Another Cinderella Story - Li...

By lovebae97

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Do you have a mental disorder?" Lisa gave him a 'where the hell did that come from' look. "No..." "Really? It... More

Who Are You!!?
Not Yet Over
The Truth
They Lived Happily Ever After...NOT!
Author's Note

The Problem

500 30 1
By lovebae97

"You want to know what your problem is?!" Yelled Lisa, frustration clearly shown on her face. Rosé shook her head, declining the offer to have Lisa explain 'the problem'. "Well I'm going to tell you!" Lisa placed her hands on her hips, "You need to toughen up! If you like the guy, tell him! Don't be afraid of rejection! He's just some guy!" Rosé gasped at the last comment. "He isn't just some guy! He's the hottest male on the planet!" Lisa rolled her eyes, "Yeah, well I've seen better." Another gasped escaped through Rosé's lips, disgust written all over her face towards Lisa's opinion about the guy.

"Why I nev—"

"Yeah, well now you have."

Flabbergasted, Rosé just let out an aggravated growl accompanied by a mean glare. They had been practicing. Practicing what you might ask. Well, to make it more precise, Rosé has been practicing, practicing to build some self-confidence and courage to say 'hi' to the guy without turning into a blob of distorted colors on the floor. How have they been practicing you might add, well, Rosé some how obtained a picture of Jungkook, which Lisa blew up and taped onto a stuff bear's face. Even if it was just a picture, Rosé still turned into those wonderful distorted colors that begin to blend and turn into a nasty yuck on the floor.

"Look! I'm not you! I can't socialize with men!"

"What 'men'? All I see are some teen guys that try to act like 'men'. Men are the men on television!"

Not being able to handle any more criticism, Rosé got up and left with Lisa yelling things like 'quitter' or 'pathetic'.

'I can't do this…how am I suppose to get him to notice me. I…maybe I should ask Yeri…' Rosé scrunched up her face in disgust. 'No way. I'll just be learning how to strut myself!' Rosé sighed. The wind slightly ruffled her Platinum hair. She was sitting, alone, at the park bench. The park was deserted, so it was the perfect place to think. But all the thinking she did just made her even more depressed. Rosé let out another sigh as she continued to stare at the concrete floor. She was so immersed in thought, she hadn't realize another figure approach her and take a seat next to her. She only finally realized when the unknown figure 'coughed' to get her attention.

Lifting her head up quickly, she turned to the intruder; her  eyes widening in shock, there, sitting right next to her was the 'man' of her dreams…literally. Just the thought made her feel all gooey inside. Imitating a fish while shaking her head from left to right, was all she could do.

Jungkook let out a small chuckle, that Rosé girl was something. He had been walking around town when he noticed her, slumped on the bench all alone. Being the curious guy he was, he decided to go and see what was up…but he also had another reason. He wanted to know if she was the one who he had been talking to lately.

Blushing scarlet, Rosé hunched up her shoulders and looked down towards her shoes. She had no intention of making eye contact, but Jungkook thought otherwise.

"What are you doing here by yourself?"

Rosé glanced around nervously, unsure what to do. All this time she had relied on Lisa to do the talking but now, Lisa wasn't around so she'd have to make it on her own. She glanced up at Jungkook, red in the face, her reply was a shy whisper, "…Nothing…just…just thinking."

Jungkook nodded, he seemed to be contemplating. His next question caused Rosé to go rigid. "Do you IM?"

Rosé slowly, and what looked to be painfully, her head towards Jungkook, a look that clearly said 'You caught me' plastered on her face. Jungkook smirked at her reaction. His thoughts already whirling with reasons as to why the shock reaction.

Rosé swam through her mind, trying to figure out what Lisa would say in a situation similar to this one. A light bulb suddenly sprang open. She'd deny it of course, but the question was 'how?' Rosé opened her mouth to make a statement but closed it firmly shut. Jungkook let out another chuckle, clearly amused.

"So? I take it that you do. You IM a lot? Let's say…almost every night?"

Rosé blinked once, twice, and shook her head frantically. This was not happening to her. A part of her was leaping for joy because if he found out if was her, well, um…Lisa, but Lisa was doing it for her so it must count; then confessing her feelings for him would be easy. But another part was afraid if he did find out, which was looking pretty possible right now, would he sneer at her and reject her? That was what she was dreading of finding out. She didn't want to know. She didn't want to face reality, she wasn't ready yet. Just not yet.

"Uh…no…not really. I hardly go o-on…j-just sometimes."

Rosé noticed that Jungkook looked a little crestfallen, and that made her heart skip a beat…or two.

"Oh…I see. Does your sister?"

Rosé raised a nervous brow at that. Sister? Which one? Was she referring to Yeri or Lisa? Rosé voiced her thoughts.

"The quiet one."

Rosé gave him a skeptical look. Neither of them were quiet, in fact, they were quite the opposite; except for Lisa, you have to get to know her before she begins chatting away, and when she does…you just wish you had some duck tape.

Seeing Rosé's confused look, Jungkook elaborated, "Lisa."

"Oh! Yeah. But not every night. She's usually reading. But when she's not, she's always on."

