Behind the Scene || OffGun fa...

By Oongya_Oongya

72.9K 2.6K 590

I thought he feels the same way? Guess I'm being too confident to myself --- This is an OffGun fanfic. I don'... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 6

2.8K 102 41
By Oongya_Oongya

It's 8:00am in the morning and Off is already busy choosing what clothes would he wear today. It's unusual for Off to wake up at 8 on the day of his rest day but today is not just any other day, today he will go to Gun's house. He doesn't know why he is freaking excited coming to Gun's house even though he already been there a couple of times like if Tay wants to hang out in Gun's house he will drag Off with him or ... Wait-- that only happened once? And most of the time he's just waiting outside until Tay and Gun is done with their business inside. Shit! He really didn't step into Gun's house!
Should he make a good impression to his grandmother? Or his father? Off didn't know what to do! Is Gun's father okay to have him inside their house? I mean Tay can go inside so why wouldn't he? He is so damn frustrated right now. He checked his phone and it's already 9:18 time flies so fast but still haven't choose what clothes he would wear!

In the end he just settle with a striped shirt and some pair of blue jeans and a converse. He didn't want to be too dressed or too formal that he didn't look presentable. He wants to wear some of his Hawaiian shirt but then he didn't wear one, he thinks it's too normal? Do you get what he mean by that? Anyway he already arrived at Gun's house, he also brought some fruits before he go there.

His hands is really sweaty and even though the weather is not that hot, sweat start to form on his forehead. He click the doorbell a few times before someone come out. It's Pim, Gun's younger sister. When he saw Pim, she looked dressed like about to go out ‘ if she's going out? Who will take care of Gun? ’ Off thought

“ P'Off? ” Pim lookes confused when she saw Off outside their gate maybe Gun didn't tell that Off is coming

“ Nong Pim hello ”

“ Sawadee kha P'Off what are you doing here? P'Gun is inside he kinda didn't feel nice so he'll be absent for today but he told P'Kwang about it ” Pim said opening the gate for him

“ I know ” Off smiled he looks like he's not invited tho

“ aow? Then why are you here? ”

“ uhm- Gun told me to come here today ” Off just smile he feels very embarrassed right now even though he talked to Nong Pim a lot of times in the past

“ huh-- ah! That's why he is dressed like that~ ”

Off didn't hear what the last word Pim said but looking at her she looks like she's very happy on something, more like smiling like a total crazy now he now knows why Gun is sometimes like that. It's in the genes.

“ uh am I welcome to enter? If not I'll just leave- ”

“ no! No P'! ” Pim is slowly pushing him inside their house

“ take care of P'Gun na? He is sooooo sooooo~ sick right now ”

Off is confused ,she is acting weird really “ I know that's why I bought some fruits ”

Pim smiled grew wider soon as she saw what Off brought for Gun. Off didn't really know if this is how Gun's sister act in the normal basis or he's not just used to it? Either one he thinks Gun's sister is acting weird right now

“ i have to go P'Off okay? Bye bye! ”

“ uh? Yeah bye? ”

Pim disappear in front of him in a sec. He knocked twice on the door before Gun come out, he is wearing a cute pair of pajamas with some giraffe prints on it. Gun is so cute with those matching pajamas and he can't help but stare at the boy. His hair is really out of the place maybe he just woke up but Off thinks still it's the cutest,before he thought he saw all the sides of Gun, the boy still make him shock in awe in everything he does

“ uhm good morning? ” Off smiled looking at the sleepy Gun in front of him. Gun cutely rub his eyes and take a look at Off like he didn't expect someone is coming because he still has his pj's on. Off awkwardly laugh with the situation

“ maybe I'll just go? ” Off motioning his hands “  i think you're still sleepy? So-- ”

“ come in ” Gun said between his yawns and was about to go inside when he saw Off didn't move a bit from his spot

“ you're coming or not? ”

“ uh yeah I'm coming ” Off just remove his shoes before he enter the house
This is the first time he step on Gun's house , it is not that big and not that small too but the are a lot of things and furniture inside the house, just your typical family house where all the things you need is inside, no need to go out.

“ Help yourself , you can get any beverages inside the fridge I'll just change my clothes didn't know you'll come early ”

“ you said I need to be here at 10 ”

“ I did? ” Gun looked confused, making Off confused too

“ yeah you even sent a message ” Off showed his phone to Gun to make it as a proof that the boy really sent a message that he needs to be there by 10

“ oh maybe I sent it to you, and maybe that's the reason she's still not here ” Off is utterly confused right now is he supposed not to be here? Is Gun expecting anyone that is not him?

