It comes and goes

By shawmilajourneys

69.6K 4.5K 1K

Life has its ways to push people together at the right moment in time... for better or for worse. More



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By shawmilajourneys

Camila's POV

Shawn was more relaxed after having dinner and calling to the hospital to make sure his dad was fine. The nurse told him he was asleep and that everything looked good. The smiled had returned to his face, and even when his eyes were still gloomy after crying, they also looked more rested now.

We snuggled on the sofa watching an old movie and the way he traced weird patterns on my skin with the tip of his fingers made me feel like I was floating. He had a way of keeping me at peace with just his touch and I loved it. There it was that word again. If I wasn't careful I would end up saying it and I wasn't sure any of us was ready to hear it yet.

A lighting crossed the sky and then a thunder made the windows tremble. The storm was no longer a pouring rain but a downpour. Seconds later, electricity went down.

"I have a flashlight somewhere", I said standing up from the sofa to go find it.

"Don't", Shawn stopped me by grabbing my wrist between his long fingers. "It's ok".

"You sure?", I asked turning around playing with his curls.

"Yes", he said and kissed my belly that was right in front of his face. His hand let go of me and squeezed my ass. "Stay right here"

"Here?", I wondered observing his next moves.

He pulled up my shirt and sweater to kiss around my belly button and on top of the waistline of my jeans. His warm breath tickled over my skin and the air felt heavier in the room.

"Right here...", he murmured unbuttoning my pants.

His hand wandered inside my jeans, over my underwear, caressing a sweet spot that made me grab his shoulders for support.

"What are you doing?", I asked in a whisper.

"Shhh, you'll like it".

He continued to kiss around my belly, sweet little pecks, while his hand moved in between my legs. The darkness and the sound of the rain made the feeling a whole more intense. When he pulled my jeans down and placed them just above my knees, I swallowed hard because of the anticipation.

"Don't move", he said bringing his face closer to the most aching part of my body.

He sat on the edge of the couch and I stood between his knees. His hands caressed my butt and gave it a squeeze that stole giggles from me. Then, he traced the fabric of my panties with a finger and very slowly pulled them down to join my jeans. And there I was, with my sex exposed to him, my legs shaking and my lungs having problems keeping up with the oxygen I needed. His breath tickled my folds before his warm wet tongue made me spring in joy. I grabbed his shoulders harder this time while he took his time working on sending me over the edge. I felt like my legs were going to give up any minute because of the overwhelming sensation but he placed his hands firmly on my thighs and kept me in place. When the orgasm finally hit me, it was like an explosion that started in my lower belly, traveled down and then expanded to every part of my body.

"Oh my God", I said while waves of pleasure roamed inside me.

He went back to kissing my belly while I recovered.

"How was that?", he asked sincerely.

"So good... I thought my legs were going to betray me any second", I chuckled.

"Great", he smiled and I could only see his features thanks to the moonlight coming through the window.

I kissed him like I meant it, because I really did. We weren't done yet and next thing I knew I was bent over the couch while he took me from behind and whispered sweet things in my ear. Clothes had vanished from our bodies and it was just us panting and touching each other. He wasn't the best communicator sometimes and I had come to realize that this was his way of showing he cared. I couldn't complain much though, because he was damn good at it. The way he groaned and slightly bit my shoulder when he reached his peak, sent me over the edge once again and we both laid on the sofa catching our breath.

"Wow", I said in between giggles while I rested my face on his chest.

"Right back at ya", he laughed.

Some weeks ago we had stopped using condoms because I trusted him and I had been on the pill long enough to have a very meticulous habit to take it everyday. Still, the mess between my legs was getting uncomfortable so I stood up and took a quick shower. It was a bit of a tricky task because electricity hadn't returned yet and the bathroom was rather dark. When I finally came outside wearing my pijama, the apartment was lightened up with candles all around. It gave the space a quiet, cozy mood that warmed my heart.

"You have a lot of candles", Shawn said and shrugged.

"Looks pretty romantic", I said teasing him.


This guys was sometimes the cutest, sweetest person on the planet and the next second he was feeling embarrassed about tiny gestures. I didn't know what to make of that, but I enjoyed the moments in which I could tease him. Over the years, I had grown to keep my emotions at a distance, mainly because I wasn't comfortable enough to let myself go with anyone in quite a while, but I was well aware that I was a cuddly, over-sentimental person that craved affection and contact in a daily basis and I was rediscovering that part of me with Shawn.