Jungkook bit his inner cheek. BamBam had told him that Lisa wouldn't be interested, but…with the new information he gathered, she could be the one. He knew one way to find out.

"What's her screen name?"

Rosé lifted a quizzical brow. Why did Jungkook want to know her screen name? Rosé's eyes widen when a thought sprang unto her mind. Maybe he wanted to talk to her or maybe he like her. If he did, then Rosé shouldn't give him the screen name right? But then another thought came into play, what if he just wants to know if she's the one he's been talking to. But it wouldn't really matter. Rosé didn't know; Lisa constantly changes her screen name. So she replied truthfully.

"I don't know. She's always changing it when she goes on."

Rosé watched Jungkook's face drop. He was close. He thought he had it, but he didn't. Jungkook let out an audible sigh. He was back to square one. It was like, every time he thought he was close, he lands on a bad square and has to go back to the beginning. He was getting frustrated; he really wanted to know who she was. Or if it was a she…Jungkook shuddered at the thought. BamBam had suggested that it might be a guy pretending to be a girl. But Jungkook was pretty sure it was girl, his gut told him.

Lisa was wandering around town, minding her own business. Not. She was actually searching for Rosé. She had been gone for an hour and it was making her worried. Lisa stopped at the entrance to the park and let out a sigh. She was about to walk away when she heard voices. One being very familiar. She looked towards the direction of the voices and spotted Rosé and…err…She shook her head and approached the two. It was quite a shock actually; there she was, a while ago, helping Rosé to get over her fears when here she was chatting with…him. She really needed to remember the guy's name. As she began to get closer to them she caught wind of what they were saying. Something along the lines of 'nerd', 'jock', and 'smarty pants'. Lisa began to slow down, not because she wanted to know what they were talking about, it was pretty clear that they were mocking each other; but, Lisa felt her stomach churn in a very uncomfortable way. But she shook the feeling thinking it was the PB&J talking and quickened her pace.

The two scowling teens turned to the new company. Lisa gave them both a smile and a small 'hey'. They each gave her their own welcoming, Rosé's a 'hey' as well and…the guy a nod.

Jungkook smirked as Lisa looked regarded him with an awkward glance.

"Forgot my name…Lisa?"

Lisa snorted, "No. I know your name jay."



Jungkook chuckled. The two girls were entertaining. One was a proud by shy person; the other had short term memory loss that had an ego as big as the world. He watched as Lisa scolded Rosé for 'running away' and not bothering to call and how she had to waste an hour of time looking for her when she could be reading. He smirked at the two. Lisa noticed the smirk asked him 'what?' Jungkook just replied by smirking. Lisa scowled at him, causing Jungkook to deepen his smirk. Lisa stuck her tongue out and grabbed Rosé's hand. Jungkook raised both brows until they seemed to have vanished under his bangs.

"Are we going to keep at it?"

"No. You ruined the flow—"

Lisa instantly regretted saying that when Jungkook furrowed his brows and gave her an analytical look.

"What did you?"

"What? Nothing."

Jungkook got up and pointed an accusing finger at her, "No. You said 'You ruined the flow'." Lisa gave him a 'so what' look and turned her back to him. Rosé watched the two, hoping Jungkook wasn't thinking what she was thinking.

"No. You're right. It can't be you."


Lisa turned to Jungkook, eyes narrowed. She didn't mind the comment, it was the way he said it. Jungkook raised an amused brow and smirked.

"Yeah. You're egos too big and you don't look the type."

Lisa let go Rosé's hand and placed both hands on her hip. She regarded Jungkook with a despised look. How dare he say that? He didn't even know her. Jungkook crossed his arms over his chest in response to Lisa's hands on hips pose.


Rosé started unsurely but instantly zipped her lip as they both sent her a menacing glare.

"How dare you! You don't even know me! You're such an ass!"

Jungkook just smirked in response. He didn't feel that she was worthy enough to insult. And as if reading his thoughts she scowled at him.

"What? Cat got your tongue? Or are you afraid to have a verbal war with a girl knowing full well that I can kick your ass!"

"Hn. No, the cat hasn't got my tongue and no. I'm not afraid; you're just not worth it."

With that Jungkook began to walk away, he was enjoying this game of cat and mouse. Jungkook let out a chuckle at the last thought; the girl he talked with said the same thing.

Lisa puffed up her cheeks in aggravation, Rosé holding her arm to keep her from attacking her precious Jungkook.

Later that night, as Jungkook got home he went up to his bedroom as usual, saying 'hi' to his mother as usual. Closing the door to his bedroom, Jungkook turned on his computer and instantly logged on to his IM. LonelyPrincess was on at the moment. He typed 'hey' as usual and waited, as usual. He always wondered why he had to wait for her to reply, it was like the person who was on was waiting for the right moment…or someone. Jungkook's eyes widened. What if LonelyPrincess wasn't who he thought she was what if she was another person using that screen name. But, who was it. It had to be someone who went to his school but who maybe…had a sibling. But plenty of people had sibling who went to his high school, but who did he know that had a sibling…The Manoban family. They were a total of three. Yeri, her twin Rosé, who Jungkook thought didn't look anything like each other and last but not least, Lisa.

