There Is More To Love - Choni

Από rwraven

51.1K 971 1K

(1:15) - Unknown Number- Hey, what's your name? (1:18)- Cheryl Blossom- Not happening. (1:18) - Unknown Numbe... Περισσότερα

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 10
Chpater 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 14

1.7K 28 1
Από rwraven

This chapter sucks. That's it. That's the tweet.
"Thanks," Cheryl smiled shyly at the cocker bottle offered to her, Toni taking the empty lawn chair beside her around the fire pit

"So, you're the Cheryl I've heard so much about!" Barty beamed, running over and tackling the redhead in a hug "Um, yeah... that's me,"

Toni rolled her eyes, popping the cap off her beer and shoving Barty in the shoulder "Back off, Junior."

Barty feigned innocence, throwing his hands up in surrender, "Just wanted to meet the girl you never shut up about- Ow!" Sweetpea laughed as the smaller boy rubbed his sore arm, sulking off to the opposite side of the fire pit

"Good to see you, Bombshell." Sweetpea grinned, dropping down in front of the girls, giggling maniacally when Fangs came stumbling over and falling into his lap
Her gaze stopped on the drunken mess . Sweet Pea was still pretty scary looking, but he had a bright smile as he talked amoursly with the shorter boy

"Uh?" Cheryl looked at Toni with silent question, who just raised her beer and smiled toothily "The Serpent way."

"Speaking of that, can someone please tell me what the Serpent code is?"

FP appeared out of nowhere, which Cheryl decided to accept as something normal around here, swinging his arm around Jughead's shoulders "Why dont you go ahead and tell her, boy? Someday you'll be takin' over the family business."

Jughead groaned in embarrassment as his father shook him by the shoulder, pulling a log up to sit in across from the girls "Well," he sighed, adjusting the beanie on his head, "Theres several laws we go by. They're incredibly important to us. Which is why they're laws and not rules," He drawled, "One, a Serpent never shows cowardice."

The boys nodded, puffing their chests out almost heroically. Toni did the same, saluting FP.

"No Serpent stands alone."
The boys made a show by wrapping their arms around each other, or at least tried to, and just ended up in a heaved mess once again

"If a Serpent is killed or imprisoned, their family will be taken care of." Cheryl couldnt help but look at each teen sitting around the pit. Were all of their families dead?

"No Serpent is left for dead. A Serpent never betrays his own."
Cheryl saw the small smile playing on Toni's lips, and felt her heart swell fondly

"And lastly," Jughead smirked, counting to three where every Serpent nearby shouted out; "In unity, there is strength!"

FP clapped his son on the shoulder, ruffling the beanie on his head and stalking off to join some of the older looking men hanging by the keg. Cheryl took in the trailer park, scoping the scrappy surroundings the Serpents called home.

There were a bunch of rusty silver trailers sitting in a circle, some parked further into the foliage.
There were chairs strewn haphazardly around the campsite, empty cans and red solo cups thrown on the ground. She briefly wondered which was Toni's trailer, but that was solved as the pinkette pointed to one with a small pride flag hanging off the door.

When Cheryl went to open her mouth, a snarky remark on her tongue, she was cut off by a bunch of people shouting incoherently, forming around the makeshift bar. When she was going to ask what was happening; a body was thrown down onto the table.

"Holy shit."

"Oh fuck," Toni groaned, standing,  following the three boys who were already making their way over to the group,

With a nervous glance around, she followed thru the throttles of people. Had there always been that many serpents? 
in approaching, she saw Jughead with a sneer and a few other serpent members with the same faces., facing off with another gang with strange face paintings done and torn up clothes, carrying baseball bats and various other strange weapons.

"Your kinds not welcome here, Ghoulie." Fangs growled out, and that just seemed to cause the other gang to get riled up.

Oh, so those were the Ghoulies. They looked a lot more awful when they weren't in their football gear.

"Such a shame," the oldest of the Ghoulies said, rounding the group to stand in front of the pink haired serpent  "What happened at the game. Didn't want it to have to be like this, but well, we all know what happens when the Southside scum," he emphasized the last word by spitting near Toni's boots "Cheat to win."

