Goodbye Cullens(a Twilight an...

By Demigodfrominkheart

388K 8.2K 1.1K

***DISCONTINUED DUE TO BULLYING*** My name is Meredith. I'm the twin of Renessmee. Of course Mrs.Myers left m... More

Chapter one*about me*
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter five
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter eight
chapter 9
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter 20
Not an update
Chapter 21
Writing again
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Author's note
my mental health
continue writing
chapter 24
Chapter 25
chapter 26
not a chapter
chapter 27
story over
Its out guys!!

chapter 4

19.4K 484 101
By Demigodfrominkheart

A/N I know its really short but I ran out of time

*Meredith's POV*

After I say bye to Rebekah- excuse me, Bekah, I call mom.
Rose Meredith Emmett

Hey mama!
Meredith! Hey my baby!!

Hey Daddy!!
So what you need girlie, I know you don't miss us already

Umm, this is really embarrassing, but I don't know which car is mime
Hush you big baby. Meredith, your car is the four-wheel drive truck, press the button on your keys and the truck will beep.

Yes! I have get stuck in the mud (yeah I'm in a tomboy mood so keep your judgement to yourself)
That's my girl!!!
Don't mess up your clothes!!

Well, I need to call a girl I met on the plane . She said she would show me around. Love y'all!
Love you! Get a boyfriend!
Love you! No boyfriends!

    And with that,I hung up. I got in my car and drove to the only place to eat I'm this town, the Mystic Grill. I order some cheese fries and a Coke. Waiting for my coke an extremely good looking man with icy-blue eyes can over to me

"May I help you?" I ask being polite, thats how my parents-thats how mom raised me

"Not but I bet I can help you, miss..." He trails off hopping to catch my name

"Cullen but I swear if you call me by that I will rip off your head and feed it to my sisters werewolf" I say sounding like I'm kidding, but I'm not.

"Call me Meredith or Rose or both" I tell him.

"Well miss Rose, my names Damon Salvatore, and I know this town like the back of my hand" he says.

"Well Mr Salvatore, you could tell me where Rebekah Mikealson lives" I suggest.

A look of confusion and caution flashes his face.

"Um sure" he says sounding slightly taken back.

 He jumps in his car and I jump in my truck.

**time skip**

Before long we stop in front of a freakin mansion! 

Dang I think to myself.

Damon is gone before I can say thank you.

I come up to the door and hesitantly knock.
"Hello, love"says a man with an amazing accent

"Are you British?!" I ask instead of replying

He chuckles and says "yes love, I am"

"What's your name," he asks

Before I can reply, Bekah comes running in screaming,"MEREDITH!!!!"

The man and I just laugh

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