Zutara Week 2020

By RealJoydragon

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Series of prompts for Zutara week. More



151 4 0
By RealJoydragon

Zutara Week 2020

Day 2 Counterpart

Reluctant Soulmates

"Katara, it is so lovely to see you again." Yue smiled kindly at her. "Please, sit and have tea with me."

Katara blinked at the princess, looking at the tea set next to her under a beautiful willow tree by a pond, carefree turtleducks swam and soft green blades of grass ruffled with the breeze. The sun was high in the sky, beating down on them and providing warmth. They were in some type of elegant home, the alabaster white walls and sloped roofs surrounding them, but not another soul in sight. Katara had no idea where they were at.

As a matter of fact, she had no idea how the immortal princess could be talking to her right now.

"Yue? Where am I?"

She waved a graceful hand in nonchalance. "Come. Have tea with me."

Stiffly, she folded herself down on the other side of the table, accepting the saucer of tea. She noted the billowy white gown that incased the princess. So... was this a dream, or was she in the spirit world?

She didn't think she was spiritual enough to have happened upon the spirit world. It didn't really look like she thought the spirit world would look either. It was nice, but not otherworldly. And her and Yue hadn't gotten too close before she sacrificed her life to become the moon spirit, so why was she paying Katara a visit?

"What's going on?" Katara finally asked, completely perplexed. "I'm not in the spirit world, right?"

Yue laughed softly. "No, Katara. You're just dreaming. But I do have something important to say."

Katara just stared at the older girl, waiting for her to elaborate.

The moon spirit tilted her mouth in amusement at her impatience. "The spirits seemed to think I'd be the best candidate that you would heed to. In order to end this war and regain balance, you are a key factor. Even the spirits would benefit from balance returned to the natural world."

Katara bowed her head in respect. "I am doing my best to teach Aang, he has almost mastered water bending."

Yue shook her head. "That's not what I meant. The Avatar will play his part and defeat the tyrant Fire Lord. But you also have a momentous decision that will decide the fate of the world. You must work with your counterpart before, during, and after the fighting. He will come to you, and your choice to refuse or accept him will be the factor that brings true peace or not."

The young water bending master gapped at her. "What in the world are you talking about? Who are you talking about?"

Suddenly the pleasant surroundings disappeared and Katara sat on her knees looking up to Yue. There was nothingness but black around them. Katara almost screeched as two dragons suddenly flew in a circle around them. Blue and red, dancing together in harmony. Yue's voice boomed loudly in the void, demanding her attention and reverence.

"You could have one of the greatest love stories in history. Your souls are yin and yang. By his side, you both could bring peace and healing to a broken nation, and mend the wounds of the war. It is your destiny, your fates are intertwined, but first you must forgive him."

The scene changed again, and she and Yue stood in the Spirit Oasis at the North Pole, staring down into the pond of rotating koi fish. The moon reflected in the water, proudly shining in the sky.

"Perfect balance." Yue whispered. "You must forgive him. He must open his heart to you. Only when you understand each other, can you overcome."

She was falling into the pond, it was so cold, she couldn't breathe, she couldn't move. She fell through the water- up or down?- falling falling falling into empty blackness. The dragons danced around her. They breathed their fire at her, and she could only scream as heat so intense engulfed her very being and ran through her veins.

Katara gasped and sat up in bed.

She heaved as she tried to calm her breathing, clutching at her chest. She felt residue heat racing through her blood. She pulled her sweaty covers back, stomping outside of the room she was staying in at the Western Air Temple. She walked the pace of the balcony to glare up at the full moon.

"What the hell was that Yue?!" She yelled into the darkness of the night. As expected, she got no answer. Though, she could have sworn the stars were twinkling in amusement. Damn spirits.

She growled, walking back to her room to throw her robe on. There's no way she was going back to sleep now.

Katara continued to angrily stomp around their makeshift camp. Cleaning dishes that had been left out from dinner, mending the pile of clothes that had been begging for attention, even practicing some bending moves to let out her anger.

