Malicious Romance

By Ekphrastic

39.8K 993 261

Sometimes, not every love story can be as idyllic as it should be. Dean Winchester, bred and raised in the ma... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109 END

Chapter 64

188 4 0
By Ekphrastic

An hour later, right before the sun could rise, Dean returned to the hotel room. He sat down onto the bed near Giselle while lifting his hand to brush her hair out of her face. His eyes studied her face deeply as if he wanted to bury her image inside of his head and heart.

She shifted in the bed slightly and then opened her eyes to look at Dean. In her morning dry toned voice, she asked, "Are you up already? What time is it?"

He smiled. "It's six in the morning."

She yawned as she sat up with her back against the headboard. "I will go shower and then we can go out to eat. After we have breakfast, you can go do your business."

He chuckled underneath his breath briefly. "I've finished my business. The rest of the time will just be you and me. We will go shopping after we eat and then we will go straight to lake Tahoe." Grabbing her hand, he said, "Get up and go take a shower." She nodded and then got off the bed to make her way towards the bathroom.

Dean shrugged his shoulders before he turned to stare blankly at the orange sky outside of the glass wall. He sat there, spacing out, with an expressionless face for a couple of minutes while his mind wandered to think of what was going to happen after tomorrow comes. A few knocks on the door drew his attention. He quickly got up, so that he could make his way to open the door. The moment he swung the door wide open, all of his men bowed their head down with respect. "Boss, we got a rented car."

Dean nodded in return. "Good. All of you will be driving the one car that my client lent to me. My girlfriend and I will be driving the rented one. When tomorrow comes, one of you will return back with me through the client's car. We will return their car and then we will fly back to Las Vegas. And, whoever is staying, you guys better respect my woman as much as you respect me unless you want to sleep in the coffin."

"Yes, boss." They said seriously.

Dean turned his head towards the bathroom when he heard the water being turned off. "Get out now, and do not talk about this matter in front of her." They nodded before Dean closed the door quietly, to prevent Giselle from hearing the clicking sound.

He spun around instantly to make his way to Giselle who was walking out of the bathroom with just a white towel wrapped around her body. She jolted a little when Dean's sudden presence surprised her. "You scared me."

"Jeez, I didn't even do anything." He whined before he turned to sit on the sofa with his legs crossed. "What are you wearing today?"

"I don't know." She said and then glanced at him with her pouted lips. "You are sitting here, wearing a suit. I can't just wear jeans and a t-shirt while walking next to you, can I?" She sighed and then sat down onto the carpet next to her luggage. "I guess, this white dress will do. The red one is a bit too strong in the morning."

His lips curved into a smile before he said, "You wear whatever you like. No need to worry about me."

After sometimes had passed, Dean opened the door to tell his men, "Come get the luggage." He wrapped one arm around Giselle's waist and then walked her to the elevator. "What do you want to eat?"

She froze to think for a couple of seconds and then replied at the same time that the elevator door slid open. "French toast and a cup of coffee? Usually, I only had a cup of coffee before my shift started."

He smiled briefly as he led her into the elevator. "Same for me." He stood with her in the circle of his arm while his men were getting into the elevator after him. As the door slid close, Dean continued talking. "If you ever need anything, don't hesitate to tell these guys to help you out. Don't be afraid to report to me if they dare to disobey you."

She elbowed Dean in his abdominal a little and replied, "I don't need anything at the moment." Although she knew that what he said was meant to keep her safe, she still didn't like it whenever he threatened another person. There shouldn't be any life that should be treated as a joke. To her, as a nurse, another being's life was worth more than anything. She gulped at the thought that Dean was probably didn't see it the same way as her.

"That's good." He smirked as he rubbed her waist gently with the palm of his hand.

Walking out of the elevator, Dean directed his way to the restaurant side of the hotel. He pulled a chair out for Giselle to settle in before he made his way around the table to sit. One of his men went out to put the luggage into the car while the other two men stood beside him.

As soon as a waitress greeted them with a wide grin on her face, Dean replied roughly, "Morning. We will have two medium cups of warm espresso, two plates of a large serving size french toast, and a medium bowl of the fruit salad."

