down next them so I can see eye to eye. "Hey guys, what's your names" I question.

"I'm David" the older kid starts, "and this is my little brother Kenneth."

"I'm Patrick" I start.

"We know who you are. We see you in the papers and on the tv when we walk past the restaurants. You play hockey" David says and I smirk a little.

"That's me" I nod.

"Why are you here" the little one wonders.

"Do you see that really pretty girl over there with brown hair and grey eyes" I question as I point Kayleigh out.

"Yeah" Kenneth nods.

"That's my girlfriend and she's here to help you. And in doing so she's helped me see that I want to do something to help too. So if you were me, what would you do" I question.

"We honestly just want a family" David admits. "We lived here with my mom for a few weeks before she passed away last week. The shelter took us in but it won't be too long before we end up in the foster system. We do want to find a family but I'm scared that they will split us up. That's why mom brought us here first, to keep us together. But once they find out we've been staying her without a legal guardian I'm sure we will be separated" he sighs.

"What can I do to keep you guys together and find you a good home" I question.

He just shrugs as he looks at his brother. "I'm not sure. I just want to be able to make sure my brother is safe" he says softly.

And in that moment I broke. The harsh reality of the world I lived in sets in and I hated it. I hated that I didn't have the answers and for once in my life I wish I knew what to say.

I excuse myself and find Kayleigh putting her phone number into someone's phone. Once she was done I pull her to the side and try my best not to break down. "I need a favor" I start.

"What's up" she wonders.

"You know those kids I was talking to" I ask.

"Yeah" she nods.

"They need a home. A good home where they're loved and they're safe together. Their mom died last week and it's only a matter of time before they end up in a home or separated. I know you study these kinds of things so I was wondering how I can help" I insist.

"Do you know anyone who wants two kids" she wonders.

I let out a sigh as I shake my head. "No. And if I was older and wiser I would take them in. But we both know I'm not capable of raising two kids right now" I say.

"Any guys on the team you know who could take them in? Apparently they are big hockey fans and would love to be a part of that" she says.

"I actually might have someone. Hossa has two girls but he wants a boy and Hyla doesn't want to get pregnant again, maybe he can help them out" I start.

"You'll never know until you try. And I assure you those kids need you to try. So why don't you give him a call" she suggests.

I call him and to my surprise he was very interested in at least fostering the boys. He wanted some sons and hockey runs deep in his blood. He was pretty excited to help them out and give them a family.

So he comes down with his wife and two little girls. Technically he can't adopt them from here but he can give them shelter and food and love until they figure it out. If it doesn't work out we can think of something else, but for David and Kenneth they just became a big part of history here in Chicago.

Eventually it gets late so I walk out with Kayleigh. The sun had been gone for a while so I know this day was coming to a end. I was emotionally drained but happy with how things turned out.

"Thank you" I say to Kayleigh as she smiles at me.

"For what" she wonders.

"For helping me open my eyes. For showing me that I can do more than what I'm doing. This was special" I admit as I wrap my arm around her.

"Any time" she smiles.

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