First name terms

By peachrte

23.1K 802 3K

Gilbert and Anne had known each other for years, but the redhead had never been able to forgive him for calli... More

1- Surname terms
2- Passive-agressive
3- F-R-I-E-N-D-S
4- Darkness
5- Sincerely, Blythe
6- The field of colorful freedom
7- Encounters and future reunions
8- Family from different families
9-Talk to me
10- Denial
11- Bittersweet
12- Annie
13- Camouflage
14- Spinning
15- Quiet
16- Late sleepers
17- Melody of love
18- Quandary
19- Blindfold
20-Fists and fights
21- Go
22- Part 1: Hurt me twice
22- Part 2: Carrots and Slate-face
23- "She"
24- My Girl
25- Until we meet again
26- BA 5967
27- Stalker team
29- Support
30- On the road
31- Unexpected declarations
32- No response
33- In a heartbeat
34- Open eyes
35- Your perfect
36- Like a song
37- RAIN
38- Endings
39- Operation Geronimo
40- First name terms
41- Caught
42- Recovery
43- Date ride
44- Anesthesia
Quick A/N and recap
45- Stories without ending

28- New member

385 15 107
By peachrte


A month passed by in the blink of an eye.

In London, Gilbert was completely settled. His friendship with Owen developed quickly, and they were now like brothers. Of course, that included arguing repeatedly. The redhead was clearly not a tidy person, and his roommate had no intention to live in a messy place.
Related to football, he was doing amazing. The new team was outstanding, not only on the field, but outside too; after every Wednesday practice, they would all go have dinner to a local pizza place, and enjoyed spending time together. The championship was about to start, and they were all more than ready. At first, it was very tiring. They had football practice almost every day and the training was very intense, but, luckily, he was able to get used to it fairly quickly and was now leading a healthier life than all of Avonlea together.
Something that was never a problem for him, was school. Educationally, it wasn't too different to Avonlea's, so he managed to get perfect grades there too. He also had befriended almost every classmate, and it was a smooth process since he shared every lesson with at least one person from his team.

In Avonlea, Anne followed the same routine every day: Wake up, go to school, study, message or FaceTime Gilbert, have dinner, and read while leaving comments to the same boy. On the weekends, she would help Matthew on the barn while they sang their favorite songs, spend time with her friends, or join Jerry when he was playing with his PlayStation.
The rumors about Noah Akerly had finally died down, and everyone's lives went back to normal. At lunch, the conversations had become about some TV show, or some anecdotes that each one of them had. As always, the redhead was top of the class, especially now that she had no competition, and had started tutoring younger students (or sometimes one of her classmates).


That day Ruby, Anne and Diana had arrived to school with a lot of anticipation. The last two had promised to help their friend study for the biology test she hadn't been able to sit for because she had gotten ill. The redhead paced across the hallway with her nose stuck in the booklet.

-The major parts of the cell are the...

-Cytoplasm and nucleus...?

-The surrounding membrane too, Rubes- Diana added.

-Ugh- she groaned in despair.

-DNA functions in the transfer of information from nucleus to cyt...

She read from a question guide of booklet, and as she wasn't looking up, she bumped directly into a body. A woman smiled warmly at her; The new faces in Avonlea had arrived.

-I am so sorry- both said at the same time.

-Wait...You are Mrs. Akerly, right? I'm Anne Shirley-Cuthbert- she shook her hand eagerly.

-Hi, I'm Ruby Gillis!

-Diana Barry- the other two girls approached her.

-Nice to meet you all. What grade are you in?

-Junior year.

-Oh, my son Noah is...- she was interrupted by the door being opened.

-Mom, Elliot doesn't want to put his shoes on- the muscular boy entered the school, holding his little brother, who had tear stained cheeks.

-Come here, little guy... It was lovely meeting you, girls- she walked away to sit Elliot down on the chair and put his shoe on. Before leaving, she nudged the teenager's shoulder, who was looking at the redhead, so that he would greet the girls.

-Oh, sorry, I'm Noah...Noah Akerly. 

The built up boy smiled widely, his caramel eyes looking into hers' shyly. Standing out on his dark well-combed hair were some little snowflakes, which were also laying on the coat he had just taken off. His formal attire, combined with his white grin, gave him a cute aspect. He was wearing a white button-up shirt, which had recently been ironed, and, on top of it, a light-blue sweater. A small scar stood on his cheekbone, which contrasted his tidy looks. 

