If We Could Only Turn Back Ti...

By SeducingZouis

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What would you do when the love of your life leaves to chase his dreams? What would you do if he completely f... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine

Chapter Twenty-Three

116 0 0
By SeducingZouis

It's not that you hated the boys around you all the time, but the fact they had too much fun it was annoying and chaotic, and you were putting yourself back into the chaos of the One Direction lifestyle once more. It's been two months since the boys left for their european tour, and surprisingly, you finished your college classes and had so much free time that it was insane.

Harry's voice rang through your car speakers, jolting you from your daydream:

Harry: You there Cheyenne?

You: Uhh, yeah sorry..

Harry: I can't wait to see you tonight love.

You: Same here babe

Harry: I have a surprise for you when you get here

You: Oh really now? Can't wait

You could hear Harry chuckle faintly in the background, creating a few seconds of complete silence.

Harry: When you get here, pull into the gates, I have Paul waiting for you.

You: Will do, I'll see you soon

With that, you ended the call with Harry. Harry had asked you to leave a couple hours early so he could spend some time with you. Traffic was back up for miles because of the concert. You stared blankly at all the girls wearing One Direction T-shirts and Union Jack leggings.

You finally reached the stadium, trying so hard not to run anybody over as you drove up to the restricted gates. Paul pushed past the girls, walking up to the drivers side of your car. You rolled down the window, "Hello Paul". Paul nodded, "I have orders from a Mr. Styles to let you in". You rollded your eyes, nodding, "Yes you do, but there's seems to be a problem, how to I get past these girls?". Paul waved off some of the guards to clear a path, before turning back to you, "Like that. Pull into the parking spots next to the tour buses. I'll meet you at the doors to escort you in". You did as he said, pulling into the spots availible next to the buses. You stepped out of your car, making sure to lock it. The girls at the gate screamed louder as they saw you walk out of the car. You rolled your eyes, quickly fixing your new outfit you had bought for tonight; Super skinny jeans, a flowy light blue tanktop and booties. You slid your sunglass on the top of your head as you followed Paul into the building. It seemed like every concert you've been to, long corridors were everywhere. Finally an open room came into sight. Paul turned to you, "Harry should be coming in this room in a second from sound check". Somebody quickly grabbed your arm and started pulling you before you could answer. Harry whispered in your ear, "Ready for your surprise?". Paul shouted across the room to Harry, "Harry watch yourself, don't get into trouble now". Harry continued pulling you, letting out a chuckle, "I promise I won't Paul, byeee".

Harry pulled you into a dressing room, the label on the door with his name. Harry let go of your hand to close the dressing room door. You looked around for a second, "The traffic getting here was horrib-". You were caught off guard when you heard Harry lock the door. You raised an eyebrow at him, "Why did you lock the door Haz?". You watched him as he came closer to you, pinning you up against the wall, "I've missed you baby". Harry quickly crashed his lips to yours roughly, no room for breathing. You stopped the kiss after a few seconds, "Woah there, I've missed you too. Now what's this surprise you have for me?". Harry groan, "I'm trying to show you". His hands krept up the inside of your shirt and along your sides. You could see the lust in his eyes, begging. You pushed him off of you, "Please Harry, not right now". Harry groan once more, taking your hand and pulling you over to the sofa placed in the corner of the room. Harry sat down, motioning you to sit inbetween his legs. You cuddled into his chest, "I'm sorry that I killed the mood". Harry shook his head, "There'll always be time later love". You laughed, "Of course". Harry laced his fingers with yours, "I say...after the concert we go out and get a few drinks and then go back to my hotel room. What do you say?". You nodded, "I'd love that". Harry took a deep breath and you looked up to him, "Is there something wrong Haz?". He shrugged, "I'm just so happy. You know...about us". You layed your head on his chest, running your fingers up and down his abs, "I know, never saw this coming". Harry kissed the top of your head, "Wouldn't want it any other way".

Suddenly your phone vibrated in your pocket, "Haz, I have to go get Nikka and Lexa at the gates. Wanna come with?". Harry nodded his head as you got up. You looked down at Harry's pants, "I think you have a problem". Harry looked down, "Oh crap, just what a bunch of obsessed girls need to see". You giggled, "Come on, just think about Niall and Liam making out, that should get rid of it". Harry rolled his eyes, wrapping his arms around you and placing a kiss on your cheek, "Let's go".

