Paper Lydeck: And Stealing Ma...


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Oh geez! A festival has gone terribly wrong! And Mario has to save the day! But wait, what's this? Looks like... More

Author's Note
Chapter 2: Whispering Woods
Chapter 3: Toad's BBQ Food Eatery Toward Toad Town
Dream Chapter: Blending Memories
Chapter 4: Toad Town Toward Graffiti Underground
Oh cool

Chapter 1: Peach's Castle

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((Oh, before we begin, I will be twisting this story a "bit" so it won't be the same thing as the game! Okay, let's begin!))

Well, I expected a Origami Festival, and I got one... Sort of.

I am fine, surprisingly, even though those folded up minions should've seen through my costume by now... But, hey, I'm okay!

Now, the reason why I'm wearing this costume was because of a joke. I am known for hating Bloopers for a long time. No, not those funny deleted scenes, the squids. And when I was younger, I was called, "Bloopeck" for awhile... So it just came up.

The most fun part was making this costume. I'm not good at making Origami. All I can make is frogs and airplanes. And this costume has some tricky folds. So it took forever to make! But, I made it just before the festival started. And I was proud of myself for once! And I still am now!

Who knew that this costume would save my skin so easily?

"HeY...!" Said a red folded Shy Guy. I snapped out of my thoughts to respond with, "What?" "No SlAcKiNg OfF...!" "Oh, sorry, what am I supposed to be doing again?"

The Shy Guy sighed painfully, "Go To ThE dUnGeOn... A 'sTaTcHeD MaN iS wAiTing..."

"Got it!" I replied. And I quickly headed to the dungeon. A 'statched man? I thought, Why would they say that? Probably because not a lot of people have mustaches...? I don't know...

I walked into the door, which made a loud thump, and shut down my thoughts once more. I stepped back from the door, dusted myself off, and got greeted by more folded Shy Guys.

"WhAt ArE yOu DoInG...?" "Uh..." I replied, "how do doors word- I mean- work?... Again?"

"OuT oF tHe WaY..." I moved aside (while replying with, "mhm") and let the folded minions guide Bowser's minions away from the dungeon. The door closed again and I moved back infront of it. I sighed, slapped my hands together, and pushed the door open. And what do I see?


Staring right back at me.

My mortal enemy.

Right there.

A few feet away.

How conviently life saving.

Are you confused? Then I'll unconfuse you!

You see, I'm a rare species, a human. And even more rarer that I work for no other than Bowser himself! So, those minions the folded Shy Guys were taking away, were my colleagues. It just turns out that I'm on vacation (yay!) And this festival was part of it (extra yay!). Yes, I know, I'm extremely lucky for once!

After a a small awkward moment of silence, I say, "Oh goodness, I'm saved!"

Mario, just looks at me weird. So, I close the door, walk up to him, and take off my hat. You know, to show I'm not a threat. I then start to Monologue, "You have no idea how long I've been here, pretending to be one of those freaks! I just so, so happy to see you! Please, help me escape this place! I beg of you!"

I put my hat back on, and Mario nods. My eyes lit up, "Oh thank you! Thank you so much!... Now, how do we get out of here? Because those folded Shy Guys will come in here any second now! Just so they can check if I'm doing my 'job'."

Mario started to think as I just stared back at the door. And then, we both heard something...

"Hello? Mario... Is that you?..."

My heart lept in worry. But, we kept listening.

"I need your help! I'm... I'm... Trapped in a strange place..."

"That isn't good!" I said with a little accent of worry.

"It's cramped and dark... Like I'm in between dimensions... Or something."

"That definitely doesn't sound good!"

"I don't know if I'm amazed or scared. Maybe even both? I'd like to get out now please, if you wouldn't mind..."

"Don't worry! We'll get you out of there!... Right Mario?" I said quite loud. Being trapped in between dimensions is never good! And I've never been THAT stuck before! We got to help them! And fast!

Mario noticed a large marking on the ground and walked to it. I followed, and the marking lit up!

