Hero Hunter Deku [My Hero Aca...


637K 15.2K 5.8K

80% of the world is born with quirks but not izuku. He's one of the lucky 20% that has no powers. He lives hi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Thank you!
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Quick update
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
The Final Chapter
The New Generation
The Aftermath

Chapter 52

5.1K 139 65

More or less the same chapter 52 but I revamped some things towards the end. Hope you guys like it.
Not my own artwork but just wanted to give you guys a visual of what Izuku really looks like and clear up any confusions. Also thanks for all the support! Hope you enjoy the chapter!

"AHHH" Bakugo yelled as he charged Izuku.

The martial artist smirked and jumped upwards towards the ceiling catching everyone off guard. Uraraka barley had enough time to grab Mineta before Izukus fist blasted the spot where he was before. The impact was so strong that it caused the two to shoot backwards and slam into the wall of the warehouse, rendering Uraraka unconscious.

Izuku quickly grabbed one of the support beams and rocked himself forward to gain momentum before launching back towards Bakugo. The blond hastily put his hands together and fired a barrage of concentrated blasted at Izuku. The dark figure rotated his body to dodge most of the blasts but was still hit here and there by a few stray shots. Izuku winced as he felt his skin burn but the payoff was worth it when he dug his fist into Bakugos cheek. The explosion user flew backwards and skidded across the ground before finally being stopped by a cushioned wall made by Yaoyorozu.

"Ah ah ah, who said you could interfere?" Izuku laughed as he dashed towards the dark haired girl.

Izuku sped across the open area and jumped into the air, spinning his body to deliver a devastating kick.

"Stop!" A voice yelled out followed by a large glacier of ice.

Izukus foot slammed into the ice causing the entire glacier to explode, sending shards of ice everywhere.


Izuku looked up in front of him. Sitting on the ground with a large shard of ice piercing clean through her shin was Yaoyorozu.

"Well talk about friendly fire. I thought you were suppose to have decent control over your Ice Todoroki." Izuku said as he looked over towards the ice user.

"Shut up Midoriya. You're the reason she's hurt!" Todoroki screamed as he shot a fireball at Izuku.

"Spoken like a true hero Todoroki. Always pushing your blames on to others. You're even more like your father then I thought." Izuku said coldly as he disappeared from Todoroki's view.

The ice user locked up from hearing Izuku comment and become so distracted by his own thoughts he didn't feel the overwhelming presence behind him. Izuku slammed the side of his hand into the ice users neck and watched his former classmate crumble before him.

"Weak" Izuku said as he kicked Todoroki in the chest causing him to skid across the floor until he slammed into a concrete support beam.

Izuku walked forward and kicked Yaoyorozu in the head before looking at the remaining hero's that were about to become his victims. A small smile forming on his face when he met Seros gaze.

"Boo" Izuku whispered causing the tape user to jump.

"HA! It looks like you almost pissed yourself Sero. But don't worry, after I'm down with you, you just might!" Izuku stated as he slowly started walking towards the tape user.

"FORGET ABOUT ME FUCKTARD!" Bakugo yelled as he blasted himself at Izuku.

The dark figure turned his attention to bakugo and laughed.

"Of course not Kaachan. You're just too weak for me to care!"

"Like hell I am! 45% SMASH!" Bakugo yelled as he slammed his fist into Izukus face.

Bakugo watched as Izuku flew backwards and slammed into some old crates causing them to fall on top of him.

"Nice hit Bakubro!" Kirishima yelled as he ran up next to Bakugo.

"It's not over yet" Bakugo scoffed as the rubble starting shifting around.

Izuku pushed aside the rubble and climbed out back into the open. He raised his hand up to his cheek and wiped off some ash from Bakugo fist.

"I actually felt that Kaccahn. Too bad you won't be able to land another hit on me!" Izuku said as he took off towards Bakugo.

