Lush Corruption | Harry Styl...

By butterflytattoo

4.8M 153K 62.8K

BEST FANFIC SERIES 2018 - @thefanfictionawards Book 2 of the Lush Trilogy (completed ✓) | Continuation of Mou... More

Before You Read (Stories, Trailers & Info)
Lush Corruption | COMPLETED ✓ | Harry Styles AU
AFTER or Lush Corruption??!11?
12 (part one)
12 (part two)
Lush Corruption is
The Fanfiction Awards 2018


154K 4.8K 1.4K
By butterflytattoo

Vicky West

I had never dreamed about sharing my turbulent relationship, with Harry, with someone other than Red. Marcel chewed on the skin around his fingernails absentmindedly, as he listened closely to my story. He raised his eyebrows, in shock, as I shared even the most sexually and emotionally provocative aspects of mine and Harry’s relationship. It felt good to finally acquire a man’s perspective — even if he just so happened to be the most feminine male I knew.

I leaned back in my chair — exhausted — when the story was over. Marcel adjusted his slick hair, surprisingly possible with the amount of gel it had in it, and stroked his huge beard. “I never thought Mr. Styles would act that way. I’ve seen him doing things with women that are in no way acceptable, but this is beyond reason. The amount of asinine attitude shoved into that man’s personality is unbelievable.’’

“Preach it, Marcel.’’ Red said, and she raised her hand to give him a high-five. “I’m glad you’re in the Anti-Harry club.’’

“Red!’’ I spoke angrily. ‘’What is the ‘anti-Harry’ club?’’

“I was bored, so I made an imaginary club in which we all hate Harry. Welcome — however, let’s focus on the skank of the century: Carmen.’’ Red’s gaze hardened, and Marcel nodded in agreement. It was evident that Red and Marcel were conniving masterminds, great to have as friends, horrible to have as anything less than so. “Give me your opinion on her — I personally think she’s disgusting, can practically see the sluttiness oozing out of her pores.’’ Red spoke to Marcel, and I listened anxiously for his answer.

“First I thought she was a nice girl and a good dancer, but now that she’s talked with Harry so casually I can see a change in her behaviour.’’ He mentioned, I saw Red nodded. “Harry acts a certain way whenever new dancers come to the club, but Carmen takes him to another level.’’

“Another level, what do you mean?’’ I asked him while I crossed my legs.

“Let me start at the beginning. I originally worked for Harry’s grandfather; I started when I was young, and I’ve just been here ever since — his grandfather was a lovely man. I was captivated by the amount of beauty this club held, and I wanted to be a part of it.’’ Marcel started, and my interest piqued at the mention of Harry’s grandfather. Harry had told me he got the club instead of his father, but he never divulged on the secrets of his family.

“Harry loved the Moulin Rouge, and he got the club when his grandfather died. I don’t think people realize that being thrown into an industry like this at such a young age has serious consequences.’’ He mentioned. “Harry was nothing shy of a young, hormonal boy. He was rich, successful, and extremely good looking; it wasn’t hard for him to interest the hoards of women that walked through that door.” The thought of a younger Harry’s womanizing antics didn’t please me, but this was long before me, and I couldn’t judge a person I didn’t know.

“He didn’t get every woman, but he got a lot. I had tried to look out for him at first, telling him multiple times that these girls were only interested in what he had to offer and not him, but he didn’t care so eventually I stopped trying. It was just the casual flings, and sleeping around, nothing too risky, but then he met William Purdy.’’

“I’m familiar with him,’’ I told Marcel.

“Me too, but not in the same way as you guys I think.’’ Red told us confusingly. Marcel and I looked at each other warily, but we knew that Red wouldn’t understand anything about Harry’s previous lifestyle until we explained it to her. “I’m assuming worse things now,’’ She spoke, as Marcel and I continued to stare at each other. Of course she needed to know, but she hated Harry enough as it was, and regardless of the fact that he was a selfish twat — he was still our boss.

Marcel gave me a slight nod, telling me to go ahead and explain, so I did. I explained everything Harry had once told me about him and William’s relationship, not sparing the gory details. Red was my best friend, and Marcel was involved now too; we all needed to be on the same page.

“What the fuck?!’’ Red shouted, standing up to further showcase her bewilderment. “Continue Marcel, I just need a minute to let this sink in.’’ She informed us dramatically.

