Zutara Week 2020

נכתב על ידי RealJoydragon

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Series of prompts for Zutara week. עוד



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נכתב על ידי RealJoydragon

Zutara Week 2020

Day 7 Rebirth


"Side with me Zuzu, we can take them all! We can return home victorious!"

Zuko's eyes flicked back and forth on the scene in front of him. Azula and the Dai Li versus the Avatar and the water bender. His uncle encouraged him to follow the path of his destiny.

What was his destiny?

He wasn't sure anymore.

But... he'd seen what the Fire Nation has done to the other people in the world. He knew it was wrong. And now, he had a semblance of being content, living in the Earth Kingdom with Uncle, giving up his chase of the Avatar and leading a simple life free from expectations and guilt. He... didn't want to return to the Fire Nation. That wasn't his home anymore. He would never gain any love or happiness there.

His eyes ran over the walls full of silent soldiers. The Dai Li didn't seem especially loyal to her. Like they'd leave if she were outnumbered. She didn't have her friends as backup either. If he sided with the Avatar... they would win. The outcome was up to him.

The waterbender's blue eyes were on him. Could eyes pierce into his soul like that? He needed to direct his thoughts away from her, away from the conversation they just had. But he had changed, and he would prove it to her.

It was a split second decision. He aimed his fire at his sister.

She dodged the flame, glaring venomously at him. "What do you think you're doing?!"

"Azula, I know you're lying. Nobody there wants me back, and I don't particularly want to go back. Not with how it is now."

"You're going to regret this!" She hissed.

Hah, he thought, I regret just about everything I do. What's one more thing?

But he didn't think he'd be regretting this decision. It felt right.

As he continued to throw his flames at her, he saw the Dai Li jump into action. He noticed his Uncle holding his own against them, the Avatar watching Iroh's back and fighting alongside him. That was odd, but... comforting?

His eyes widened as he heard the cackling, familiar sound of energy being drawn from the air. He gasped as Azula met his eyes and smirked at him right as she pointed her fingers directly at his heart.

Before the lightning could even part from her, a tidal wave crashed into her.

Zuko gapped as his sister was swept away with the wave, crashing into the wall. He whipped his head around to the waterbender. She was still gracefully twisting her arms around, and that's when Zuko noticed that the water was creeping over Azula and slowly freezing her to the wall as she was disoriented. In his peripheral, he could see the Dai Li hesitating, pausing as if about to retreat. Would they abandon her?

But soon enough that disorientation was shaken off, and Azula didn't appreciate being frozen to a wall. She melted it easily enough and narrowed her eyes. "I am sick of you, water peasant."

Zuko internally cringed as he recalled saying similar things to the girl that probably just saved his life two minutes ago.

Before Azula could lift a finger towards the girl, Zuko was on the offense again. He would make Azula focus on him, not her.

"Why don't you escape while you still can?" He sneered at her. He probably shouldn't goad her, it only led to bad things. But habits were habits.

She growled at him, her arms waving to drag energy from the air again. He would be prepared to catch it though, as Uncle had taught him.

The sound of cracking light came from behind him though, whisking past his head and striking above Azula's head, causing some stones to fall that she had to dodge away from.

"I won't let you use that trick against us again, my niece. You heard your brother, leave!" Uncle Iroh bellowed.

Zuko noticed that the Dai Li were gone. They had abandoned her. Uncle and the Avatar were the only ones left, and now they had directed their attention on Azula as well. Four against one, similar to how they'd cornered her before.

Azula grit her teeth as her eyes glanced about. She was backed into a corner, and cobra snake-scorpions tended to lash out when they were backed into a corner.

He felt the waterbender tense beside him to attack, and he held his hand out. "No." He said to her softly. He stepped back, giving Azula space.

"We're done fighting, Azula. You aren't getting the Avatar. So leave."

Slowly, Zuko urged everyone to back away from her. It was tense as the enemies glared at each other, waiting for the other to attack. But Zuko knew how Azula's mind worked. She knew she was stuck, and she would only go down dragging as many people with her as she could. And since Zuko didn't feel like dying a fiery death today, the only option was to give her an out.

It was mercy she'd never allow an opponent. But he wasn't like her.

"This isn't finished, Zuzu." Azula spat before quickly and gracefully jumping up the steep rock wall, disappearing into some hidden tunnel.

They were tense for a moment more, waiting to see if she would change her mind. Eventually, they all let out a breath of relief and headed back to the crystal cavern they had met in earlier, to go back the way they came in.