"We didn't cheat, Malachai. So take your goons and go." Fangs growled out lowly, stepping up to face the smug man

Cheryl watched as Toni's nails dug into her palm. Her knuckles were white, and face expressionless as the man continued circling her. So this was Toni's brother?
Something in Cheryl's stomach clenched uneasily. Protectiveness suddenly filling her lithe body with rage.

she couldn't tear her eyes away from the event unfolding, despite the pit in her stomach just digging deeper. "Is this your little girlfriend?" Another boy smirked, pointing at the redhead who was rooted in spot. "Let me introduce myself honey, I'm Kurtz" he grinned, his teeth chipped and eyes hungry "I like this one Topaz, maybe I'll take her home with me tonight."

A blow to his jaw landed, and it was almost surprising how strong Toni could be. He doubled over, and in a mere flash blades were extracted from the serpents, bats lifting on the other side, as the serpents and Ghoulies went at each other

The man kicked Toni down, and she spat out some blood that was pooling in her mouth "fuck..." she grumbled out, before standing back to her feet, her fists faster than the Ghoulie could react.

He landed his own blows, and by now FP, hand clutches on the pistol by his side, quickly pushed the two apart, "Serpents, back down!" He commanded, shooting a fiery look at his son, who was wiping the blood from his mouth

"Get the hell out of here, you're on Serpent land." The bearded man sneered. The Ghoulies began running off, Malachai shooting his sister a look that wasn't readable, before stomping back to his car.

Sweetpea shook his bloodied fist out, grabbing a beer can and chugging it, crushing it and tossing it before wiping the excess on the back of his hand.

"Oh..." Cheryl looked in horror at the brunette, who's face was bloodied and bruised, staring up at her helplessly, chest heaving "Oh my god, TT..."

Toni groaned, lifting herself to her feet with the help of Jughead and Fangs, who looked her over like they were human X-Ray machines, checking for any obvious contortions.

"I'm good, guys."

She looked uneasy, glancing at the same pride flag hanging from her trailer, rolling her shoulders back
"Do you want to, uh.... come have a look around my trailer? While I get cleaned up."
Toni was nervous, by the sight of her biting her cheek and bouncing leg. 

Sweetpea shouted from over the lip of his new found beer "Have fun, ladies!

Toni just flipped him off, shoving a laughing Cheryl into the warmth of her home.

Cheryl looked around the trailer. Her bedroom alone was probably the size of half the trailer, but despite its size she had to admit it had a cozy, home-like feeling.

"I'll be right back, babe!" Toni called out, already making her way to what Cheryl could only assume was her bedroom.

She paced around anxiously. The house smelt like Toni. Her clothes were thrown in a random basket Cheryl a summer to be laundry, a few dishes in the sink.
She smirked, walking over to the yellowing picture pinned to the wall. It was Toni and Jughead as kids, arms thrown around each other and oversized leather jackets swung around them. Even back then, Jughead seemed to keep that grey beanie with which the threads were being torn at this point.

"Okay, I'm back!"
The trailer was in rough shape, Toni though, looked like something right out of a movie. her hair wasnt lacking in shine from the overhead bulb and was pulled into a high ponytail, a strip of pink hair loose by her face, and her lips were adorned a dull pink lipstick, and she for the first time Cheryl ever saw, wasnt wearing her usual Serpent jacket and combat boots but instead a bright yellow hoodie and slippers. but she was still so much more alive than the last time she had seen her.
All traces of makeup and coverage hiding her battle scars from her fight with that dickhead Ghoulie washed right off, and Cheryl could really see how bad the marks on her face were. A dark blue and purple- maybe even black covered her cheek, with a swollen lip that she hadn't noticed earlier.

"Cheryl?" She heard Toni ask, and looked over at the concerned girl who was probably wondering where her mind was going off to "You okay?"

"Just much cleaner than I expected."

Toni laughed. It was true, her home was surprisingly clean besides the mostly empty bottle of vodka and stray beer cans littering the kitchen. But yet, the magazines were neatly on the table in the similar living room, with a warm light filling space. A fluffy blanket hung over the couch, and a plush carpet covering up the floorboards.

Toni smiled softly "Wanna come meet someone?" She asked softly, placing a careful hand on her shoulder "Uh, sure.."

The floor creaked with every step, but the redhead found herself adoring the quaint little trailer the longer she was there. It was warm and full with colourful and personal things, unlike her cold, empty and soulless home. Covered in posters of Toni's favourite musicians, and tapestry's pinned up to hide the cracks and holes in the walls. It didn't cease the cold winter breeze drawing thru, but the limitless amounts of blankets and pillows on Toni's bed kept it insulated a bit better. Laying on the bed with shaggy blonde fur and bright eyes was a dog, tail wagging and toy forgotten upon the new face. He quickly jumped off the bed, paws splaying just below Cheryl's knees as he barked excitedly
"This," Toni laughed, swooping the dog into her arms "Is Hot Dog."