The waitress nodded, and then dismissed herself politely, at the same time that his other man returned.

"You can tell your people to go to eat too. There is no danger here in the middle of the restaurant." Giselle whispered loudly across the table.

Dean beamed at her reaction and then turned to glance at his men with a sharp gaze. "You guys heard that? Go get a nearby table and eat something."

"Yes, boss." They said before they went to take a seat at a table behind Dean.

"How do you keep forgetting to feed your people?" Giselle said as she placed her elbows onto the table to cup her chin with both hands. "I wondered if they even get their paycheck on time."

Dean chuckled. "Of course, they do. It's not that I kept forgetting, but they shouldn't be eating while they are on their duty."

"That's nonsense. Even if I was on my duty in the hospital, sometimes I still sneaked into the stocking room to grab myself a granola bar. As a boss, you have the power to say that, but I'm sure that you've eaten in your working hour too."

"You're not wrong." He said with a small smile. Her words lingered in his head for a while causing him to take a quick deep breath and then exhaled loudly. He stayed quiet for a couple of seconds and then decided to ask, "Do you wish to go back to work?"

She nodded as a frown appeared on her lips. "It was my dream to become a nurse. I miss being there. It was tiring, but at least I got to interact with my patients. Hearing a thank you from them helped relived my exhaustion a lot. I couldn't be any happier than seeing my patients leaving the hospital and not having to come back. Both doctors and nurses are happy to say goodbye to their patients because we want them to leave and to never have to return."

"That's nice," Dean said in a lowered tone. "You're happy to see people leave while I am here wishing people to stay."

Grabbing his hand softly, she said, "We have different reasons, Dean. Everything has its own limit. I can see my patients leave, but I wouldn't want the same thing to happen to the one I love."

He nodded his head as he tried to understand what she meant. "It's true. Everything has its limit and I am afraid to find out my limit and yours."

Just when she was about to open her mouth to reply, the waitress returned with a cart of foods. She placed each plate and cup onto the table carefully before she dismissed herself again.

"How sweet do you like your espresso?" Dean asked as he tried to change the topic. "I like mine with just one cube of brown sugar."

"I like mine with two cubes of brown sugar, I think. I usually put like three small packs of sugar for my normal coffee. I've never used sugar cube, it's too fancy." She replied without looking as she grabbed a fork and a knife to cut into the french toast.

Dean grinned briefly as he mumbled, "Isn't that a bit too sweet? I should boost my glucose level sometimes too then." Giselle smiled in return after hearing him joked.

After the breakfast was over, they went out to the parking lot to get into the rented car. Dean instructed his men to drive after him before he hopped into the driver seat and slammed the door shut. "Time to go shoplifting." He said roughly, making Giselle smack him in his arm. He chuckled loudly at the same time he exclaimed, "What?"

"You know, I can't even tell if you are joking or being serious. You're in a mafia and every time you say stuff like this, it only makes me think that you are going to actually do it." She explained while her eyes narrowed at him.

His grin turned into a small smile. He raised his hand to touch her head gently and said, "I was only joking. I have money, and it is enough to buy that whole shopping mall. I don't need to rob them. Why? Are you regret being with me?"

She stayed quiet to think for a few seconds while he turned back to start the car. As Dean drove the car out of the parking lot, she said, "I am not regretting since what you are doing is not your choice. You've saved me a lot of times in the past, and I just hope that mafia is just a label for you. You've told me that you only killed bad people. And, if I am being honest, I wanted to tell you, that sometimes you frightened me too. It is not normal for me to be in a relationship with you, a mafia. It's only strange for people to not get scared."

Dean giggled lowly. "That's the truest answer I ever heard."

"I have nothing to hide. I am a human, and I have feelings. My father is one of those police forces, and he too arrested and killed bad people. Even doctors who claimed to save people's lives, but they too had to make a quick decision of who to save and who to sacrifice when it came to an emergency with a limited time given. Sometimes, we tried to revive a patient, but it didn't work all the time. Some patients passed away in the middle of the surgery or after some time which we thought they were getting better."

