
By redsgirl

381 24 9

Anna is a simple girl with simple dreams.. with an abusive boyfriend and a cold hearted father she tries to h... More



63 4 1
By redsgirl



Here's the new chapter of Graveyard. Rough beginning I know but It will get better ;)

Hoping for your support , VOTES and ofcourse COMMENTS! ;)




XOXOX.. redsgirl

Anna's POV

" I hate this stupid car! No good piece of junk!" I started hitting the steering wheel as hard as I could as smoke  came from under the hood. I am now stranded on the side of the road in the middle of the night and in the middle of nowhere. 

Getting out of my car and into the cold night, I slammed the door shut. I leaned against the drivers side and felt like I was the most unluckiest person in the world.

Now what am I going to do, I'm already late as it is. Father is sure to kill me, If I'm late again. He hates it when I'm not punctual, he says it does not look good for the family. And I'm thinking 'What family?'. We have never been a family, I don't understand why he keeps saying that stupid word like it means something to him.

 "I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!" I screamed at the car letting all my frustrations on my old 1996 Ford Escort.  

As I laid my head against the car, I started to cry as I remembered how Micheal cheated on me. My father had yelled at me like it was my fault for not giving it all to that bastard. He even demanded that we had to get back together. I mean he's my father, its not suppose to be like this. He is suppose to protect me. And now all he thinks about is me getting back with that asshole.

 I can't though, I just can't. 

Micheal was gorgeous, sweet and all, but I didn't love him like he was my whole world. I was just starting to trust him and in a way I think I was starting to feel something for him before he ruined it. Now after what he did I can't stand to look at him.

The only reason I ever started to see him or even try to date him in the first place was because my father asked me to, he needed me and Micheal together for the mutual agreement of Micheal's father's company and my father's company. 

As  usual my father only thought about money. 

I did everything my father wanted, and yet he never even once recognized me as his daughter. He never notice or acknowledge what I felt.  I was just like a pawn to him for his company, nothing else. 

I cried my heart out in the cold night leaning against my old car.

I feel so alone in this world, I'm tired of following my fathers demands, doing everything that makes him happy hoping that he would finally acknowledge me and yet every time my heart just breaks. All he cares about is his company and how to become richer. 

I'm tired. I've had enough, all my life I've just been a pawn, an object. I tried to love Micheal, I really did but when I thought that I could be happy he goes and breaks my trust and a piece of my heart that was slowly becoming his. I've tried my best my whole life, I guess I was just never good enough for anyone not even my father. 

How could anyone like me. How could anyone notice me. I'm not sexy or beautiful, maybe that's why he went after Jessica because to all the guys she was what they called a feiry hot vixen or something like that.

I give up. I belong in the darkness...

Everything suddenly became a blur, and when I looked up there were two flashes of bright light and a loud sound of someone blowing a horn. Then I felt light as air and everything went black.

Woman's POV

The nights were now getting colder since winter was now knocking on autumns door. The leaves were turning into their golden brown and red color leaving the tree's bare for winters embrace as if they were asleep. 

This made me thought of her, I really missed the way she would greet me good morning or help me in the kitchen. Her voice would always make my day no matter how tired I was. She would sing me a song with her angelic like voice, and dance around the kitchen while I cooked.

I wonder how she is these past years. I wonder how she's been doing. I really miss my angel. Even though she wasn't my daughter, and only a child I had to take care of. I treated her as my own especially after everything that happened to her.

I didn't want to leave her all alone in that dreadful house, but what choice did I have If I was not wanted anymore. He blames me for giving her false hopes or dreams, but she had every right to dream for herself, for her to find happiness in life like any other person. 

The phone started ringing.

"hello." I answered.

"Maria? We need you it's an emergency. There was an accident, Alpha's hurt pretty bad."

I knew that man would be fine whatever the cause would be, he can heal quickly but I still had to check for any wounds that would cause an infection. Infections could still cause great pain while healing.

"Alright. I'm on my way." I quickly answered.

I was the pack doctor after all. It's my responsbility.

"Wait." he quickly said before I was about to hang up.

"What is it?" I answered in a rush. There couldn't be anyone else involve, I hope not.

"We have a problem." He sighed.

"What is it?" He sounded like he was panicking.

"There's a human hurt as well." I knew what this meant. 

" I will take care of it." then I hanged up the phone and grabbed my bag. I quickly made haste to the pack house. 

Humans are not meant to know about us, only those that are needed. I would have to be extra careful on how I would do my treatment and probably bring this person to the hospital or my clinic to be sure this person would not notice anything different. It was crucial to keep our secret.

As I arrived at the pack house, it was surprisingly quiet. I wondered where they all were and, I quickly made my way inside the house. 

" Quickly in this room " Jack suddenly appeared and pointed the way.

 There the human laid unconscious on the kitchen counter with blood everywhere.

Jack the third in command of the pack stood beside her trying to stop the bleeding on her abdomen with a cloth. He was covered in blood from head to toe.

" Jack tell me that is not all her blood." I asked with a slight panick in my voice. This was serious. He looked up at me, pale as a ghost. 

"Where is the Alpha?" I questioned him.

" He is upstairs. He will be alright. David is upstairs with him tending to his injuries. Alpha wanted you to help this human first and immediately." He said in a calm manner but with a tinge of fear in his voice.

Jack still seemed like he was panicking.

Quickly I got started.

 I looked at the human carefully and came to the conclusion from my observation that the human was a woman. She was in a terrible condition.

Her right leg was in an awkward position. It was not meant to bend that way. While her left shoulder was clearly dislocated, her face and body filled with abrasions especially on her abdomen.

Large pieces of glass pierced through her, through her stomach while the other two through a couple ribs. She seemed familiar, but I just could not place my finger on it due to all the blood and dirt on her. She looked unrecognizable and her skin was cold as ice.

Setting my bag down on the clean part left of the counter, I prepared the things that would be needed. Since five minutes ago I decided that we could not bring her to the clinic or the hospital, they would question the accident and that was a problem we could not afford. I had to act fast to help this girl right here and now.

" Jack, I need you to clean her wounds with the gauze pads. Now. But carefully." I instructed calmly.

" But. But what about her stomach it keeps bleeding." he seemed confused and scared.

"It's ok. Just leave the cloth. She will be fine. Now do as I say or go upstairs and help your alpha." I said sternly. Life or death is a serious matter, its either he's ready to help me or move.

 He nodded.

He did as he was told. I prepared the syringe and filled it with Lidocaine to block her pain receptors, there is alot of stitching to do and I can not afford her to wake up in the middle of everything. That would be a very big problem. There was also the matter of fixing her leg and manually placing back her shoulder. 

 This is going to be  a long night.

With a pair of surgical scissors I carefully cut of her pants and shirt. At the corner of my eye I saw Jack quickly close his eyes.

"I need your eyes open Jack. This is very important." I said.

"Yes ma'am." He answered.

As I was about to inject the lidocaine into her thigh I glanced into her inner thigh and saw a familiar scar. I suddenly realized that I knew her. I dropped the syringe and it fell to the tile floors shattering into a million pieces. Leaning against the wall of the kitchen I tried to catch my breathe and settle my palpating heart.

"Maria, Whats wrong? It's like you've seen a ghost." Jack asked me with a worried expression.

I wanted to cry.

How could this happen. why.

I knew I had a job to do and I need to do it fast.

"Nothing."  I flatly answered as I prepared a new syringe with the medication.

 I had to help her, she was bleeding badly.I have to help her now and worry about my feelings later.

Her face was pale and her extremities were cold  to touch. I couldn't lose her. Not again.

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