The One He Loved | Hogwarts F...

By anotherbrokenwriter

544 11 5

Salazar Slytherin knew that had he and those who accompanied him needed to keep a low profile about who they... More

The One He Loved
| Zero |
| One |
| Three |
| Four |

| Two |

53 1 0
By anotherbrokenwriter

It wasn't long before Gala would start not coming home for dinners. Salazar would ask Helga to keep an eye on the young one, keeping her away from trouble. Helga only called him a terrified child. 

"She did mention she was not coming home, tonight" Helga announced as the three of them sat on the table for dinner. Godric let out a very disappointed sigh but continued to say nothing in relation to his sister. The thunder shook the small house, making the lights flicker. 

"I'll go get more candles." Helga whispered as she reached for her wand and summoned them from around the home. The main space was now much lighter, the faces of Godric, Salazar and Helga framed with the shadow the flame would create. The rain poured down quickly and hard, the droplets banging on the roof. 

"Do you think she's okay?" Godric asked the two of them, wanting an answer that he might have. 

"She has to be" 


Gala looked at the rain as it created puddles on the ground. 

"Alright, child?" She looks up and smiles at the nun. "It is mighty cold out here, why don't you join us in the kitchen? We are all having a bit of warm drink."

"Sister, do you think I am a bad child?" The nun sits down next to her, grabbing her cold hands between her own. "I leave my brother and my friends at home just to be here."

"Your heart is to the church, and to the children that love you so. If you wish to stay here, that is your heart calling. Your family should be understanding that it is something that we are called for." 

"What if I wasn't good as you think I was?" 

"Dearest child, every single one of us has their own flaws. It is your choice to go against it or for it. Come now, I don't need another sick in this home"  

The next day, Gala gathered her belongings and met with Arman at the front of the door. 

"ready for today?"

"Did you hear whats going on, Gala?" She looks at the boy, confused. His gaze was straight ahead, staring at the group of priests and villagers. "They said they had dreams."

"Dreams? Everybody has dreams" 

"No, i heard them last night. Dreams of fires and the devil."

"Thats just crazy." Gala grabbed his hands. "Come on, lets go get some stuff for the kids and maybe we can even treat ourselves with something sweet." 

Arman wasn't himself for the rest of the day. He continued to whisper about the devil and flames. On how they wanted them to burn and the screams that meant they were cleansed from sin. Gala watched the boy carefully, making sure he wouldn't start suspecting anything. She made sure her magic use was almost nothing, feeling as she was much more of a muggle than a wizard herself. 

"TESTIFY" Gala and Arman look behind them, as they dragged a woman from her home by her hair. Her husband carrying the crying children on his arms, his face emotionaless. 

"I am innocent!" She screamed as they continued to drag her through the forest. Gala looks at Arman and back at the crowd. 

"We have to see whats going on. Come with me, Arman."

"Are you crazy? I don't need any nightmares!" Gala listened to no word he said and grabbed his hand as they run behind the growing crowd. 

"I am innocent! please, I have children!" 

"And they too shall go through trial!" The priest yelled.  Arman looked around and ran off. 

"Arman!" Gala runned after the boy, and went straight to the church where all the children had gathered in fear. Once they saw her, the children went to hug her, obtaining a comfort hold. "Whats going on out there?" 

"Father had a dream, dear. We have those of the devil around us. Those with magic powers. He said that after the storm, everything shifted. They are coming out of hiding." 

"Magic powers? As in Witches?" Gala asked, her wand now feeling heavier than before. 

"Correct child. I think you should go home, Gala. Your brother might be very upset." The sun was setting and Gala wasted no time in running back home. The clouds above her began to cover the colored sky, the sound of thunder rolling through the nearest village. Godric was not outside, but the candles in their home were lit. She looked back, her hand now reached her bag and her hand wrapped around her wand.

"Godric!" She yelled as she slammed the door wide open. The rain began to pour down on her as she searched the house. "Helga?" 

"Well, it seems like you do have a home." His worries immediately left her body as she looked at Salazar's face. She looked around and sank to her knees. 

Salazer immediately looked at her with concern and joined her. 

"Are you hurt? Are you okay?" His hand touched her arms, looking around for injuries. He pushed a strand of hair away from her face. "Gala, what sis going on?" 

"They know."

"They know what, Gala?" Salazar demanded. "Answer me." 

"The father from the church had a dream. He knows there's witches and wizards." They both lock gaze. Gala's eyes filled with fear,  Salazar's filled with anger. "I saw them kill a muggle..."

"A Muggle?"

"The woman from the cottage in the forest." 

"That was no muggle, sister." Gala turned to see her brother standing under the doorframe with an empty expression. "She was one of us." 

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