Jungkook snorted at the last thought. Lisa. There was enough proof that the girl didn't like him. Today was the primary example. He shuddered at the thought of it being Yeri. Yeah she was good-looking but she seemed a bit too…clingy. Jungkook did not like clingy. But the way the person wrote didn't sound like it was Yeri. Maybe…it was Rosé. 'Of course…' Images of all the encounters he had had with her replayed in his mind: she constantly blushed whenever he was around, she never gave him eye contact, and today…today she tensed up at the mention of IM. 'It has to be her…she's the one.'

For some odd reason, Jungkook kind of felt…disappointed. But it soon went away when he saw the words 'what's up?!' flash before him. Jungkook smirked.

DarkAvenger: Nothing. Took you long enough. So…who's screen name are you using?

Jungkook waited for the reply. He knew she would take her time, and probably deny it. He was right.

LonelyPrincess: What are you talking about?

DarkAvenger: You know exactly what I'm talking about. This isn't your screen name.

It was a couple of minutes before the reply came.

LonelyPrincess: Really? How'd you come to that conclusion?

DarkAvenger: Simple. It takes you too long to reply with a simple 'hey' or 'what's up?'

LonelyPrincess: …You're good. But you still don't know who I am.

Jungkook smirked. Did he now.

DarkAvenger: Don't be too sure. I have three guesses.

LonelyPrincess: Shoot.

Jungkook's smirk deepen as he typed away.

DarkAvenger: -smirk- You have two sisters.

When LonelyPrincess didn't reply right away, Jungkook knew he hit the ball. It would be a matter of words before he would know if he hit a homerun.

LonelyPrincess: …So? Plenty of people have sisters.

DarkAvenger: You have a step-sister. Am I getting warmer?

Jungkook had to sit for a good couple of minutes before he saw his reply and during those good few minutes his cousin, Mina walked in.

"Are you talking to your lover again kook-ah?"

Jungkook smirked at his cousin.

"Maybe. What are you doing here?"

Mina rolled her eyes. "You're mom invited me for dinner, and I couldn't say no. You're mom's cooking is to die for!" Jungkook shook his head as Mina went out of his room and to his calling mother. The words caught his eyes.

LonelyPrincess: …okay. You're not getting warmer. You're pretty hot.

DarkAvenger: -smirks- I already know I'm hot. No need to tell me.

LonelyPrincess: You conceited bastard! I didn't mean 'hot' as in 'hot'! Ugh! Forget it! You're puny mind might explode if it gains too much information.

Jungkook raised a brow. That comment reminded him a lot about Lisa. Maybe he was wrong about Rosé and it might actually be Lisa. One way to find out.

DarkAvenger: I have one last guess.

LonelyPrincess: Go for it.

Jungkook contemplated about it, his hands already on the keyboard. He typed:

DarkAvenger: Are you…Rosé?

All the way on the other side of the neighborhood…more like behind Jungkook's house, was the Manoban household. Lisa was seated behind Rosé's computer, Rosé squealing in the background. What was she suppose to do? Say yes? A part of her told her don't. But…she turned to look at Rosé who gave continued jumping up and down, a confused look on her features. She didn't know if she should allow Lisa to reply with a 'yes' or a 'no'. But if she didn't then she would miss her chance. So she took a deep breath and nodded. Lisa also nodded and typed:

LonelyPrincess: Yes.

Lisa cupped her hands and placed them on top of the table. Jungkook hadn't replied yet. She wasn't sure if he was disappointed or if he was celebrating his victory on how he finally figured out who his mystery person was. The words showed clearly.

DarkAvenger: Meet me at the Court Yard tomorrow.

With that, both teens logged off. Lisa relayed the message to Rosé who leaped with joy; Lisa was sure if she jumped any higher she would have shot through the roof. Lisa chuckled at Rosé's behavior. She finally got what she wanted.

"What's going on here?"

Lisa and Rosé turned to find Yeri at the door. Rosé had a smug look on her face.

"Humph. You'll just have to find out tomorrow my darling twin, Yeri."

Yeri rolled her eyes and muttered a 'whatever' before walking out. When she was out of view, Rosé turned to Lisa and gave her a huge hug.

"Thank you! Thank you! I couldn't have done it without you! You are my savior!"

Lisa just stood there, nearly blue in the face from the bone crushing hug. Was this it? Was Rosé's boy problem finally solved? Lisa wondered. Well, she'll just have to find out tomorrow. If Rosé still turned into goop tomorrow than lisa will know that Rosé has only gone a few yards. Lisa sighed, hopefully she wouldn't have to play 'heroine' again and guide Rosé through a relationship…that is, if that was Jungkook's intention. Lisa furrowed her brows. What if Jungkook wanted to tell Rosé off tomorrow? What if he didn't want a relationship? What if he was going to call her a stalker…which she couldn't blame him; there was the screen name and his picture. Lisa shuddered at the thought. She hoped she would never go through the kind of phase Rosé had gone through…or worst; having a stalker like Rosé.

Lisa felt her stomach churn uncomfortably, for the second time

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