“William made everything harder for Harry; he drug him into a world he never intended to be a part of: the sex industry. Harry used to be a happy kid, sex-crazed, but happy; when he was with William he was different, he was cold and distant. He acted as if he was untouchable, like no one would ever be better than he was. It was—”

“You told me something like that as well,’’ Red cut Marcel off. I looked at her, confusion written on my face. “We were at his party a couple weeks ago, and you said the exact same thing.”

“About what?’’ I asked, confused about what I had supposably said.

“Let me think for a few seconds,’’ She told us, and I saw her closing her eyes. Her brow furrowed, concentrating on trying to remember something that happened while she was more than likely drunk. “I got it!’’ She exclaimed. “You said he was doing it again — looking untouchable, like the whole world revolved around him.’’

“Oh that, I remember.’’ I agreed. Flashbacks of that evening clouded my vision — Harry buckling Carmen into her seat, as if she was two instead of twenty-seven.

“Could I continue, ladies?’’ Marcel questioned us, and we quickly nodded — wanting him to continue his divulgence of Harry’s past. “I’ve seen Harry with practically every type of woman out there, and he acts different with each type.”

“I’ll give you guys a few examples, you look a little confused. There’s the attention-seeker, like Keeton; she wanted the attention that comes with being the arm-candy of a famous entrepreneur like Harry. She could care less about Harry’s personality, feelings, or even if he really liked her; all she wanted was fame. I was in Harry’s office when he fired her, quite amusing I must admit. She practically cried when he told her she would rot in hell for what she did.’’ I giggled, remembering Keeton’s face when she stormed out of the club. I hadn’t been in the room for the scene, but I had heard Harry yelling, and had to listen to his foul language when he found out what she did to me.

“Then we have the one-timer, like Michelle—”

‘’You know about Michelle?’’ I asked him in utter panic.

‘’Of course I do, Vicks. I have eyes and ears. I saw them walking into the bathrooms, and we all know what happens in there. Michelle didn’t have any feelings for Harry, nor did she expect anything from him; she just wanted to have sex with the boss. It was a one-time thing; they would never speak of it again.’’ Marcel said.

“And then we have you,’’ He started, a small smile appeared on his face. ''Harry is a torrent of emotions, constantly changing his behaviour — none of them particularly acceptable— but I had never seen him act the way he did with you. I’ve known Harry for a long time, and there’s not much that surprises me when it comes to him, but this was new.’’ He explained. “He was such a gentleman with you, so attentive and devoted to you.’’

“Not anymore,” I whispered.

“That’s not true,’’ Marcel snapped. “He may have ended things, but the feelings don’t just go away. He’s back into his never-ending cycle with William, and that guy can get into his head and fuck him up like you wouldn’t believe. He can manipulate Harry into doing anything he wants, it’s disgusting.”

“Why wouldn’t he just go to Louis for advice? Why did he ask William in the first place?’’ I asked Marcel. If he had known Harry for such a long time he had to know Louis, they were best friends.

“There has to be a reason why he went to William for advice. Maybe it has something to do with Louis’ perverted jokes, or constant need to rip on Harry for everything. It’s all a big joke to Louis, and maybe Harry needed someone to take him seriously. William may seem like a slimy, manipulative bastard — and he is — but he’s also very meticulous, and organized. He takes what he does seriously, maybe Harry needed someone who wouldn’t make a big joke out of everything. Lord knows Louis would make a big joke out of Harry having herpes.’’

“Is Louis the guy I thought looked insanely handsome?’’ Red questioned me, I nodded. “Damn he was so fine.’’ She groaned, I raised an eyebrow at Red for her sudden interruption.

''Unfortunately for you, he is engaged, and we are focusing on Harry so let’s go continue.’’ I said.

“Louis is indeed a very fine boy,’’ Marcel winked at Red, and she started clapping her hands excitedly.

“Red, Marcel!’’ I raised my voice to get their attention. “Enough Louis talk, I’m having a crisis.’’

‘’You have the dancer’s schedules, yeah?’’ Red changed the subject, as I groaned in frustration.

“Sure do. Let me get them from the office.’’ He added before leaving us alone for a few minutes to get the schedules. I wanted to know exactly who Carmen was, and where the hell she came from, but when Marcel returned empty-handed I saw that the devil herself followed, escorted by her friend Jess.

Carmen was the walking definition of slut, showing more skin than I thought possible. I had tried to dress provocatively today, but what I considered half-naked was what she considered fully-clothed. She tried to explain to Jess that her clothing was what ever club-dancer should wear, it was the ‘in thing’ apparently.

‘’It’s the new work-wear,’’

‘’You mean whore-wear,’’ Red muttered under her breath.