“ what do you mean? ” Off can't hide the bitterness with his voice is he being played hear? He doesn't know

“ I made a wrong sent last night. I'm sorry, maybe it's because I'm so dizzy I send it to you ” Off can feel the bitterness at the lump of his throat. So he wake up fucking early just to tell him that he's not supposed to be in hear? He wants to be mad but he's too tired of it

“ maybe I'll just leave, you can't tell to that person who was supposed to be here to come I have some errands to do today so ” Off just reason it out he doesn't want to embarrass his self more in front of Gun he had it too much for one day

“ you do? ” he look at Gun and just smile hiding his bitterness inside

“ yeah, I can clearly see that you're fine now ” Off said examining Gun from head to his toes, he put the fruit basket on the table near him

“ I'll just leave this here take care ok? See you tomorrow at work ” not even a minute Gun already crumble his happiness, can't he just have a moment of him and Gun? Just the two of them. He knows he sounds selfish given that Gun has a girlfriend but he doesn't care he's too broken to think of her. All he want is just a day, a day for the both of them where they can do what ever they want.

“ WAIT! ” He turned his back and saw Gun from the door step of his house he was about to open his car when Gun called him. Gun come closer to him still on his pajamas's bare feet, but you can't clearly see his toes because the pants is too long for him

“ can I come? ” Gun said looking cute as always, maybe just in Off's eyes, everything that the boy do is cute and adorable for him and no one can argue to that

“ where? ” Off leaned on his car crossing his arms, sometimes he can't just understand this shorty in front of him, one moment he's braking Off's heart then now he's acting cute in front of him. Off doesn't know if Gun is just tripping on him or he's just too whipped for him

“ you said you're going somewhere... Can I come? If it's okay? ”
Off just raise his eyebrow when he the boy asked that ‘ isn't he expecting someone? ’

“ when I say you looked fine that doesn't mean you're allowed to go outside and roam around like you didn't have a fucking high fever last night, just wait for the person who's about to come here she'll accompany you for sure ” He's sure that who the fuck is coming will accompany Gun ‘ of course it's you're girlfriend who's coming I'm not a dumbass ’ but Off just didn't spoke that out

“ but I want to come with you ” Gun insisted “ in fact she said that she's not coming because there are some emergency in her house so she can't come, so please papii take me with you! ”

That fast? Off wants to rejoice of what he heard but he still don't want to take Gun with him although he isn't going somewhere. Gun needs to rest so he can go to work tomorrow

“ no, you stay here and isn't your grandmother inside? Or your father? ”

“ my grandmother is on a vacation with my father and my brother and you see Pim is not here ”

“ wait? You have a brother? ” Off didn't know that Gun has a brother, all along he thought that it was just Pim and him, he didn't know Gun also has another sibling

“ yeah, but he's just 1-2 years old I don't know, so you wouldn't know him ”

“ okay, but still you need to stay at home what would the agency say if they saw you outside the house and you just take an absent because you're sick? ”

“ then... Then stay here with me. Keep me accompany until Pim will come back. And wait a minute did we just agreed last night that you have to make up to me because you just shout and drag me?! ”

That's when Off's composure went off, well Gun's right but he will not act this way if he didn't send him a wrong message tho

“ so you have to accompany me! ” now it's Gun who is crossing his arms. Off just gave him an awkward laugh as he motion Gun to go inside

“ of course I'll accompany you. Come on I don't want my little nong to make his sick worst right? ”

Off just saw a ghost of smile form on Gun's lips before he go inside Off can just shook his head Gun Atthaphan is really is something


“ so what do you want me to do? ” Off asked

“ I don't know, maybe you can cook for our lunch? ”
Off can just laugh in his mind, he can't cook he doesn't even have pan or any things needed to cook something in his condo

“ we can just deliver? ” Gun sighed with his answer, well you can't blame Off it's better to deliver than him cooking something and probably not edible

“ can you bake cookies? ”

“ cookies can be delivered these days ” Off said looking through his phone

“ can't you cook or do something? You need to make up to me but seeing that you will likely deliver the food I want, you're beeing useless ” Off clearly hear the annoyance on Gun's voice

“ what can I do? I can't cook ” Off just said as a matter of fact. He really wanted to learn to cook but every time he do? He always mess it up

“ what can you possibly do, that is at least I can use of? ”

“ make you smile ”

“ ... ”

Off didn't think when he said that it's like his mouth is faster than his mind that he didn't actually thought that he would say those. He slowly look at Gun and what startled him is that he's alone in the living room. He could've just breath the air out of his mouth
‘ thank god he didn't hear it ’

It was about 10 mins and Off is still sitting on the sofa he didn't know where Gun go but he can't leave if he just want to, Gun clearly said he needs to accompany him so he's doing it at least he can do something that Gun wants him to, coz he didn't know how to cook.

