His Texas Girl// Lucas Friar

By Six_Call

707K 12.7K 1.6K

What if Lucas had a girlfriend the whole time? What if he never had a crush on Riley, but she didn't see it... More

Girl meets Texas Part 1
Girl meets Texas Part 2
Girl meets Texas Part 3.1
Girl meets Texas Part 3.2
Girl meets the Forgivness project Part 1
Girl meets the Forgiveness Project Part 2
Girl meets the New Teacher Part 1
Girl meets the New Teacher Part 2
Girl meets Creativity Part 1
Girl meets Creativity Part 2
Girl meets Anniversary
Thank You!!!
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Girl meets the New Year Part 2
Girl meets STEM Part 1
Girl meets STEM Part 2
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Girl meets Money Part 2
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Girl meets She Don't Like Me Part 2
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Final Thank You!

Girl meets Communism Part 2

10.9K 211 37
By Six_Call

Ari POV:
"Hey baby" Lucas says entering the classroom.
"Hey bubs" I say looking up from my planner.
"What you doing" he asks giving me a quick peck.
"Just chucking my babysitting schedule" I respond before kissing him.
"How was it last night?" He asks.
"Really fun. Ohh I made these so here you go" I say giving him a small box with 2 cupcakes.
"Thank you baby. They look really good" he says after taking a peak inside before the bell rings and we the rest of the class trickles in.
"Are you now or have you ever been a member of the communist party?" Mr.Matthews says coming into the classroom.
"The cold war, sir. Democracy versus communism. You get what you earn versus everybody gets the same thing." Maya answers.
"Very good, Farkle. I didn't even see your lips move." Mr.Matthews responds.
"Because Maya answered herself, sir. She remembered the information." Farkle says.
"It only makes sense to me when I can get in trouble for it." Maya says.
"Wait, so you're telling me that in communism everybody shares with everybody else?" Riley asks.
"Yes, Riley. The communist philosophy is that everybody's the same" Farkle says.
"and everybody gets the same thing." I continue.
"And it's a party?" Riley asks smiling making me facepalm, was she serious right now?
"I want so desperately to be proud of you." Mr.Matthews says.
"So, you mean when somebody doesn't know something on a test and somebody does, you're supposed to share that information?" Riley asks.
"Yeah. That's communism. But it's a little more complicated than that. You know the American dream?"
"Well, this is the other thing. What do you all want to be when you grow up?" Mr.Matthews asks Riley.
"I haven't decided yet." Riley says.
"I see you as a factory worker."
"Well what if I don't want to be..." Riley starts.
"I want to be a factory worker." Maya says.
"I see you as a potato farmer." Mr.Matthews says.
"But I prefer the warmth of the factory." She says.
"Can I still take over the world?" Farkle says.
"You sure can." Mr.Matthews says.
"Just as long as everybody can take over the world with you." I say seeing where this is going.
"I'm not taking over the world with factory girl and potato head." Farkle says.
"Your individual goals don't matter. You're one of many. There are no social classes. Nobody is more or less successful than anybody else. That's communism." Mr.Matthews says.
"Oh, that's communism." Zay says. "I thought it was when they scared the demons out of you." He continues making me laugh quietly.
"That's exorcism." Farkle responds.
"Oh, yeah. That's the one I had." Zay says.
"He's kidding." Lucas and I say.
"Yeah, I'm kidding. Ahh!" Zay says and acts like he has a demon "Oh, it didn't work." He says making me laugh. "Anyway, whoever I am, I'm not down with communism."
"Sure you are. You're Robin Hood. Take from the rich, give to the poor." Maya says.
"Did you guys hear that? Did you hear what Maya just said? I mean, she actually gets this stuff. Maya. You really did learn something. Doesn't this make you want to study by yourself?" Mr.Matthews asks.
"No, it makes me want to cheat off of everybody equally." Maya responds.
"Yeah. Why should we be in competition with each other? Why should we be motivated by report cards? Why shouldn't we all help each other out to know exactly the same thing?" Riley says.
"Riley... Look at this. And choose your next words very carefully." Mr.Matthews says.
"I pledge allegiance..."
"Comrades of John Quincy Adams unite!" Riley says.
"Lightning!" Maya says.
"Bunny rabbits!"
"From each according to his ability."
"To each according to his need!"
"Whoa! We're commies. It worked! Yay!" Maya and Riley say in unison before the bell rings and they leave along with Farkle.
"What just happened?" I ask.
"Ari? Can I speak with you for a second?" Mr.Matthews asks as Lucas and I get ready to leave.
"Yeah sure" I say as Lucas and I walk forward.
"So Auggie seems to really like you as his babysitter" Mr.Matthews responds.
"I love watching him. He's one of the best kids I babysit" I say smiling.
"She really does. She tells me about her jobs sometimes" Lucas says.
"So Topanga and I were wondering. If you would like to be Auggie's official babysitter" Mr.Matthews asks.
"I would love to" I say.
"Great so what do you usually do now"
"Now I give you my card. And you call me if you need me to watch him. My weekends usually fill up ahead of time so make sure to call like 2-3 weeks ahead if you want a weekend sometimes their free so try your luck if something just pops up. Weekdays usually work whenever" I tell him and Lucas gives him two cards which he hold onto because I always forget them.
"Okay I'll give one to Topanga. Thank you. You're free to go" he says.
"Bye Mr.Matthews" we say and walk out.