-Anne Shirley-Cuthbert...Anne with an E.

-Nice meeting you, Anne with an E.

-You too. These are my friends, Diana Barry and Ruby Gillis.

-Hi- they both said shyly in unison, as if they were astonished by his handsomeness. The redhead mentally face-palmed herself at the stupidity of her friends.

-You are here a bit early, school doesn't start for another half an hour.

-Yeah, I know, my mom just came to talk to the principal

-Oh, meanwhile, if you want, we can show you around the school.

-That would be great, thank you.

Diana decided to stay and "help Ruby study". She actually noticed how Noah was gazing at her best friend, and she didn't want to intrude, so she just made up an excuse. Of course, the minute they left their hearing range, both girls started commenting on the way he was looking at her. They watched their exchange from afar; Their chuckles and smiles didn't go unnoticed.


After showing him the most important spots, they sat in the lab, Anne going through every member of her group of friends, to which she hoped he'd join.

-First, there's Jerry. He's an exchange student from France who's living with us, and he is basically my brother. He can be a pain in the ass, but he's a really fun guy. Diana's his girlfriend.

-That's the brunette I just met, right?

-Exactly. She's the mom of the group, as well as my bosom friend, and a kindred spirit, along with my other friend, Cole. He is an amazing artist, and unintentionally funny. Then, there's the blonde girl you just met, Ruby. She is the event planner of the group, romanticizes everything, and sensitive. I love her. She's Moody's girlfriend, who is the clumsy one, but so pure. Then there's Charlie, who loves teasing everyone, but at the same time is extremely loyal. He's dating Jane, who seems calm from the outside, but she's a savage when she wants to.

Noah gazed at her with half a smile. He admired how she carelessly talked and talked, as if they had known each other for years. The boy found her, not only beautiful, but also confident, which he thought was attractive.

-Tillie is the laid-back one. She says everything that crosses her mind, and loves highlighting when a situation "is getting hot"- she bent her fingers in the air, representing the quotation marks, and he tittered- She is an icon. Then there's Josie, the gossip and stalker of the group. If you want to know anything about anyone, she's your guy. She's the bitchy one. She used to do it because she was rude, but know she does it with love. Then, there's my best friend, Blythe... Gilbert Blythe. He's the gentleman of the group, usually the responsible one, and literally the golden boy. If you are his friend, he'll go to hell and back for you. Still, he pretends to be this charming guy, but he's a complete dork. His sense of humor sucks a little bit, but Sadly, you won't be able to meet him until July 3rd because he's in London because of his football.

-Oh... He's the one you like, right?

-No way. He's just my best friend. What makes you think that?

-Just... the way you talk about him.

-Anyway, that's it, those are all the ones in the group.

-What about you?

-Oh, I'm...passionate?- she giggled, spreading her smile to the boy- I'm outspoken, I always speak my mind. I have a pretty big imagination, and that makes me very absent-minded, because I'm always in my head. I'm also extremely talkative, and many people find it annoying, so if you get tired of my rambling you can tell me and I'll try to control myself.

-Haha, no problem. I'm a listener, so I enjoy it. People have told me many times that I'm perceptive and I notice every detail. I guess it's a perk from liking photography... Opposite to you, there are many thoughts that cross my mind that I never say aloud. What else?... Well, at my other school I was a kind of therapist. My friends always came to me with their problems. That's pretty much it.

Without them noticing, the chatter in the background grew louder as the school started getting filled with students. The bell rang right at that moment, and Anne quickly dragged him through the hallways so that neither of them would be late. Noah shared his first lesson with Diana, and though he was disappointed it wasn't Anne, he was glad he'd be able to get to know her bosom friend better.
For both of them, it was a very enjoyable class. Even though he sometimes felt too stared at and heard the whispers around, he enjoyed the girl's company.
However, it was a long hour for Anne. Josie Pye had made sure to sit down next to her, and she was on full mode gossip girl. 

-I saw you talking to Noah Akerly today...- she said quickly, and the redhead already groaned, knowing that she would spend the whole lesson asking about him. Still, she carried on staring at the blackboard and copying what the teacher was writing. 