“ papii catch ” before Off knew there's a black mask on his hands and Gun is busy fixing his hair through the mirror. He looks like he's about to go out and Off is not liking it

“ where do you think your going? ” Off said soon as he come closer to Gun. The boy is busy fixing his mask on his face

“ we're going out? You need to use that to at least you know? no one will notice us even though I know after we head home later there's a lot of photos of us circulating in the internet ”

Gun is now busy choosing which shoes is he wearing and Off can't do or say for a moment because how intimidating and fast Gun is. But he needs to pull his self together Gun is not allowed to go out

“ no you're staying here ”

“ and what? Stare at the ceiling with you? That's not fun ”
Off was taken aback of what Gun said, he can't help but feel offended. Even though what he said is right that it's not fun being with him but hearing Gun say it? It hurts him.
Why would Gun want him to accompany him inside his house if he finds him boring and not fun? ‘ uh maybe he doesn't know that you don't know how to cook? Or be useful? Maybe that ’ his other mind tell him making him feel much more worst. Off just sighed he can't be useful just for once really

“ papii that's not what I mean ”
His thought just broke off when he heard Gun say something, Gun is looking at him with pitiful eyes.


For once can't he saw some love in Gun's eyes? Just once.

Off just shrugg off the sadness that wants to conquer his whole system. This is not the right time for him to be depressed on something

“ it's fine. I'll just drive you where you want to go so maybe I can be useful for today ” he can't hide the irritation in his voice and he knows it but he doesn't care. Gun just silently follow him from behind, not saying anything.
Off just open the passenger sit for Gun but Gun is just standing there looking at Off. Off didn't notice it at first but when it's a minute or so, he looks at Gun. And clearly you can see that Gun is not happy even though he's wearing a mask

“ papii we can stay inside the house na. I don't want you to be mad. We can deliver the food that I want just don't be mad please ” Gun almost sound begging to him. Off can just punch his face right now, was he too much? But just by looking at Gun's reaction he knows he give the boy the cold shoulder a while ago.
This was supposed to be a happy day but because of him he's making it the worst day for Gun. Isn't him that needs to make up to Gun? Not the other way around? Fuck he can literally kill his self coz of how dumb he is today.
He smile at him hoping make him to feel at ease. He doesn't want the boy to feel like it was his fault it's his mood swing and temper that is really getting in to him right now

“ I'm not mad? It's just I wake up on the wrong side of the bed that's why I'm acting like this. I'm sorry did I make you worry? ” Gun just slowly nod still looking at him.
Fuck he really can't used to Gun being a cutie, he just can't

“ come on, hop in. We will just go out for a while and come back home after we eat what you want okay? You're still not fine so we better make this fast ”
He motion Gun inside the car and unconsciously do the seatbelt for him. Once he's done with it he looks at Gun to see if his comfortable but what surprise him is Gun's forehead is red right now. He's alarmed does Gun is sick all of a sudden?

“ hey are you ok? You're forehead is red right now! I think we should just stay in your house? I'm worried you'll pass out if we leave ”
Gun touches his forehead and shook his head

“ no! Papii you already said yes! Maybe I'm just red because it's too hot right now but I'm totally fine! ” Gun assured him but he's not convinced. He take a look at Gun's clothes and he can just mentally face palm. Gun is wearing a long sleeved top with a shorts about high as his knee.

“ you know what? You're right but change ”
Gun furrowed his brows “ why? What's wrong? ”

“ Gun it's a very sunny day and you're wearing a long sleeves? Really? ” Gun scan his clothes like there's nothing wrong with it

“ but papii I like this! Can't we just go? I'm hungry! It's as if we're walking to the mall? And the mall doesn't have air-conditioning? ” Off just sighed, clearly he can't handle a sassy Gun Atthaphan


“ what do you want? ”
Currently they are walking inside the mall and Gun is clinging to his arms like he normally do. They are looking-- I mean Gun is looking of what food he wants

“ I don't know if there is a branch here of the unicorn ice cream that is located near our agency ” Gun's eyes are roaming around like there's no people is taking picture of the both of them, like there's no people are practically following them. But none of them dared to ask to take photo with them. Which is normal for the both of them because they knew their Babii's still respect their personal space

“ isn't it too early for an ice cream given that you didn't eat anything? ” Gun just smacks Off's back. Off need to remind his self that he really need to zip his mouth, most of the time he became a punching bag or a smacking bag for this shorty.