Lucas POV:
"The purpose of this honor board hearing is to determine the guilt or innocence of Maya Hart and Farkle Minkus, who stand accused of sharing information during an exam. We'll begin the questioning with Lucas Friar." Mr.Matthews says as we start the trial the next day.
"Thank you. Ms. Hart. Mr. Minkus. Are you now or have you ever been a cheater?" I ask.
"Objection." Riley says.
"You're on our side."
"But who's on their side? What kind of system is it where people are..."
"Judged by?"
"Other people."
"Like a jury?" I ask.
"Who are students like them." Riley says.
"A jury of their peers?"
"Yeah, what do you call that?"
"The justice system."
"You and your answers. Well. I guess I don't have anymore moves, do I? By the way, defense calls my mommy." Riley says and Mrs.Matthews walks in.
"I win" she says.
"Topanga" everyone gasps and points to her.
"Honey, you can't just come in here and interrupt our very formal procedure. I mean, this is the highest court of the John Quincy Adams middle school legal system. And we take our proceedings very seriously!" Mr.Matthews says squeaks the gavel.
"All right. Everybody sit where you would normally sit." Topanga says and everyone moves to their seats. "What I'm interested in is how Maya could've cheated off of Farkle all by herself in the first place. Because as you can see by the configuration of the desks, it would be impossible for Maya to see Farkle's paper from that distance unless... She had some help. Mr. Matthews." She says continuing her argument.
"Yes, darling?" Mr.Matthews says.
"What is it you do while they take their tests?"
"Who? Me? I sit here, I get sad, I think about the way things could have been." Mr.Matthews says and Ari laughs from her seat behind Farkle.
"Cory!" Topanga exclaims.
"I'm up here! You know, I... I... I read a book because... You know, I... I trust them."
"Uh-huh. Interesting. What happens next?"
"Oh Ari and Lucas have a pre-test talk with Mr.Matthews" Farkle says.
"Okay go" Topanga says.
"Lucas are you alright to take the test today?" Mr.Matthews asks.
"Yeah I feel pretty good." I say.
"Are you sure bubs?" Ari asks.
"Yeah I'm fine."
"Okay you got this" Ari says and gives me a peck on the lips before we move to our seats.
"I'm nervous" I say continuing what me and Ari usually do before a test.
"You got this bubs." Ari responds.
"Okay now back to what happens first but in Maya's case" Mrs.Matthews says.
"Well, I look at the first question of the test, then I make this kind of face... (Maya makes a face) Then I'll look at Riley who's all like... (Humming a tune) Then I look at Farkle who's all like..." Maya starts explaining.
"Done!" Farkle exclaims.
"But for the first time ever, I might have looked at Farkle like... (makes a frowning face) And Farkle kind of might have went..." Maya says.
"I love you." Farkle mouths while tilting his notebook.
"Interesting. But from this angle, there's still something blocking your view." Topanga says.
"Yes. So it's possible Riley might have went..." Maya says as Riley leans down while humming.
"Well, we knew that Farkle was an accomplice." Ari says.
"I'll do anything for my friends. I accept my punishment." Farkle responds.
"But I think that Mrs. Matthews just proved that he was not alone." I say.
"Yeah, uh, my work here is done." Topanga says.
"Case number 44." I exclaim.
"Oh boy." Topanga says.
"Riley." Mr.Matthews says.
"I was kind of an accomplice too." Riley says.
"Riley, how could you?"
