By Malinda14

543 25 9

(RATED eighteen) What damage could a kiss do in the life of a boring teenager? A KISS CAN CHANGE A LOT. Caus... More

Chapter one.
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter 8

Chapter two

100 3 0
By Malinda14

Mary Williams

Seconds turned into minutes, minutes into hours, hours into days, days into week and I could still feel hands working on me. Hands that tried to revive me. I had lost too much blood- almost leaving no drops of blood in my veins.

Me coming back to life was hard- was painful.

I thought it all to be a dream, a nightmare. I thought I was just fast asleep and would wake up anytime soon. But no- the dream just seemed to continue.

And in that dream I was in a room, a beautifully decorated large room- like those in the movie castles. And in that dream an angel was watching over me- a beautiful angel.

Some things she did made me feel better but others brought me pain. She was not alone though. Their were some other people present in the room. I could feel them staring, gawking at me with eyes that could pierce a soul. Their presence in the room reeked of dominance, power, authority and sovereignty. They made me feel like a thanksgiving turkey about to be fed on by a family of nine.

Each time I opened my eyes, the angel would give me a gentle frown and I'd close my eyes again. I wanted to wake up, but it felt as if a strong force beyond my control and power was compelling me to sleep some more. I finally woke up to the sound of someone calling to me in a small still voice and tapping lightly on my arm.

I took in a deep breath and the smell of antiseptic and medicine rushed up my nostril making my stomach churn up in disgust.

It felt like I was in a hospital but I wasn't. I wished I wasn't due to the fact of always having to live in the hospital for the first seven years of my life. I was always sick, always reacting to every little thing. But after those years- it stopped. All my sickness and allergies stopped attacking me. It was a miracle! I never got sick again. Not even for once!.

I peeled my eyelids open slowly, hoping my memories and nose were deceiving me, but they were not. I was in a magnificent room, i wasn't home at all. The room looked like the one in my countless dreams.

The first thing my eyes could make was a blackish red coloured bag filled with something I thought was blood- thick red blood, hanging on a metal stand.

The liquid dripped slowly down a tube and I imagined hearing each drop plop down like a fat raindrop.

I knew it was a IV line. My eyes travelled down the line till they fell on my hand where the line was inserted.

"Hello..." A soft voice said, I looked away from my wrist- my eyes falling on a middle aged blonde woman who stood next to me. She had her blonde hair up in a pony tail- dressed in a white plaid shirt over black pants. She looked  and sounded friendly than those demons that stared me wickedly in my dreams.

"Can you see me?," She came forward then she cupped my chin and gently turned my face towards hers, "I'm Bethany and you're in the Griffin mansion. You're safe".


Her last words rang in my head like an ambulance van, a school bell, a police siren.

The nauseting feeling of fear hit me once again. My memories bringing back to me the horrible pain I had felt that night. It felt like I went to hell and came back.

The pains were all gone but now I felt feverish, felt like I was coming down with a very high fever, I felt the thumping headache In my head double up, I felt my body burn up.

I tried to speak but my but my throat felt dry.

Where was I?

Who were those who kidnapped me?


Why have they brought me here?

What did they do to me?

I wasn't in my red party gown any more, I was now clad in an oversized grey hoodie over large sweat pants.

Who changed my clothes for me?

I had so many questions. So many unanswered questions.

Bethany smiled at me, sympathy dancing in her brown eyes. Almost as though she could read my mind, she answered a few of my unasked questions.

"You are in the Griffin's mansion, far away from town. We've being worried about you..." She stared on at me sadly, then she looked away from my pained eyes, rephrasing her sentence, "They've  being worried about you, mostly Max".

She sighed. "I'll go get a Griffin, tell them you're now awake. But first drink some water," she picked up a jug filled with water from the dresser beside the bed then she poured little of it into a small glass cup- the sound of running water filling the room.

"Just a little sip..." She cautioned before leaning over me. When I was done she wiped my lips off with a small white napkin, "I'll get one of the Griffin. Try not to fall asleep again. Please".

I leaned back in bed then I rested my head gently on the fluffy pillows- my head spinning once again.

Soon Bethany was out the door and I was left all alone to the silence that filled the huge beautiful room.

The bed was so huge that it could take in four chubby teen girls at once. There were huge painting of various designs hunged up against the walls- the paint frame sparkling like real gold.

I turned my head over to the side of the bed and I could notice the gold frame that shielded the bedside lamp, the dressing table also had gold edges and even the chandelier that hung above the room had diamond like bulbs and gold edges. There was a wide window close to the bed- only some inches away. The window had huge gold colored curtain covers over it. Curtains that would cover up the whole of me if I tried pulling them off, close to the curtains stood another dressing table larger and bigger than the one by the bed side. It had many sparkling clean drawers with golden knobs  and a huge golden framed mirror that seemed bright and clean. And then two small doors stood next to each other. Doors I assumed to be a closet and a lavatory.

The place looked wealthy, adorned with so many beautiful things.

I had never being in a room in that fashion before only through TV and peek into the life of celebs. It was a complete contrast to my room, total difference from my colour and glitter filled room.

The room only spelt out one thing to me- the Griffin's were stinky rich.

Even though the room was a bit old fashioned- it still spelt out riches.

Spelt out wealth.

My head felt heavy but I did try my best to stay awake until Bethany returned.

Finally the door gently creaked open and she walked in- a feminine figure walking in behind her. I gulped then I sat up in bed, my head pounding and my breath slow and heavy.

Bethany walked upto the bed alongside a pale skinned lady looking eighteen. She sent me one of her friendly smile, then she stretched her hand towards the pale girl, "Meet Harley Griffin. The only girl in the Griffin family".