The blond smirked and raised his hands. His palms glowing a bright orange. A small spark escaped Bakugoes hand before a massive explosion blasted through the factory, shattering all the windows in the process.

Bakugo watched as the smoke died down to only reveal two foot prints scorched into the pavement. He raised an eye brow but quickly scrunched his nose and yelled out to his classmates.

"Be ready! This fucker is going to sneak up on one of us!"

"Right you are Kaachan" Izuku called out from behind Sero as he readied for an attack.

"SERO WATCH OUT" Mina yelled.

Sero quickly jumped back and shot a role of tape at Izuku. The dark figure stuck hand outwards allowing the tape to smack into his palm. Then in one swift motion Izuku spun his hand around gaining more of a grip on the tape and yanked Sero right towards him.

"GUYS!" Sero screamed as he flew towards Izuku but it was too late.

Izuku side stepped once Sero was in range and grabbed the tape user wrist. Izuku swung upwards right into Seros arm, snapping it cleanly at the elbow.

"AHHH!" The tape user yelled as he felt his lower arm go limp after the snap.

Izuku held Sero up and locked eyes with him. The tape user screaming in pain took one last shot with his uninjured arm and punched Izuku in the cheek.

The dark figure narrowed his eyes at Sero and scoffed. Izuku swung Sero up into the air and then with pure brute force, slammed him onto the concrete floor.


The sound echoed out into the factory as Seros unconscious body laid in the center of a deep creator with cracks sprawling out from it.

"RECIPRO BURST" Ilda yelled as he took off towards Izuku.

Izuku raised an eyebrow as the engine user disappeared right from his field of view. He looked around for Ilda until he felt something coming from behind him. Izuku quickly turned his head to see a metal boot coming right towards him.

"Tsk" Izuku scoffed as he was sent flying backwards from Ilda's kick. Izuku rotated his body and pushed his hands onto the ground to flip himself back upright. He skidded back a few more feet and stood up watching Ilda barrel towards him while getting ready for another attack. The engine user jumped into the air and used his quirk to spin himself around, gaining momentum until he had enough to drive out a power kick. Izuku smirked and sidestepped out of the way of the attack and grabbed Ildas ankle. He quickly snapped Ildas ankle so his foot now sat completely backwards. Ilda screamed in pain as a smile grew on Izukus face.

"My turn!" Izuku yelled as he spun himself around with Ilda in hand until he caught Mineta out of the corner of his eye. Izuku did one last rotation before releasing Ilda and watched as he crashed into Mineta with such force they broke through one of the support beams and buried themselves under the rubble.

"Bakugo what should we do!" Mina screamed.

"Oi shut the fuck up where fine! If we can land some of your acid on him we can burn right through him!" Bakugo yelled back.

"Oh Kaccahn, do you think you can actually beat me? I'm not evening using my full power yet!" Izuku laughed as he started his way towards the remaining four hero's.

"What do you mean you damn Deku? You've been holding back?" Asked Bakugo.

"You're smarter then this Kaccahn. I've been using just brute strength up until now. Have you seen me once use actually fighting techniques?" Replied Izuku.

Bakugo felt the breath leave his lungs and his heart speed up. He slowly turned to Kirishima and met eyes with the red head. He had the same gaze as himself, one full of fear.

"SHITTY HAIR CALL THE FUCKING PROS RIGHT NOW!" Bakugo ordered as the red head quickly pulled out his phone.

Izuku watched as the two started to panic and try and call for backups. How pathetic.

"It doesn't matter who you call Kaccahn, anyone you do will end up just like you and your friends. IN THE HOSPITAL!" Izuku yelled as he took off towards Mina.

Izuku closed the gap between them in seconds and threw a right hook into the acid user gut. He watched as his fist buried into her, a black streak following his attack. Mina keeled over and grabed her stomach but Izuku wasn't done.  He kicked her jaw throwing her back into the air and sent out three quick jabs each cracking some bone on impact.