"Woah..." I said in awe. I never saw anything like that before!

"What was that? Did something light up beneath your feet? Is it a magic circle?"

Magic circle? This is a magic circle? What is a magic circle anyway? And what does it do? I wonder... I thought. I think too much...

"That's good... I think? I don't know what you're supposed to do with it..."

"I don't know either..." I blurted out. This is new to me.

"Could you try to use it somehow?"

"But, h-" before I could finish my response, Mario somehow activated the circle! How did he do that!? Anyway, his arms grew big, and his hands bigger. It's like he folded his arms 1,000 times each! That's so cool! Yet terrifying!

"That sounds good, or I think it does... I think you're using the 1,000 fold arms? Feel around, maybe you can help me get out of these dimensions!"

With his large arms, he scanned the wall, and saw a small corner peaking out. He then grabbed that corner and tore it off! What I saw in that wall was... Confusing... It looked like a Origami... Bee? Or something like that... Either way, it squirmed a bit before getting out of the wall.

"I'm free from the dimensions!" It says, while turning back to where it was stuck in, "Oh... Was I stuck in the wall?"

It turned back at Mario and I. Paying more attention to him more than me, it said, "You must be Mario! I'm Olivia! You'd probably would like to know me and how I was stuck like tha- FOLDED SOILDER!?!?"

Knowing that she was aware that I am here, I took off my hat again. Showing her that I am not, infact, a Folded Whatzits. She then sighed in relief, "Oh... Sorry, your weird hat looked like a Folded soilder..." "That's it's intended purpose I guess!" "So, what's your name? I'm Olvia, of coarse!" "Lydeck. Nice to meet you! Anyway, Mario, got a way to get us out of here?" I say, shutting down the conversation so we can focus on escaping. Olivia then said, "Oh yes! We got to escape! I'm not very fleet on foot, so can I pitch a ride?" And like it was nothing, Olivia folded herself small enough to hide in Mario's pocket. That's nice. If only I can do that! So I wouldn't have such sore legs all the time!

Mario just walked right of the dungeon, intending me to follow, and found a hammer. How even more convenient! Yes, Mario is known for Jumping, but have you seen his hammer skills? It's through the roof!

He started smashing boxes until one of them opened up a hole. Yes! A hole! I love holes! I use them as secret passedge ways to avoid my work with! Olvia then flew out of Mario's pocket and unfolded herself, "Oh! I just had a pretty good idea! I don't know if they're all good ideas. But I would gladly share 'em with you guys! Just let me know if you need anything, and I'll help out!" We went through the hole, after Olivia went back into Mario's pocket, and started walking through a hallway.

Right before we could choose where to go on the fork, Olivia came out of Mario's pocket again, and surveyed the exit of the hallway. She then said, "Okay, I'm getting my bairings... And I think we're in the castle dungeon. Dungeons smell like this place smells like right?" I giggled at her statement. "What's so funny?" "Nothing!" I replied, "your statement was cute!" Olivia blushed, "I-It was?" And in embarrassment, she hid back in Mario's pocket.

Mario decided to turn left (my left) and started walking again. Without going at least two feet, we heard a loud, "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!?!?" That's Lord Bowser... I can tell, he yells way too much...

As we continue down this path (Mario destroying boxes as Bowser goes "ow" and "ouch" the whole way) I see a hole in the wall.

"Mario! Look!" I say as I point to the hole. Before Mario could even turn around, I took a peek through the hole. What I saw... Was horrifying...

"I see what you're doing to MY minion! And I order you to CUT IT OUT!!"

Bowser has seemed to be folded up and is been held by a clip attached to a rope, and something unimaginable was causing him to scream... I... Don't want to describe it...

I went three feet away from that hole, hyperventilating. "Oh no!" Said, Olivia, noticing my panic attack, "Did you see something horrible!?"