"I made hot chocolate", he said and I went to kiss him before taking the cup he was handling me.

"Thank you".

We sat in front of each other on the kitchen island, playing with our fingers and drinking from our cups. It felt nice but I couldn't help but laugh thinking where we were now and how everything had started.

"What?", he asked confused but smiling.

"Nothing, it doesn't matter", I said, because it didn't really.


"Tell me about you", I requested. I knew a lot already, but mainly things on the short term. I wanted the childhood memories, the teen anecdotes, the secrets.

"Like what?", he wondered.

"How was your first kiss?"

"Oh", he said and laughed. "Not great. I was in 6th grade and it was with the girl I liked but it was some sort of game with our friends. We kissed in front of everyone and it was pretty awkward".

"In 6th grade?", I said surprised.

"Well it was more like a peck on the lips but I count it as my first kiss".

"Who was it with?"

"Emily Sanders"

"Cute name"

"Cute girl"

"Did you date her later?"

"No, but we did run into each other at party years later and we made out. It felt good"

"What about the other first kiss?"

"You mean with tongue and all?", he smirked and I nodded.

"It was at camp with a girl I didn't know and I can't even remember her name now".

"Shawn, that's so awful!", I laughed.

"I'm pretty sure she doesn't remember me either".

"I doubt that. I think you're pretty unforgettable"

"Well thank you, baby, but I rather she does. It was a horrible kiss". I laughed again, this time holding my belly. I couldn't picture a time in which he was a bad kisser because I couldn't get enough of those lips now. "What about you?", he asked me when I calmed myself down.

"I was a shy girl", I started to say and he raised his eyebrows. "Believe or not, and I didn't have my first kiss until the end of junior year. Kyle Bradfort".

"Sounds like a douchbag's name".

"Yeah,  he was. Pretty good kisser though. He got a lot of practice, I guess".

He told me more about his love life during high school. Turns out he was a guy of many girlfriends during that time, despite his failed attempts at kissing at the beginning. His relationships weren't long, pretty childish dates as he had said, but he collected many good and funny memories.

"Do you miss home?", I asked him when he finished his story about a prank he and his friends had pulled on their soccer coach once.

He looked down and the soft flames from the candles made his eyes look lighter, like pure honey.

"I miss the people", he said. "Not the place specifically. Home can be anywhere".

I stood up and hugged him. I couldn't begin to understand how it felt like to be away from your loved ones. I always had my family around. Even when I went away for college, I choose one that it was close to home.

He kept his eye clothes after kissing and I traced his eyebrows and cheeks with my fingertips. The idea of him going back to Toronto seemed weird at the time but it was not impossible. What was going to happen when Manny gets better and no longer needs his son, or when, in the worst case scenario, he loses the battle? Shawn wouldn't have a reason to stay around. That realization broke my heart but I didn't want to share it so I just hugged him tight and pushed the negative thoughts away.

"Do you wanna go to bed?", he asked.

"To sleep?", I genuinely asked.

"Uh, yeah. What did your dirty mind think?"

"Nothing", I said and hid my face on the curve between his neck and shoulder, giggling.

He stood up and in a single motion took me in his arm to carry me to the bedroom. He laid me down very slowly and it was being a sweet moment until my eyes spotted something in the wall next to window and I ran away leaving him alone and confused.

"What is it?", he shouted confused.

"There's a spider on the wall", I said from the hall.

"Shit!", he said and was by my side in a second.

"No, you're supposed to kill it or throw it away", I said pushing him back to the room.

"Why me?", he asked.

"Because I'm terrified of them", I explained.

"Well, I am too", he admitted and we looked at each other in silence before bursting into laughter.

"What are we going to do?", I asked.

"Get a broom", he said and I went to get one. "Ok, we'll go inside, you'll open the window and I'll push it away".


We went inside the room and the infamous insect was still in the same spot. I approached the window from the other far end and opened it wide, then ran away to get as far as possible from that thing. Shawn took the broom and comically slow reached the wall to then move it closer to the spider.

"Do it", I said behind him.

"Shh", he shushed me before brushing the broom and pushing the spider that went flying out the window.

"We did it", I said with relief and he turned around.

"We won't talk about this moment with anyone", he said with a poker face and I laughed so loud.

"Of course, baby", I said before kissing his embarrassment away.

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