"Farkle put himself in jeopardy for Maya. How could I not? I thought maybe if Farkle shared his knowledge with Maya, and she got a good grade, she might want to keep on learning. And she does, so if that makes us communists, then I guess that's what we really are." Riley says.
"Yeah? Well, you certainly look like you're all in the same little group now." I say.
"So what if maybe we dress a little bit alike?" Riley asks.
"And maybe some of my study methods have rubbed off on her." Farkle says.
"You know Farkle's methods? Dad, what's going on here?" Riley asks.
"It's just what you wanted, Riley. Communism. Farkle sharing his knowledge with Maya." Mr.Matthews points out.
"Karl Marx... the father of communism. Vladimir Lenin led the revolution." Maya says as she trades the pins.
"These guys don't seem anywhere near as much fun as the other guys." Riley says.
"Yeah, well, maybe that's because the other guys... John Lennon and Groucho Marx..." Mr.Matthews says. "were two incredibly talented, what? Maya?"
"Individuals, sir. The point you're trying to make is that a free society breeds individuals." Maya says sounding like Farkle.
"And how do you feel you're developing as an individual?" Mr.Matthews says.
"Maya, why don't you sound like you?" Riley asks.
"What do you mean? Who would I sound like besides me? I'm still me, Riley. I've always been me, and I'll never be anybody else but me. Ha!" Maya says.
"Ha!" Farkle says.
"Huh." Riley says.
"Wait before we dismiss" I say before looking at Ari. "I'd like to add another charge."
"Bubs! You said you wouldn't say anything" Ari says.
"They hurt you. You're still healing. You don't think I notice how you've only worn long sleeves since it happened. Baby I won't let it go on any longer" I say.
"Ok" she sighs.
"What is it Lucas?" Mr.Matthews asks.
"I'd like to add the charge of harming another student for Riley and Maya, and I guess by default because of the communism thing it goes to Farkle too" I say.
"What?!" Mr and Mrs Matthews exclaim. "What did you two do?" They ask.
"I don't know." Maya says.
"I never hurt anyone" Riley says.
"Ari" I say and she moves next to me. "Show them your wrists. Please. I'll help you add cream in a little bit" I tell her and she moves to pull up her sleeves.
"Oh my gosh" Riley and Maya say.
"Two weeks ago during the science thing. I was going to go find Lucas and Zay. They didn't want me going against the movement or whatever and they tied me to my seat." She starts to say.
"Ari...rope doesn't just do this. There's more isn't there" Mrs.Matthews asks and Ari nods.
"Ari has eczema. It's a skin condition which makes her skin really sensitive. The rope irritated it really badly. She was tied there for a good 15- 20 minutes before we showed up and untied her." I say and put an arm around Ari.
"It was worse. A lot worse. It was really red and I couldn't stop itching it so it was bad. The doctors gave me this cream I have to put on every few hours" Ari says moving to hug me as I put my arms around her waist pulling her closer.
"This is really serious. I'm sorry Ari that I didn't notice." Mr.Matthews says.
"It's okay. It was a really weird day" Ari responds.
"You three are getting 3 weeks of detention. We'll see if it comes to more than that" Mr.Matthews says pointing at Riley, Maya, and Farkle.
"But I didn't do anything?" Farkle says.
"Communism. You all get the same thing" Ari responds before we dismiss.
"Lucas how could you we have detention now" Riley exclaims.
"And you guys hurt my girlfriend!" I yell. "Look at her wrists. They were way worse than that. I'll always stick up for my friends but I stand up for Ari even more. So no I'm not sorry about it" I say before I leave to go find Ari who went to get her stuff.