"W-what do you think!?" I snapped at her. I didn't mean to, but it just happened! "Sorry! But, what did you see!?" "I DON'T want to talk about it... Let's get out of here as fast as we can, okay Mario?" I said as my breathing slowed. Good, I don't want to have a meltdown infront of The Hero of The Mushroom Kingdom and royalty. And besides, Bowser might hear...

"ThAt WaS tHe LaSt Of ThEm..." "WhErE iS bLoOpEr?..."

"MaYbE hE's StIlL wItH tHe 'StAtChEd MaN..."

"ThEn LeT's SeE wHaT's KeEpInG tHeM..."

I heard a door opening, a bunch or origami people walking, and a door closing. "We gotta act fast, Bukko! Or we'll be done for!!!"

Mario started walking the other way and saw a door at the begining of the hallway (why didn't I see that before?). Mario and I went through that door, and was met with Bowser.

"Phew! The monster I saw in the shadows is gone... I think I would have a meltdown if I saw it!" I said in relief, but Lord Bowser was not happy in the situation he's in.

"Mario? Lydeck? You're here too?"

"Well, yeah, I'm supposed to be on vacation! Yet it's turned into a nightmare! And I don't usually get nightmares!" I replied, but he ignored me, "Well, what are you waiting for? GET ME OUTTA HERE!!"

Mario went over, and started pulling Bowser, I helped, of coarse, and and a few seconds, Bowser popped free!... And landed on his face. He got up anyway, but, he's still folded up! Seeing him come up to us gave me the shivers.

"Huh... I'd thought I unfold myself or something..." Bowser said in confusion, Olivia came out of Mario's pocket again, "So, you're not a face?" "OF COARSE NOT!! I'm Bowser! King of The Koopa Kingdom!" ("I work for him..." I said while he was speaking.) Lord Bowser continued, "And those Origami jerks don't know how to treat royalty! If my body wasn't folded up in ways that I DON'T want to talk about, I would've TEAR THEM TO SHREDS!!"

"That's going a bit overboard!" Olivia panicked, "Is he always like this!?" Olivia then said to me. I just replied, "Yelling? Yes. Tearing people to shreds? No. He's mad."

Olivia went back into Mario's pockets again (wow, she isn't really much for walking, is she? Well, it makes sense. She can float...) And Mario went back to destroying property. After Bowser said, "Anyway, those body-folding jerks said there is a secret exit here! Find it, and I'll LET YOU help me escape!"

As Mario was destroying boxes, another magic circle appeared! Mario knew the rules, and so do I!

Mario activates the circle and scans around the wall. He grabs the rolled up crease and rips it off the wall. Seeing magic besides Kamek flying around and destroying thing is so cool! Especially when my enemy weilds that magic! It spices things up, ya' know?

"See? Bwahaha! Where would you be without ME?"

"You're really getting the hang of the 1,000 fold arms Mario!" Olivia says once Bowser was done being Narcissistic. We went through the entry way and started headed up the stairs.

Once we were up those stairs, there was a room with more stairs. Just spiralled this time... Gosh! Why does there have to be so many stairs!? Bowser's castle doesn't even have this much!

And so, we went up those stairs too, (With a bunch of huffs and puffs from me and Lord Bowser) and finally made it to the top! Yay!

What met us at the top was a door. "I... Have a bad feeling about this..." "Oh HUSH! We can take whatever's on the other side! ESPECIALLY me!" Bowser said mockingly. Of coarse, he's my king... And I'm his mesley servant...

Mario opened the door and went through it. Bowser and I did the same thing. And the bright light of the outside world blinds me. I stay inside way too much too...

We follow Mario until we make it to the big doors (or the halfway point to the other side...). Why? Because the big doors open and Princess Peach and a yellow Shy Guy go through them.

"Why are you still... Flat? Why haven't you joined me into folded glory?..." Peach says to us imediatly. Welp, we're done for. Might as well pray to the god I don't believe in before I die! Or... Folded up, I don't know!

"Come... We can reshape you..." Peach then saw me, "What are you doing here?... Aren't you supposed to be... With the others?..."