Dean nodded slightly while he stepped on the gas pedal harder, hoping to pass the yellow light without having to stop. "I guess, the labeling is important."

"You know, you called yourself a mafia, but you cried in front of me." Giselle murmured at the same time she turned to look at him, causing Dean to feel embarrassed for a split second.

He cleared his throat loudly to fight away the blood that was rushing to his cheeks. "I didn't know what's wrong with me back then. You should feel lucky knowing that you're probably the only person in this world I allowed to see my tears."

"Is that something I should be proud of? Me witnessing a well know heartless mafia man cried like a baby, asking me to not leave him?" She mocked before she laughed.

He furrowed his brows. "Yes, why not? I don't express myself to anyone but you, Giselle. I trust you with my whole heart like nobody else."

"How are you so sure? Have you forgot about my father?" She asked in a sadder tone of voice. She knew that bringing her father up would upset Dean, but she wanted to hear his honest answer. She wanted to make sure that all of the doubts inside of her gut gets clarified, and that what he told her was true about him forgiving her father.

All of a sudden, his expression turned serious as his voice turned rough. "Yes. I love you now, and there is no reason for me to hold onto that hatred of mine anymore. How can I trade you for something that is not worthy for me? I admitted that I did all sorts of things to try to hurt your father, but as times have passed, I moved on. He can hate me, but I want to forgive him. I want to earn his trust and your trust just like how you've earned mine."

"I trust you, Dean. I am happy enough just to hear that the wound inside of your heart had finally healed. I am glad that you've learned to forgive. It must've been hard on you."

"It is, but I have you. What matters is you, and I don't care about anything else." He murmured as he stole a glance at her before turning his car into the entrance of the parking area of the big shopping mall.

After parking his car, Dean hurried to open the door for Giselle while his eyes glued to his men that were walking towards his direction. He slammed the door shut as soon as she got out. His voice came out seriously when he gave the command to his men. "I don't want to attract attention. You guys can separate and watch us from afar. After I buy stuff, one of you can come and take the bag without making it obvious that you are following me." They nodded quickly before Dean turned around to draw Giselle closer to his chest.

He began to make his way towards the entrance door while she gazed at his eyes from a lower view for a second. "Do you have to do that every time you go out?"

He shook his head and glanced down at her. "Not really. I used to only have two of my close men near me. They knew what they had to do without having me to instruct them all the time. We don't want to draw attention because that is basically declaring to people around you of who you are, which could lead to danger. I hate walking around with people following me because I want to have my own privacy and not having to go to the bathroom with people guiding the front door. That shit is annoying."

She giggled when his forehead formed creases in irritation. "You're funny. Is that why you don't do interviews or appear on television?"

"Yes. I don't need a group of fans because the more they know about me, the more likely that they'll lose their life." He said lowly underneath his breath. His eyes locked on one of the brand name stores before he walked Giselle into it.

"Hi, how are you doing? Is there anything I can help you with?" A high pitched voice of a female worker asked. She greeted her customers with a wide smile as she started to follow them closely.

Dean loosened his arm around Giselle's waist as he said, "You go pick what you want with her, and I will wait near the changing room."

She nodded before she turned to smile at the mid-age lady. "Hi, I'm good. Thank you. Do you guys have some casual mini dresses?"

"Yes, ma'am. This way please," The lady replied and then directed Giselle to the opposite side of the store.

Dean settled down onto a black leather sofa before he caught a glance of his three men stood in front of the entrance door with a cup of smoothie in their hand. "Seriously?" He groaned in irritation and then pulled his phone out to check his email. While scrolling through his email, checking the details of the upcoming event that his secretary had forwarded to him, he sighed out loud. All of a sudden, his father's name popped up on his screen. Dean's lips tightened as he slid his thumb across the screen to answer the call. "Yes?"

His father's rough voice coldly asked from the other end, "You've already delivered the supplies. How come are you still staying there? This is unlike you."