-Yeah, I showed him around the school. 



-Tell me a bit about him. I saw he dresses formally. 

-Yup- she replied dismissively.  

-Is he a nice guy?

-Yeah, his a great guy. 

-That's what I thought...

-What do you mean?- she suddenly stopped scribbling, looking at her skeptically. 

-I heard some rumors...

-Of course you did- she snickered. 

-Jane told me that Cole told her that Diana and Ruby had said that they saw something going on between you...

-Oh I'm going to kill those two- she muttered to herself, pinching the bridge of her nose- Look, I was just trying to be friendly so that he'd feel welcome. 

-And what about him? The girls said that he couldn't keep his eyes off you. 

-They said the same thing with Gilbert. It's just something they do. 

-Oh my god, this is serious then. I lost my chance with him. I don't know what you are doing to make everyone to like you, but stop it, I want a guy for myself too. 

-I don't have a guy! Much less two of them. 

-It's true, you have only one right now because the other one's in London.  

The redhead snickered while rolling her eyes. Her friends would never drop it, and she knew it. 

Anne was almost convinced that her friends were trying to make her regret welcoming Noah, because they teased her every single minute they found. When she bumped into one of them while going to her locker, they all said "Heeey, I heard about you and the new guy". In the Geography lesson, Diana passed notes to her, asking questions. During lunch, they smirked and winked at her whenever she talked and he paid attention to her. 

Of course, this didn't mean that they weren't right. In fact, they were. The looks they exchanged were different to the ones he shared with the rest. Still, Anne swore it was normal. 

This was one of the main reasons why the most yearned moment by her, was the evening. Her friends wouldn't be with her, like at school, and Jerry would go to his room and stop bothering her with "nonsense". The other main reason was...

Shirley🧡and Blythe🤪

Shirley🧡: heyy

Shirley🧡: how's the british boy doing?

Blythe🤪: i had an amazing day

Blythe🤪: what about the smartest student in avonlea?

Shirley🧡: about to kill all of our friends

Shirley🧡: you probably know why already

Blythe🤪: ???

Shirley🧡: open the group chat

Blythe🤪: ookaay?

Avonlea High gang🌳

Josie👑: a lot of tea spilt today huh? @Shirley🧡  

Tillie👠: *hot tea 🌶☕️


Jane🦋: just one look at her and he's already 😍🦋✨💗🧚🏽‍♂️

Rubes🌹: that's so romantic...

Jer🥖: care to comment sis?

Moody🙃: the guy's already asked me about you

Charles🏈: hey @Shirley🧡 we're kind of waiting for u to comment here

Shirley🧡 : guys

Shirley🧡 : he's been here for TWELVE DAMN HOURS and you already manage to be arranging my wedding

  Cole🎨: i'm only arranging a shirbert wedding, not a noanne

Charles🏈: bad ship name dude

Charles🏈: it sounds like there is a lack of anne there

Cole🎨: do you prefer shirley or akerly, cause their surnames just happen to have the same fucking sounding ending

Moody🙃: ANNAH

Jer🥖: did hannah eat her H or is it just someone with asthma saying anna?

Josie👑: much better than NoNe 

Rubes🌹: this is harder than i thought

Rubes🌹: shirbert was much easier

Jer🥖: sounds like destiny to me, rubes

Jane🦋: Norley or Shirla?

Tillie👠: shirlaaaaaa kind of reminds me of drunken gilbert and his shirls

Shirley🧡 : HIS shirls?!?!?!

Shirley🧡 : and i have a great solution: DON'T MAKE A SHIP NAME CAUSE YOU WON'T BE NEEDING ONE

Josie👑: norley

Moody🙃: ^

Charles🏈: ^^ 

Jer🥖: ^^^ 

Jane🦋: norley it is, then 

Jer🥖: shirbert vs norley

Jer🥖: you better step up your game @Blythe🤪 


Cole🎨: this is gonna be fun

Josie👑: i'll prep the teapot

Jane🦋: YES

Charles🏈: i finally understand why girls like romantic movies, this is entertaining as hell 

Tillie👠: wait the only one that has his number is anne 

Cole🎨:*screams internally*

Jer🥖: 😏

Shirley🧡 : don't make a single comment or i'll rip your head off

Shirley🧡 : and, btw, i'm just adding him cause i'm a nice person (like i was trying to be today, NOT BECAUSE I LIKE HIM)

