Something Other Than Secrets...

By kittyloveme12

4.1K 280 54

What happened to Julia Roberto and Hunter James? After breaking up with her crazy ex, Julia was met with all... More

New Character Features
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty

Chapter Nine

129 9 2
By kittyloveme12

Julia's POV:

I walk up the porch steps of Stephanie's home with one of my bags over my shoulder. The house is gorgeous. "I hope you feel right at home." Steph smiles and I grin back at her. "You know I will, I have you guys here." She grins and hugs me for the 100th time today. "Gosh, I missed you Julia." I smile. I know she did. 

Tyler comes out of the house. "Your bags are in your room, Steph will lead you there while I prepare dinner." He smiles and I lift a brow. "Dinner? You?" He places a hand over his chest. "Ouch, just so you know my cooking is favorable." He mocks and I laugh. "If I survive, I'll tell you." He laughs as well and I follow Steph to my room.

The room's color scheme seems to be between cream and white. It is beautiful, just like the house it self. "Tyler wants to speak me real quick, so feel free to make yourself comfortable." I nod with a smile and head to the bed where my other luggage is resting. I put the bag down and fall backwards on the soft bed. It is so soft.

I sit up and grab my suitcase first. Time to unpack.

Half hour later I am heading down the stairs. It is almost 7 pm and it seems a bit weird not to have eaten yet. When I head to Grandpa in the afternoon for dinner, it will be ready by 5 pm. I hear clattering of dishes and chattering between the couple.

"I can't imagine Bianca doing that." I hear Stephanie murmur to Tyler and peak around the corner. She is drying plates and packing them on top of each other. Tyler shrugs. "I said some things that wasn't meant to be said." Steph turns to face him. "You said things because you are protective and angry. It is fine, I am sure he understands."

I feel lost. I have no idea how a conversation about Bianca turned to a "him". I step forward and the two of them turn to face me. Immediate smiles forms on their faces. "Have you unpacked?" Steph asks and dries her hands before walking towards me. "Yes, I have." I smile and she nods.

"The food is ready, we are just getting the plates ready then we can have our meal. Sorry that it is so late." She apologizes and I shake my head. "No, no it is fine." I smile.

I help her carry the plates and bowls to the dining table that is in the kitchen at the other side of the island-counters. We all get seated and bow our heads for a quick prayer.

I smile slightly as Tyler thanked the Lord for his family and my safe trip. We open our eyes and start to eat.

"How is your studies getting along?" Tyler asks before taking a bite. I laugh slightly, "I don't think being a writer is going to cut it. I should have gone to study art like I wanted to." Steph frowns, "But you always wanted to be a writer. You are such a creative soul." I smile at her. "I am not a writer."

She doesn't bug me about it further. Instead she start to talk about what I had missed out on. Like the festival that came back to town, and what had happened to Amanda's and Aiden's court case. Everything happened a few months after I left and I honestly don't feel bad about some things. "How has Hunter been?" I ask casually, but I sounded anything but casual.

"Curious much?" Steph smiled and Tyler just carried on eating. "I just want to know if he succeeded." I shrug and her smile doesn't falter. "Succeeded in his life or love life?" My heart stuttered at that and I think she noticed the sudden change in my expression. "Some things I can share, but there are some that I can't." I frown at her words and put my fork down. "What do you mean by that?" I ask lowly and she sighs. "He got his dream job, his home and his dream car if that is what you want to know." She takes another bite of her food and Tyler wipes his mouth.

"His love life isn't our business. Yeah, we know things, but it is his job to tell you if he wants you to know." Tyler starts to gather everyone's plates and I feel a slight annoyance. "How is he suppose to tell me if he doesn't talk to me?" I ask bitterly and Stephanie takes a sip of her cold water. "My wedding will be the perfect social event for everyone to catch up." She smiles and I stare at her in utter shock. "So, if I hear something that might devastate me and I might cry or throw a sissy fit at your wedding, you'll be fine with it?" I ask and start to get up. "Excuse me."

I walk out of the kitchen and almost immediately they start to talk. "Maybe we should have a dinner party before the wedding." Stephanie murmurs. "Agree." Have they always been like this? This secretive over what Hunter decides and says? I can't really remember.

I head up to my room and take my phone off from charge. I have four texts, three from Justin and one from Angie. I open up Justin's, even though I don't want to. He had gotten annoying; not getting the hint that I don't want a relationship with him seems to be a challenge for him. I read through his texts:
Justin: Heyy
Justin: Listen, Jules, I just want to talk.
Justin: Where are you? Angie says you left when I tried to visit you today. Why didn't you tell me? I thought we were getting somewhere.

I ignore his texts and open up Angie's:
Angie: Hey, did you talk to Mr Anti Social?

I laugh and start typing my message to her:
Me: Hey. No, I didn't. I told you we are not on speaking terms and that is how it will hopefully stay. 

I put my phone down and grab my pajamas and my towel to go shower. At least it is an in-suite bedroom. I start the shower and wait until the bathroom steams up before getting in. Justin had gotten a hella lot weird after our first date. I thought he got the message across, but he just got more...clingy? He visited my room almost everyday, and always got an excuse to see me. He even tried to make a move on me again when the three of us were having a movie night. He wasn't even invited, he just showed up again.

After my shower I head back to my room and check my phone. Another text from Justin:
Justin: Are you seeing someone else? Are you really going to be THAT girl, Julia? I thought you were better than this.

What? I turn my phone off and start to get dress. He is so childish.  

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