Ari POV:
"Okay, what's this?" Mr.Matthews asks the next day in class.
"We are putting up a wall to protect ourselves from them." Zay says.
"Don't you think that's a little extreme?"
"It's the judgment of the honor board to separate those who cheat..." Lucas says.
"Share! Hey! We all said that at the same time! I'm hungry. What is happening to us? Whoa." Riley Maya and Farkle say in unison.
"We don't want to become like them." I say.
"We'd rather remain a free society of individuals." Lucas says.
"Instead of whatever the heck that was." Zay continues.
"But isn't the best part of a free society the fact that it allows its people to consider all beliefs?" Mr.Matthews asks.
"Yeah, but I want my friends back, Mr. Matthews. Can you fix this?" Lucas asks concerned.
"You know, I graded your recent exams. Ms.Black. One hundred percent. You get an A." He says handing me a paper. "Mr. Babineaux, one hundred percent. You get an A." He says handing Zay a paper.
"Mr.Friar. One hundred percent. You get an A" he says handing a paper to Lucas.
"Really?" He asks shocked.
"Yes really. Great job Mr.Friar." Mr.Matthews says.
"I got an A. Baby? Pinch me" Lucas says.
"You're not dreaming bubs. I'm so proud of you" I say giving him a hug.
"Ms. Hart, Ms. Matthews, Farkle, one hundred percent. You get a C." Mr.Matthews says.
"What?" Riley asks.
"We get a what's-that-you-say now?" Farkle asks.
"How did we get a hundred percent and get a C?" Maya asks.
"Because when you get everything right, but you don't do it yourselves, it makes you average. A divided by three is a C. Look at you, you're all the same. You're average. You're common." Mr.Matthews says.
"Commonism. This is why it fell? People didn't want to all be the same?" Riley asks.
"Without incentive, there's no motivation. Without motivation, there's no advancement. In a truly free society, we share the best parts of ourselves without cheating. Because we get to learn who we are individually."
"Come on, guys. Separately, you're some of the best individuals I know. I miss you. Please come back." Lucas says.
"Maya?" Mr.Matthews asks.
"Yeah. I think I'd like it better if I was doing well because I was doing well." Maya responds.
"But now you're not me." Farkle says.
"There's only one of you, Farkle. There's only one of all of us. It's better that way, isn't it?" Maya answers.
"We were founded on the concept of welcoming all people from all different parts of the world. And encouraging each of them to find out who they are." Mr.Matthews says.
"Why?" Riley asks.
"Because the individual is valued here." I say and Mr.Matthews nods.
"Yeah, that's pretty good." Riley says taking off the coat just like Farkle and Maya had.
"There you are!" I exclaim.
"Welcome back, guys." Zay and Lucas say.
"Riley? I'm proud of you." Mr.Matthews says as they put a hand over their heart. "Mr. Friar, tear down this wall." He says as we all pull it apart and the bell rings.
"Ari?" Riley and Maya say.
"Hey guys" I respond looking at them before continuing to rummage through my backpack before pulling out my cream. "What's up?"
"We just wanted to say we were sorry for the rope" Riley says.
"We never meant to do that to you" Maya responds.
"I know. And thank you for apologizing. I forgive you guys." I say before Lucas comes back in with his filled up water bottle.
"You ready?" He asks.
"Yeah" I say.
"Lucas?" Riley and Maya say.
"Yeah" he says.
"We really are sorry" Riley says.
"I know. I just needed you guys to know. You didn't even know she was hurt. You guys needed the detention. I forgive you guys but never hurt her again" he says and we walk out. He sits down with me on the bench in the hall and helps me put on my cream before placing small kisses on my wrists.
"Thank you" I say.
"Your welcome" he says.
"I love you" I say.
"I love you too" he says before he pulls me into a kiss.

(A/N: I really have no clue how to fit Ari into Girl meets bay window. Should I skip it and move onto legacy instead?)

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