Shirley🧡 added Noah🇺🇸

Shirley🧡 : welcome to the group chat :)

Shirley🧡 : this is the place where you start hating them even more

Noah🇺🇸: hey anne

Noah🇺🇸: thanks 

Charles🏈: oh damn anne

Cole🎨: ouch @Shirley🧡

Jane🦋: i feel attacked

Josie👑: i can't believe I am the first person to be polite and say

Josie👑: hey noah, nice to have you in the group chat

 Shirley🧡 : asking myself the same @Josie👑

Shirley🧡 : see what i meant @Noah🇺🇸 ? 

Charles🏈: hi noah! (now all together) 

Cole🎨: hi noah! 

Jane🦋: hi noah! 

Moody🙃: hi noah! 

Tillie👠: heeey 

Noah🇺🇸: hi guys! 

Charles🏈: tills, even the new one knew how to follow a FUCKING had one job

Shirley🧡 shared 9 contacts  

Di💙: noah's in the groupchat??

Di💙: welcome to the gang

Noah🇺🇸: heyy glad to be here

Jer🥖: hey akerly

Jer🥖: u r joining the football team, right?

Noah🇺🇸: obviously

Noah🇺🇸: wouldn't spend more than a month without playing

Charles🏈: that's the spirit dude 

Charles🏈: i already like you  

Blythe🤪: heey guyss

Cole🎨: HE IS ALIVE  

Jane🦋: is he really talking to us? wow. 

Jer🥖: late christmas miracle 

Di💙: gil is that you? i'm shocked

Moody🙃: AGES, dude, AGES


 Blythe🤪: fine fine, sooorry

Blythe🤪: i've been kinda busy  

Blythe🤪: we have practice almost every day and i also have to study

Jer🥖: that's true, and during his free time he is way to busy fAcEtiMinG aNnE

Charles🏈: EXPOSED

Josie👑: ☕️👀

Jane🦋: i'm SHOOK

Cole🎨: i feel so betrayed rn

Moody🙃: oUcH

Shirley🧡: oh, shut up, some days ago you would've PAID to hear that

Tillie👠: didn't say that i didn't love it 

Noah🇺🇸: hey

Noah🇺🇸: i guess you are gilbert blythe

Noah🇺🇸anne has told me a lot about you

Cole🎨: 👀👀👀



Blythe🤪: i hope it was all good things @Shirley🧡

Blythe🤪: you are noah akerly, right?

Noah🇺🇸: the one and only

Blythe🤪: welcome to the group

Blythe🤪: and good luck dealing with these guys haha

Jer🥖: we're receiving so much hate today

Charles🏈: let's replace anne and gilbert with noah

Jane🦋: well, i'm sure he loves us more than they do

Shirley🧡and Blythe🤪

Blythe🤪: i get your exhaustion haha

Blythe🤪: do you like him though? 

Shirley🧡: what?? no

Shirley🧡: he's cute and a really nice guy but

Shirley🧡: idk i just met him 

Shirley🧡: it was surely not love at first sight like they'd make u think

Blythe🤪: they really like exaggerating everything haha

Blythe🤪: anyway, tell me if you do

Shirley🧡: if you tell me who "She" is😏

Blythe🤪: look, i know i like her

Blythe🤪: but i can't tell you who it is yet

Blythe🤪: and i'm sorry, i know i promised. i'll see if i can when i come back from london


Blythe🤪: i know, but i'm trying to get over her, cause i think she doesn't like me back

Shirley🧡: i'm sure she does, have you seen how everyone at school looks at you when you go through the hallways?

Blythe🤪: she's different, that's the thing

Blythe🤪: and i think she likes someone else 

Blythe🤪: i just took too long to figure things out bc... i guess i was just scared

Shirley🧡: i hope it works out blythe

Shirley🧡: but i'll still be here if she rejects you

Shirley🧡: and we can get an ice-cream at midnight and cry over her

Blythe🤪: i'd love that❤️

"I hope you'll still be there" he whispered to himself before leaving his phone on the night table and shuffling under his covers to sleep. That worry resonated in his head before he lost consciousness, but... would he still be worried about that when he met someone the next day?


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