Kaminari watched in horror as Izuku mercilessly beat Mina to a pulp. As the dark figure stood over his former classmate he turned his head to face Kaminari, who turned around and started to run away in fear. Izuku felt his body tense as in the blink of an eye he dashed from where he was to in front of Kaminari. Izuku snagged the electric user by the neck and held him into the air.

"No mercy" Izuku said coldly as he slammed his free hand into Kaminari's side followed by a round out kick to the chin.

The electric users body slammed into the floor and skidded to a stop, leaving Bakugo and Kirishima the last two standing.

"DID THEY PICK UP?" Bakugo yelled as he glanced back and forth between Kirishima and Izuku.

"They'll be here soon! The don't sound happy though!" Kirishima replied.

"It doesn't matt—-WATCH OUT!"

Kirishima barely had enough time to throw his arms up into an X to block Izukus attack. He watched the pure black steam slam into his arm and send cracks up his hardened skin. Kirishima flew back and slammed into a wall and skidded to the ground, breathing heavily as he looked at his arm.

Holy crap, he broke right through my hardening. Thought Kirishima.

Izuku took a glance at the zoned out red head and turned around to face Bakugo.

"Not going to mercilessly beat him too?" Asked Bakugo.

"There's more to fighting then violence Kaccahn. Psychological struggles can tear one apart too, I should know considering the fact YOU BULLIED ME THROUGHOUT OUR ENTIRE CHILD HOOD!"

Izuku took off towards Bakugo feeling his feet crack the ground under him from his initial jump. He slammed his fist into Bakugo cheek and laid a barrage into his chest.

"ACK!" Bakugo let out as he spat out blood and slammed into the ground.

"You're still tied up about all that shit?" Bakugo coughed out as he stood back up.

"How could I not be? You tortured me ever since you found out I was quirkless and you never even said sorry for it!"

"I'm sorry is that what you want to hear?" Bakugo screamed at Izuku.

Izuku shook his head in disappointment.

"You're only apologizing because I'm stronger then you now Kaccahn. I bet if I never became what I did you would still be looking down on me today. But not anymore, I was lucky enough to find my true strength and I'm going to make a difference in this world. One where the quirkless don't live in fear of people like you Kacchan. You call yourself a hero but can't even save someone who looked up to you more then anyone else." Izuku said coldly as he felt his nails starting to pierce the skin on his hand.

Izuku did one last dash towards Bakugo and cocked his arm back to end the exchange for good. He met eyes with Bakugo and saw the unexpected. Izuku saw regret. He threw his fist forward and watched as Bakugo closed his eyes and prepared for the blow but something stopped Izuku.

Pain shot up Izukus arm as his hand slammed into Kirishimas hardened skin. He pulled back and stumbled as he met Kirishimas gaze.


Izuku scoffed and ran towards Kirishima. He laid into him repeatedly each hit sent more and more pain signals to his brain.

Be harder, be an immovable object, don't let anything through!


Izuku kept going and going. He knew Kirishima couldn't hold the form long. All he had to do was keep up his attacks and eventually he would break through.

Bakugo watched from behind Kirishima as his friend went toe to toe with Izuku. It was incredible. On one side a bright beacon of red, holding up against a massive swarm of dark streams.

Izuku slammed his fist into Kirishimas side and saw the red head wince in pain. This was it, Izukus chance to end it but suddenly it felt as if his body took control and moved on its on. He smashed his foot onto Kirishimas, causing the red head to scream in pain as he left his unbreakable form. Izuku then grabbed his mouth with his right and the back of Kirishimas head with his other. He pushed him down until Kirishima sat on his knees in front of Izuku with wide eyes.

"I respect you Kirishima. Out of everyone here tonight, you put up the best fight and actually did some damage to me."

Kirishima stared into Izukus eyes as he felt tears starting to from in his own.