You waited for Paul to open the gates for your friends and their boyfriends. You hear footsteps behind you, so you turn around. Harry looks back, "Oh hey Josh". Josh walks up besides you, "Concert is starting soon". Harry nodded, "I know". Josh yawned, "Who are you two waiting for?". You fix your hair that Harry had messed up, "My two friends". Josh nodded, turning around and heading back into the stadium.

Harry held your hand tightly as you walked up to Nikka and Lexa. Fans screamed as they saw Harry approaching the gate. You let go of your boyfriend's hand to greet the girls. Lexa ran up to you, "Oh it's so good to see you again Cheyenne". You nodded, "I've missed you as well". You opened your arms and gestured towards Nikka, taking her in your arms as well, "I've missed both of you. And who are these lovely gentlemen. Lexa backed up, taking her man by the arm, "This is my boyfriend Ian". Ian shook your hand and then Harry's, "Nice to meet you". Harry nodded, "Same here". Nikka's boyfriend stepped up, "Hello there, I'm Jack". You smiled, shaking his hand, Harry following after you, "Hello there". Harry wrapped his arms around your waist, placing a kiss on your cheek, "We must be getting inside, show is soon to start". You blushed as the crowd of girls oohh'ed. You started to push Harry along, "Come on guys, we should be taking our places".

The girls followed close behind as Harry rushed inside, pulling you along. He kissed your lips, "I was joking, I have a surprise for you at the end of the show. I have to go now love". He kissed you once more before running into costume change with the rest of the boys.

Paul clapped his hands loudly behind you, scaring you, "This way Miss and friends". Paul led you and your friends to the side of the stage ment for meet and greets after the show. You smiled lightly as you saw the boys run onto stage and greet their fans. You sat down next to Nikka, "Hey Nik". She turned to face you, "Is everything alright Cheyenne?". You nodded, "Yea.. couldn't be happier". Nikka rolled her eyes, "I hardly believe that. How are you and Harry?". You shrugged, "The same as before, why?". Nikka shrugged as well, "Just wondering. Do you love him?". You gave Nikka a confused look, "Of course I do. He knows everything about me, it's like we're meant to be". Lexa leaned forward, "Would you spend the rest of your life with him?". You looked out on stage to Harry, "I'm not sure".

The concert had about three songs left, Lexa and Ian were talking to Nick Grimshaw, and Nikka and Jack were joking around with Liam's best friend Andy Samuels. You sat bored in the backstage lounge listening to the boys sing on stage. You notice Ed Sheeran walk into to room and walk up to you, "You look bored, What are you doing alone?". You shrugged, "My friends got caught up in celebrities I guess". Ed gave you a dirty look, "Party poopers".

you rolled your eyes, "Why is everybody here tonight that usually never comes?". Ed scratched his head, "Uhmm... Harry invited us tonight". You sat up from your seat, "Why did he invite all these people?". Ed kissed your forehead, "Oh now I can't tell you that one, you'll have to find out yourself love". Lexa and Nikka ran over to you, "Is this Ed Sheeran?". Ed looked up at them, "Cheyenne..are these your friends?". You nodded, "Ed this is Lex and Nik". You watched as Ed got up and greeted them, then motioned you to get up, "Come with me Cheyenne". You gave him a confused look as Paul came over and they both dragged you to the V.I.P section infront of the stage. You set your head on the edge of the stage, "Guys why am I out here?". Paul just smiled at you, "Mr. Styles orders". You watched as they answered tweets from the fans. The boys started walking off stage when a new tweet appeared and Ed screamed and whistled behind you. You turned around towards him, "Really?". Ed took ahold of your shoulders and turned you around. Your heart skipped a beat to see Harry behind you, "Hello love". You looked around, "What's going on?". Suddenly Paul grabbed your arm and walked you on stage. You tried pushing him off you, "NO NO NO STOP! I don't want to go on stage!". Harry took Paul's place and wrapped his arm around you, "This is your surprise love". You noticed your friends sitting on the side of the stage along with Ed, Paul, Andy and Nick. Louis, Zayn, Liam, and Niall turned around when they noticed everyone on stage. You saw Lexa and Nikka sending you winks and hearts. The crowd sent whistles. Harry lifted your head, "Look up at the screen love". You felt him let go of you, but you froze once you read the screen. Harry pulled on your hand, making you look down at him. The crowd screamed. Ed walked up and handed Harry something.