She knew who the spirits were referring to. She knew all too well.

With the recurring mention of forgiveness, Katara had figured it out. There was only one person who was on the personal list of her wrath whom she didn't plan on giving mercy to anytime soon. One person who was her total opposite. Sun and moon, fire and water, red and blue. She refused.

As if the scarred fire nation prince was the balance of her soul! As if he even had a heart to let her in to! She had already tried that, didn't she?!

In that brief moment alone under Ba Sing Se, she had reached out an olive branch. She had shown him kindness. And he threw it back in her face.

He didn't deserve forgiveness again! He had chosen his side, and it almost got the avatar killed! She'd already given him a chance and he wasted it.

Zuko was a damned fool for betraying her, and she was a damned fool to trust him for even a minute.

She wouldn't be fooled twice.


Zuko walked down the dirt path in the blazing heat. The Earth Kingdom and Fire Nation were alike in their relentless heat, but the Earth Kingdom had no god damn water in sight. It was just the sun and the sand. No clouds, no rivers, no green fauna- just dirt.

He hated it here. He was so thirsty.

"Don't you want water, Zuko?"

Zuko flinched at the unfamiliar voice, spinning around to fight.

A woman in a long red dress, a large straw hat and a tattered veil stood off the side of the road. Her hat was tilted down, and he couldn't see her face. But he saw the blood red markings running down her arms through the holes of the dress she wore.

Some old memory stirred in his brain that he couldn't quite grasp. He thought that he should know who this lady was.

"Please, Zuko, drink the water." She pointed behind him.

He turned slightly to see that suddenly there was an oasis behind him, cool and refreshing and calling out to him.

He wanted to run to it, to be immersed in that life-giving water, but he stopped short. He narrowed his eyes at the bizarre lady.

"Who are you? How do you know my name? Is this some trap?"

The lady chuckled, "So mistrustful. You've been betrayed and let down by those who are supposed to love you. Go to the water, Zuko. It will heal you. It will restore you. It is what you need most."

She hadn't really answered any of his questions, but that water was too damn tempting, and he couldn't resist it any longer. He knelt and drank it in, splashing the cool water on his face until he was satisfied.

"Isn't that better? Even a fire bender needs water to live."

Zuko raised on eyebrow at her. "Yes..." He studied her. "Are you a spirit?"

"Of course." She answered simply, sitting on a rock near the shoreline.

"And... why are you speaking with me?" Zuko asked. Surely the spirits couldn't care about mortals to pop into their dreams. And he must be dreaming, he had realized sometime ago. An oasis didn't just appear in a desert with a random lady after all.

The lady sighed heavily. "You have been so lost, and faced many trials. You have finally set on the path of your true destiny to restore balance. But if you are to be strong enough, she must meet you there."

Zuko tilted his head. Spirits talked in riddles, just like Uncle.

"So... there's someone I need to meet to become stronger?"

"You've already met. Her soul calls out to yours. The yin to your yang. Your future queen. You need only to drink in the water."

Okay then...The lady was crazy for some water. He had no clue who she was talking about.

He couldn't see the spirit's face, but he could still feel her watching him.

She gently drew water from the pond, letting it flow and circle around her in a way that was familiar to him. A knot began to form in his gut. Water... Her?

"Don't let your stubbornness get in the way of love. Have patience. You can both heal and forgive. And together you will conquer. Together you will rule."

Zuko's voice croaked out, "Surely... you aren't talking about... Katara? The Avatar's water bender?"

The lady tilted her hat just enough that he could see her red lips smiling. "Of course."

"I... no. We're enemies. Surely, she must hate me. I don't think I can even show my face to her again. There's no way she'd ever help me, let alone love me. Impossible."

Peals of laughter rang out over the small paradise in the middle of the desert. "A mortal, telling a spirit something is impossible... how bold of you."

He swallowed and bowed his head. "I meant no disrespect. I just... I don't see how it can be true."

"You are soulmates." She shrugged. "That is enough."