Cheryl smiled, running a hand over the dog's soft ears "Hot Dog?" She asked amusedly, looking at the faded dog tag

"Yep. He's the best boy in the Serpents."

"Did you pick that name out too?"

Toni put the dog back on the bed, sitting down beside him allowing him to curl up on her lap "I like your trailer." Cheryl confessed, sitting on the surprisingly comfy bed

Toni smiled sheepishly "Yeah, sorry it's a mess.. wasnt expecting to just randomly ask you to hangout at midnight."

Cheryl laughed, nodding her head in agreement "Neither did I. But I'm glad you did."

Toni looked up briefly, her cheeks flush "Me too."

A loud knock came to the door of the trailer, and Toni groaned dramatically, pulling herself to her feet
and making her way to the door, pulling it open to see Jughead, camera in hand and the other two boys smiling impishly at her "What?"

"Come on. We're teaching Cheryl to use her bow."

Both Cheryl and Hot Dog's ears perked up, excitement bubbling low in her belly.
How was it that behind surrounded by what her parents referred to as petty thieves and criminals was more of a home then Thornhill.

Toni came running back in, tossing her serpent jacket on, pulling her hair down, tossing a beanie off and pulling her boots on.
Cheryl was dumbfounded how fast the girl changed.

"You coming?" Toni smirked, offering her hand "Oh, also," Toni pulled her in closer, her lips inches away from Cheryl's ear, causing a shiver to run up her spine like fingers on a piano "I love that jacket on you."

Yeah, Cheryl could definitely get used to being apart of the Serpent life.

Sunday AM

(10:44) -Cheryl-
I told my mum about you.

(10:46) -Toni-
Oh, shit, really? How'd it go?

(10:47) -Cheryl-
Surprisingly good

(10:47) -Cheryl-
Except she's upset with me because I lied to her about last night

(10:48) -Cheryl-
But I expected that.

(10:48) -Toni-
I'm relieved it went okay. Maybe Penelope isn't as crazy as everyone says

(10:49) -Cheryl-
No, she's definitely just as crazy.

(10:50) -Cheryl-
I don't know what to do about my Dad, though.

(10:51) -Cheryl-
I'm really scared about telling him. He's very... vocal about his beliefs.

(10:52) -Toni-
Then don't. If your mum won't tell him either.

(10:53) -Cheryl-
She won't tell him, but she also won't lie to him.

(10:55) -Toni-
But she'll back you up, won't she?

(10:59) -Cheryl-
I think so. I hope so.

(10:59) -Toni-
Well, I will in any case. And the boys. I'm sure we can fit you under  Fangs' bed.

(11:00) -Cheryl-
Ha. Thanks, Toni.

(11:01) -Cheryl-
Mum said that it did explain some things.

(11:03) -Toni-

(11:03) -Cheryl-
She said she thought I was reading a lot of humour articles on my phone.

(11:04) -Toni-

(11:04) -Toni-
Did you tell her I'm better than any humour article?

(11:05) -Cheryl-
She's been asking me this whole time what's so funny whenever I laugh

(11:05) -Cheryl-
She said she got suspicious when I refused to tell her.

(11:06) -Toni-
You're the worst liar.

(11:08) -Cheryl-
I am. But did you tell them that you got arrested?

(11:09) -Toni-
It's a Sunday morning, Moony, after a night of drinking and brawling, do you really think they're awake?

(11:10) -Toni-
Well, Fangs is awake but he also got up at nine in the morning to do laps of the trailer park like a freak

(11:10) -Toni-
But Jug is still asleep on the couch. Fucking Sweetpea decided to crash on my floor.

(11:13) -Cheryl-
It's nearly the afternoon.

(11:14) -Toni-
It's Sunday.

(11:15) -Cheryl-
It's still nearly the afternoon.

(11:16) -Cheryl-
Are you telling me that I woke you up?

(11:18) -Toni-
Uh. Yeah. But now I'm wondering how many pillows I'll have to throw at Sweets to wake him up and make him get me something to eat.

(11:19) -Cheryl-
Why does he put up with you, honestly.

(11:20) -Toni-
Sometimes we do his physics tests for him.

(11:20) -Cheryl-
His tests? How?

(11:21) -Toni-
Very sneakily. We've had a lot of practice

(11:21) -Toni-
Three pillows and he's still snoring

(11:22) -Toni-
I'm running out of ammo. Bring me your bow and arrows.

