Trolls: Music In Life

By Rally9933

27.6K 286 93

After the events of Trolls World Tour, all tribes of Trolls lived in harmony once again. But not all of them... More

A Mysterious Troll
Try The Music
Pop (Pop Village)
Funk (Vibe City)
Country (Lonesome Flats)
Rock (Volcano Rock City)
Smooth Jazz, sort of
Classical (Symphonyville)
Techno (Techno Reef)
Lost (Day 2)
Lost (Day 3)
Lost (Day 4) & Found
We Can't Help You
Aggie's "True Colors"
The Master Of All Music
I Can

Lost (Day 1)

1.3K 13 3
By Rally9933

Hey, guys. Sorry it took so long. I was waiting for the right time, and I've been busy drawing Trolls characters for the first time.

Please enjoy this new chapter.


"Oh..." Aggie slowly opened her eyes after she was knocked out. She rubbed her head in pain. It's like she got hit by something, "My head!"

She almost forgot what happened to her, until a fragment of memory came into her head as she remembered she and Trollex got carried away by a twister.

King Trollex! She remembered he helped her try to escape from the twister, but they both got swept away from the beach. She looked around and found Trollex laying next to her unconsciously.

Aggie rushed to the King of Techno as she shook his shoulder, trying to wake him up "King Trollex! Your Highness! Are you okay?!"

Trollex woke up from that sudden shake. He opened his eyes, and noticed Aggie waking him up, "I'm fine," He groaned in pain and rubbed his head, "What happened?"

"I think the twister blew us away from the beach," Aggie explained.

"Where are we now?" asked Trollex.

"I don't know. I don't know about this place either," Aggie took out a map from her backpack, and tried to find where they are now, "I don't think we're somewhere on the map."

"Do you think we're lost somewhere outside of our kingdom?"

"I think so. But I'm pretty sure the others will look for us."

"We can't wait for the other leaders to find us. We can find our way home."

"How can we find our way home? We're really lost."

Trollex floated up from the ground, and scanned the area. He then noticed a river a little far away from them, "There's a small river over there. Maybe we can follow it. Some rivers in every land are connected to each other, so we might find our way to the other lands by following the trail of the river."

"Good idea, King Trollex. For a young king, you are very smart," Aggie complimented, giving a little nudge by the elbow.

Trollex can't help but chuckled and secretly blushed when Aggie said that about him, "Even though we don't have complete records about our ancestors' history or a map of the whole Troll Kingdom, I was just wondering if rivers are connected to the ocean."

"That could be true. Oh, and here's your headphones, King Trollex," Aggie remembered she's still wearing Trollex's headphones. She took them off from her ears, and gave them to him.

But Trollex slowly pushed them back to Aggie, "Please, keep it with you until we get back home. I know you're so industrious of keeping your stuff safe in your backpack. And don't call me by my title anymore. It's just Trollex."

"Okay," Aggie nodded as she put the headphones in her backpack.

"Come on. We have a long way to go. And we have to be careful. Who knows what could be lurking out there," Trollex headed into the dark forest to follow the river as Aggie followed behind him.


Meanwhile, the other leaders were still in Symphonyville, discussing the situation when they heard Trollex and Aggie were taken away by the twister.

"How in the hay this 'ere twister can come out of the blue and end up on this 'ere beach, draggin' Trollex and Aggie away?" Delta snapped in confuse.

"Twisters occurred everywhere, Delta. It can't decide where it should form," Branch stated.

"Where do you think they could be?" Essence whimpered in worry as her motherly instincts kicked in.

"We have to split up and find them!" Poppy suggested, "My friends, Branch and I will find them somewhere in and out of Pop Village."

"My fellow rock trolls and I will keep a look-out for them in case if they landed around the area of Volcano Rock City," Barb said

"We'll see if they got lost around Symphonyville,"Trollzart added.

"We'll also go sightsee around them desert out on them Lonesome Flats," Delta replied.

"And we'll search for them if they get lost on the Glittery Dessert," Quincy declared.

"And I have to go back to Techno Reef, just in case Trollex made it back home with Aggie," Beat answered, worrying for his best friend.

"I think I have tell the K-Pop Gang and the Reggaeton Trolls to find them too. They are bounty hunters after all," Branch recalled since these two tribes found him alone when they used to work for Barb.

"Hey, you're right. The Yodelers can help too. They got me first anyway," Poppy nodded in agreement, thinking Branch's idea was great, "How about Chaz? He easily got me, Branch and Biggie too."

"I don't think Chaz can help. He kinda hates Aggie because of her different taste of Jazz," Barb snickered when Chaz tried to help Aggie finding her True Colors through Jazz, but ended up playing the exact opposite of Smooth Jazz, "Plus, Aggie is immune to brainwashing and trances. Chaz's music has no effect on her."

"Oh well. I guess this all clear to us now. And we won't rest until we found Trollex and Aggie. Aggie is very young, and Trollex is... well, also young since he's the youngest of all of us leaders." Essence said in worry.