“ seriously? If you're not sick? I'll hit you back ”
Gun just rolled his eyes on him which take him off guard “ as if you can do that ”

Gun literally drag him inside a bingsu shop, once they got to order what they want they sitted on the place where is a little hidden from the people inside the shop, even though  the shop is not that big.

“ I thought you want ice cream? ” Off asked to a busy Gun thats is currently taking a photo of the place for his IG story

“ papii I'm tired and I craved for sweet, I'll just settle with this and the place is cool you see? ” Gun lean on to him to show the photos that he just taken from the shop

“ see its cute! And cool ” Off is not looking at him, he's looking at how happy Gun, it really flatters him when he sees Gun happy like this

“ papii are you even listening to me? ” Gun finally noticed that Off is not listening to him. He slightly hit Off's forearm in annoyance as he sitted comfortably back on his sit

“ you're not even paying attention, you should be honest and tell me that you're still mad, instead of pushing yourself to be with me even though I know you don't want it  ” Gun is looking at his phone. Straight face. Off just smile on how cute Gun is sulking right now he just want to pinch Gun's cheeks right now but he can't, they are in public place and there's a lot of eyes that are watching them right now.

“ I'm paying attention and I'm not mad I'm just wondering why you still wear your mask when practically all of the people here knew who you are? ” Gun look at him puzzled

“ really? ” Off nod to him and Gun just groan in annoyance, Off can just laughed at. He's too cute

“ you should've said it earlier papii! It's hot wearing this ” Gun said while removing his mask

“ here's your order ”

The waiter interrupted them. Gun quickly devour the dessert in front of him, Off can't help but snap a photo of Gun while eating. He will keep it for his self. For his eyes only

While they are eating, Gun is secretly glancing at him, at first he didn't pay too much attention to it but Gun continue doing it so Off is a bit bothered

“ what? ” Off finally asked

“ what ,what? ” Gun answered like he didn't do anything

“ You've been glancing at me the whole time, what do you want to, just spill it ” Off said as he shoved some shaved ice in his mouth. That's when Gun smiled awkwardly making Off looked at him in a weird way ‘ what does this boy wants now ’

“ well .. ” Gun started putting his spoon on the table and start to look at Off like he was about to say something serious that makes Off a bit awkward

“ my birthday is next month right? ” Off nod

“ well I just want to ask what gift would you give me? ” Gun smiled at him , Off just raise an eyebrow at Gun and continue eating his bingsu. That earns a pout from Gun

“ oi! Papii! ” Off just give him a smug look and crosses his arms

“ did you forgot that I already gave you a watch? Not just any watch a 130,000 Baht watch ” that's when Gun's smile dissolve

Off and Gun just finished their mall show for the day, for the mean time they're staying in a hotel that the agency provided for them. They need to sleep early coz they need to leave first thing in the morning because they are attending some red carpet event.
They didn't know the full details about the event. They'll just think about it tomorrow but for now? They need to rest but there's this someone who don't want to sleep and keeps on strolling on his phone

“ Ai'Gun you need to sleep now ” Off said half asleep as he was awaken by Gun's phone. Off can't sleep if the lights are on but this little guy who he share the room with is busy on his phone, his phone is so bright it reaches Off side.
Off was about to go back to his sleep but Gun just decided to open the light which make Off groan in annoyance. He covers his self with the thick blanket

“ Ai' Gun! What's your problem! Turn off the lights! ”

“ papii shh! You might wake up the others because of your voice ” Gun said outside the blankets

“ then turn off the freaking lights, it hurts my eyes ” Off's eyes are still close even though he is speaking he has no plans on cutting off his dream

“ but papii I have a favor to ask! So papii wake up and listen to me ” Gun is shaking him that really annoys him, swear if this boy isn't the one he loves? He'll definitely kick Gun away from his bed

“ what?! Can't that wait for tomorrow? ” Off said soon as he sits on his bed looking annoyed

“ No, you see the watch that I've been telling to you? The watch that I really REALLY want? ”

“ oh? What about that? ” Off just scratching his head. He's really tired and Gun is not helping

“ I finally found one! ” Gun said happily to him which Off doesn't care
“ so? Why you need to wake me up just for that? ” Gun sitted on his bed

“ well... I need to borrow some money coz my money is not enough ” Now Off looked at him and flicked his forehead making him hissed in pain

“ OI! what was that for! ” Gun asks as he holds where Off just flicked

“ if your money is not enough then buy it if you have enough money, you're waking me just for that ” Off was about to lay on the bed when Gun grab his arms preventing him not to sleep.

“ papii! I can't buy it the other day, it is needed today! if I let this opportunity pass I will not able to get one ” Gun sounding like he loss in some battle or what,  Off didn't really understand.