Carmen finally directed her attention towards Red and I, unfortunately not hearing Red’s condescending tone. It was ridiculous that they hadn’t noticed us when they walked in; I guess they were too busy discussing which horrendous piece of clothing they would label the next time as a ‘work’ outfit.

‘’Hi girls!’’ Carmen greeted us outstandingly cheerful. ‘’I almost didn’t see you two. Both in the back.’’ She told us. I muttered a soft ‘yes’, and I focused my attention back on Red. She was on her phone, making it look like she was busy and had something to do, when in fact she was just looking at pictures of cats.

“In the back…where they belong,’’ Jess whispered faintly to Carmen, but Red and I both heard her loud and clear. Our heads snapped up simultaneously, and Jess looked mildly afraid. Red started coughing loudly, holding her hand up to cover her mouth. “Are you okay?!’’ Jess panicked, unscrewing her water bottle and holding it out to Red.

“Yeah,’’ Red muttered weakly. “I just choked on the load of bullshit that came out of your mouth.’’ She said sassily. Before Jess could pull the bottle away Red snatched it from her grip, drinking its entirety before placing it back in Jess’ outstretched hand. It surprised me that Red could finish it off that quickly, but what the hell — it was hilarious to see the look of shock on Jess’ face. “Thank you for the water, though; I hope you brought more.’’

Jess scoffed, clearly offended by Red’s behaviour before walking away with Carmen. Red and I turned around in unison, and she started to giggle softly. “Was that really necessary, Winster?’’ I asked her seriously.

“God, Vicks, you heard what she said — I had to.’’ Red pleaded. I could go on and on about the consequences, but unfortunately that would be a waste of time. Red would find her way to make sure Jess got what she deserved.

I was organizing the brushes, and pretended to be busy on my phone when I was actually just looking at cat pictures — Red sent me a couple funny ones. Maybe that was the only thing that could cheer me up at this moment. There was so much to think about. From William being a bad influence, to Harry believing him, to Kent being a part of this whole plot as well. It was a mind-fuck if I’m being completely honest.

“Tequila?’’ Marcel asked me while he hovered over me. “Someone is being a grumpy-gills.’’ He sat down next to me, and shoved a bottle of tequila in my peripheral.

“Sounds like you’ve already started drinking, but not right now Marcel.’’ I said while pushing the liquor away. “Probably not the best idea while I’m at work…in the middle of the day.”

“Boo!” He muttered, and I pushed him away slightly. “On the other hand, have you heard about Carmen’s whore-wear yet?”

“You’ve been talking to Red, haven’t you?’’ I asked him, and he smirked mischievously at me. “So tell me why you’re here, seated next to me with tequila. Something bad?”

“Nothing you’ve done, but—’’ Marcel mumbled. “Harry is sitting with William in the main lounge waiting to see you guys practice. I fear for the worst.’’ He said, and I felt a lump in my throat. “I don’t want you to get all nervous now,’’ He told me in a whisper, but it didn’t help at all.

“Fuck, I’m gonna need this.” I said, squeezing my eyes shut as the burning liquid slid down my throat. “Way to make me panic..”

“That wasn’t my intention,’’ Marcel told me, and I knew he was being honest. “Look, William is headed down a bad path, and he’s taking Harry with him. You need to win him back, show him what he’s missing. Just do the same things you did to him before you guys got together. Start with the dancing, and if he says something to you just ignore him. Be indifferent, it’ll drive him nuts.’’

I took a deep breath, thinking about the words Marcel said to me. I couldn’t help but still feel nervous, the alcohol wasn’t worthy of the term ‘liquid courage’. “What if I mess everything up way more?’’ I asked him softly.

Marcel grabbed my chin, pulling my face up, and a genuine smile appeared on my lips. “You can’t mess things up Vicky, Harry’s already done that. Just need you to bring him back is all.’’ He told me, and he was right. I hadn’t done anything wrong, this was all Harry’s doing.

“Girls, to the main stage for rehearsals!’’ Judy informed us loudly throughout the dressing room.

“Make me proud, Vicks.’’ Marcel told me, and I planned to.

I got up, and Red joined me very quickly. We walked with the group of dancers to the stage. Judy showed us the paper with our line-up formation. It didn’t surprise me when I heard from Wawa behind me that she knew Harry’s friend that gave him music advice for the shows. I took a deep breath before I started to focus myself on Judy and our choreographed moves.

I was comfortably familiar with the dance, allowing me to focus on the two men in the crowd: Harry and William.

