By lahse_levram

7.1K 236 29

Read to follow a series of short stories following our favourite Friendly Neighbourhood Spider-Man! Featuring... More

Introduction | Request Page
1- The Avengers Meet Peter
2- Teresa Parker
3- Worthy
4- Colourblind
5- Leah
6- Operation: Back to the Future (Part 1)
7- Operation: Back to the Future (Part 2)
8- What If...? Flash Thompson Became Spider-Man (Part 1)
9- What If...? Flash Thompson Became Spider-Man (Part 2)
10- Reactions to Spider-Man's Identity Reveal SMFFH
11- Tony Stark: Kidnapper
12- Sorry I Died
Chadwick Boseman
14- Five Years
15- Opinions
16- Missed
17- I Don't Wanna Go
18- Aunt May
19- Alone

13- Spidey VS the Civil War

353 22 0
By lahse_levram


In the superhero Civil War, there were only two sides; Pro-Registration or Anti-Registration; Team Iron Man or Team Captain America. You were either on one side or the other. There was no in-between. Some heroes tried to play it neutral, but in the end, they were all forced to pick sides.

One day, the war is raging heatedly in the middle of the city. Both sides were facing each other with looks of defiance and determination on their faces, ignoring the damage done to the city, when a red and blue figure lands in the middle of the chaos.

Tony Stark's eyes widened as he retracted his Iron Man mask. "Spider-Man?"

Spider-Man's eyes narrowed as he glared at everyone around him, absolutely furious. A few heroes who knew Spider-Man pretty well were taken aback—heroes such as Daredevil, the Fantastic Four, Iron Man and even Captain America—by his rage. Spider-Man was never the type to get angry. Agitated or frustrated? Yes. Downright angry? Rarely.

"One week," Spider-Man said, ready to burst out in fury. "I leave for one week and my fairly safe and friendly neighbourhood turns into a war zone?! You're crazy! The hell is wrong with you people?!


"Shut up!" Spider-Man cuts off the now infamous Captain America, his glare nearly visible through his mask. The captain actually did shut up, but not without giving him a disapproving look. The younger hero ignored him.

"I'm not finished! I'm angry! I have the right to be when everything I've worked so hard to protect has been destroyed in the one week I've been gone!" Spider-Man yelled again.

"This could have all been avoided his Cap and his 'Secret Avengers' had agreed to sign the Registration to make sure everybody feels safe," Iron Man growled.

"Tony, the Act is keeping heroes from being able to save people. How is it fair that the people who risk their lives every day for this country—" Steve was saying.

"Shut up! Shut the hell up!" Spider-Man interrupted once again. "I don't care who started it! I don't care about the backstory! I don't care about the stupid Registration Act! What I do care about is the fact that you guys are destroying the city!"

Everybody stared at Spider-Man, mulling over his words, but also still trying to figure out whose side he's on. He dissed the Registration but also cut off Captain America. Twice. That was enough to get on either side's good book.

"You guys are supposed to be heroes! But what the hell are you doing now? Look around! The place is in ruin! And it's your fault. How many people have lost their homes? Wounded? Crippled? Dead?" The more he spoke, the harder his voice becomes. Everyone noticed. Because he was right.

"Spider-Man, calm down," said Daredevil, stepping forward to placate the younger vigilante, hearing his fast heartbeat.

"This has to stop!" Spider-Man shouted, not seeming to even notice his fellow vigilante friend, Matt. "Stop this stupid war! You have a disagreement? Fight behind the scene! Isn't that what public figures do? Diss each other on Instagram or something?"

Tony glared at Steve. "Hear that, Steve? Enough of your useless struggle for power and just agree. We don't need any more casualties because of you."

"You're the one who started this war, Tony," Steve replied evenly.

Tony snorted sarcastically. "Me? I'm just doing what the people want. None of this would have happened if you had just agreed to the Registration."

The two former allies both took a step forward, ready to fight when they looked down to see their feet webbed to the ground.

"Don't. Move." Spider-Man's tone took a completely different turn from his earlier one. His voice was now deathly calm, and even heroes Johnny Storm had a hard time believing this was the same guy who he jokes around with and pokes fun at. Peter was usually so cheerful and light-hearted, and it was unsettling to see him like this. Scary, really.

"I guess I wasn't clear enough when I said stop fighting," Spider-Man said, tone faltering. "God, you guys are supposed to be everybody's heroes. My heroes... I expect the next time my home is in ruin is because of some supervillain or another alien invasion... Not because our so-called heroes are fighting because of their egos!" The hero sat down, exhaustion leaking into his voice.

Everybody was silent, pausing to truly look around. They noticed the things they did, but they were so caught up in the fight, they never took the time to reflect over what they were truly doing. They were so focused on defending themselves... they never thought about defending the citizens. The truth had them all feeling guilty.

Daredevil had a comforting hand on Spider-Man's shoulder, hearing the dangerously rapid sound of his heart, but Spider-Man barely paid him any mind.

"... Did you guys know I had to stop fourteen times to help those in need?" Spider-Man asked. "In that short trip from Queens to this place. Some of them were trapped in cars or other vehicles, some people almost died because the building gave up on them, some were trapped in fires, almost fell off a bridge, things were falling... but no crime. Because even the criminals were too afraid to get caught in the crossfire of the raging conflict between superheroes."

Some stared at him blankly, while others looked down in shame. The two sides shared glances with each other, Spider-Man's words sinking in.

"Man, what will you gain?" Spider-Man spoke, nothing but depletion in his voice. "The pride of being told you won? Proving your point? How much have you lost?"

"... Many things..." Steve looked down.

"... Many things," agreed Tony.

"Is that why you couldn't bear to stop? It's difficult to stop when you've lost so much?" He laughed humourlessly, brushing off Daredevil's hand as he stood up. "Is it until you've lost everything—then you'll stop? You say you've lost so many things, but have you ever seen how much the citizens have lost?" He paused, looking around for everybody's reaction. God, he felt a teacher scolding their students. It was honestly humiliating for them. "It's better to quit while you're ahead. Now's the best time."

The two sides looked at one another, sharing a mutual agreement. Spider-Man was right. This had to stop.

"I'm disappointed in all of you, and coming from one of the most hated vigilantes, that's saying a lot. I used to worship some of you people." He looked pointedly at Iron Man and Captain America. "I guess I was wrong." And with that said, he swung off to help the people in need. Nobody tried to stop him.

Johnny Storm flamed on. "You know what, guys? He's right," he said, now hovering in the air. "The Act is stupid and this war is even stupider. I'm done with this shit!" And with that, he flew off in the same direction as his friend to help out the citizens.

It didn't take a while for the other heroes to do the same. They all eventually were spread out, helping those in need. The heroes barely talked to each other unless they needed to, least of all Spider-Man, who was avoiding eye contact with them at all times, not even acknowledging their presence. No one blamed him.

The war between the heroes stopped just like that.

Spider-Man won the Civil War.

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