"We'll just have to find them and make sure they're safer than a pig in a pen. Let's git already!" Delta announced as she galloped out of the meeting room first before the other leaders followed her all the way out.


Meanwhile, Trollex and Aggie still wandered into the forest, following the river trail. Trollex was sure the river led them back to the Troll Kingdom since the river can be connected to the ocean where the Techno Reef is. The two now crossed a large broken tree, which is now a bridge.

"So, being a king thing, is it hard?" Aggie started to ask. The two have been silence since they started their journey.

"Not as hard when you ruled your tribe for too long," Trollex answered, looking back at Aggie while floating.

"How old are you anyway, and how long did you rule? Sorry, is that rude?" Aggie was a little ashamed for questioning the King of Techno.

"No, not at all," Trollex said, "I'm still 19. I've been ruling Techno Reef for 4 years from now."

"Wow! You're very young, just like me. Where are your parents?"

When Aggie asked, Trollex doesn't want to talk about parents. It was the most horrible day of his life. He didn't expect his parents would end up in a worst fate ever. As much as he didn't want to discuss his parents, he noticed that little Magic Musical Troll was so curious. He can't leave her hanging and curious, so... he has to face it.

Trollex sighed sadly, and tried not to cry, "They died back then. They were killed by predators of the sea, and I'm their only child, so I became king ever since."

Aggie gasped in shock. She was so guilty for asking. Trollex lost his parents at a young age, and she still has her parents around. They have opposite lives that involve parents. She patted Trollex's back pitifully, "I am so sorry, Trollex. And I'm so sorry that I asked."

Trollex turned to Aggie, and smiled, ruffling her hair, "It's okay, Aggie. You're very curious, and you're asking. As the King of Techno, I should answer a question, even if it's quite personal. It's good to share my story with someone close to my age... if we have the same age."

"Actually, I'm 17. I'll be turning 18 in few months," the gray trolls said excitingly.

"We're almost the same age then! You're also pretty young to go on a journey on your own just to ask our help to get your True Colors without deciding your music in life."

"I know, but my parents taught me how to be independent. I know how to take care of myself now."

Suddenly, a drop of water splashed on top Trollex's head. He could feel water. Aggie felt another drop too on her nose. The two looked up, and noticed the sky is gray. That's why the forest was so dark. The sun was covered by dark clouds. And now, it started to rain.

"Oh, it's raining," Trollex said.

"Well, you need water anyway, Trollex. Techno Trolls need water, so you're lucky," Aggie recalled since she's been studying the 6 tribes' cultures.

"But what about you?" The Techno Troll asked in worry. He doesn't want Aggiemto get wet.

"Don't worry, I got my umbrella," Aggie pulled out an umbrella, and opened it above hernhead, protecting herself from the rain. But then, there's also strong wind as it pulled the umbrella up from Aggie. The gray troll tried to held the umbrella as tight as she can, but the wind is too strong for her to fight as the umbrella slipped away from her hands, "No! My umbrella!"

Aggie wanted to go after her umbrella, but Trollex held her back, "Forget your umbrella! We have to find you a shelter to get out of this rain!"

"No! No thanks, Trollex. I'll be fine."

"Are you sure? I don't want you to get sick."

"Trollex, if you didn't know, I never get sick. Heck, I never got since I was 10! I'll be alright." Aggie said confidentially.

Half of what she said was true. She hadn't been sick for a long time, but she didn't remember when was the last time she was sick.

Trollex was still worried for Aggie's health if the rain showered her head. He knew that Magic Musical Trolls are different from Techno Trolls. They used to live in the water in a temperature, but not too hot and not too cold. But for land trolls like Aggie, if she stayed cold for too long, she might get sick. Trollex just sighed when Aggie told him it's alright. He doesn't want to argue with his new friend, "Okay, if you say so, but just stay close to me. I don't want to get lost alone," He continuously followed the river.

"Ha! How far would you be to make me lost?" Aggie chuckled, until lightning stroke behind her, and thunder rumbled very loud, causing her shriek, and ran closer to Trollex, "AAH! WAIT FOR ME!"


Later at night, Trollex and Aggie realized they can't continue their journey back to Troll Kingdom because they traveled so long and far, and they were a little tired. On an empty spot, Aggie out her bag down, and packed out a sleeping bag, while Trollex felt a little dry as he needed water to survive. There's the river they have to follow just nearby, he can sleep there for the night.

"You'll set up your campfire, I'll go freshen up in the river," The King of Techno told the Magic Musical Troll.

"Sure, go ahead," Aggie nodded as she gathered some firewood, and rubbed two sticks together to start a fire.

Trollex hovered towards the edge, and jumped into the river, swimming below the surface and allowing the cool water wash over his dry body.

He was used to sleeping underwater, and he felt comfortable living in the water than on land.

Meanwhile, Aggie just finished setting up the campfire. Then, she put her sleeping bag on the ground. She's ready to rest for the night. But she wondered what took Trollex so long to stay in that river. Sure she understood he needs water because he's a Techno Troll, but she can't sleep without saying goodnight to him.