Zuko shook his head. How could he and Katara be soulmates? They've been enemies since day one. Not that it mattered, she'd probably shove an icicle through his heart next time she saw him after what he did in Ba Sing Se.

"Just show her that you are following your true destiny now. Your loyalty will melt her anger. Actions speak louder than words."

Zuko wanted to question her more, but apparently the spirit decided she was done with him. He blinked awake, staring up at the sky above him. The stars were still out, but he could see the darkness was starting to lift into twilight. He sighed in resignation.

The Avatar's gang was staying in the temple across from his camp. He had yet to approach them, and no idea how he should even attempt to. And if that weren't hard enough, now Katara was his soulmate and he had to convince her to trust him so he could defeat his father and sister and claim his throne? They'd ride off into the sunset together happily ever after?

He might as well give up.


When spirit mumbo jumbo happens, you talk to the Avatar. She told the others about her dream, and wanted Aang's advice as he was the spiritual bridge.

"So... Yue gave you a dream and told you not only that you have to make nice with Zuko, but that he's also your soulmate?" Aang frowned.

Katara threw her hands up. "It's crazy right?! Surely it was just a dream and not real and it doesn't mean anything, right?"

Aang shook his head sadly and stared out at the lake they stood at for their waterbending lesson. "I don't think it was just a dream, Katara."

Her hands tightened into fists.

"The spirits can visit us and give us messages when they have something important to say. It's unwise to not listen." Aang sighed in resignation. "Looks like we need to find Zuko."

Katara growled an angry shout and caused a tidal wave with an angry stomp of her foot. "No! He betrayed me, Aang! His actions almost got you killed! There's no way that pompous jerkface has anything to do with me, and I'm not going to forgive him let alone- let alone anything else!"

"I... I need to meditate. I suggest you do the same and think about things. Consider letting go of your anger, Katara. I know that Zuko has good in him, and it seems the spirits believe he will change his path. That would change everything Katara. He could train me in firebending, he could change the outcome of this war, and he can lead the Fire Nation to change their ways. Isn't that what we want?"

Katara glared at him. "Fine. Sure. Great. But I will not be his Fire Lady, and Yue can't make me!"

...Okay maybe some meditation wouldn't be a bad thing.



Zuko jumped, fire coming alive in his palms. "Who's there!" He demanded at the voice.

"Relax, Sparky. It's Toph. Where's Iroh?"

A little girl came through one of the bushes to his right, and he could tell even in the dark that her eyes were glazed over, unseeing. It was the new kid that the Avatar's gang had picked up recently.

He let the fire in his hands die, the campfire he had would provide enough light. Not like she needed it anyways.

"Uncle and I... have gone separate ways." He really had made so many mistakes.

The little girl tilted her head. "I never thought he would leave you. I met him once, and he couldn't stop blathering about you."

Zuko cleared his throat awkwardly. "I'm the one that left him. I'm not very proud about it, so can you drop it?"

She held her hands up, indicating she'd leave it alone. She plopped down next to him, letting her feet sit near the fire.

"Be careful." He warned. She couldn't see, what if she put her feet right in the fire?

Toph snorted at him. "I can see the fire just as well as you. I don't need a babysitter."

Zuko regarded her with a curious gaze. How could she see it...?

She sighed, sensing his questioning look, "I use my earth bending to see. It's called seismic sense. If my feet are on the ground, I can see everything."

"I've never heard of such a thing." Zuko said in awe.

"Well, I am the greatest earth bender ever, so I'm pretty awesome." She gloated with a wicked grin.

Zuko was amused by her confidence.

"So... why are you over here talking to me? In the middle of the night?" He questioned. Did they really let a little blind girl wander around by herself?

Zuko blinked at the sudden finger in his face. "I told you I don't need a babysitter, if that's what you're thinking. I can get around just fine, and protect myself just fine."

"Okay, okay. I believe you." He digressed.