(11:25) -Cheryl-
No, you psychopath. Just get up yourself.

(11:26) -Toni-
The aim is so I don't have to get up at all.

(11:27) -Cheryl-

(11:28) -Toni-
Says the girl who got carried all night.

(11:29) -Cheryl-
Shall I text Fangs? "Guess what I had to do last night before I came over – you'll love this story."

(11:30) -Toni-
Moony, you wouldn't.

(11:31) -Cheryl-
You're the one that insisted I be carried.

(11:32) -Toni-
I did promise you transport.

(11:33) -Cheryl-
Leave Sweetpea alone.

(11:35) -Toni-
Fiiiine, I'll get up

(11:35) -Toni-

(11:35) -Cheryl-

(11:36) -Toni-
We're gonna go get Fangs and I'll break the news

(11:36) -Toni-
Prepare my casket.

(11:38) -Cheryl-
White or red roses?

(11:39) -Toni-
Red like the blood that will be spilt all over the cafeteria floor. And like your hair. Gotta honour you in my death, too.

(11:40) -Cheryl-


Sunday PM

(1:25) -Toni-
My arms hurt from being punched so much

(1:25) -Toni-
I liked your reaction much better, you know

(1:26) -Toni-
Hysterical laughter is so much nicer to being beaten up.

(1:27) -Cheryl-
Fangs or Jughead?

(1:27) -Toni-

(1:28) -Toni-
They ganged up on me.

(1:29) -Cheryl-
Maybe their reaction was more appropriate.

(1:30) -Toni-
I don't care about appropriate, yours was still better. Pretty sure I preferred getting beaten up by Kurtz, too.


(1:40) -Fangs-
Thanks for bailing the shithead out.

(1:41) -Cheryl-
That's ok

(1:41) -Cheryl-
Didn't have much of a choice, honestly

(1:42) -Cheryl-
She was paying for dinner.

(1:43) -Toni-
You realise I'm here, right?

(1:43) -Cheryl-
Oh, TT, hello.

(1:44) -Jughead-
I'm here too. Did you get a picture?

(1:45) -Cheryl-
Regrettably not.

(1:46) -Jughead-
Damn. Would have looked great in the year book.

(1:47) -Sweetpea-
Jug, enough with your year book shit.

(1:47) -Jughead-
Don't you want to capture your high school memories?

(1:47) -Sweetpea-
I'm not bothered.

(1:49) -Jughead-

(1:50) -Jughead-
Sweetpea, dw, we've got plenty of photos we can use for Toni here.

(1:51) -Cheryl-
Can I see them?

(1:52) -Jughead-
Of course.

(1:52) -Toni-

(1:53) -Jughead-
Too late, Toni. This is your punishment for GETTING ARRESTED.

(1:53) -Jughead-
But, I also got this one last night.

(1:53) - Jughead-
*1 image attached*

(1:54) -Cheryl-
Oh my god, Jughead, you're amazing

(1:54) - Toni-
That's... actually really fucKING CUTE OH MY GOD I LOVE YOU

(1:55) -Fangs-
Hey, Topaz, do you think you'll get your actual licence now?

(1:55) -Jughead-
Oh, what a shocking idea.

(1:55) -Toni-
Stuff it, dickheads.

(1:55) -Toni-

(1:56) -Fangs-
If you ever want to ride a motorcycle again in you life then you should be saying YES.

(1:57) -Toni-
Hey Pea, when did Drew become our mother?

(1:57) -Sweetpea-
Idk man maybe when you got ARRESTED.

(1:58) -Toni-
I thought I could count on you.

(1:58) -Sweetpea-
You want me to side against Fangs? That's dangerous. He's got an army of girls that owe him a favour.

(1:59) -Fangs-
Yeah, Toni. Don't be messing with my motherfucking clique.

(1:59) -Toni-
I am your clique!

(2:00) -Fangs-
Not anymore. We don't let prisoners into the clique.

(2:01) -Toni-
I wasn't even a prisoner. I wasn't charged! and newsflash asshole we've ALL been arrested. Were in a fucking G A N G

(2:01) -Toni-
Bombshell, help me out.

(2:02) -Cheryl-
No, no, I'm enjoying this.

(2:03) -Toni-
You know what Cheryl did when she came and got me? She laughed! Actually laughed!

(2:03) -Cheryl-
Hey! Traitor!

(2:03) -Jughead-
I would have laughed too seeing your sorry ass parked in a cell.