I gently raised my eyes upto the girl who stood close to Bethany, with hands folded. She was pale white- a bit whiter than usual. Her brown hair were cut short- reaching just below her ears. Her eyes were pale baby blue and they felt like the abode of authority, power and domination. Looking back at me- I felt like she could read my thoughts and trap my soul. Her nose stood upon her oval face and beneath it laid a small pale reddish lips that seemed chapped and dry.

When she smiled- her dentition were sparkling white and they accommodated a beautiful set of teeth, she was dressed in a tight black body hugging leather jump suit that hugged her curves and shape perfectly. Skinny- but not so skinny.

"I'm Harley Angela Griffin..." She stretched her hand out to me, hand I just stared at, stared at how pale and white it looked- It looked almost frozen. She blinked her eyes then her smile vanished, "I get. You don't want a handshake, maybe next time I'll try putting on a better smile".

Bethany nodded in agreement then she pulled towards the bed a wooden chair for Harley- who immediately sat next to me, her eyes boring my soul.

"Get over with it!," Bethany whined before sighing gently, "RJ needs me".

"This should be easy," Harley muttered out before cupping my chin- her hand feeling ice cold against my warm skin. She took in a deep breath and I did feel like she was sniffing me in. She shook her head then she blinked over and over again, "Just compel her into forgetting all that happened- should be so easy".

I furrowed my brows in confusion,


She took in another deep breath then she stared deep into my eyes, her baby blue eyes starting to get seemingly smaller. I stared on at her eyes, before directing my eyes to her lips- watching them move slowly.

"You'll forget whatever had happened that night, you'll forget my brothers drank from you, you'll forget he pierced your arms, forget you were ever kidnapped," She stopped then she took in a deep breath, "I'll drop you off at your street and you'll move on with life, forget about us all".

She released my chin, then she pulled the chair back before smiling up at Bethany, "Done! I would get her out of here soon, as soon as she gets something to eat".

Bethany released her folded hands, her brows furrowed confusedly, "Are you sure? She still as that terrified look on".

I gulped, suddenly feeling my throat clogging up with tears, "What day is it?".

"23rd of March," Bethany scooted closer to the bed- still seated in the chair, "Why?".

23rd of March?

But! But I was on my way to that party on the 9th of March.

Tears started to roll down my face.

"How... How long was I out?".

"Exactly two weeks," Harley had on this terrified look as she spoke to me, "Today makes it the 14th day you were out. What do you know?".

I narrowed my eyes at her feeling my head spin faster.

"What did you do to me? You! You and your demon brothers!,"  I was starting to let out a low weakening yell, "What did you do to me? Why did they kidnap me? What did they do to me?..."

I rolled up the hoodie sleeve then i trailed off, now staring at the faint bite like marks that rested upon my wrist. I rolled the sleeve up farther then I could make out more similar marks over my arm.

My body was starting to get tensed.  I looked like I'd being attacked by a group of blood sucking raccoons.

Tears rolled down my face faster, I tried to speak but the words just seemed to get stuck. Tracing round the dried wound, I tried to Make out what could have happened.  My body shook, my lips quivered in fear, I turned over to look at Harley and Bethany's terrified face- Harley's mouth wide agape.

"What have you done to me?! You monsters! What did your brothers do to me?!".

Harley eyes widened,"Beth it didn't work. Bethany the compulsion didn't work. Why didn't it work? Why?".

I jumped up in the bed, then I hurled a pillow at Harley with all the streghnt I could muster up. Screaming as loud as I could, ignoring the horrifying ache in my head.

"What have you done to me?!. What have you done to me?! Monsters! Monsters!".

"I see Harley! It didn't work? You've being doing this all your life! Why didn't it work?".

Bethany was also yelling in surprise. I hurled more pillows at Harley and I watched her face twitch in anger. Her eyes seemed to get darker, her baby blue eyes speedily changing into red like fire. Red that burned with rage and anger with a little bit of fear coating it.

I hurled another pillow at her, then I screamed louder, "Monsters!".

Ripping the IV Line from my vein, I continued to scream and cry at the top of my voice feeling the blood run down my vein.

"Oh shit!," Bethany cussed beneath her breath before looking on at Harley, "Harl you're fine right? It's just a little sign of blood. Something you can handle right?"

Harley's eyes followed the dripping blood then her see eyes looked darker, she stared on at the blood then she snarled- revealing two large teeth coming up from her gum.

Sweet charming Harley disappeared even before I could take another look at it, she was now looking vicious- than a wild tigress.

My eyes widened, my breathing became fast. My heart pumped faster with blood- Blood and fear.

I began to shiver, my body trembling at the sight of her.

She continued to snarl louder then she made to jump at me, Bethany tried holding unto her, trying so hard to hold her down but she was too weak- Harley's power seemed incomparable to hers. She pushed her off- Bethany immediately came crashing into the sparkling white marble floor, then Harley ran out the room so fast. As fast as the speed of lightening. It was so fast. In a whoosh.

I fell back unto the bed, hugging my legs into my chest- I cried louder, my head pounding with pain.

I've never seen a human react to the sight of blood that way.

Not even one.

"I just want to know what they did to me," I continued to whimper out, "I just want to go home".

Then I felt two small arms wrap around my trembling bod, the hand stroking my hair affectionately.

I leaned further into the arms, then I held on tightly to Bethany's waist- my tears soaking her shirt.

I suddenly began to feel the dizziness again- my head spinning just as it had that night. Darkness was starting to cloud my vision.

"It's gonna be fine," Beth whispered lovingly still stroking at my hair just like mom would have also done, "I've got you now. You're safe in my arms".

She wasn't one of them.

Those demons.

The darkness continued to seem darker- clouding me up. And soon I fell into a deep sleep- my lips still chanting out those painful words.

"I wanna go home".

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