"I could sense someone over here from our camp, just hanging out. So I came to see who it was. When I got closer I could tell it was just you so I approached you." She shrugged.

While he didn't like the fact she would have just approached any person that was camping out in the woods, he was still confused that she would approach him.

"But... aren't you scared of me? I... I've been chasing the Avatar around and terrorizing your friends."

Toph laughed. "Eh, keeps them on their toes. It's good for them. And besides, you haven't done that since I joined."

"But what happened in Ba Sing Se was my fault! Aren't you angry?" Zuko didn't understand. He was the reason Aang had been almost killed. If he hadn't sided with his crazy lying sister-

"Look, Sparky. It was your psycho sister's fault, you just made a bad choice. Most of us think you could be a pretty cool guy if you lose the temper. I'm pretty sure the only person who isn't gonna get over it any time soon is Katara. And she's extra angry at the moment because spirits are harassing her about you."

Zuko's breath stilled. Katara was getting dreams from spirits too?

"Ah... I can feel your heart rate you know." Toph grinned like a wolf bat. "Is it safe to assume you've been getting some wacky love dreams too?"

He flushed. Did all of them know that the spirits seemed to think he and Katara were soulmates? That was embarrassing. Now how was he supposed to face any of them?!

"Relax Sparky! Sweetness probably won't kill you." She paused. "Though maybe camp out here for a couple more days just to be sure she calms down."

Zuko groaned, dropping his face into his hands. "She hates me and I deserve it."

Toph hummed. "Maybe. You guys are gonna have to work that out. Fate of the world apparently depends on it."

Sighing, he fell back. "Yipee."


"Toph where have you been?" Katara demanded, crossing her arms angrily. "You were gone all night!"

"Geesh, you guys are made for each other." Toph mumbled. So temperamental. She raised her voice to answer Katara, "Relax mother. I was hanging out with your lover boy."

Katara narrowed her eyes. "Excuse me?"

"Yeah. Prince Sparky is camping out in the woods stalking us. I decided to go chat with him. He's pitiful." Toph smirked.

"He's here?!" Katara's voice rose an octave in panic. She was not ready to see him.

Toph cackled. "Oh yeah, Sweetness. So go kiss and make up."

Katara's face flushed red. She was trying to get used to the idea of forgiving Zuko and letting him join them, she had not processed the soulmate part yet. "There will not be any kissing!"

"Yeah, yeah. Follow that path about a mile and you'll find him. I'm going to sleep."


"You let my sister go talk to that guy alone?!" Sokka screeched.

Toph rolled her eyes. "Sweetness can take care of herself."

Sokka grabbed his hair, "It's not her I'm worried about! She's gonna kill him and then the world's gonna end! And spirits will haunt us for failing them!"

"Nah, it's fine. They'll probably just argue then make out a little. Now let me sleep."

"That's WORSE!"


Katara slowly walked down the path. She wasn't sure if she should march in and challenge him to a duel, or actually sit and talk, or maybe she should just turn around and avoid him until Ozai was defeated? Who's to say the spirits are right!

She sighed, coming to a stop and rubbing her temples. This was just impossible.

There was a whispering shuffle as some bushes parted, and suddenly Zuko was there on the path with her, his eyes wide with surprise as he noticed her.

They stood there in silence, staring at each other.

Why the hell did I come out here? Katara thought. She had nothing to say to him. She wasn't sure how she felt, though she did note that she wasn't as angry as she was before.

But apparently, Zuko had something to say to her.

He kneeled down and bowed, folding himself on the ground at her feet. Katara raised her eyebrows in shock. Royalty bowing to a peasant, as he called her?

"I want to apologize for my actions in Ba Sing Se. I acted dishonorably towards you and your friends. I'm very remorseful for the consequences of my decision there. And... before that, chasing you all around. I was confused, and angry and stubborn. I've realized now that it's my destiny to help the Avatar and restore balance to this world."

Katara bit her lip as she contemplated how to react. It was harder to be mean to him now that she knew he was supposed to be on their side. And the whole soulmate thing... She took a deep breath, trying to reign in her emotions.