Louis, Liam, Niall and Zayn walked back on stage. Harry adjusted his headset, "Cheyenne?". You looked towards the boys who had dumb-founded expressions on and then back to Harry, "Yes Harry?". Harry smirked, "Cheyenne will you Marry me?".

Zayn's P.O.V

I read the tweet plastered on the screen 'Cheyenne Will You Spend The Rest Of Your Life With Me?'. Anger flushed through my face. All I could hear was Niall yelling, "Bloody hell?!?!?!". I didn't know what came over me, but all that ran through my head was me wanting to kill Harry. Louis grabbed onto me, soon accompanied by the rest of the boys to hold me back.

Your P.O.V

Harry squeezed your hand a little, trying to gain your attention, "So..Cheyenne what do you say?". You looked around at everyone on stage giving you the thumbs up. No words could escape your lips, so you just nodded. The crowd swooned. Harry got up from one knee and wrapped his arms around you, "I love you so much". He reached into his pocket and pulled out the large diamond ring, slowly placing it on your finger. You looked into his green eyes, "I love you too Haz". He placed a soft kiss on your lips and said goodbye to the fans.

Zayn's P.O.V

I saw Harry pull Cheyenne off stage. I broke from the boy's grip and ran backstage after them. The boys got to them before me. Louis facepamled hiself, "Harry why in bloody hell do you want to get married?". I pushed past the boys and shoved Harry, "You fucking dick". Harry's happy face turned sour, "What the hell is wrong with you Zayn?". I got up in his face, "You are a dick, you took my girl and took my plan only because I was going to". The boys pried us apart, "Come on guys stop this". Harry scoffed, "She's with me". Anger came over me once again, and without thinking I pushed past the boys and swung at Harry.

Your P.O.V

You screamed Harry's name as you saw Zayn was about to swing at him, but it was too late. Once Paul noticed, Harry had already swung back. Paul ran over grabbed Zayn and pulling him off Harry. You grabbed Harry's arm, "Harry!". Harry wrapped his arms around you, "This is going too far". Zayn shouted from across the room, "You're a dick Harry, You don't love her. You're doing this to show me up". Anger flushed Harry, "Shut the fuck up, you don't know shit". Lexa and Nikka walked up to you with Ed. Ed rubbed Harry's shoulder's, "Well this was interesting". Harry shook him off, "How dare he say what he did".

You sat with Lexa and Nikka backstage as the boys changed. Lexa watched you, "Why are they fighting over you like this?". You shrugged, "I guess I can't choose between them, and they see that". Nikka leaned forward, "Then why did you take the ring?". You shook your head, "I wish I knew". Harry walked out with his bags, setting them down and taking a seat next to you, "I'm sorry that happened". You looked up into his eyes, "Why did you ask me to marry you?". Harry scrunched his face, "I'm tired of you doubting me Cheyenne. I love you". You laid on his chest, "I know".

Zayn walked out and sat across from you and Harry, "Look here, I'm sorry for how I acted. I don't care about you two being together anymore, I'm happy for you". Harry looked at you and then back at Zayn, "Alright, I forgive you, but punching me in the face was un-neccasary". You and your friends sat awkwardly in silence. Harry stood up, "Cheyenne are you ready to go?". You nodded and followed him as he got his bags. You said your goodbyes to Nikka, Lexa and their boyfriends.

Harry loaded his bags onto the tour bus and met you at your car. You started the car and approached the gates, which still had fans swarming the area. Harry reached across the center console and laced his fingers with yours, "How does it feel being the Future Mrs. Styles?". You smiled at him, "Awesome. I guess I have to repay you for the cockblocking earlier". Harry winked at you, "It'd be appreaciated". You sent him a shocked expression, "Watch the sarcasm or you'll never get any ever again". Harry groan, leaning his entire body across the  console. He started to kiss your neck. You groaned, "Harry can't this wait until we get to the hotel?". He shook his head, "Nopee", popping the P.

You pulled the car over, "Harry there isn't even enough room to have sex in my car. You're distracting me". Harry pouted, "Fine but drive fast".

