Professor Merlin

By stories795

129 6 0

From dawn of time their have been stories of Emrys, the warlock born of magic the greatest warlock of all tim... More

The interview
Visit to gringotts
Diagon Alley


48 2 0
By stories795

He had failed his destiny. Tears roll down his cheeks trying and failing to stop them. He lost his best friend.
He went back to the castle the next day. Giving the news to everyone was harder than he thought. To look at his friends faces, all of them looked the same, teary eyes the grief was in the air. He didn't know that it's just the starting of a long long journey at that time. But at that moment his friends need someone strong enough to handle them. So he had to be stronger than before to help them get back on their feet. And he promised himself he will be there every step of the way. When ever someone needed his help he would do that.
So later in years the kingdom prosper under the queen. It was really the golden age but it was for a short time. Slowly the time went by friends started to age but he still remained the same as he was before the battle who took his best friend, other noticed this but never said anything to him they already had suspicions, they started to get old and some died in the battle, some of old age, soon only one his first friend in the city was left who was the queen.  She died peacefully with a smile with her friend who was trying to make her laugh. Then he let his emotions show he cried and cried wondering how he is gonna make it out of here sane. All of his friends die laughing he made sure of that. He also made sure that they lived happily as well, not just his friends but everyone in the kingdom was grateful to had someone like him to make it easy to support even when there is no hope he gave them hope. Some of the other kingdoms wanted to rule there as well a war broke up ending the era of peace. He was not there to protect his home at the time but when he came back nothing was left leaving just the ruins. So he protected what was left of the place and made it from starch again. When he was finished, he left to travel towards east.
The second time he came back, he had made new friends who also came along. The castle was still standing but it was deserted. They stayed there for some years near the castle. His friends didn't know who he really was he couldn't tell them but before they parted for the last time the youngest of the group had figured it out but never ravelled his identity to anyone. He took it the grave. He was grateful to have found these brothers so before they went their ways he gave them gifts which he thought could be useful to each one of them. Later after years when only the youngest of the brothers was left alive he came back to say his goodbyes. This time when he left he went to different country each time he learned new things. But he was always closed off never made friends but he kept his promise and helped who he could. Save those who were wrongfully persecuted. Worked as a physician in remote villages where there were no doctors or physician available but wherever he could do something he did. He traveled and traveled never stayed at one place for long. It was not easy. Watching everyone die and left to outlive them all. But he never reviled his secrets.
After 3 centuries when he came back, the situation there was worse than he imagined. Before he reached back to the castle he had helped a lot of innocent people escape death. And when he reached there the place was bristling with life. Which brought a smile to his face. There he met 4 friends who wanted to start a school for all who had magic and teach them to nurture it and control it better. So he helped them with the school from then on. This school will be here for as long as the time needs it. They didn't know but they will live in the memories of everyone for centuries and centuries. He helped with the school wards. As the castle itself was made of magic(when it was destroyed he made the castle with magic to persevere it for indefinite amount of time). They added new rooms and corridors and halls. This all was done with both the magic of old and the magic of the new. He made a wand for himself as well to fit in with others. When the school was finished he helped the founders make the school work properly. He didn't left this time be stayed watched them grow old their children as well he helped them grow with others while he didn't aged a day. But he couldn't stay after one of them left the castle. He wished them happiness and strength to run the school. And left to never come back for rest of their or their children's life. But before he left he asked them to never mention him for he is just a friend who's doing what anyone could have done, the friends argued but were not able to convince him as it was the only thing he asked for to never mention his name or anything about him. The friends made promise to never forget about the good friend he has been to them and the help he put in their dreams and hoped and wished that he would find what he is looking for. And also told him that he would always be welcomed back for anything. But he didn't came back not in their lifetime or even their grandchildren's. But in the family of the friends stories lived on. Years went by the school became as he predicted famous and grew and spread the knowledge.

Centuries later when he came back as a student to see the castle he was happy to be back home. He would come again and again sometimes as a student, sometimes to teach, and even the headmaster sometimes. He watched over the castle, the student as guardian angel. He live in the memories of people and the castle. He was just a simple man who was lost in history.

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