You must forgive him, and he must open his heart to you.

In the end she turned around, away from those hypnotizing golden eyes that were looking up at her and pleading with her. She spoke softly, "You'll have to prove that to me, Zuko. I want to believe you, but part of me just doesn't."

"I know. I promise I've truly changed, and I'll do whatever it takes to show you that." He swallowed, realizing suddenly that he really, really needed Katara to believe in him. He didn't know where that desire came from, but he didn't want to keep disappointing her, to keep hurting her.

She started walking back up the hill to the temple. "Fine, come join us. They're expecting you."

They both realized it was a tentative, reluctant acceptance of his apology.


Sokka sat in front of the bonfire with Aang and Suki, all scooping the oatmeal and fruit breakfast Katara had made earlier into their mouths. When Sokka spot Katara walking up to the temple, and Zuko behind her ten feet back, he jumped up. "There better not have been any kissing with the enemy, young lady!"

Katara flushed bright red and her mouth dropped open. She grit her teeth and waved her hand to splatter some of his oatmeal in his face. "Shut up, Sokka."

"Hot, hot! Suki help!"

"Nah, you kinda deserve it." His girlfriend shrugged.

Zuko reached the temple grounds and immediately bowed low to them all. Although, Katara noticed he did not get on his hands and knees as he had when he apologized to her.

"I'm sorry for everything I have put you all through. I deeply regret my actions, and I'm going to work to be on the righteous path to end this war and restore balance to the world with all of you, if you'll have me."

Sokka, ever the eloquent one, answered, "Yeah, yeah. The spirits told us you're a good guy now so whatever. Just hands off my sister, pal."

Zuko's face flamed at that, and Katara was tempted to fling the whole pot of oatmeal at Sokka's head.

Aang stood up and faced Zuko head on. Zuko swallowed, would the Avatar refuse him?

But Aang bowed low to him in return. "Your apology is accepted. I'd be honored to fight by your side and learn from you, Prince Zuko."

For some reason Zuko blinked fiercely and had to clear his throat before answering, "Thank you, Aang. It would be my honor and privilege to teach you."

The touching moment was over when Aang sprung back up and jumped in place. "So let's start fire bending right now! I wanna learn how to do the 'taming the dragon' bit we saw at a festival once!"

"Uh..." Zuko frowned. "We're gonna start with the basics first..."

Aang slouched. "Ugh, you sound like Jeong-Jeong. He made me do breathing exercises for hours."

Zuko raised an eyebrow, "Did you want to stop breathing?"

"That's what he said!" Aang threw his hands in the air in contempt. He then crossed his arms and pouted. "You guys are no fun."

The Fire Nation Prince chuckled and shook his head, the Avatar really was a child still. "Fire bending isn't about fun, it's about control. Is there a place we can practice?"

Aang was back to wriggling in excitement, "Oh yeah, there's a training arena on the level above us we can-"

He was cut off by a bowl being shoved in his hands. "You can finish your breakfast, first." Katara barked.

Zuko was surprised when Katara shoved a bowl in his hand as well. She turned quickly, not meeting his eyes. He watched her walk off as she declared she was going to wake Toph up.

He turned back to the group and gulped to see Sokka glaring at him. He pointed his fingers between them in the universal sign for 'I'm watching you, buddy'.

Well, besides the semi-murderous brother, all things seemed to be going much smoother than Zuko had anticipated. Katara hadn't killed him on sight and he was accepted with civility.

Maybe... this wouldn't be so impossible after all...


That's all folks! I wrote wayyy more than I was expecting to, and kinda just kept going. Even still, it feels kinda cut short huh? Maybe to be continued one day. Emphasis on the maybe. I kinda wanted to expand this so there's some more heart to heart convos (and developing romance oh la la). Took some liberties in changing some events (also may or may not have just forgotten some things), and it would be fun to keep writing this storyline. We'll see!


P.S. pls leave a review i crave affirmation

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