Aggie ran towards the river, and knelt down to find Trollex down the river. It's hard to find him in a deep river, especially when it's dark and at night. Aggie took a deep breath, and dumped her head into the river to see clearly. She looked around, and still see nothing because it's still dark and deep.

That was until Trollex accidentally bumped at Aggie's face while he was swimming around, making their nose touched together. Both of them blushed when their eyes met and their noses touched.

Aggie yanked her head up back in the air as she gasped for air. Her face is still blushing from the sudden touch.

Trollex emerged from the water, and squeaked at Aggie, "What are you doing?!"

"Sorry! I was just checking on you. And I want to tell you that I already sent the campfire and my sleeping bed," Aggie pointed the camping site that she made.

Trollex was surprised that Aggie made her own camping site all by herself, "That's good! "

"So, umm... Goodnight then. We have to wake up early if we want to go home soon," the gray troll said before getting up on her feet, and heading back to her camping site.

"Sure, Aggie, goodnight," the Techno Troll waved as he dove back into the river.

Trollex wanted to sleep underwater since he got used to it, and he lived underwater his whole life. But he remembered that Aggie was all alone up there on her camping site. He knew Aggie wanted to be independent, but he doesn't want to leave her alone up there.

Aggie dug herself into her sleeping bag, preparing herself for bed time. She couldn't believe she would end up lost again from Troll Kingdom. It's like she went back to where she started when she traveled away from home to Troll Kingdom. When she was about to close her eyes, she hoped she and Trollex would made it back home.

Suddenly, before she can go to sleep, she noticed something bright blue neon floating above her.

She sat up to check what or who that was, and gasped, "Trollex, what are you doing here?"

"I can't leave you alone out here," Trollex explained as he sat down on a log near the camp fire.

"But you need to sleep underwater."

"Yes, but you need a companion, and I know you can't sleep underwater. But I can survive out of water. As long I stay hydrated, so I'll be fine."

As much as she appreciated Trollex want to keep her company, Aggie still feel pity that the King of Techno doesn't want to sleep underwater for the night for her sake.

Suddenly, she has an idea, "Wait here. I have something to do." She zoomed out of her sleeping bag, and get some wood from the trees.

"Aggie, can you just wait until tomorrow? It's already late," Trollex yawned, his eyes felt so tired already.

"It'll be quick. I promise you." Aggie assured as she gathered more wood as quick as she can. When she gathered enough wood, she made them all into a square-shaped basket. Then, she fetched large leaves that fell from the trees, and placed them inside the wooden basket. When she arranged the leaves, Aggie made sure there are no holes or gaps between leaves. She quickly took out a bucket from her backpack, and gathered water from the lake. She poured the water into the basket, and it is now a small pool, "Ta-da!"

Trollex was impressed of how quick, creative, and hard working Aggie is when she built a small pool out of just wood and leaves. The basket Aggie created from wood held the leaves together to hold the water in to avoid leaking, "Wow! You're a little industrious survivor, huh?"

"Eh, I like to build stuff that sometimes. Even though I haven't got my True Colors yet, which I still have no magic, I can do things," Aggie grinned as she want back to her sleeping bag

"Aggie," Trollex made Aggie turn to him to face him, and placed his hand on her shoulder, "When we get back, I promise you we'll get your True Colors. Since you tried all music, there must be a way to get your True Colors."

Aggie smiled as she blushed a little when Trollex made her face him, "Thanks, Trollex. I appreciate that."

Seeing what he was doing, Trollex blushed embarrassingly as he let Aggie go, and backed away a little, "So, uh, yeah..., goodnight."

Aggie nodded as she get back into her sleeping bag.

Trollex slowly lowered himself into the small pool as he felt comfortable. He may not be able to swim, but the important thing he has water he needed, even while sleeping.

"Aggie," Trollex called her as Aggie turned to look at him, "Thanks."

The gray troll smiled, "Yeah, don't mention it." She turned around, and went to sleep.

Trollex relaxed himself into his new pool so he can go to sleep. He's still blushing that Aggie built this small pool for him to sleep with water while he stayed to watch over her. He still recalled their nose-touching thing. He saw her eyes sparkling, even underwater, probably the reflection of the moon and stars of the water. But still, her eyes are still sparkling when her head was underwater, and tried to look for him.

At Aggie's side of the story, she's still blushing when she came closer to Trollex. She never thought would be so cute and handsome when she was so close to him. The first time she was ever so close to him alone is when she excitingly hugged him when he first promised he and the other leaders will help her choose the perfect music for her and getting her True Colors. But still, he's the King of the Techno Trolls, and royalties don't marry strangers and commoners like her. Trollex has a tribe to run, and she thought he doesn't have time for romance, not even her since her mission is just to get her True Colors. She hoped she'll get her True Colors soon to get this over with.


So, this is the new chapter. Special thanks to my best friend, Sijiji, who helped me translate Delta's words into more Southern/Country accent and words. Hop you like this.

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