Asshole✓ || P•JM

By kakiaa_

711K 31.8K 19.5K

❝Fucking Park Jimin...❞ I cursed under my breath. ❝Now is that an insult or something on your bucket list?❞ [... More

Dickhead's Proposal | 1
Talent: Lying | 2
Friendship? | 3
Nevermind | 4
Consequences | 5
Habits | 6
No Thank You | 7
Sorry | 8
𝒫𝒶𝓇𝓀 Yeseul | 10
Priorities | 11
Ugh | 12
Dumbass | 13
Misunderstanding | 14
Oh Fuck | 15
Beach? Bitch? | 16
Changes | 17
Bonding | 18
Shit | 19
Fine then | 20
Back and Forth | 21
Stupid Picture | 22
What? | 23
Idiot | 24
Our Mum | 25
I Love You | 26
Downhill | 27
Moving On | 28
Happy Endings | 29

Wedding | 9

22.9K 1K 772
By kakiaa_

"I couldn't miss my little girls wedding now could I?" He raised his eyebrow, extending his arm to help me down the stairs of my porch.

"D-dad... how? What about w-work? You... did mum ask you to come-"

"I got a call from the doctors, and, they said your mum doesn't have more than a few weeks left. I took this whole month off to spend with you guys. When I phoned up your mum she told me it was great since you were getting married. Yah, how can you not tell your own father about your wedding. That's just not fair."

My 47 year old dad pouted, as much as I wanted to smile at his cuteness, I couldn't stop worrying. He knows I hate Jimin, he knows how badly Jimin treated me throughout the years. How the fuck am I supposed to tell him I'm marrying that same person today?

He opened the door for me as we both sat in, my dress barely making it in.

As close as I am with my mum, I've never talked to her about my life problems. She already has a lot on her plate, let alone her having to worry about the dickhead I HAVE to work for until my contract ends.

So I called my dad up every time I knew he was free and we talked all night about how much we hated him. Yes we, I managed to make my dad despise Jimin with the stories of how he treated me.

"I hear you're getting married to that guy you work for," he spoke up, making me freeze.

"U-uh... hah... I-"

"You should've just told me you liked him. Why make up stories to talk about him? I wouldn't have eaten him if you told me you guys were dating, and even engaged for so long." He smiled, patting my shoulder.

"Huh? OH YES YES!" I happily nodded at his dumb conclusion.

"I didn't know my dad knew me that well! It was just an excuse to talk about him with you," I lied, awkwardly scratching the back of my head.

"I just, can't believe it. All of a sudden you're getting married and... it was just yesterday that me and your mum were buying baby clothes for you." He sighed, grabbing my hand.

"Dad, that was 26 years ago," I chuckled, trying to lighten up the mood. We reached the destination as I looked in awe at the decorations.

Me and my dad walked in, and since we were early, no guests were there yet. Jimin's parents greeted us and introduced themselves to my dad. My mum was pulled in a wheelchair as she bursted into tears looking at her dress on me.

"You've really grown up already," she cried, I teared up seeing her but held it back.

"YESEUL YOU AREN'T ALLOWED TO CRY," my mum screamed through her tears.


"You can't ruin your makeup. You haven't even gotten married yet!" She yelled, making me chuckle. She soon started to cough making me run up to her.

"Eomma, what if dad thinks I look better than you did?" I teased, changing the conversation to take my own mind away from her condition. We talked a bit as guests started to arrive, they were just family friends of both our families. Cameras were prohibited in case of accidental leaks of the event. I walked around the hall in awe, it looked beautiful.

I asked Mrs Park to make it purple themed, since you know, that's BTS' colour. I know I'm so nice, thinking about him even while angry. Getting bored, I tried to look for Jimin, maybe my blood boiled every time we talked but it was still I don't know, entertaining? I was told to stay away from the guests for now, I guess the brides supposed to stay mysterious until the time of the actual wedding.

"Where's the groom at...?" I talked to myself.



"Oh, uh, hey," I gulped, unnecessarily nervous.

"You look, pretty," he coughed.

"You too," I replied without thinking.

"You think I look pretty?" He smiled, tilting his head, I shook my head, awkwardly scratching my hair.

"You know what I mean dickhead," I smiled back, lightly hitting him.

"I worked so hard yesterday to be nicer though..." he mumbled, loud enough to let me hear it. I could see the members walk in from afar, they were all dressed up and looked unreal.

"Yeseul-ah! It's time," Mr Park whispered. Me and Jimin exchanged glances before he left. I stood at the top of staircase, the lights turned off, as a light shone on me. I took a deep breath and took slow steps down, greeting my dad at the bottom of the stairs.

He grabbed my hand with tears filling up in his eyes, walking me down the aisle towards Jimin who had reached there just in time. Everyone clapped, and guilt rushed through me.

This isn't even... ugh.

Jimin took my hand while my dad stared him up and down.

"Hm. Not bad." He muttered, leaving to go sit with my mum. I stood in front of Jimin, while the priest looked in front of us. He said a bunch of things which I couldn't even hear because of how nervous I was. It's not even the whole marriage being temporary which is what scares me, it's about... what if my mum finds out?

What if she finds out that I only married him to fulfil her last wish?

"Seul? Seul-ah?" Jimin waves his hand in front of me, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"It's your turn to say your vows." He whispered, slightly smiling to try release my obvious nervousness. He's already said his? Wow I am LOST lost in my thoughts today.

"Uh... I didn't know I had to prepare vows." I mumbled to Jimin. He tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear chuckling.

"It's ok. Just say what you would say to your real lover. I said what I would say to Seulgi noona." He advised quietly. Wow that's smart.

"I vow to love you for eternity and beyond, to be your best friend and lover all in one. I vow to never forget our magical memories which have bonded us together to this day. I vow to stay together for marriage... isn't a child's play." I closed my eyes tight in guilt, opening them back again to look him in the eye.

"I hope our love story turns out even prettier than the beautiful ones of our parents."

"BABY I DON'T THINK THAT'S POSSIBLE!" My dad screamed, kissing my mums cheeks while they cuddled watching the event. Everyone laughed including us, then the priest closed off the ceremony.

"You may now kiss the bride."

"Ah, that's part of the bullshit too huh..." I thought to myself, cursing in my head. Everyone was waiting as I could see Jimin lean in. I closed my eyes shut, pushing out my lips for the kiss. I felt something warm and plump on my forehead.

I opened my eyes to see Jimin taking a step back.

"Ay, c'mon kids. No need to be shy. Us parents did a whole lot more to make you, just kiss." Mrs Park said, making me cringe but laugh at the same time. Jimin shook his head while the members screamed at him to do it. On the other hand my dad and Mrs Park were screaming "KISS! KISS! KISS!" At the top of their lungs. I quickly pecked Jimin's lips and looked over to everyone for approval. They shook their heads.

"Do you want us to demonstrate what a kiss is? Honey you don't mind do you-"

"DAD NO!" I screamed, getting ready to cover my eyes. Me and Jimin both got fed up with them and looked at each other in annoyance.

"Just imagine I'm Seulgi."

"Don't mind if I do."

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