You pulled into the parking lot of the hotel the boys were staying at for a few nights. Harry rushed you out of the car. He grabbed your hand, pulling you into the hotel lobby. He pulled you up to the check in counter. You laughed as Louis and Niall stood infront of you and Harry. Louis turned around, "Well Well. Look who we have here, I guess I'm bunking with Zayn tonight". Harry's eyes shot open, "Oh I'm sorry lad". Louis shook his head, "Have fun, it's all good".  Niall looked at Harry, "Lad you look like you have a but of a problem there". Harry wiped the sweat off his forehead, "Bloody hell I do". You giggled, "Obviously. He wanted to have sex in my car, there isn't enough room in my car to do anything". Niall and Louis chuckled. Harry slapped you a little bit on the arm, "You're so embarrassing". You rolled your eyes, "Fine, you aren't getting anything then". Harry groan, "I haven't gotten any in months, isn't that punishment enough?". Niall turned around, "Shit. Your room is next to mine and Liam's. Better be fucking quiet or I'll be knocking". Harry chuckled, "No promises lad". You pushed Harry forward to get the key.

Harry quickly pulled you up to his room. Harry turned you around, pushing you up against the wall. His hand rested on your hip, slowly traveling up along with the bottom of your shirt. If this went further, there is no way you’d stop him. Your hands went to his neck and he moved on top of you, kissing down your neck and to your collarbone. He’s known basically forever that your collarbone was your weak spot. He stopped from kissing you for a second to pull you to the bedroom. He slid your shirt over your head, followed by the unbuttoning of your jeans and the same on his sweatpants. Your lips traced a path on his chest from his shoulder to his navel, his few hairs tickling my lips. He groaned with your hand on him, palming him through the cloth before you helped him take them off. Harry refrained from ripping your panties and jeans off at the same time and slamming into you. You knew that’s what he wanted to do, but he kept it slow and passionate because he knew that’s what you wanted. He bit his lip, feeling how insanely ready you were for him, for all of him. He pulled you over to the bed, throwing you down. You licked your lips and pulled him into you, kissing his wet mouth so rough that he couldn’t resist pushing into you, but he did it slowly, letting you adjust to his size. You moaned into his mouth, keeping up the kiss and arching your back underneath him. He was big, making it hard for you to adjust. He pulled back and glided back in, watching the discomfort twist your face,“Am I hurting you?”. “Its fine, keep going,” You urged, squeezing your eyes shut. He kissed you, absorbing the soft screams that managed to slip out of your mouth. He held your hands above your head and pulled back out, kissing your neck. You managed to hold back tears from slipping and dug your nails into his hands, finally feeling the pleasure overcoming the pain. Your mouth opened but no sound came out, just a ragged breath with every move he made. Your noses touched and your eyes never broke stare. You were lost in each other, breathing every bit of this moment in that you could. You couldn't help but admire his face twisting in pleasure.  Your hips roll to match his pace, the sound of skin slapping skin making your back arch further. He niped at your neck. You pulled him down to kiss him, needing to release your moans.

You felt it, the burning in your stomach, so physically powerful you can feel it in the tips of your toes. Fire builds and everything is so sensitive that you can’t hold back a scream. Harry moves again, pounding into you. You fingernails claw into his back, no doubt leaving scratches and he seethes but speeds up. He keeps up, riding you through your orgasm and starting his. You move your hips and help him get there and when he does, the only thing  you hear is his mix of a moan and a scream. You watch as his facial features settle into a comfortable numbness like your whole body was. He kisses lazily up your neck and flips himself off of you and onto the blanket covered mattress. “I love you. I'm sorry I doubted you,” You admitted. There was nothing holding it back anymore, you knew you wanted Harry and to be with only Harry. Harry looked taken aback, but when that cheeky smile crept back onto his face you knew he believed you, “And I love you Mrs. Styles”.

You heard a faint knocking through the wall. You and Harry chuckled. Harry's phone vibrated on the side table. He turned to pick it up, laughing in response, "Niall's room is on the other side of the wall and we should stop screaming now". You leaned your head against Harry's chest, "I feel bad for him". Harry chuckled, "Why?". You shrugged, "Cause he heard that". Harry ran his fingers through your hair, "Won't be the last time". You playfully smacked Harry's chest, "Stop that you cheeky bastard".

Suddenly your phone began to ring. You picked up to a frantic Liam, "Cheyenne, thank god you picked up, I can't find Zayn. Nobody's seen him in hours". Harry was already starting to get dressed with the other boys on the phone. You got up, "We'll be right there".

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