They were both wearing expensive suits – because they always did when they were at the club – and sat, drinking their disgustingly expensive liquor. Even from this distance I could see how Harry’s plump lips formed around the rim of the small glass. Shivers went down my spine when I remembered how soft, and delicate his lips were.

Harry’s eyes weren’t focused on me, they never were anymore. It seemed as though he learned to look right through me, and he had mastered it. William whispered in Harry’s ear occasionally, and Harry would smirk, but never at me. I knew he was smirking at whoever was behind me, and my blood boiled when I spun, taking a glance at whoever was lined up behind me: fucking Carmen.

I clenched my jaw when I realized Harry wasn’t even trying to hide his eye-fucking with Carmen. God, I sounded like a clingy girlfriend, but this was fucking ridiculous. I couldn’t decide on whether he was doing it to piss me off, or because he honestly didn’t care anymore.

The music stopped, and so did the dancers. William stood up, and buttoned his suit.

“I think we should change the formation,’’ He announced. Judy turned toward William, baffled that he thought he had any say in our formation. “Didn’t you hear me?’’ He asked Judy.

“I did, but I don’t understand what the problem is. What’s wrong with the current line-up?’’ She asked him politely. It was obvious Judy was feeling scared to stand up to William. He had an aura of authority that was hard to confront.

“Well, while they were dancing Mr. Styles and I deliberated over some changes. We want Renee, Jess and Carmen in the front row. Wawa, Miranda and Red in the second row and the remaining girls in the back.’’ He informed us, and my jaw dropped. I was currently standing in the second row, and he was telling me to move to the back. “Move, ladies.’’ William raised his voice.

Everyone was moving around the stage, and I looked at Red. She glanced at me with a confused look, but I just shrugged — I had no clue what was going on either. Judy didn’t argue with William, clapping her hands as an order to begin in the new formation.

“From the top, girls!’’ She yelled, signalling for Charles to start the music again.

“Cmon Vicky, Keeton did it!’’ Red pleaded when we walked into the dressing room to get our towels. “Just a bit of action — like pushing Carmen off stage and then running away. She’ll be out, and you’ll be back in the front row.’’

“And risk losing our jobs? No… I’m here to dance, front row or not.”

“Well, maybe I’m okay with losing my job.’’ Red said. “Or not.’’ She added when she met my icy glare. I walked over to my place, and grabbed the fuzzy towel I brought along. Red was at my side in a second, whispering lowly into my ear. “Did you see how he looked at her?’’ She asked in a faint tone.

“I obviously did,’’ I sighed. “But what can I do about it? Nothing…’’

“Steal the show, Vicky!’’ Red encouraged me. “You’re one hell of a good dancer.’’

“Well it doesn’t really matter how good I am if I’m in the back. William knew what he was doing, and Harry agreed with it.’’ I said, and threw the towel on my make-up table before walking down the stairs.

“What are you going to do?’’ Red asked behind me.

“Go steal that bottle of tequila from Marcel,’’ I stated.

“No fucking way,’’ She fired back, and I stopped in my tracks. “You’re going to get up that stage and show that manipulating asshole who you are! You are Vicky West for Christ sakes, and you are here to dance! You aren’t here to cry over some blind dickhead who has his head shoved too far up his ass to realize what he’s missing. He needs to get a slap of reality, and the only way that’s going to happen is if you get up off your sorry ass and show him what he’s missing!’’

“I-I,’’ Words could hardly leave my mouth.

“It’s okay to be sad, Vicks. Just remember that this is all him, not you — you’re just caught in the crossfires. One day he is going to realize what he is missing and what he has done to you. I know you’ll want him back, but he’s no good for you Vicky. This isn’t about winning him back, but about winning a game.’’


“I hate to see you hurt, Vicky. I do. As a best friend I need to give you advice, and this is my advice remember?’’ I nodded. “So we are going back on that stage, and you’re going to dance your breaking heart out. Okay?’’ I nodded, giving my best friend a tear-stained hug.

The ache in my heart at the thought of moving on from Harry was unbearable, but something told me this was just the beginning.


(it's mondayyy. Hiya lovely friends :) 

so yeah it's coming closer to the part where vicky is going to be sassy af.

follow me on twitter @lovelytoread (yay shameless selfpromotion)

lol i got a new phone, and snapchat is being insanely fast on the phone, and im seriously spamming everyone with pictures of myself wearing my new beanie. I am not even ashamed.

vote & comment + see y'all next week xo Lay)

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