"I'm sorry, I wish we could have met under different circumstances and maybe have even  been friends. But that's sadly not the case. I can't have someone like you running around and hindering my plans. Just know that your sacrifice won't be in vain but instead one step closer to us all being united together."

Bakugo tried to stop Izuku. But for some reason his legs wouldn't move.

"You truly are the most manly guy I've met Kirishima. I'm sorry."

The was the last thing Izuku said as his right arm slowly started to glow darker then it ever had before. He lifted his arm above Kirishimas head as he felt the power radiating off his limb. Izuku slowly lowered his hand and touched Kirishimas nose and in an instant the darkness shot out of Izukus arm and covered Kirishimas head.

Suddenly a loud explosion was heard from the the side of the warehouse. The smoke quickly cleared to reveal multiple pro hero's including, Aizawa, Wash, Hawks, Endeavor, Present Mic, Fat Gun, and some others.

Izuku glanced over to the hero's and quickly released his grip on Kirishima. He took one step towards the hero's and fell to his knee and gripped his arm. It was dull gray that was slowly fading back to its original dark hue.

Bakugo quickly snapped out of his trance and took off towards Izuku.

"100% DETROIT SMASH!" Bakugo yelled.

The dark figure glanced up and saw the blond coming right for him with his entire arm glowing orange. Izuku attempted to jump out of the way but when he tried his knees buckled, leaving himself stranded in place.

All he could do was sit and wait.

As Bakugo prepared to let out the blast he saw Izuku stumble and it all clicked for him.

He must be out of stamina and can't move. This is it. IM GOING TO END THIS!

Bakugo released the explosion point blank into Izuku chest and felt his entire arm scream in pain as the glowing orb in his hand exploded outwards.

The blast rocketed across the factory and blew out everything in its path. Everything from creates, support beams, equipment, and even the wall of the building itself evaporated from the sheer heat of the explosion.

Bakugo slowly pushed himself up off the ground and winced as he saw his arm becoming a dark purple. He turned his attention to the pro hero's as they split up going to treat the injured and the others clearing out the smoke.

"I've got this" Hawks said as he flapped his wings a couple of times, pushing away all the dust and smoke in the process.

Everyone's eyes transfixed onto the lone body laying on the floor. Surrounded in a pool of its own blood. Bakugo ran over to it and looked at the aftermath of his attack and almost puked. Izuku laid on the ground with his entire mid and upper left side torn completely off. His organs laid scattered out across the floor and his body was slowly shaking.

Bakugo reached down to grab him but stopped when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned to see Hawks pushing past him with a feather sword in hand and plunged it into Izukus heart. As the feather dug into Izuku he slowly attempted to grab hold of the blade and stop it but couldn't due to Hawks twisting it deeper.

With one last push of strength Izuku smirked and looked at Bakugo.

"It's not over, it's never over"

That was the last thing Izuku said before his body sprawled out across the floor and went limp.

"I NEED SOME HELP OVER HERE!" Yelled Fat Gum who was at Kirishimas side.

Bakugo snapped out of his trance and ran towards his friend who was on the ground having a violent seizure on the floor. He watched as Aizawa made his way over and took out a siringe and injected into the red heads neck. After a few seconds his body went limp and his eyes rolled back as he fell unconscious.

Bakugo looked around at the devastation he had caused. It was horrible. This was all his idea and it cost him in his classmates dearly. He fell to his knees with tears in his eyes and fell apart on the spot.

Bakugo didn't know how long he sat there crying. It was only until he felt a tap on his shoulder and looked up to see All Might that he realized he was the last one in the warehouse. He followed All Might outside and got into the police car, staring out the window as the car started on its way. But something caught his eye as they pulled out onto the road. A single body bag getting zipped up and put into a large armored vehicle with no license plates. The car started its engine and exited the lot, turing the opposite way of Bakugo. He watched as the car slowly faded into the darkness and disappeared from view.

"Izuku, I'm so sorry"

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