“ oi! How much money do you want? Just let me sleep ”

“ 100,000 ” Off's eyes immediately open upon hearing what amout Gun's want to have

“ what the fuck?! 100,000 just for a fucking watch? Is that watch made of gold? Or the maker of the watch died while making it? 100,000 Baht just for a fucking watch? ” Off can't believe that a watch, JUST A WATCH would be so expensive

“ actually it's 130,000 but I only have 30,000 right now-- ”

“ use your credit card ” Off answered and about to go to sleep but Gun stops him again

“ Papii! You know that I'm saving right? ”

“ and I am not? ” Off sitted properly and face Gun “ Gun that watch is fucking expensive, why would you buy something like that. You can just buy a watch that is much more cheaper than what you are saying to me and why would you buy a watch? You always have your phone with you. So why would you want a watch that almost cost my one month salary? I don't get your point there ”

Off wants to explain to this boy that the watch he was saying is way WAY more than his wants. He doesn't have enough money to have the luxury life he wants and Off needed Gun to understand that.

“ but it's a Mickey mouse limited edition watch ” Gun mumbled to himself while looking at his hands busy on folding the sheets on his lap
Off can just look at him, he can give the money to Gun but he needs Gun to understand that not all the time he can get what he wants... Or maybe he can

“ alright ” Off breathed out ‘ really Off Jumpol? Earlier you're contradicting it so much but just seeing him like that you just give up? Tsk tsk ’  he knows he's spoiling Gun too much but he don't want him to make that face all throughout the day tomorrow

Gun face lighted up upon hearing Off's anwer “ really?? ”

“ yes ,just make sure you'll pay me okay? ” Gun smiled at him and he can't help but adore this spoiled shorty

“ thank you papii! ” Gun stood up and get his phone and about to bought the watch he was yearning for but he look troubled seeing something on his phone

“ what is it? ”

“ papii I have 0 balance on my card ”
Off really regrets now that he said yes to this boy

“ fine, I'll transfer 130,000 on your account ” Off said almost loosing his patience he gets his phone and immediately transfer 130,00 Baht on Gun's account.

Seriously is he a sugar daddy to Gun? After that Gun hugs him really tight that he is almost sitted on Off's lap

“ aww!! Thank you papii! You're the best! I promise I'll take care of that watch! Just think of that as your advance birthday present to me! ” Gun happily said to him-- wait if that's a birthday gift which means

“ you'll not pay me back?! ” Off asked he really can't believe what is happening right now, did Gun use his cute acts just to scam him? Oh God!

“ oops! Hehe thank you papi! ” Gun just kisses his cheeks multiple times, seriously? For the first time in his life he's not happy from the kisses that he receive from Gun today

‘ I really need to work out on this behavior of his ’ Off just mumble to his self

Now that Off reminded Gun, the pout on the boys face won't come off. Well he needs to remind him that. Off needs to work his ass off just to earn that money again and he can't afford to give him another 130,000


Inside the car Gun seemed to forgot about the gift coz he is now busy looking on his phone

“ Papii look our picture is all around in the internet, a lot of fans tagged me on twitter saying we have a date ” Gun just giggle, looking how his fans can take a cute picture of him even though he's not looking at their cameras. And of course that didn't slipped on Off's eyes he saw how gun smile and giggle on his own.

He want to capture this moment but he was busy driving, as much as he wants to take a video of Gun he wants Gun to be safe first.

“ here we are ” Off said when they arrive at Gun's house

“ oh! That fast? ” Gun remove his seat belt and go out of the car, he stops in front of Off's window so Off put it down for him

“ thank you for today papii, I had so much fun! ” Gun smiled then suddenly kisses his cheeks. Off didn't expect that Gun will do such a thing, but before he comes back to his senses Gun is already waving at him goodbye

“ bye papii! See you tomorrow at work! Drive safely! ” with that Gun open their gate and waved Off goodbye one last time before opening their door house.

Gun leaves Off with a big smile on his face. Although there are some things that happened today that made him annoy but to wrap it all it's such a fun day, with just Gun and him? He didn't really think they will have their alone time. Seeing Gun enjoying his company is all that matters.

Off checks his phone , it's the first time he's opening his phone coz he's been busy with Gun that he didn't have a chance to look at his phone. Once he opened it he was bombarded with a lot of messages and tagged on twitter. He checks his twitter and to his surprise they are trending I mean he knows they'll be trending given that him and Gun are together earlier but until now? Wow!

“ #OffGunIsHavingADate ” he reads the #1 trend now, another big smile forms on his face

“ yeah, I'll count this as a date ” Off said to his self as his smile grew even more before he drove off.

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