(2:04) -Cheryl-
It was quite amusing.

(2:05) -Toni-
I don't deserve any of this.

(2:05) -Jughead-
Hey, be thankful I'm not telling FP.

(2:05) -Toni-

(2:06) -Toni-

(2:06) -Toni-
Thanks, Jug.

(2:07) -Jughead-
You're welcome. Don't get fucking arrested again, ok?

(2:07) -Toni-
Ok. Promise.

(2:09) -Fangs-
At least not without us

(2:10) -Sweetpea-
Took the words right out of my mouth

(2:11) -Jughead-
Maybe send Cheryl some chocolate.

(2:12) -Toni-
She doesn't seem like the chocolate type

(2:14) -Fangs-
Can never do wrong with flowers.

(2:14) -Sweetpea-
True that

(2:15) -Sweetpea-
Oh, and a handmade card with a love letter?

(2:16) -Toni-
Yeah Sweets, can I borrow your scrap booking things for it?

(2:16) -Sweetpea-
It's not scrap booking!

(2:17) -Fangs-
It pretty much is, dude.

(2:17) -Toni-
Is this the year book thing again?

(2:18) -Jughead-
Yeah, Sweetpea joined the club.

(2:18) -Sweetpea-
I have an artistic flair.

(2:19) -Jughead-
Or that's what Veronica says but we're not so sure.

(2:20) -Sweetpea-
Fuck you guys, you'll see. My pages will be the best.

(2:21) -Fangs-
We'll hold you to that.

(2:22) -Toni-
So I can't use your glitter glue?

(2:23) -Sweetpea-
You have been banned from using both glitter and glue so what makes you think I'd let you have a combination of the two?

(2:24) -Toni-
Marauders Code? Help a girl out?

(2:24) -Sweetpea-
Maruaders Code does not cover glitter glue, I'm afraid. Maybe check the Serpent's.

(2:25) -Toni-
It should cover it. We should write it in.

(2:25) -Fangs-
That's not how legislation works. We'll write it in after the matter is dealt with.

(2:26) -Sweetpea-
Don't touch my glitter glue.

(2:27) -Cheryl-
What use is glitter glue in a year book? Isn't it all printed?

(2:27) -Fangs-

(2:27) -Toni-
Shit, she's right.

(2:28) -Jughead-
Sweetpea, what's the glitter glue for?

(2:29) -Sweetpea-
Not telling.

(2:29) -Toni-
You have to.

(2:30) -Sweetpea-
No I don't.

(2:30) -Jughead-
We'll jump you.

(2:31) -Sweetpea-
I'm used to it by now. Do your worse.

(2:32) -Toni-
We bid you farewell, Bombshell. Important business to attend to.

(2:33) -Cheryl-
I understand. Good luck, Sweetpea.

(2:33) -Sweetpea-
Thanks maAa

(2:33) -Cheryl-

(2:34) -Cheryl-
Oh, you've already been ambushed.

(2:34) -Cheryl-
God speed.


(9:22) -Cheryl-
I hope Sweetpea is still alive.

(9:23) -Toni-
Eh, he'll be fiiiiiine.

(9:26) -Toni-

(9:27) -Toni-
Can I call you?

(9:30) -Cheryl-
Of course.

[Calling: Cheryl]



"I don't actually have anything to say."

"Neither do I, really. I'm reading the books Lyon gave me."

"The erotica?"

"No, TT, not the erotica."


"Did you know that there's a couple in the highlands of Scotland that collect UFO debris?"

"Can't say it was a part of my general knowledge, no."

"Well, now you know."

"It's good information to have."

"I think I might believe in aliens a little."

"Cheryl, no."

"Not weird green things with long fingers and bulging eyes. Surely we can't be the only life forms in the universe."

"I hope for the sake of the other life forms that they don't find us."

"Ha, we'd blast them to pieces, wouldn't we?"


"There's a theory that there are already aliens living among us."

"Cheryl, are you trying to tell me something?"

"Toni, I'm an alien."

"So am I."

"Will you... Toni, will you be the Xenomorph to my E.T.?"

"Cheryl, I'd be the luckiest woman alive."

"G-goo-ood. Oh, sorry. Yawning."

"Are you going to bed?"

"No-ot if you want to talk."

"Go to bed, Cheryl."

"Fine. You too. School tomorrow."

"Pft. Sure, babe."


"Cheryl? Ooo, are you going to sleep talk with me again? ... No? Damn. Goodnight, Moony."

[Call Disconnected]

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