Dean groaned a little as he rested his back against the sofa. "Am I not allowed to stay longer to enjoy my vocation? If you're calling because you are worried about the money, then you don't have to call me again. You know clearly that I won't touch your dirty money."

"Well, if you are there for your own vocation, then I have no objection. Don't ever let me find out that there is another reason to keep you there. I know what you are thinking, Dean." Bowen Winchester paused a little and then said, "Be careful on your way back." After that short statement, he hung up immediately.

Dean tightened his grip around his phone as he smashed it down onto the sofa. He pinched the bridge of his nose lightly with another hand in frustration when his father's words floated in his head. The fact that he tried to hide Giselle from his father was already stressful for him. Whenever Bowen turned his words into a puzzle, Dean's guilt and doubts grew inside his gut. He was not sure any more if his father still had no clue about Giselle.

While he closed his eyes tightly, the scene from the night of the incident replayed in his head. On the same night that Dean killed another woman to cover up Giselle's fake death, he had no choice but to depend on Jeff Kevinskey. He made a promise with Kevinskey that he would secretly supply him with a specific amount of drugs and several women as he needed. It was a deal that Dean made to save Giselle's life. He gave him a strand of Giselle's hair, including the clothes that she wore that night, to confirm that the swollen corpse belonged to her.

He exhaled loudly before he lifted his phone to scroll through his contact to call Jeff Kevinskey. Jeff answered after the third beeping sound in a deep voice, "Morning, Mr. Dean Winchester?"

"I am calling to ask you about what you've promised me," Dean replied roughly as his brows began to furrow. "I've given you what you've asked from me, and I am hoping that you are keeping your promise as I've kept mine too, Mr. Kevinskey. You can take a guess of what I will do if I ever get a backstab from you."

"Woah, Mr. Dean Winchester. Calm down, please? I am not sure of what you are talking about." Jeff replied. "I have never broken my promise with you. You knew that I had to eliminate a few officers who had found out about your lover's fake death. I risked myself to save your damn lover, Mr. Dean Winchester. If you are not my close friend's son, I wouldn't bother helping you. I already feel wrong for lying to my friend, Bowen. Do you even know, that I am putting my twenty years' worth of friendship, between your father and I, on the eggshells now because of you?"

Dean clenched his teeth before he said, "I hope whatever you said is true. Everything will be the same as long as neither you and I open our mouth."

"Of course, it will be the same. Even if you hate what we all are doing, it doesn't make you any better than us, Mr. Dean Winchester. How are you not being appreciated after I helped you to cover up your lover's death? Her life is in my hand, and I hope you don't ever forget that. I am a man of my word, and I don't break the promise that I made. You don't have to worry that I will backstab you. My friendship with Bowen Winchester won't last this long if I ever held a knife behind his back."

Dean inhaled deeply. His eyes shifted to look at his men at the front entrance, and then back to see Giselle was walking in his direction. "I am happy to hear that, Mr. Kevinskey. I apologize if I sounded rude earlier. I was just getting a bit frustrated with work and all. I will see you later at the event night."

"Good day to you, Dean Winchester," Jeff replied roughly.

"Good day to you too." Dean hurried hung up the phone and stood up when Giselle approached him closer. He flashed her a fake smile and asked, "How did everything go? Did you find what you wanted?"

She stepped closer to Dean and then whispered, "I think it is a bit expensive here. Can we go to a cheaper store?"

He chuckled as he raised one hand to brush her head. "It's fine."

"You know right, that I don't have money. I don't even have a phone." She said with a frown.

He tilted his head a little to get a better view of her face and then replied, "I am paying for you. It won't be much anyway. We can buy a phone after we're done buying clothes."

She nodded in hesitant. "Okay, but I will pay you back when I have a job again."

Dean's lips twitched before he said, "Sure. You can do whatever you want if it makes you happy. Now, go try these on and show me. My opinion doesn't matter, but I will tell you if it looks good or not. You can listen or not, it is your choice."

"Yes, sir." She responded and then giggled briefly as she spun around to head toward the changing room.


Thank you for reading!

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