The Horizon and the Sea

By TragicPeachy

35.5K 1.3K 649

While interning in there third year at U.A., Bakugo and Kirishima are transported to a remote deserted island... More

A Normal Day...
Crab Holes...
Falling for You...
Doodles in the Sand...
Storm of Doubt...
Sick and Tired...
Rising Tide...
A Hopeful Light...
You're My Home...

Alone Together...

3.3K 127 25
By TragicPeachy

Bakugo walked toward the water's edge, looking out into the sea. He couldn't see any other land, no boats. He walked over to a tree on the edge of the tree line, climbing up into the large palm leaves. He looked into the dense forest around them, no sign of other people.

"Hey uh, Bakugo," Kiri said hesitantly.

"What?" He dropped down from the tree onto the sand beside Kirishima.

"I don't have my phone, and I don't think anyone knows where we are. We don't even know where we are."

"Yeah, and I doubt we'd get a signal out here, even if either of us had our phones."

"So, what should we do?"

"Try not to die and hope to god someone comes and rescues us I guess."

"Ok, survival, um," he thought for a moment, "what exactly should we do about that?" Bakugo sighed heavily.

"See if you can find us something to eat, I'll either find or make us some shelter."

"Woah, you know how to do that?"

"Not exactly, but I saw something about this kind of thing on tv once, and it's the best we have, so go find food and meet me back here before sunset."Kirishima nodded. He took off the extra parts of his costume, dropping them in the sand. His mask and arm pieces along with the sleeves.

"Now we have something to come back to, so we know where we are. Also, I don't think I'll need them to find food, so Bakugo followed suit, dropping his gauntlets into the sand followed by his mask and gloves. The two headed off, Kirishima towards the forest, and Bakugo followed the coastline.

As Bakugo walked around the island his hope slowly started to fade. There was no sign of any other people anywhere. He made it all the way around the island, seeing no signs of land. He headed back towards where he and Kiri first landed to regroup. When he got back he saw that Kirishima had now shed his shoes, leaving them in the pile of other stuff he took off before. He turned towards the forest to see Kirishima coming out holding the skirt from his costume like a sack over his shoulder.

"Hey bro!" he lit up when he noticed Bakugo standing on the shore. He dropped his skirt down onto the sand at their feet. "I found some things that we might be able to eat!" he said excitedly. He opened the skirt slightly, revealing a collection of crabs and other shellfish. "Oh, and I might have found a place we can stay too."

"How the fuck? It's been like three hours at best!" Bakugo said, shocked.

"I mean yeah, so? Do you want to see it or not?"

"I mean, yeah,"

"Oh you might want to leave your shoes, there are some muddy places and a small river." Bakugo took off his boots followed by his socks, tossing them back into the pile. Kirishima grabbed his skirt full of shellfish and headed towards the forest again. The two made their way through the thick, overgrown forest when Kirishima stopped.

"Hey, why'd you stop?" Bakugo asked, "Did you get us lost or something?"

"Uh, no, hold on, take this" he handed Bakugo the bag full of crabs then grabbed onto a nearby tree, climbing up it with surprising speed. He disappeared into the treetops for a moment before making his way back down the tree. He took the bag back and started forward again.

"So what was that all about?"

"Just had to make sure we were still on track, this forest is unfamiliar to me, don't know my way around it. We're all good now, we were on the right track." The two kept walking until they reached a small clearing.

"This it?" Bakugo asked, looking around at the empty clearing around them.

"Yeah, well, kind of," Kiri placed down the makeshift bag and crossed to the other end of the clearing. He pulled on a small curtain of vines to reveal a large piece of metal.

"What's that?" Bakugo approached Kiri, looking at what was in front of them.

"I think it used to be a plane, probably crashed here a long time ago." Bakugo climbed in, Kirishima behind him. The seats of the plane were weathered and falling apart.

"And you just stumbled on this?" Bakugo questioned.

"Well, not exactly, I climbed a tree to see how big the island was and to try to see the layout and I saw the clearing and I got curious." He watched as Bakugo searched around the damaged plane. "I already looked and I didn't find any food or clothes we can use here, but I thought we could stay here, at least for tonight."

"Yeah, gets us inside at least," Bakugo continued to poke around the plane.

"So, what now?" Kirishima asked. The two stood in silence inside the old plane for a second before either spoke again.

"Well, do you wanna eat?" Bakugo asked, looking towards the bag of shellfish.

"Yeah, you know how to cook these?"

"Of course I do, it's not that damn hard," Bakugo said sharply. The two made their way out of the plane into the clearing. The two struggled to start a fire, finally getting a small fire started as the sun began to set. Bakugo began to cook shellfish, spearing them with a large stick.

Kirishima sat in the grass watching Bakugo as he held a large crab over the fire. A small smile sat on his face as he watched Bakugo peacefully cooking. Bakugo tended to calm down when he was cooking, focusing on the food rather than everything else. Bakugo turned quickly and held out the stick towards Kirishima, startling him. His face turned slightly pinker as he took the stick, afraid he was caught staring.

"This should be cooked all the way," Bakugo said, taking a seat across from Kirishima.

"Thanks man!" Kirishima said happily. He hardened his fingers and cracked open the crab. He pulled the still hot meat out of the shell. The two sat and ate their food in relative silence as the world around them got darker. Once they had finished eating they began collecting leave and brush to sleep on. They placed the leaves down on the floor of the plane, in between the rows of seats, creating a small place for them to sleep, just big enough for the two of them to fit. The two laid down and got ready to sleep. After about an hour in the dark Kirishima spoke softly.

"Hey, Bakugo, you up?" Bakugo sighed heavily and then rolled over facing Kiri.

"Yeah," he said tiredly.

"Do you think anyone's coming for us?" Kirishima said, the worry in his voice obvious.

"Yeah, they better be. I'm sure Fatgum saw us disappear and got a hold of Aizawa and the school, and are trying to figure out where we are."

"But what if they can't figure out where we are?" Kiri tried to hide the fear in his voice, but Bakugo could hear it.

"Then we survive until they do," he said plainly. "You know those idiots won't stop looking," he sat up and turned toward Kiri. "And if they don't find us, we can build a raft or something." Kiri looked at him in the darkness. "We will get home, I promise," Bakugo spoke softly.

"Thanks, Bakugo," he said in almost a whisper.

"Yeah, now let's get some sleep," Bakugo laid back down, his own fears creeping behind the words he had spoken to Kiri. He meant what he said, he knew that people would come to look for them, but what if they didn't? How long would they have to stay there before someone found them? He didn't want to stay here forever, he didn't want to die here, but at least he wasn't alone. With Kiri here at least he wouldn't lose his mind. He turned his head to look at Kiri who was now sleeping soundly next to him. Bakugo matched his breathing to Kiri's, watching as the other slept peacefully.

"Maybe this won't be so bad," he said to no one in particular before shutting his eyes and drifting to sleep as well.

1380 words.

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