"Uh..." I said, trying to make up a lie as fast as I can. But then I got interrupted by the Shy Guy, "Patience Princess, this'll do fine." The attention was back at Mario, "So, you're Mario, Peach's hero, yes?" The Shy Guy plotted a moment, "Yes... You will do great... Your crisp bright colors... I can see it now..." That doesn't sound good... Not at all.

"We should get out of he-" "what are you doing?" The Shy Guy said, noticing me wispering to Mario. I quickly replied, "Nothing! Got a bit light headed sir!" The Shy Guy got suspicious, "You're not really folded... Are you?"

I couldn't reply to that. It would make me look like a spy! And besides, that Shy Guy is a lot more smart than the others... He figured me out already! So I shouldn't make it worse... "Ah, so it seems I may have a bit of work on my hands... No matter, will you two volenteer your paper bodies to the cause?... Or would we have to be... Crumply with you? Yes or no?"

"Nope." I imediatly said.  I DEFINITELY not want to become what ever a Paper Soilder is! I don't want to lose my personality! It's all I have!

"I expected nothing less... And besides, I wouldn't want it any other way!" The Shy Guy said with a small frustrated chuckle, "Take a nice long look at Peach, don't you think she's better this way? No need to answer, you'll soon feel the power of Origami yourself... Folded Soilders! Come forth!"

And with that, three Folded Soilders walked in. A Goomba and two red Shy Guys. "I never saw a Folded Soilder like that Mario! Do you think it's one of your paper friends?" Olivia said, then, the Goomba walked towards us slowly... And what it said will haunt me forever...

"I... NeVeR... GoT tO sEe... A tOaD... PREPARE TO BE FOLDED!!!"

All three of the Folded Soilders attacked us. Mario jumped on the Goomba as Bowser burned one of the red Shy Guys to a crisp. While I... Well... Kicked the other Shy Guy. It was hard enough for them to fall over, so I took the chance to jump on it. And then stomp on it repeatedly. Until it disappeared completely. When I was done, I saw Mario look at the yellow Shy Guy with shock. He knew that Goomba... Didn't he? That must've hurt... A lot...

"So, you deafeted the first Goomba. Bravo! But, that is far from the deadliest creature in this realm." "Wait, whaaaaaaaaaat?" I said in pure confusion. "Have you EVER seen Mario's adventures? Bowser said to me. I just replied with, "... No?..."

The Yellow Shy Guy continued, "I guess there's no point in keeping this Charade any longer..." And the yellow Shy Guy rose up and started unfolding itself! "What kind of sorcery is that!?!?" I yelled out loud. Olivia answered me, "The sorcery of my brother... Olly..." The floating paper then refolded itself into a smallish thing that looks quite similar to Olivia... But purple and has some hair on his left eye.

"Oh dear Olivia, I am no longer your brother... I am now King Olly! And I won't let you medel with my plans!" With a small glow on Olly's right eye, he rose up again and started to make his whole body glow! In a moment or two, five streamers of different colors came in and started wrapping around the castle. Luckily, there was a giant Clown Car with a regular Shy Guy (I'm done with Shy Guys today!!!) in it. Bowser took the liberty to jump into it imediatly. Mario and Olivia followed up in, but I was struggling to stay standing. I ran, and jumped, but didn't land in the Clown Car all the way, causing Mario to fall back down into the castle entrance! And in seconds, he got stuck in the streamers along with the castle! I tried to crawl back in, but the Clown Car but it cut a corner and flung Olivia and I out into the sky!

"Come back!  COME BACK!!!" I yelled desperately. But, the Shy Guy and Bowser didn't even look back at us. They... abandoned... Us... They... Abandoned... Me...

((Whew! This was a LONG one! 2977 words!? It really does show you how long the actual game is! And I even edited some stuff in there too!

Expect me to take EVEN LONGER to finish future chapters! Because I'm gonna put my heart and soul into each and every one of them!

Also, I FINALLY BEAT THE GAME!!! And it was sad... But, that won't stop me from making this book! See ya'll later!))

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