"I am sure glad that worked out! I thought we were goners." Iroh said cheerfully.

Zuko rolled his eyes. Trust Uncle to say something so pessimistic so optimistically. He stole a glance at the water bender, only to find she was already looking at him. Their eyes met and they both quickly looked away.

The Avatar frowned and spoke, "Come on, Katara. We need to go find the others."

Katara nodded, but hesitated. "Um, General Iroh?"

The old general blinked at being addressed, but smiled kindly at her. "Yes?"

"I... I can feel that you aren't fully healed. From the last time that we dealt with her. Would you like me to help you?"

Iroh tilted his head at her. "So you are a healer, as well. But my injury has healed, even if it's a bit sore."

Katara shook her head as she stepped closer hesitantly. "Your chi pathway isn't flowing properly because of scar tissue. I can get rid of it."

"Hmm. Very interesting. I wouldn't mind if you could take a bit of this old man's sore aches away." He chuckled gently.

Katara nodded, smiling back at him as she gathered water and her hands began to glow. Zuko watched with interest as she placed her hands over Uncle's bad shoulder, moving her wrists in circular motions. Uncle sighed happily. The healing took only a minute before Katara pulled her hands away.

"There, should feel good as new."

Iroh rolled his arm about, grinning wide. "Thank you dear! What a wonderful gift you have!"

Katara blushed slightly, rubbing her arm and mumbling thanks. She stole a glance at Zuko, looking away when she saw he was already staring at her. That was twice now it felt like lightning when their eyes met.

Aang tapped his foot impatiently. He didn't like the way Katara was looking at Zuko.

"Um... will you..." Katara started softly. "Would you two like to join us? I mean, we're all enemies of the Fire Nation, right? And... Aang could really use a fire bending teacher..."

"What a lovely idea!" Iroh nodded. "But these old joints are sick of traveling, and I'd hate to leave my dear tea shop... Perhaps just Prince Zuko would suffice as a teacher for the Avatar."

Zuko felt his jaw drop as his Uncle volunteered him. He... wasn't sure what he wanted. He liked his life here enough, even if it wasn't exciting. And joining the Avatar after being the one to chase him around the globe for half a year? Yeah right...

And yet... He could feel.. his destiny was entwined with the Avatar's somehow. Maybe he was supposed to teach him fire bending. Maybe, the Avatar could bring balance back, defeat his father and restore peace after a hundred years of war. And maybe he could help that happen. Maybe he had to.


He looked up from the spot on the ground he had been staring at, into her eyes. She had stepped closer to him, her hand outreached as if to touch him. Why was his heart beating so fast?

"Will you come with us?" She asked softly, pleading.

"Yes." He answered, not needing to think about it again.

Her face split into a grin and her hand actually did settle on his arm to squeeze it gently.

"Great. We're going to go find our friends and hopefully pack up and get out of here. Go grab your things and meet us back here as soon as you can. It's not safe to stay with Azula still around."

Zuko nodded, not safe indeed.

As they turned away, Zuko noticed the Avatar, well, glaring at him. What was his problem? He'd just agree to be his teacher! And wasn't he the one that said they could have been friends?

Zuko didn't get to inquire about the look as they disappeared into the crystal cavern tunnels.

Uncle clapped him on the back. "You've made many good decisions today, I see. It is a new path, a rebirth of your destiny. I'm proud of you, Zuko."

It was true, Zuko felt good about his actions for once.

He rubbed the back of his neck. "Why don't you come with us, Uncle? What if Azula comes for you?"

Iroh waved his arm in nonchalance. "I'm not scared of that little girl. She wouldn't bother me. And actually... I'm not staying here. I have something that I need to do, alone."

"Is it... to do with the Order of the White Lotus?" Zuko asked carefully.

Uncle's lips tilted up as he nodded his head. "I see the end of the war approaching soon. We are going to need all the help we can find. And the Avatar will need to master his last element."

Zuko bowed low to him in respect. "I'll do my best Uncle."

Iroh pulled him up into a hug. "I know you will, Prince Zuko. And I'm sure you will make many new friends. Until we meet again, my nephew."

And then Uncle was gone, and Zuko was alone.

But he had resolve. He was going to do his part to end this war, and bring back balance to the world.


Well folks I guess that wraps up this year's Zutara week.

I had so many ideas for 'rebirth' but ultimately went with this one because isn't this what we all longed to happen instead?

Zuzu you idiot!

It's been a pleasure pals. And now I can't seem to stop writing Zutara so keep on the lookout for more!


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